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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hqnk View Post
    It was the first time I could really fly. Goodbye City of Dreams.
  2. It was an honor and a pleasure; than you all for playing
  3. Thanks for a final walk around the city, D_R. I know you still have a couple to do, but if they don't end up getting finished, this would be a fine parting shot by any account
  4. You know what makes me feel heroic? Raising money for charity. Being there for my family. Getting a degree. Teaching people how to be self-sufficient.

    City of Heroes had a great run, but I reached the last stage of grieving weeks ago, and said my goodbyes long before that. IMPO, it's clear that NCSoft isn't going to change their minds. But I made my peace a while ago. Not that Issue 24 wasn't tempting me back to the game, but that's almost certainly no longer in the cards.

    I've paid this game my respects. Goodbye, City of Heroes. On Nov. 30th, when the lights go out, I'll try to pop in one last time so I can finish the game where I started, on the steps at Galaxy City.
  5. Not surprised, but I did my grieving when the first announcement came down. Goodbye CoH, it's been an excellent run. Drat, I was looking forward to I24 too :/

    When I get a chance, I'll have to post a thread with all the CoH memorabilia I've accumulated, just as one last hurrah. Will have to wait after I move into our new house though.
  6. Triumph used to be the Test Server; it was converted to a Live server due to player population at launch. Because of this, Issue 1 was published mostly untested, and full of bugs. This was the first and last time an Issue did not go through a beta test phase.
  7. I will definitely miss GM_Lloyd. He was able to help me out on a number of situations. He's a paragon of in-game GMs.

    Aside: the only time I saw him in-game, he was dressed as a Police Drone
  8. This odd TwitchTV with host HitStreak was broadcast on Wednesday the 26th. Not much in the way of happy news, and he's no Zwill, but he came on for an hour to deliver what news he could. There's a lot of silence because they don't want to get anyone's hopes up unless something happens.
  9. Vaya con dios, amigo. Hope to see you somewhere in time...
  10. Because, as it currently stands, the game is over, and the staff has been sacked. If it were my last day, I'd have written one too. If divine intervention reverses the course, it's not like a "goodbye post" is a definitive article. Best to put one up while a person knows her or she can.
  11. TBH, I think the MA was the beginning of the end for me. So much potential, but good stories got burried underneath all teh farms, exploiters resulted in endless nerfing of the system, and the buddy-system badging (I gave you 5 stars, now give me 5 stars... or else) was atrocious until Positron was forced to gut most of it to keep the system from becoming a badge farm.

    The gaming and exploitation of the entire system, as opposed to using it to reward players for telling enthralling stories or just to have a good time (which is why I'm on the fence for farming (whack-a-mole) missions) really put a dent in my admiration for the CoH community, adding to my cynicism and putting my CoH attitude on a downward spiral.

    OTOH, I think that other developers learned from a lot of the MA's mistakes. It looks like Neverwinter's Foundry will be a lot more robust, for example.
  12. Really? Amazonbombing Guild Wars 2? That's a pretty distasteful tactic, IMPO. It's not relevant to the actual product (GW2), or the fine people at ArenaNet.

    I'm on the fence about giving it a shot (was thinking not, but I have friends trying it out, etc.; not that I have the time at current anyhow), but even if I were stark-raving homicidal towards NCSoft, the people at ArenaNet have done *nothing* that would warrant anyone defiling the reviews for their game based upon the actions of their publisher; a situation over which they have zero control.

    IMPO, this is an extremely low tactic, and one that no one should employ, regardless of your supposed past or current employ in the game industry. Your ire should be addressed directly at NCSoft. There's a vast difference between not monetarily supporting a publisher and slinging mud at an otherwise innocent studio.
  13. I reinstalled TIE Fighter the other night using a DOS Emulator. Now I just have to get a flight stick and actually find time to play it when I'm not working, going to school, doing homework, attending to my toddler, doing chores, going to three weddings in the next two months, organizing a bachelor party, finalizing the purchase of my house, finishing and moving into said house...
  14. Back Alley Brawl: "This is whack. First Galaxy City and now this? Damn. I'm gettin' too old for this s**t"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    I'm going to have to echo the kudos for the enhancement system. You can build simple, and you can build complicated, but either way it's something which can be viewed completely in the abstract rather than somehow trying to rationalize Superguy putting on a fancier cape for those extra strength bonuses (that is just one of a number of things which put me off of DCUO, even though their graphics were spectacular). Also the fact that the power effects were just a function of the powers themselves and enhancements kept things relatively simple. I also play Diablo 3, and there's just tons of things here and there to be considered between skill interactions, stats, and items.
    That's a great point. A lot of the other games revolve around gear, but the Enhancement system was a way to take powers and effects you wanted, and then decide how they would work - faster recharge, more damage, better mez protection, less endurance, faster run speed, etc., etc. I haven't seen another game that handles it quite the way CoH does.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I will miss a lot from this game, so I narrowed this down to a "system" I will miss the most:

    The Super-Sidekick System.

    I have tried other games over the years, but at the end I cant get into any because it's next to impossible to stay at a playable level range to my friends in the world. Either I outlevel them or they outlevel me.

    Champion Online has the same thihng with their Sideckick/Champion thing but I am not really interested on that game.
    STO has the same system as CO; applies to ground and ship teaming. They have a Flashback system too (Mission Replay). Their crafting system isn't so keen though.

    That being said, what system will I miss the most? Probably the base system. It wasn't the best, but it had its charm. If Cryptic gets their Neverwinter 2 Map Editor in CO and STO... that will make me a happy person methinks.
  17. Even though it has no sub, I had little interest in ArenaNet's fantasy-based box-collecting game. I have less interest now.
  18. I'll take all of those and a BetaMax to HD-DVD converter, please.
  19. In regards to what a sales price may be, it may wholly depend on the investors, and
    • If/ how much they're trying to recoup from last quarter's loss
    • Any remaining debts Paragon Studios incurred between
      • The formation of the studio
      • Launching Going Rogue
      • The F2P transition
      • Etc.
    Any purchase would also need to cover any cost for transferring data and hardware assets (either as part of the sales price or as an additional cost consideration by the prospective purchaser).

    If any or all of that is true, the asking price could be in the millions.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by detroitfrost View Post
    [*]If fans could raise enough funds, could CoH be saved? Unknown, ask the folks in Korea.

    I hate having to read tea leaves, so Let's read some tea leaves!

    That seems to be corporate-ese for "the guys at NcSoft have zero interest in saving or selling the game". Am I reading that right?
    Your guess is as good as mine; that bullet point is almost verbatim from Zwill.

    If I had to take a stab, I'd say that maybe Zwill was alluding to someone taking the property off of NCSoft's hands (perhaps even a pittance) to run a legal private server. That is, if no offers from other publishers came up or interested them.

    In regards to other publishers, it would probably depend on NCSoft's asking price; if there was even a chance at this point on "getting the band back together" (reforming the studio), or having another studio continue development; and if the game would even be profitable after the above two conditions. Publishers might see opportunity or consider the game in it's current state as a "toxic asset", what with the studio already being dissolved.

    As far as a private server is concerned, it could be done legally if purchased from NCSoft, but I couldn't accurately tell anyone what the asking price would be, yet alone the architecture needed to run it, possibly having to transfer data assets from the current server farm to another host, etc. And even if it is done, it's doubtful that new development would occur beyond possibly pushing out a debugged Issue 24, assuming there are volunteers with the know-how to accomplish this.

    Either two conditions would hinge upon if NCSoft considers the CoH data assets a trade secret or not. If it is, then there's not much of a chance of purchase by another publisher or someone (like the Titan Network) trying to make a private server.

    I'm not trying to be pessimistic, mind you, just a realist. The best bet would be for another publisher to scoop up the game and re-hire as many Paragon Studio members as possible, or for the studio to reopen and relaunch the game at a lower operating cost. But I can't calculate those odds.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
    This was also addressed (and refuted) by Zwillinger on yesterday's TwitchTV session

    From Obsidius' recap:

    So I think we can call close the books on this theory. Yeah, it seemed like a logical explanation at first--given the totally unexpected and perplexing decision to pull the plug on CoH, maybe the ONLY explanation that made sense--but it was a red herring.
    It's as he says. You can review my racap here, or watch the video of the coffee talk here, and listen to the words spill from Zwill's own mouth There is no grand conspiracy of Cryptic holding out on a license; NCSoft Corporate, for reasons that will be unknown to most people (due to contractual NDAs with the Paragon Studios staff) chose to do this on their own accord.
  22. Personally, I play Star Trek Online (got a LT Sub a while back and have not regretted it), and am part of a fleet of current/former COH players. The cool thing is that, whether you play STO or Champions Online, the same COX global channel we use is linked to either game.
  23. CO has had a rough history, between surreptitiously trying to cull the COH forums for players; having what was widely considered a "lack of content" at launch and game balance issues, then trying to charge for a content expansions; moving to the F2P model; moving publishers from Atari to PWE; etc.

    That being said, I'm willing to let bygones by bygones and give it another shot. One thing I did way early on was camp my global name (@Obsidius) on Cryptic's system; I use it today to play STO. Maybe I'll give CO another shot. If they have Lifetime Subs for it, I might splurge for that eventually; it's paid off on STO (considering how much sub money I've put into CoH of the years).
  24. One thing I forgot to list is that Zwill mentioned that NCSoft is actively helping the staff look for new employment. Just FYI.