Nothing Great out there.
From what I've seen, the closest to CoH play would be The Secret World.
Played Issue #1 through Issue #12. Occasional play for a couple more issues, then gone.
Back now till the end. One 50: Ella Tundra, Earth/Ice Tank.
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
I can't even play it, i downloaded the 3 day trail and it Blue Screens my PC every time i try to log in. It's not friendly with the older PCs it seems.
Played Issue #1 through Issue #12. Occasional play for a couple more issues, then gone.
Back now till the end. One 50: Ella Tundra, Earth/Ice Tank.
Not sure how many would be. They'll eventually have to do something with graphics which might cut off a bunch of users. Trust me, went through that elsewhere.
-------------------------- Played Issue #1 through Issue #12. Occasional play for a couple more issues, then gone. Back now till the end. One 50: Ella Tundra, Earth/Ice Tank. |
I played CO about a year back to try it, meh no holding power there.
DCUO is nothing more then a PS3 game, no holding power there ether.
Guess i'll be done with MMOs for a while, i'll stay with my PS3/Xbox360 games and maybe pick up the 17th Anni C&C box, i'm missing a few of the C&Cs and for $50 its not a bad deal for 17ish games with Art/CD.
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
I find Star Trek Online to be fairly enjoyable... Well, space missions are enjoyable. Ground missions are often a chore and something I suffer through to get back to the space missions...
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
The secret is not finding something "like City of Heroes", because honestly, there isn't.
I did recently get The Secret World, and it is vastly different to CoH. It took me a few days to decide whether or not I wanted to get it, and once I broke the mentality of trying comparing it to CoH, I found myself beginning to enjoy it a bit more.
At this point, I can't say I will stick with it for the long haul. I don't really foresee myself wanting to attempt to "master" the game, but it's a great diversion for the time being.

Thank you, Champion.
I find Star Trek Online to be fairly enjoyable... Well, space missions are enjoyable. Ground missions are often a chore and something I suffer through to get back to the space missions...
On topic, if you've never played WoW then now might be a good time...but if you've ever played WoW and liked it for what it was then it definitely isn't. I used to LOVE it, it was my go to MMO for many years. But at this point, its not the game it used to be, and I no longer enjoy it. Que sera, sera I suppose.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
I tried playing the Secret World and really didn't understand the ability points, skill points, etc. It will be uninstalled soon.
However, the graphics and storyline are quite I think it's just a matter of "can't teach an old dog new tricks" (at least for this old dog, anyway!)
Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.

The secret is not finding something "like City of Heroes", because honestly, there isn't.
Now is the time(well, Dec) to give MMOs a month or two break, and then ask yourself some questions.
- Yes, CoH was awesome, but was there ever anything you wanted to do but couldn't? Try looking for that.
- Are you interested in seeing a new mechanic? Or possibly a different setting/theme? Note that.
- How's your free time? I don't see many people giving as much time to a new MMO as CoH got, not at first at least. So maybe take a look at how well/poorly it accommodates less play time.
- Community was super here at CoH. While every other MMO's population isn't as overwhelmingly awesome, that doesn't mean it's a cesspool either. Do a bit of asking around, find out who the friendly, helpful, noob-welcoming groups are.
- And frankly, maybe you want to consider if you want to go through this again? How soon? That may influence where you look.
- Make contacts here in the other game(s) and get free trials if possible. Ask for stories about what makes that game great.
I've been hesitant to talk about where my hat has been hanging these past 2 years, mostly because it is so radically different than CoH in every way. But if anyone wants to get an Paragon-lover's POV on a sci-fi, pvp-heavy game which rhymes with "steve", give me private msg.
Agreed......In the days that have past since the news I have started looking at new games to try and take the place of CoH and so far nothing comes close. I tried Secret Worlds free trial. Did not like it. It took almost half an hour before I could start doing anything. Graphics were nice and the story seems interesting and in the end it is not for me. I like the ability to create your character and just go like with our tutorial or skipping it and going right to defeating bad guys in atlas park. Champions. Simply awful. I can't get past that shaded cell look they use for the game. Decent character creator but not enough to keep me interested. I am currently eyeing the Transformers Universe MMO that is in development.
Keeping it Brutal !!!!!!!!
Personally, I play Star Trek Online (got a LT Sub a while back and have not regretted it), and am part of a fleet of current/former COH players. The cool thing is that, whether you play STO or Champions Online, the same COX global channel we use is linked to either game.
Rift for me, did it last year on it's release and loved it, with Storm Legion coming out soon, especially with the CoH announcement, i decided to go whole hog into that. The dynamic content, rifts, raid rifts, level increase with new souls for each calling, coming player and guild housing system, huge new world with great open world events and a fairly nice community, along with some nice graphics and many other things, well, that sold it to me.
To me NC Soft has alreadt salted its own ground. I care not for apologists and GW2 fanbois, thats it. GW2 might have taken my fancy, but not now, the other NC Soft products in the pipeline might have to, but not now. WoW did in the past for TBC and WotLC for a bit, did some in Cata to...but fluffy thanks.
So if any of you make it to Rift pop along to Blighweald or Argent on the EU servers, i am still an altaholic there, but only Guild and Raid on my Guardians on Blighweald, as I am doing my Defiants on Argent just to see the other side of the story...several I usually do
For those of you thinking of The Secret World, I highly recommend it, because it's one of those games that takes some time to start to understand. Unlike a WOW-like game, where everything is dumbed down to make it as simplistic as possible, there's a learning curve that the more you play, the more you start to understand.
It's one of those rare games where they went a different direction, and you don't run the risk of feeling like it's all like you've played before.
Yesterday, I was playing along, doing my thing when suddenly I hit a threshold I didn't know existed, and I was jolted out of my "usual" experience and told to do a completely different task that was completely unknown to me. What I discovered is that even though there are no "levels", there is progress, which means after a certain amount of achievement stuff you do, you're pulled into a much larger part of the game to continue that progress further.
And when people say there are no levels, that's not really true. Well, on the surface it is, but you still gain experience and then once you hit a "level" you gain either ability points or skill points and then use those to further the growth of your character. It's a lot more like the Ultima Onlne growth structure (rather than levels), but you still become more and more powerful the more stuff you do in the game.
What's really nice about the game is that you can repeat a lot of the same quests again, but they're on a daily timer, so you have to return the next day to do some of the same quests, which are highly worth it. The real positive of that is that even in the first real area, there are so many quests that your chances of finishing them all up before turning in for the night are pretty slim. Yesterday, I was doing a run through of similar missions from the day before and came across a couple of quests I somehow missed the first time around. Sometimes, those quests are right there in front of you, but you're so busy with something else that you miss it.
It's definitely not COH, a game that I, too, loved. But it's worth trying. The only real problem it has is that it had a horrible PR campaign in the beginning so that it was completely missed by the majority of the potential fan base. Before the COH decision, I had heard about the game, but never gave it a second thought. Now, I'm kind of glad I looked into it.
The Blog
The Adventures of Stickman and the Unemployed Legospaceman
For those of you thinking of The Secret World, I highly recommend it, because it's one of those games that takes some time to start to understand. Unlike a WOW-like game, where everything is dumbed down to make it as simplistic as possible, there's a learning curve that the more you play, the more you start to understand.
I've only been playing Secret World for a few days; much too little to really get a firm grasp of it. Still, it's interesting and there seems to be a TON of depth to it. Mechanically it's not a lot like COH, graphically it's much, much superior. It's DirectX instead of OpenGL so it's performance is better too.
Right now I'm still wandering around trying to figure things out and probably horribly gimping my character... how many of us on our first character did things like skipping key powers, multiple travel powers and the like out of ignorance? It looks like character progression is at least as complex as CoH with set IO's in the mix so it's a lot to grasp at once.
In my limited time on their forums I was pleasantly surprised at the atmosphere there, the community seems friendly, helpful and mature just like I expect here. It's nothing like the WoW or STTOR communities; the Secret World forums felt very much like CoH.
Yeah, there's some aspects of the game mechanics I don't much care for; it has the resurrect at a point and go back to your body, or fully resurrect at the point that WoW uses but there doesn't seem to be any death penalties and if there's gear degradation I haven't seen it yet. Combat is far more mobile; there's no rooting for attacks so run and gun works very well.
All in all after the 3 day trial I bought a key and I'll make a decision once the 30 days are up.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Right now I'm still wandering around trying to figure things out and probably horribly gimping my character... how many of us on our first character did things like skipping key powers, multiple travel powers and the like out of ignorance? It looks like character progression is at least as complex as CoH with set IO's in the mix so it's a lot to grasp at once. |

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
My husband and I also headed over to The Secret World, right now we're on day 2 of our free trial. I found myself comparing it to CoH a lot at first and I admit that the ability wheel is a little confusing at first, but if someone like me, who isn't really a gamer by definition can figure the majority of the game out in a day... I think really anyone can. I thoroughly surprised myself with how well I took to the game play. It's no CoH, nothing ever will be, but it's pretty enjoyable.
We also have STO accounts, but I find that game tedious and boring. I was excited for it when it initially came out, but found myself severely underwhelmed by it. Not to mention they screwed with the canon of my favorite race, a race that I can't even play, those two things soured me even more. There is talk of Romulans becoming playable as a mini-faction, up through lvl 5 only. I ask you...what the heck is the point of that? make them fully playable or don't bother.
Wow...I went off on a
As for other games...nothing else appeals to me. I may buy a key for TSW and see where I am after 30 days.
But...still...I really don't want to fully give up on CoH, not just yet.
"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb
My Characters
I find Star Trek Online to be fairly enjoyable... Well, space missions are enjoyable. Ground missions are often a chore and something I suffer through to get back to the space missions...

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
I've tried many MMO's and the closest to CoH that I have found is Star Wars TOR. The combat, power trays and movement are very simular. The one drawback is that here is no side kicking so teaming isn't as robust as CoH. Anyways, I took a Jedi Knight to lvl 40 and if you are looking for a replacement to CoH , give SWTOR a try.
50 EM / SR Stalker
50 Spines / Regen Stalker
50 Claws / SR Stalker
50 DM / DA Stalker
42 DM / EA Stalker
40 Nin / Nin Stalker
Now that some of the rage is gone, I'm almost certainly going back to Dofus, which is... absolutely nothing like CoH. Really, my biggest problem with it is me. I much prefer to solo, and Dofus (especially at higher levels) is not a solo-friendly game. The devs also like to put the focus on tactical thinking and team cooperation rather than simply steamrolling battles, so you can't just jump in and start tearing through monsters, which is sometimes exactly what I want to do. But I know lots of people there, and the summer event is going on right now (just extended for two weeks, in fact), and I have some decently high-level characters there, so I'll probably resubscribe. (It's only $7 a month, or $60 for a whole year, so that's no strain on my budget)
Kingdom of Loathing is not really a MMO. It's online, and there are other people there, but the gameplay is almost strictly single-player (with some minimal interaction in the high-level Clan Dungeons). It's mostly text with simple graphics, which hides weirdly deep game systems. It has a pretty friendly community and helpful to new players, though the long-time vets are all irreverent, sarcastic, and just a touch cynical - kinda like the game itself, really. Also, don't use txt-speak. They hate that. No subscription required - all the content is free. (You can donate for special items that change each month, but the devs work hard to make them helpful but not game-breaking. They're not "required" unless you want to be on the bleeding edge of speed gameplay, and even then only a few specific ones are required)
Despite my initial problems with it (which I've ranted about at length), I'd actually probably subscribe to Champions Online just for the Freeform Characters that would let me realize some concepts that I couldn't do in CoH (including a beloved tabletop RP character, who would best be described as a Martial Arts/Electric Melee/Super Reflexes/Electric Blast Dodge Tank), but they don't have a Mac Version, so unless I can get it running stably on my four-year-old laptop (which is an iffy proposition at best - even CoH isn't always stable and is a CPU hog), I won't subscribe.
... I've also been playing Toontown Online a bit this past week, primarily because it's nothing like CoH and doesn't rub salt in the wound. It's not great by any means, but it's mindless and has some nice music. (I just don't talk to anyone there, knowing they're probably all kids one-quarter my age or younger. Which is made easier by the fact that the chat system sucks)
I've only been playing Secret World for a few days; much too little to really get a firm grasp of it. Still, it's interesting and there seems to be a TON of depth to it. Mechanically it's not a lot like COH, graphically it's much, much superior. It's DirectX instead of OpenGL so it's performance is better too.
Right now I'm still wandering around trying to figure things out and probably horribly gimping my character... how many of us on our first character did things like skipping key powers, multiple travel powers and the like out of ignorance? It looks like character progression is at least as complex as CoH with set IO's in the mix so it's a lot to grasp at once. In my limited time on their forums I was pleasantly surprised at the atmosphere there, the community seems friendly, helpful and mature just like I expect here. It's nothing like the WoW or STTOR communities; the Secret World forums felt very much like CoH. Yeah, there's some aspects of the game mechanics I don't much care for; it has the resurrect at a point and go back to your body, or fully resurrect at the point that WoW uses but there doesn't seem to be any death penalties and if there's gear degradation I haven't seen it yet. Combat is far more mobile; there's no rooting for attacks so run and gun works very well. All in all after the 3 day trial I bought a key and I'll make a decision once the 30 days are up. |
As I play further and further into the game, I'm discovering there are nuances and a much deeper environment to TSW than I first realized. It takes time, but slowly you start to realize there's much more to the game than initial expectations. I'm so glad I didn't just do a 3 day trial and then quit.
The Blog
The Adventures of Stickman and the Unemployed Legospaceman
Now that some of the rage is gone, I'm almost certainly going back to Dofus, which is... absolutely nothing like CoH. Really, my biggest problem with it is me. I much prefer to solo, and Dofus (especially at higher levels) is not a solo-friendly game. The devs also like to put the focus on tactical thinking and team cooperation rather than simply steamrolling battles, so you can't just jump in and start tearing through monsters, which is sometimes exactly what I want to do. But I know lots of people there, and the summer event is going on right now (just extended for two weeks, in fact), and I have some decently high-level characters there, so I'll probably resubscribe. (It's only $7 a month, or $60 for a whole year, so that's no strain on my budget)
One of them you mentioned already, regarding it being a game difficult to solo. This is partly due to the more sophisticated and difficult battles of higher level, but also due to the drop system. The prospecting thresholds for rare items often preclude any chance to drop them solo.
Another problem with the game, in my view, is that it is as anti-Cottage Rule as a game can get.
There have been massive changes to game systems and total restructuring of the way some classes work many, many years after the game was released. Very few classes have escaped some revision, with some being changed extensively. Due to this, one is often forced to rebuild their characters and seek new equipment to function properly in a class which may have little resemblance to what it originally was. Couple this with the resources required to craft high level equipment at times being hard to drop, and it gets annoying.
The most obvious examples of these wild changes to the game are shown in the frequent revisions to the AP/MP drain/theft systems, and the huge revision to the way Sacriers worked.
For those not familiar with the game, your amount of AP determines what you can do on a turn... MP your range of movement. Sacriers do extra extra damage from being wounded, and have strong map manipulation skills. They also have some tanking ability, when backed up by healers or through self-healing with certain weapons.
For those wishing to check this game out, be aware that the only constant in Dofus is change... often inexplicable change, or subsequent changes made due to the developers failing to anticipate the ramifications of previous changes.
It's a fun game though, if you like tactics, and don't mind going with the flow whenever Ankama decides to spin their Wheel o' Development and apply whatever change it indicates.
Ahhh yes, another thing to mention. The game features PvP much more than this one, and doesn't change how the powers work in PvP vs. PvE. At times this causes powers to be changed to improve PvP at the expense of their use in PvE.
Also, access to some of the resources for crafting can only be accessed by those aligned, which makes them subject to PvP.
Further, PvP the last time I checked allowed the player to gain significant benefit from attacking other players due to in game reward that were not available to non-aligned characters at all, or required more effort to obtain than that of the PvP method.
I haven't been keeping track of the game though, and it is subject to sweeping changes in PvP systems as well, so this information may no longer be current.
Some final notes... The community for the game is in general much more immature than that in CoH. The developers focus more on the French community than English speaking communities. Though there are supposed to be servers where English is the official public channel language, this doesn't happen in practice, so language issues may cause difficulty in playing from time to time.
And another final note, hopefully the last I will think of... If you are only interested in games with polygonal graphics, there is no point in looking at Dofus. It is a flash MMORPG that appears sprite based with a French art style pretty close to anime. It will run on just about anything, but definitely lacks glitz, so it isn't for the looks focused player.
I've tried to play through the fair number of 'options' out there, but each one fell on its face for me. This will never be replaced short of a properly thought out successor.

I've been looking at what is out thee, as far as another game to play, and I just don't see anything that great. Rift is ok but not great. WoW doesn't look to be doing anything much different. Tera isn't getting great reviews. What has happened to the gaming market. I used to have so many choices now it seems that here are very few great titles out there worth buying.