779 -
As the clock ticks down, slowly bringing the game to its premature end - I in many ways regret not being around in-game these past three months. Having a defined endpoint within the foreseeable future just made doing much of anything undesirable. But my personal issues surrounding the closure of our beloved game/world/community are not why I am posting.
I have one (answerable) question remaining - What is THE server to be on for our last stand? Where do people plan on gathering for our send-off party as the lights go out?
I've read of Arcanaville's planned event on the beta server (Although I'm unclear if that's going to be on the last day or just this coming week), or will there be another Atlas Park gathering on virtue? -
Quote:Doesn't strike me. I worked for a large multinational offsite records/data storage company whos reputation could be considered ironclad considering their mountainous scale. Escorting employees off the premises immediately after they have been served their termination papers was SOP - because the risk to the company was too great should an employee decide to do something... untoward, in their final days. Laws, however, state that unless certain conditions are met, those employees must be given X amount of notice - so the work-around is that you are still technically on their payroll for that time, you are just not authorized to be on-site.The thing that struck me was the fact that NCSoft has been paying Matt and the others for the last two months, but wouldn't let them finish off Issue 24 (which must have been close to release) and organise some quality farewell events for the last month or so of the game. Shutting down all development completely on August 31st seems even more mean-spirited to me now. Everything we know about the Paragon Team would suggest that given the chance, many of them would have been willing to give City of Heroes a proper send off.
As much as I, as a player and (up until the announcement) loyal subscriber for the entire run of CoH's life, would love if the devs could continue to do their job and release content-
Allowing them to continue working with the knowledge that their days are numbered entails some risk for the employer. If one of the employees was disgruntled - they may be tempted to sabotage the company - in this case leak the server data.
EDIT: I just want to be clear that I am in no way defending NCsoft's decision to close the game, their handling of numerous things during this process, or their refusal to work with people to work with people to keep the game alive. Just that continuing to pay Matt for 60 days while not letting the devs develop makes sense to me. -
Well, while I've still got a chip on my shoulder over the whole ongoing Closing-of-CoH-Thing; I've gotta say that refunds is probably the best news I could have hoped for, short of "Our mistake, fired the wrong dev team and threatened to close the wrong game. Whoops, our bad."
Seriously, I was dreading the potential "Sorry, no refunds, but here's some credit towards other NCsoft games/NCcoin" announcement. And while this may be a nail in the decision reversing coffin, it is by no means a sign that all preservation initiatives are dead.
So, best possible expected announcement so far. A little peeved that it took two-and-a-half weeks to make this announcement, but I suppose a corporate bureaucracy operates much like a government one. Gotta conduct a survey to determine the correct/best course of action, file plenty of paperwork, wait for people to sign off on the paperwork... -
Yes, you can! And, I can!
I made it green and purply-pink so that it stood out from the rest of my costume. -
I find Star Trek Online to be fairly enjoyable... Well, space missions are enjoyable. Ground missions are often a chore and something I suffer through to get back to the space missions...
Quote:I'm all for refunds on unused paragon points, or subsciptions that renewed before billing was shut off, but this is crazy talk. Yes, noone wants to spend money on a ship that's going to sink, but you are no more entitles to a refund for past used money than those crazy people that wanted a refund for all the money they spent on the game when it went free to play.Considering the fact that I PAID for my copy of COH and PAID for Going Rouge and I am paying a monthly sub, I feel NCSoft needs to refund me every dime I've already paid.
I assure you I would not have spent the money and time on this game if I had known they would shut it down lie this, that they would FIRE me and tell me they won't take anymore of my money.
NOTHING lasts forever, someday even WoW may die (although not likely from any game that claims to be a WoW killer). Your subscription payed for a month of gameplay, and before this month, each and every single month you payed for, the service was provided. You payed for CoH? you GOT CoH. you paid for GR? you GOT GR. And you've had them for years. There was no warranty or guaranty that claimed that the service would be available until the end of time.
You are not entitled to a refund on a DVD box set of a season of a TV show because the network cancelled production on any further filming of the show. If you pre-ordered the next season that will never be delivered, sure, you get a refund on THAT. You are however entitled to be upset with the network, and let your voice be head that you, and many others would happily keep watching the show and buying the DVDs if they would just greenlight its continuation. Beyond that, the best you can do is look back fondly on what was. -
If I'm going anywhere, it's probably Star Trek Online... If only because I bought the lifetime so long ago, and it won't cost me a penny (Yes, I know it's free to play)...
Otherwise, I'm going to take a loooong break from subscription MMOs. Frankly due to a disastrous governmental ****-up last year, I'm out several thousand dollars for repairs to my flooded out cottage... so finances are tight, although I kept up my subscription because, hey, I've been playing this game since launch... So, I'm trying to get through the various stages of grief and look on the bright side, fewer expenses! -
Got one for my alt account (already applied one to primary account from Mako Week), yay!
Had to go through about 5 or so codes, but there are still some available. -
Quote:Any alignment can use the patron power pools (small exception being kheldians who don't get any APPs/PPPs). The thing is, to unlock them, you need to do the patron mission arc. To do villain side mission arcs (which the patron arc is) you must be either a villain or a rogue.hiyo! just need some clarification here in regard to vigilantes and patron power pools since the stuff i've read on paragonwiki is either unclear or contradictory on the subject of the two. my question: when vigilantes hit 35, can they go speak to arbiter rein and unlock a patron arc?
if i understand it correctly, vigilantes can't get straight-up villain content until they transition all the way over to the red side. they can do newspaper missions and strike forces but they can't get contacts of their own. but apparently, they can access patron pools? so.. does that mean the patron content is an exception here? or will my character need to be a full-on villain in order to get these powers?
little help?
thanks! =] -
Taking a wild guess here, but did you re-install off a disk? Then you're probably using the old CoH launcher, which is no longer supported, download the NCsoft launcher from
and download/install from that. I'd personally just uninstall and delete any files you've installed off a disk, as after 3+ years, those files are all so out of date, they won't likely be saving you ANY download time anyway. -
You mean:
Quote:I believe this is in reference to Blizzard getting hacked very recently, and the message is recommending that users SHOULD be utilizing some basic precautionary measures in password security (a futile attempt, I'm afraid), and that in light of the recent hacking of Blizzard, if you use the same password there as you do everywhere else, you should SERIOUSLY consider changing your password here and everywhere else.Protect your Personal Information! Given recent events, we'd like to take a moment to remind you to safeguard your personal information online. Never use the same password for different services (e.g. games, e-mail accounts, websites, etc), and make sure to change your passwords regularly.
If you use a similar (or the same) password for many different websites/e-mail accounts/games, we strongly recommend you change these passwords in order to minimize any risk as much as possible.
Thank you for your time, and make sure to stay safe online!
The Paragon Studios Community Team
-=-Relevant link-=-
I agree that he MOTD could have been a little more informative about what "recent events" it is talking about however... almost makes it sound like our dev team or NCsoft were hacked. -
Quote:Oh good, I wasn't the only one staring at it for a minute or two going "wha- bu-- how?.... oh. OH!"AHAHAHAHAHA. Arcanaville, I love your new user icon. It totally screwed with my head.
Random offtopic question - if posting Arcanaville's name multiple times in a thread summons Arcanaville, does Arcanaville's own forum name + title + avatar create an infinite loop of summoning? -
If you use gerneric lvl 50 IOs, you're already brushing up against the ED cap with two slots. If you have no place else useful to place a slot, and put a 3rd in hover, then put a flight speed in there for a little extra mobility in combat.
At the risk of contributing to this necromancy, I don't think Xbox would work out as a platform. Let us not be so quick to forget the story of Fez (for you zombies, this story will have happened three years after the death of the thread, you should look it up), the indie game that is not likely to ever get a second patch out due to a $40,000 fee for each patch beyond the first. Add onto this the fact that each patch would have to be certified by microsoft and you're either delaying PC patches for what ammounts to no good reason, or you sequester the Xbox users to their own server, and run essentially two versions of the game at the same time. Sony, I'm sure, has similar issues that would make life difficult.
TLDR; Not gonna happen. Not worth necro-ing. -
It's how they work, they all provide a minor buff of some sort that's always on - but the core of the power is a 2min on, 2 min off deal.
Quote:I think the disconnect here lies in the section I bolded. Many of us may question the usefulness of a dedicated healer in a game where buffs multiply survivability exponentially and heals, while situationally useful, amount to little more than placing a band-aid over a crack in the wall. But that is another discussion for another thread.change my playstyle from healer, er, EMP DEF, to blaster, all to get a badge.
And the reason that discussion is bleeding through is because despite your frequent assertions, [EMP DEF] is an entirely different creature than a [Healer]. An EMP DEF can be the platform on which a healer is built, but it is so much more - it has blasts that have ways to mitigate damage on top of its primary abilities. If you had to change your playstyle to "blaster" then you've gone too far in the other direction. You're looking at this in In black and white, while the majority of posters on this thead (with varying degrees of snark and derision) are telling you to look at all the lovely shades of grey! Change your playstyle to that of a defender.
And it started because you (yes, you) claimed that the participation metric means "Empaths always seem to get the short end of the deal." which is patently false. Sure a healer gets the short end of the stick, but only because they've chopped off half of their own end. And if you want to fight crime with that half-a-stick, and are otherwise happy doing so, by all means, go right ahead. But when it comes time to measure everyone's sticks, do not - DO NOT - claim your half-stick is the same length as everyone else's and proceed to kvetch when the measuring tape says it isn't. -
Quote:Nope. Just that if you only took one attack power, it is not anything the devs have designed and implemented that is causing your Empath to be "shortchanged". In fact, any "shortchanging" would occur on any support type character if you ignored everything but their buff/debuff abilities. A forcefield/? character that ignored their secondary would have even less to do - toggles on, buff team mate - stay in range of ally, wait for shields to drop.So the arguement is, "my build is wrong, yours is right"?
If you WANT to be a buffbot who may occasionally heal when the team lacks a Tank/buff/debuff/troller that can soak/eliminate any noteworthy incoming damage, more power to ya.
But don't be the /SuperReflexes scrapper that only takes the mandatory secondary power, and then complains about his survivability. Especially don't be that scrapper when I'm on my /SR and am tanking an agro-cap's worth of enemies. (I face-palmed so hard that day)
Quote:I think this may be a large contributing factor; I have no hard data to back me up, but I have a strong suspicion that powers set on auto do not contribute much, if anything, to the participation matrix.I only have one attack power, and it was on autopower, so I was doing as much attacking as I can. What level I was shouldn't matter, as my teammate and I were the same level. And if healing/buffing is given as much weight as attacking, then it shouldn't matter.
I've taken my alt account (a pocket emp) through the protest event a few times; every time I set him to follow, attack my target and have some blast on auto, he gets the minimum reward. But if I manually have him blast by either hitting the number keys or mouse clicking, getting one of the better reward tables is more likely. -
At the risk of being redundant...
Quote:Ok... yes, you posted in the tech issues board, but you missed the second link under the word "this". following that link to the "[Guide] Asking for technical help on the forums." thread, you should post the resulting "cohhelper" and "hijackthis" logs either as a reply to the thread you started in the tech forums, or as a new thread in its own right... ideally one where you start from the position of not appearing actively hostile, example;
-title: "experiencing excessive crashes, please help."
-opening post: "Over the past [timeframe] I've crashed [#] times, and the problem persists here's the cohhelper and hijackthis logs, any help would be greatly appreciated. {insert cohhelper log here}"
-reply to opening post: "{insert hijackthis log here}"
Also briefly describing the crashes could help a great deal. A crash to desktop (program closes with or without an error message) would have different likely causes than, say, crashing the entire system, causing a reboot. -
Quote:Ok... yes, you posted in the tech issues board, but you missed the second link under the word "this" (now increased to size 7 for increased visibility). following that link to the "[Guide] Asking for technical help on the forums." thread, you should post the resulting "cohhelper" and "hijackthis" logs either as a reply to the thread you started in the tech forums, or as a new thread in its own right... ideally one where you start from the position of not appearing actively hostile, example;Go to the ALL ACCESS: Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs and post there after reading this.
And no you are not alone, you're standing on monkeyslap's foot.
-title: "experiencing excessive crashes, please help."
-opening post: "Over the past [timeframe] I've crashed [#] times, and the problem persists here's the cohhelper and hijackthis logs, any help would be greatly appreciated. {insert cohhelper log here}"
-reply to opening post: "{insert hijackthis log here}"
Also briefly describing the crashes could help a great deal. A crash to desktop (program closes with or without an error message) would have different likely causes than, say, crashing the entire system, causing a reboot.
EDIT: I continue to try to help you help yourself because I realized that the link in the word "this" might simply appear to be a bolded word, and not a link (as links n quoted text seem to lose their tell-tale underline). -
Also, did you switch sides at any point? I'm not sure if it's still the case, but if at one point you were hero/vigilante open arcs on that side (used to?) count against your total.
Quote:Graystar, if you actually want this problem solved, the first reply in this thread told you exactly how to proceed.Go to the ALL ACCESS: Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs and post there after reading this.
And no you are not alone, you're standing on monkeyslap's foot. -
Fair enough, and I should also mention that I do tend to give new players (those with fewer veteran/paragon rewards badges) a bit more leeway, opting to warn them about the genericing process the game has adopted since the lawsuit way-back-when. I can hardly blame them for not knowing the policy if they haven't been around that long (Yes, I know it's in the EULA, but let's not kid ourselves, most people just hit "I agree" without ever reading).