CoX on PS3 and Xbox?
I only know that they mentioned at one point that a mac version would come available, and they have. Are you certain they mentioned the consoles and are you not mixing it up with the mac version?
In my head, I have the distant memory of discussion of going to consoles. Maybe it was just the speculation from other forum folks though.
Well u can run linux on a PS3, i believe its even supported by Sony himself. I know a few people that managed to run CoX on Wine/linux, maybe.. just maybe this is also possible for the PS3. (and just plug in a keyboard/mouse) although very unlikly it can really use the graphic power of it.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Well yes, it's quite possible that someone figured out a way to run the game on a platforum currently not officially supported.
There IS a mac version allready available. Now a ps3/360 version is just VERY VERY unlikely. This game was designed to be run on a system that uses a mouse/keyboard as its primary input. Also to publish a game on 360/PS3 there is very expensive liscencing fees involved that make it not the best idea for business especially if it flops. Another thing, even though the 360/PS3 are nice publishing it on those systems could potentially prevent integration of future technologies since the PC version pretty much has to match the console one.

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There was this announcement two years ago and nothing about CoH in particular. Not much news since then.
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I'm a little curious. Forgive me, I'm not a console afficionado. If CoX were to be ported to a console, how would that console handle patches?
...Not that I think that City of Heroes is coming to a console. I just don't think that would be very fun.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
i dont think it will. To little buttons To many macros
It would work on the consoles, it could have the same machanics and instead of the controller, you could get a mouse and a keyboard for it and play it the same way as you would on the PC and Mac.
I think it would also get more players and customers. The people that used to play, but lack of a computer or video card (except you can always get a new one... Some times) can now be able to do so again.
I think it's a great idea, and I hope NCsoft can make it into a console game aswell.
Three-year-old thread...should check the thread date before posting...
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Three-year-old thread...should check the thread date before posting...

Thread necromancy aside, no, City of Heroes wouldn't work on an Xbox 360... CoH is a game that uses OpenGL graphics, while the Xbox hardware uses a derivative of DirectX.
I do suppose it'd technically be possible to port to PS3, since the system supports OpenGL, but I doubt the developers want to support another release version. After all, they still don't officially support Linux (players have created scripts allowing the Mac port to be run on Linux). And the original developers of the CoH software, Cryptic Studios, had intended to port their next game(s) over to PS3, but those ports were scrapped for one reason or another.
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It would work on the consoles, it could have the same machanics and instead of the controller, you could get a mouse and a keyboard for it and play it the same way as you would on the PC and Mac.
I think it would also get more players and customers. The people that used to play, but lack of a computer or video card (except you can always get a new one... Some times) can now be able to do so again. I think it's a great idea, and I hope NCsoft can make it into a console game aswell. |
As of 2012 there are plenty of low end laptop computers that could run CoX better than any multi-year old console. Just because you could trick a machine into run something as a sort of "what-if" experiment doesn't really mean it would be worth it for day-to-day playing.
At any rate I'd be completely amazed to see Paragon Studios work on anything like this at this point. *shrugs*
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At the risk of contributing to this necromancy, I don't think Xbox would work out as a platform. Let us not be so quick to forget the story of Fez (for you zombies, this story will have happened three years after the death of the thread, you should look it up), the indie game that is not likely to ever get a second patch out due to a $40,000 fee for each patch beyond the first. Add onto this the fact that each patch would have to be certified by microsoft and you're either delaying PC patches for what ammounts to no good reason, or you sequester the Xbox users to their own server, and run essentially two versions of the game at the same time. Sony, I'm sure, has similar issues that would make life difficult.
TLDR; Not gonna happen. Not worth necro-ing.
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Hi everyone,
I'm going to close this thread due to Thread Necromancy. If you'd like to discuss an older topic, please consider creating a new thread instead, so as to avoid confusing readers with out of date or incorrect information.
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I can't find it now, but wasn't there a dev post at one time that this game might get translated over to some consoles?
I've looked but I can't find it. For the life of me, I swear they wre looking into this.