is it just me?
Go to the ALL ACCESS: Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs and post there after reading this.
And no you are not alone, you're standing on monkeyslap's foot.
"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me
Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.
1. Yes
2. Probably
3. No
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I second dark gob's post. I ran all day yesterday on a crappy comp I bought last year at WalMart and did fine. Perhaps you should shop at WalMart?
I've also had problems with my video driver crashing randomly while playing CoH lately. I've upgraded to the latest version of the driver software and even lowered my graphics settings but it made no difference. Maybe my video card is dying, but I'm not sure (it's only about 1-1/2 years old). I had a problem like this a few years ago (not quite as bad) and couldn't figure it out, and then suddenly it just went away.
If it persists and I still can't figure out the cause I'll run CoH Helper and post on the tech help forums.
Back in Sept 2011 (Last year) I was crashing all the time too. I eventually figured out what it was that I was using Windows Vista 32-Bit (Which limits the amount of Ram being used) -- I upgraded to windows 7 64 bit and gave my cpu even more ram (I now have 8 gig).
My crashing problems stopped.
Its most likely your ram.
Go ahead and post in the thread I started. I have had some crashes myself since the June 29 patch that fixed the teleport problem in the Heist portion of the event.
Back in Sept 2011 (Last year) I was crashing all the time too. I eventually figured out what it was that I was using Windows Vista 32-Bit (Which limits the amount of Ram being used) -- I upgraded to windows 7 64 bit and gave my cpu even more ram (I now have 8 gig).
My crashing problems stopped. Its most likely your ram. |
I don't generally notice it at all, but if I run several trials or task forces in a row, do some base building, anything that involves a lot of processing power, and then I go visit Atlas Park (which pushes the computer because of all the new graphics) there's a good chance the game will freeze up.
But that hasn't changed in six months or more, for me. (i do use Win 7 32 bit btw).

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I don't generally notice it at all, but if I run several trials or task forces in a row, do some base building, anything that involves a lot of processing power, and then I go visit Atlas Park (which pushes the computer because of all the new graphics) there's a good chance the game will freeze up.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Well i just turned off and turned on my computer after updates of my vid card etc....
seems ok so far. First playsession in while with no DC/crash
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
LoL thanks....
I guess this is a good place to ask. How often do you turn off your computer all the way?
I had maybe 10 updates to install.
in fact the whole process took an hour or so....
Almost never. Obviously if I need to go inside the case and fiddle around. If I'm going to be away from home for more than a day or two I'll usually turn it off. That's pretty much it though. (I assume you're not talking about mandatory reboots following automatic updates.)
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
the updates are usually turned off. I only do them when it seems necessary. Which i gather may not be the way to go.
If the whole process took over an hour, you probably waited way too long. That said, it can vary quite a bit. But, my general rule of thumb is, if you're fairly techy, you can either tell, or won't take outside advice anyhow. If you have to ask about it, a good rule of thumb is every few days to a week. And by that, I mean, making sure you have the updates flagged as important, and a full reboot. No need to completely power the system all the way off and back on again, as DarkGob pretty much already said.
And, as an additional suggestion, if you aren't already, I'd have auto updates set to at least check and notify as to what updates are available, if nothing else. Unless you are diligent about checking manually, you'll never know what is out there if it doesn't auto check unless you're on a tech mailing list of some sort.
For me its a combination of overclocking and heat. After I lowered my clock settings and prevented my cpu & gpu from hitting 80 c, I havent crashed. Since it's summer, I have no ac, so I point a 9in box fan at my mobo.
Not very techy at all....
I just did find a video on how to turn my auto updates on... SO i guess that is important.... And i hope it helps
as far as waiting to long i dont thinki turned my computer off or rebooted since a vaction/work trip i took in January....(a long time it seems hence my update list was so huge i think there were about 20-25 patch for windows.... and 2 on the vid card(and java and flash had a ton too)
I hope that did it. So if you were like i am and haveind dc/crashes maybe you need to do what i did. Restart your comp from 0 and install restart all yoru programs.
auto updates was turned off (btw)
Well the general rule I live by is always try a reboot if the machine is acting up. And if that doesn't work actually power it down for a few minutes. Not hibernate it, not sleep it, shut the puppy down for a minute. Sometimes an honest to God power on reset is needed to clear whatever "funny" state the hardware gets into after hours/days/weeks of use.
Now 99 times out of 100 I need to reset/restart my machine after Microsoft patch Tuesday so once a month is my usual norm.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
put that one in the correct place.
If it were the game, everybody would be having the same problem, not just you and a couple other people. Maybe it just doesn't like you (or more accurately, your setup). Have you made any attempt to rule out what might be wrong with your machine (and what the few other people who are also crashing have in common), or are you content to simply rant aimlessly?
Were your team insps really wasted? I assume the buffs persisted on your allies even though you were no longer online (although I confess I don't know for certain that they work this way). Also you're arguing over $3, get a freakin' grip. Spoiler alert: you're not getting your money back because of bad timing, and your rage is way over the top for the amount of money involved.
why do I even bother with you
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Go to the ALL ACCESS: Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs and post there after reading this.
And no you are not alone, you're standing on monkeyslap's foot. |
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
If it were the game, everybody would be having the same problem, not just you and a couple other people. Maybe it just doesn't like you (or more accurately, your setup). Have you made any attempt to rule out what might be wrong with your machine (and what the few other people who are also crashing have in common), or are you content to simply rant aimlessly?
Were your team insps really wasted? I assume the buffs persisted on your allies even though you were no longer online (although I confess I don't know for certain that they work this way). Also you're arguing over $3, get a freakin' grip. Spoiler alert: you're not getting your money back because of bad timing, and your rage is way over the top for the amount of money involved. why do I even bother with you |
I do run this map on a lot of my toons because its a great map for drops and threads that almost any character can run to earn some goodies. The mission i am refering to is the sister solaris map in cimorea from the Dark Astoria arcs. This map i'm sure your aware but ill state it incase anyone reads this and is not aware has 5 heros that assist you in killing large mobs. These assistants are buffable and because my blaster and some tanks etc... have no buffs to give other than some leadership or incarnate(which the character i was playing does not yet have) its a great map to use the team insp buff that last 5 mins. Which you have to pay to use. However the drops are great and i enjoy that map so I choose to use them.
Now on this map I dc'd which caused the map to become useless to me as i cannot keep the assitants alive through the large boss mobs at the level i was set at. So the insp i used were wasted insofar that i alone would not be able to complete the map at teh difficulty setting i am at, however I had to pay for them in "real money" Hence my frustrations.
Now i know that the amount is trivial in the big picture of my life. However I would prefer that it didn't happen, and I would prefer to not have this happen so again. Lets say it happens again this month. Now i lost more real money. I feel I am already paying to play this game and now i'm kicking in extra and its going out the window.
Also how much per month is oko to loose through a dc or mapserve per month?
Of course i will admit "just dont run that map" i will admit and accept " dont use those buffs on hero NPC's." However isn't that not the point(my rant aside) is it not the point that these things that you pay real money for can be wasted and there is no way, not one way as of yet to recompensate for this?
What if this was a baf that dc'd or a tpn? Until you are reset and back on the map the buffs ware off. I think you see my point. Also I rant im trying hard not to but sometimes i get frustrated as you can see.
So please accept my apology for ranting in the wrong way and not presenting it clearly and also posting it in the wrong forum. And I hope that I have explained myself better.
Graystar, if you actually want this problem solved, the first reply in this thread told you exactly how to proceed. Should you continue to not heed this advice, the only logical conclusion one can reach is that you are trolling (again).
I know nothing will happen this is way down the list of things for the devs to do. However I guess its some time of alert that this happens and maybe you/me should not use these insp in a way that would incase of a dc make the mission objectives unobtainable.
Also how much per month is oko to loose through a dc or mapserve per month?
Of course i will admit "just dont run that map" i will admit and accept " dont use those buffs on hero NPC's." However isn't that not the point(my rant aside) is it not the point that these things that you pay real money for can be wasted and there is no way, not one way as of yet to recompensate for this? |
It's roughly analogous to buying a bottle of cola at a store. As you are leaving, you get jostled, or bumped in the parking lot, and drop the cola, spilling it everywhere. You likely won't see recompense there either. You got the product, you cracked it open, and got the first big gulp. From there what happens might well be out of your hands, but is also out of theirs.
My suggestions, don't buy products that have that sort of risk, or, accept stoically the fact that it may happen.
And, perhaps still hit the tech section and try to do what you can to minimize that risk. But regardless of what you do, that risk will always be present to some degree with items of that nature.
The biggest problem I have had with this game is the amount of file fragmentation that appears after every patch. The main exe file was in 155 fragments after the last patch, not counting all of the massive pigg files everything else is stored in. Disk defragmentation fixed everything, and also greatly improved the framerate and load times.
You can use the built in disk defragmenter, which works on the entire drive. This is a good idea to run every now and then, or to schedule to run during times you won't be using the machine.
However, this utility,Contig.exe, is a command line utility that is much faster, and you can target it at the game directory only, so it saves a lot of time. I run it after every game update. The first run took forever, but now it is about a 10-15 minute process as it only has to fix files touched by the last update.
It is available here:
Read the page, and it gives good instructions how to use it. Essentially, install it. Then open a command prompt and change to the directory you want to defragment. I think the default installation is C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes, so type
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes" and hit enter.
then type
contig -s -v *.*
hit enter and walk away until done. If you don't have any experience with the command prompt, reply and I'll try to give you a better step by step process.
THowever, this utility,Contig.exe, is a command line utility that is much faster, and you can target it at the game directory only, so it saves a lot of time. I run it after every game update. The first run took forever, but now it is about a 10-15 minute process as it only has to fix files touched by the last update.
It is available here: Read the page, and it gives good instructions how to use it. Essentially, install it. Then open a command prompt and change to the directory you want to defragment. I think the default installation is C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes, so type cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\City of Heroes" and hit enter. then type contig -s -v *.* hit enter and walk away until done. If you don't have any experience with the command prompt, reply and I'll try to give you a better step by step process. |
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
My Hero Merit rolls
Accuracy needed for 95% ToHit spreadsheet
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Search Wiki Patch notes, add inurl:patch_notes to your Google Search
Or has this game been crashing a lot more for everyone.
I just had to do a kill all took 20 min and game crashed on last npc. (that is frustrating) was a new toon and not fully iod or incarnate>(my fault i should done it cause i could afford it!
but the game is crashing about 3-4 times a day... Thats 2 times per play session of an hour or two!
and 2 months ago the game didnt crash at all for me for weeks on end....
so here is the question.
1) is it me?
2) is it my comp (vid driver) etc...
3) is it the game? (a buggy update i.e. summer event)
4) is it you hacking into my comp to steal old movies of the super friends?( or more)