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  1. Problems were never fixed and always left to fester.

    The game I am playing now had a problem after a patch, The devs were on the forum and investigating the problem at 5:00 AM EST. They had a patch go in by 7:00 am and were able to make adjustments during the day to take care of the problem.

    Here ? Six Months ? A year ? never ?
  2. B_L_Angel

    PvP Fort or NW?

    The Proc from the ATO set is incredibly powerful in pvp. When it hits, it's a "I win button".
  3. I was wondering if there was any interest in having nightly events on protector till the end. If there is enough interest I can try and organize and keep it going.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Actually their costume creator looks quite impressive. The problem is, apparently, for new players, most of it is actually GATED behind level 10.

    I kid you not.

    Well that explains why I couldn't find it.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    If we're talking about actual AT buffs, not buffing individual sets..

    1.) CO/DCUO status removal. Mash a key to break mez.

    2.) Raise the HP cap. I mean jeez. Let people build how they want. If you build for teh HP, it will come.

    3.) Rebalance all secondaries around /Mental. Same way Light Form works relative to eclipse- The benefit to Eclipse is that there's no crash. The benefit to LF is that it's a low risk power. Keep similar drawback/benefit ratios in mind. That's what the dev's seemed to be doing with i24 though. Except other sets would need a debuff too. /Fire could maybe get a sort of Eclipse/Melt Armor deal, maybe a self +res per target, opponent -res instead of +end that Eclipse grants, but with lower values per target. I'm sure there are other ideas for ranged play but Fire works best in melee anyways. Just one idea.

    4.) Increase pool toggle/epic toggle mods. Blasters don't get a fair bang for their buck picking up these powers at all. I'd say match them to what Defenders/Corruptors get.

    5.) Come up with some nifty mechanic that applies a stacking crit or dmg buff for using melee powers. Reward high risk power usage.

    6.) FFS, let Blasters share the Brute damage cap.

    Now, all of this might sound OP to some of you. But that's ok with me.
    Maybe your blaster's needed these
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    And I wish we had the flexibilty of choices they have in their costume creator.

    What flexibility of choice ?

    I made my toon there and as far as i could tell my choices were bad colors and how she stuck her behind out. I did like they have A quiver. Really how many archers in this game and it took 8 years ?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Any reasoning behind that ? From your last comment it looks like you think blasters would be infringing on scrappers. I never considered that a bad thing, they were pretty much the baseline damage dealer.
    The changes I agree with were for things that were just badly done and allowed to fester for 8 years.

    Basters had range and if you played to their strengths you were fine. Many people just never learned what their strengths were. Not a fault in the AT, just a problem with people who expected everything to come easy. The biggest problem this game had was trying to cater to people that didn't want to play it.
  8. That was a great showing at the medic tf and a well deserved win.
  9. Crashless Nukes, OK
    80 foot tier 3s, OK
    Moving Armor's around, That would have been really interesting in a good way.
    Making Mez viable for more builds, OK

    The rest ? If I want to play a scrapper I can play a scrapper.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
    The way I'm looking at GW2 is as if it's any other game I pay a flat fee for. Once I get my $60 worth of enjoyment out of it, and it's still around, great! If it goes away, no hard feelings. I'm making a point of not spending any additional money for gems for All The Cool Things since I can convert ingame currency to gems. Sure, it's taking me much longer than if I were to spend $20 on their equivalent of points and get what I want, but I refuse to invest more money than the initial game cost.
    I wish I could feel that way. I admit that I don't like the fact when I buy an online game, I haven't really "bought" anything except a window of time where I can use the game. I mean I still have my copy of sim city <- no version number for windows 3.1 and I can still play it.

    With MMOs the bucks I gave game companies were the tip of the iceberg. The time spent learning the game and getting comfortable with it far outweighs the costs of a game. The time getting to know people goes even beyond that. When they close it's just awful.

    I don't want to rain on anyone's picnic. There is more than enough sadness to go around with what's coming our way and I am sure that Arena Net will be kept going for a long while.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    In the case of blasters no one did that and no one needed to do that. The developers in particular considered the quantitative performance issues one small piece of the much larger picture that *all* pointed to justifying Blaster buffs. The case I made and the case the developers agreed with was that there was no valid reason not to buff them, and tons of reasons to buff them. More specifically, buffing wasn't the issue: the issue was evolving Blasters to the modern game like every other archetype has been over time.

    I can and will point to a bunch of numbers and say "you're wrong" to anyone who tries to claim that Blasters were doing just fine. But those numbers alone aren't proof Blasters needed a buff, nor are they the reason they were getting buffs in I24. They are proof that one of the long-standing excuses for why Blasters have never been properly revisited is and has always been false.
    Wasn't pointing fingers at anyone but me.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Looks like the Server, Dimensions, and Forums have crashed at TSW. I can't log into anything at this time.

    When I do get into the game I get told the Dimension is down, then I get booted to the Login and told the game couldn't authenticate my login and password.

    When I go to the forum I have to login, but when I try to post half the time I'm directed to a screen telling me to login again.
    The sale might be stressing them out. I know I decided now was the time for the free trial.

    The forums seem fine I am reading the "Things I wish I'd known" thread.
  13. Join CoHsurvivors on facebook


    The forums on the Titan Network


    If you don't like what NCsoft has done, and want to stay in touch with other people that feel the same way it's vital. These boards are going down on the 30th or earlier, there is no sense letting them think they can just run down the clock.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
    If you're interested, a few of us are playing Guild Wars 2 on Darkhaven server. I'm Riverdancer.
    I have heard wonderful things about Guild Wars both 1 and 2


    There are just so many things in the Guild Wars business model that depend on the trustworthiness and honor of the provider. NCsoft has shown none of these qualities.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

    Consider that players who played and kept playing other characters, but who abandoned Blasters, might have been compelled to keep playing blasters, giving them more interest in playing. And there are strong indications that there were more of these players out there than people who loved Blasters being "hard mode".

    Also, imagine players who enjoyed blasters and not much else, but who abandoned blasters, would therefore have abandoned the game. Had Blasters not been "hard mode" compared to other ATs, such players might instead stick around. Retired players who had abandoned Blasters might have come back to play them. While this sounds like a very niche set of conditions, there being players who preferred Blasters being "hard mode", at least to the degree they have been so far, is definitely a niche group. Which would win out on net player change?

    Even in the absolute worst case scenario of only losing players over such a change, I have absolute confidence that the number of people who would have left over such changes would have been exceedingly an small percentage of even CoH's relatively small player base. I'm not eager to see anyone leave, but I think causing a very small percentage of people to leave by making a change most of the remaining players will enjoy is worth the cost.

    And in any case, I really don't see what our current circumstances have to do with this, because I do think any hypothetical loss of players here would have been invisible in the normal churn and loss already in play.
    Those are all hard questions. I don't want to be one of those people that are pointing at a graph and shouting AHA, I am right. On the other hand, all I can talk about with certainty is my own experience in the game. If blasters weren't the way they are I would have stopped playing long ago. PvP might have been fun but from the few fights I tried ours didn't seem to be that great.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    If you fail to stop everyone, you have let someone escape, if you let someone escape you lose the astral. Is that so hard to understand ?

    Prior to the announcement and even after while Itrials were still happening, not getting the bonus was a 1 in 6 to 1 in 8 event.

    I can't recall a single time where a league has let just 1 prisoner get past.
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I've seen it. Sometimes the first escape causes a league to realize where the weak link is and they rebalance forces well enough that no one else gets past.
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Of those where at least one prisoner escapes, I would estimate between 10% and 20% of BAFs on Justice let just one escape. After one gets away, the "skilled" players or those with more "plussed" characters move to reinforce the area where something escaped.

    I could probably pull stats from my own logs. I already have a trial parser. I just need it to look for an Astral reward after the last prisoner defeat message and before the first message defeating anything else. I've been on well over 1000 BAFs, so it wouldn't be a terrible sample size.

    It happens enough that I've commented to people about how it's frustrating to miss the Astral by just one prisoner - especially when it happens near the end. If five or ten get away, you're so not even close don't even worry about it. (Of course, much more than 10 and you start to worry about failing.)
    I have only done BAFs on protector so I can't talk about the general situation. For us, when we had an escape the league would take it as a reason to relax. We wouldn't try for extra effort unless there were ongoing escapes.

    What all of you are seeing, might just be the result of your particular server's culture as well.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    Just a heads up, from the last head count I did we are almost filled up for the Medic TF, as pairs of proactive people have partnered up and RSVP'd their slots.

    So, if you aren't BLA/Omega and Sept/Slowy (assuming they both actually show this time), you may want to make a move soon to get in on the fun and chance at a freebie doll. I mean, you're not going to win cause I'm going to beat you, but there's always that chance.

    Also, we still have that spot open for a healer-type person for the insane STF.

    You sure you don't want to make this an Extreem (TM) Medic TF ?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville
    If a handful of players decided to quit because blasters got too easy to play, that would be unfortunate, but I would be ok with that.
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    This is an excellent post. Would read again.

    That's amazing, shocking, over the top ?

    I don't know what is more stunning, that someone could say something like that so offhandedly and with such certainty, or someone else accepting it without question. With the ongoing events it seems complete insanity.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    How many prospective players did we lose by making the game be about superheroes? How many by not making it Linux-native? How many by requiring keyboards? How many by not making the game a text-adventure?

    Its easy to reference hypothetical losses outside the context of the fact that all design decisions cost players.

    The reason all video games obey design rules is that only people who obey design rules end up being designers.

    If you want to make a game where every archetype except one is balanced in a particular way, change the design rules to say that and convince everyone else that a set of design rules that says that isn't completely ludicrous, or write your own game that doesn't require anyone else in the design loop.
    The situations aren't comparable. In one case you have people who are here and enjoying the game as a whole. In the other you have people who might have come for a feature, and then not been discouraged by the rest of the game.

    If you want to go the hypothetical loss route, where is the hypothetical gain from this ?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

    There's no need to justify fixing something your own design rules say is broken. The justification that's required is for explicitly *not* fixing something your own design rules say is broken, and when it comes to the fundamental metric of player reward earning rate, that justification has an extremely high hurdle.
    What are the acceptable losses for making things conform to design rules ?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Your issue isn't really with blasters being buffed though. Your issue is with the difficulty level of the entire game. This is a perfectly valid issue, and is one that I share. Pushing for blasters to be the final hold out of a trinity based game that hasn't existed for years isn't the way to address that issue though. It's neither the most efficient way of addressing the issue nor is it one with a chance of happening.
    now that is something.

    I don't see them as part of DPS-Aggro Control-Healer. What I see them as is just another part of the game to explore. The same way the Rogue Isles were new territory or Praetoria was. You could do anything in the game with blasters and my main was proof of it. 1387 badges + 8 extra from Katie. I know my blaster was hardly the only one with a high total.

    I will agree that there were problems with blasters. You can't really argue with them being abandoned. You also can't deny the fact that they were still the number 3 most popular toon in the game. So who do you appeal to ? The people that dropped blasters to play other things that they liked or the people that really enjoyed their blasters ?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Yes, it was in fact the goal to make blasters be as powerful at all level ranges as other archetypes, as they were intended to be and advertised to be from day one. If you still do not understand the reasons that were given in this thread and others and continue to believe it's consistency for consistency's sake, then I doubt there's anything anyone can say to change that.
    If that was the goal then it would have taken some of the special and fun out of this game. The condescension and snark doesn't help you make a point.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Is English your second language?

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

    No. I said it showed skill. Really, can you have a conversation without twisting the conversation?
    Maybe you two can tell me.

    Why do people think splitting hairs and being obstinate scores points in arguments ?