PvP Fort or NW?




First off, sorry for the tl;dr post...

I'm trying to figure out how to spec my Widow for PvP. Right now she is spec'd as a PvE melee NW, but with the lack of high end trials I have found myself mainly in RV these days. While the NW does great dmg and can hold her own with the melees, my biggest complaint is that without mez and ranged, those bouncing little squishies are hard to hit with melee, and hard to stop from hopping around. At best I can get 2 good hits in before they are jumping off, and hope my judgement is up.

So the Fort path is looking pretty nice. It should have better survivability than my Dom/Def do in RV, have the ranged and mez to help with the little bouncies and kiting squishies, and the psi to cut through some of the melee godmodes. However, I have read elsewhere that some players who switched from NW to Fort were pretty disappointed in the drop in dmg. Sadly, I can't really afford to go both with dual builds. I realize there is no right option here, I'm looking for some player's experiences and opinions.

I have tentatively put together a PvP Fort build in Mids, focusing on def (melee/range) and recharge to get as close to Perma-MindLink as possible - I already have my heal/recovery/regen procs, LotGs, +3 def procs, and 5 different purps I can convert to a single set, but I can't afford to add additional purps or pvp sets at this time. Any suggestions on powers, sets and slotting would be greatly appreciated, and any suggestions where to slot the one purp set, if at all, would be great as well.

A few additional questions:

Mezzes: Fort gets 2 stuns, 2 holds and 2 confuse - I don't need all 6, but which type of mez is best in PvP? Whichever I go with I'll get both powers to stack, but should I get two sets of mez (both holds and stuns, or both stuns and confuses, etc?)

Incarnates: Since I chose them for my PvE NW, I went with Musc Core for Alpha, Ageless Core for Destiny, and Assault Core for Hybrid - NW is all about dmg and rech. Now looking at PvP and the Fort, I am leaning towards Agility Core for Alpha (for rech & def), and am hoping that Rebirth Core will work (unless I have end issues and have to use Ageless), and Melee Radial for added def + mez prot. On the right track?

Aid Self? Lacking a heal, I thought it might pair nice with Phase Shift or in-between rounds of fighting. I could drop SS & Stim/AS for Tough/Weave, or Assault/Tactics, or Recall Friend/TP Foe. Any suggestions?

Epics: Am I missing something? Aside from the weakest ATO set in the game, I'm not seeing anything uber in the Epic pools either (unlike my def's mace set, or my stalkers leviathan set). Are there good pvp powers in the epics that I am overlooking?

Procs: I clearly don't understand building for PvP, as other AT pvp builds I see on the forums look awful to me, with all kinds of dmg procs instead of set bonuses. So help me out here people. Do I need to put in more dmg or other procs and sacrifice some set bonuses?

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You don't have to comment on everything, any suggestions on any one of these issues and questions will help me get closer to my build.



The Proc from the ATO set is incredibly powerful in pvp. When it hits, it's a "I win button".



Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
The Proc from the ATO set is incredibly powerful in pvp. When it hits, it's a "I win button".
I like I win buttons. And that is good to hear, in PvE I have been kinda disappointed in this ato proc, given how nice they are all on of my other toons. I'll save up for a glad pvp dmg proc and add it to that set, since the 6th piece bonus is weak anyways.



Meh.....ive seen bette, i think you should not slot health or stam and 6 slot brawl with a full gladiator stirke.



Originally Posted by WTFluke View Post
ive seen bette
Who's this Bette? Midler? I didn't think straight men listened to Bette Midler, let alone saw her live in concert. Which begs the question...



ohh mate.....also you should 4 slot swift and hurlde so you dont have to get a travel power. instead of phase shift grant indivisibility so your teamates can **** too you know?



If your on freedom and plan to go hero you can always team with me and spyder mite. We both run as crabs it's pretty fun.



I'm a villain Fatal_Mind, but I will keep an eye out for you two in RV. Traitors of Arachnos must be dealt with harshly. o.O



I respec'd this morning to Fort, and spent the afternoon in RV. What a difference. If any of you have a NW and are looking to pvp, I definitely suggest going the Fort route. At least for RV, it's a ranged attack game.

I'm not sold on my build yet, but I dropped CJ/SS for the leadership pool. The drop in dmg bothered me, so I decided to get it as high as I could without sacrificing the rech and def I need. This is what I'm using right now, though I am sure I'll make a few more tweaks.

Haven't decided on Incarnates yet, but still planning on Agility Radial & Rebirth Radial. I'll stick with Hybrid Assault Core for now, unless someone convinces me that Melee or Support are better.

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