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  1. CrazyJerseyan

    Dear NCSoft

    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing lol.
  2. CrazyJerseyan

    Dear NCSoft

    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    Just look at this, people. Freaking look at it. If even 1/3 of the people in that picture come back when we have our own community servers running, COH will continue strong for a very long time.
    Very impressive and good job on that vid.
  3. CrazyJerseyan

    Screw you guys

    It has been a pleasure teaming with many of you, even though I hung out more with those "malicious" bad boys and girls on our red side.

    I give you all a antagonistic salute and a hardy, "Screw you!" in my most dramatic, villainous voice.

    Thank you and long live CoX,
  4. It has been a pleasure teaming with many of you, even though I hung out more with those "malicious" bad boys and girls on our red side.

    I give you all a antagonistic salute and a hardy, "Screw you!" in my most dramatic, villainous voice.

    Thank you and long live CoX,
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post

    Right now I'm still wandering around trying to figure things out and probably horribly gimping my character... how many of us on our first character did things like skipping key powers, multiple travel powers and the like out of ignorance? It looks like character progression is at least as complex as CoH with set IO's in the mix so it's a lot to grasp at once.
    One of my 1st CoH toons was an Earth/Kin troller which I promptly took Combat Jumping and Sprint, 6 slotting them
  6. For all the peasants out there that can barely afford to play...let them eat digital cake.
  7. Good eye.

    I still have a cpl of toons with see through torsos based on a Flak Jacket malfunction back in the day.

    Theyre getting better obviously...
  8. But how can the zombie apocalypse be here when Skynet hasn't kicked in yet?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    I dont think anyone is blaming the psychiatrist, I certainly am not. It is just ironic that this package was overlooked and sat in a delivery room shelf......if it had been delivered and read in time this tragedy likely could have been averted. But here's a question: did the shooter send it as a way of bragging about what he was planning or was it a cry for help to stop him?
    Good point. I think he could doubly bragged about his accomplishments afterwards if he had allowed police to enter his apartment without warning them of the explosives.
    Instead, he tipped them off.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    You know, I can agree with you on that and despite what Premonitions was protesting, I think that the threads were bringing together a cohesive idea. I worked in a comic book store myself for four years and got deep into researching the origins and styles of the Golden and Silver Ages, and there's a lot more crossover than people give it credit for.

    But I personally just got tired of defending a viewpoint that I didn't even think was necessary because of suggestions of who was 'right' and 'wrong', etc. I'm all for discussion so long as it's not a blind for trying to be 'more right' than someone else. And the last four and a half pages were doing that fine.

    There's a very easy way to seperate the Golden and Silver Ages of comics because of their origins. The Golden Age is very much rooted in what we'd call 'low level' superheroes, or more accurately pulp heroes like The Shadow or Doc Savage. It's not until 1938 with Superman that you get the circus-influenced tights with capes going on, with the exception of The Phantom from 1933. By contrast, the comics fiction of the Silver Age is heavily influenced by the Atomic Age post-WWII. It's the age of 3D, cheesy science fiction movies and television. And of course you have the acknowledged moment of the Silver Age with the Flash of the 1950's meeting the Flash of the 1930's.

    It's not really that difficult, but a grounded understanding of the influences on art styles is key to following it. It's very easy to confuse the Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon serials of the 1930's and 40's and call them 'Silver Age', but it's what they spawned with the classic silver jumpsuits and 'ray guns' that creates a paradigm that's measured by the culture around it.

    Anyways, I hope that at least demonstrates that said clear vision can be achieved with a little stepping back to a more objective viewing.

    Very informative and well said.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
    The truth of the matter is nothing is safe. Anything the devs put out could be used in a derogatory matter. Just because you, me, or little Johnny can't think of a way, doesn't mean that the guy across the street can't.

    The whole excuse of "But so-and-so could be used in an non-politically correct manner" is getting so old, and possibly preventing so many perfectly valid additions to this game that I am getting completely and utterly sick of it.

    I know you weren't reasoning as such, but I'm sure someone in this thread is bound to.

    And yes, Jafar's cape would be totally badass. Same with the robe that the Warlock in Venture Bros wears.. His name escapes me atm. (Orpheus I think?)
    Totally agree. Im in Afghanistan currently and a lot of people here wear turbans as well. For the average Joe or Mohammad...its not so much a religious deal, but as someone said, a hot as heck desert deal. 115 degrees atm and if I could pull it off, Id wear a turban also.

    + Ive thought more than once it would be cool to have in game with certain concepts.

    **edit** Dr Byron Orpheus...the coolest necromancer around
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    and here's the first crackpot conspiracy...

    people assuming the Illuminati and Lil' Wayne had something to do with the shooting as depicted by 12 skeletons shown sitting in a movie theater in Wayne's new music video "My Homies Still" that came out the day before the actual shooting.

    My head hurts -_-
    Yeah, its all over the net...surprised I didnt see it before (well, not really).

    @ yahoo questions:

    Q - "Is lil wayne in the illuminati?"
    "i tried reading his lyrics for hidden messages, but none of that **** even makes sense. are they cryptic on purpose to hide secret illuminati mesages?"

    A - Since when did the "Illuminati" expand its crazy roster to corny rappers?

    Pretty amazing at the the end of the day the dudes running around with tinfoil hats.
    I have a tinfoil Kangol, but only wear it once a year...with my throwback tinfoil shelltoe Adidas.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    My main problem with that statement is that stars do not "burn" per se. They undergo fusion, where hydrogen, helium, and other light elements combine to form heavier elements such as nickel and iron. So technically, it's "fusing like a thousand suns."
    Science...eff yeah!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by aett_thorn View Post
    that would make for some interesting character concepts.

    "so, why are you wearing your baby in front of you while charging those gun-wielding maniacs?"

    "oh, well, you see...i'm not invulnerable, but my baby is. So i figured if they just shot at him instead of me, i'd be fine, and then i could wail on them with this pipe wrench."
  15. I am going to fondly miss how George Jefferson loving called many people "honky" as often as possible.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post
    I was curious who this was..

    My first guess...Howard the Duck.
  17. Whats the villanside group called...Ill join them
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    Squirrel Girl. Plain and simple. Don't believe me? Look here.
    Squirrel Girl carries a utility belt comprising multiple pouches that contain nuts to give as snacks to her squirrel friends. These are known, to much comedic effect, as her "nut sacks".

    I read this part of her description and am now a loyal Squirrel Girl fan.
  19. CrazyJerseyan


    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    30 seconds after this photo was taken, they tore her to shreds.
    I was thinking the exact same thing lol.
  20. CrazyJerseyan


    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    They aren't cute. That coloration is a warning. As in, "Don't mess with this.". No different than a rattlesnake shaking its tail.

    Feral dogs, no. Coyotes, yes. Close enough to not matter. I can go outside pretty much every night and hear them howling nearby. They've harassed my pets in the past and come close enough to my father to have him concerned for his safety.

    And that's not really answering the question, now is it?

    Let's animal that is on every continent and regularly comes into contact with humans as well as being in jurisdictions that have shoddy at best vaccine programs vs animals that are specific to a much smaller region and are not really transplanted across the globe.

    I've provided numbers to back up my argument. While it is possible that overall dogs and other domesticated species may act as the larger carrier, they do not in this country.

    I've babysat ferrets for friends in the past. Even descented, they still have a quite strong odor.

    As for removing the scent glands, that's not legal in (if wiki is right) the UK, since it's a cosmetic surgery.

    Just because something is legal, does not mean it is a good idea. And there is no recognized vaccine program for pet skunks, so they may still get the disease and pass it on.

    Pheasants - valuable game bird; eat insects and seeds, both of which can help to reduce the usage of herbicides and pesticides in cropland.

    Frogs - eat insects; may act as a dampener on damaging grasshopper populations.

    Lizards - same as frogs.

    Earthworms - soil aerator and enhancer.

    Other birds such as swallows and kildeer - eat mosquitoes and other insects

    Skunks have no real predator other than the great horned owl. There's not a whole lot there to keep their populations in check. Instead, they can do damage to other populations that are much more useful and beneficial.
    You win sir/ma'am; I am officially a newly converted skunk hater.

    At the end of the day, I guess skunks should be shunned in the most dramatic terms possible for being the extremely dangerous, overly disgusting and the multi-species destroying juggernauts that they truly are.
    Anytime I see a skunk in the future, I will immediately think,"rattlesnake!" and promptly run for my life.

    You have won me over b/c clearly your opinions should be treated as fact and you are THE authoritative expert on which animals are valuable to our ecosystem and which are useless.

    I appreciate the online sparring.

    Hey, did you even look at the skunk pix I submitted?


    **edit (cute in a murderous way...thanks Tenzhi)**
  21. CrazyJerseyan


    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    I'd rather have a pet possum than a pet skunk. I mean, look at these guys:

    They seem pretty happy with their pet.
    That my friend is a classic pic.
    You pull this out of the family album or what?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
    This sounds amazing.

    But now I hate you a little for reminding me we have no tentacled costume parts.
    IDK man, can you imagine all the shenanigans going in Pocket D if people got access to multiple tentacles?
    It would be a hot, ERP mess.
  23. CrazyJerseyan


    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    How do you get that from what I said? They're only "scarier" when you talk un-developed and/or poorer nations. And that's because of the lack of resources available to have a viable vaccination program.

    According to the CDC, 92% of all rabies reports in 2010 (think it just means the US) came from wild animals, of which 36.5% were from raccoons, 23.5% from skunks, 23.2% from bats, and 7% from foxes. Only 8% of cases came from domesticated animal sources (meaning dogs, cats, and others). I would be much more concerned about contracting rabies if I was bitten by a wild animal as opposed to a dog.

    Just because something can be legally kept as a pet, doesn't mean it's a good idea.

    And there's another reason to hate skunks...they eat pheasant eggs, earthworms, frogs, lizards, and honeybees. All creatures much more useful and valuable than an ambulatory stink factory.
    I get really, really, really hate skunks for a multitude of reasons.

    I originally commented b/c I noticed early in the thread you told someone that skunks werent cute (an opinion) and that they carried rabies. I thought that was interesting because outside of their defense mechanism, the things you pointed out about skunks easily apply to dogs as well.

    You asked someone if they ever encountered a real skunk. I ask you, have you ever dealt with a feral dog or a pack? Hated to do it, but had to kill some that regularly harassed our area while I was in Iraq. That doesnt mean I hate dogs b/c of the way they act when not domesticated; I actually love dogs and am a Doberman owner.

    Of course you are more likely to catch rabies from a skunk in the US, since they are more commonly encountered in the wild. In a lot of places outside the US, dogs are in a similiar boat. Considering many countries dont have the same vaccination standards as the US, I stand by my original comment that between the animals we discussed, dogs are probably the main contenders for carrying rabies. Thats strictly from a broader view since the job forces me to travel regularly.

    Im not really interested in pet skunks, but Im also not into birds or fish as pets each their own I say. Thanks to you and this post though, I learned that skunks can have their musk glands removed (like ferrets), are "legal" in some US states (not sure how thats regulated), are easily domesticated and people that enjoy them claim they are very intelligent and extremely playful.

    As far as diets go...(outside of the recent problems with honeybees) Im not sure why you would be overly concerned with pheasants, earthworms, frogs or lizards unless they are on an endangered species list. If youre being serious, you really have to quadruple your portfolio of your most hated animals and insects since the ones you listed are on the bottom of the food chain for probably half of the wildlife out there.

    Attached a couple of snapshots of your dreaded arch-nemesis: