Real Life Zombie!?!?
Seriously, read the article, watch the video. What are your thoughts on this? |
ok, i read the initial reports on this, just said naked guy chomping on other guy, shot dead. not exactly guaranteed zombie. but after the rest of the info...... guess it's time to break out the zombie apocalypse survival pack.
seriously? they shot him, he growled at them and continued eating the other guy? had to shoot him more to make him stop? i'm guessing the cop finally realized he needed a head shot.
now where did i put those machetes? definitely going to need the machetes...
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
We are all doomed.
Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.

Ewwww ewww ewww *gag* ok that is just gross.
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
Geez. Just plain wrong. Bad strain of drugs? Serious mental imbalance? Some kind of rabies? A combo? Whatever it was, it makes me wonder if it is affecting more than just that one person...
I find your lack of signature disturbing.
Both guys naked??? Definitely drugs (or some cult-voodoo drek).
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

I'll be in my bunker...
It was a good world, well, okay, maybe not so good, but I'll miss it. Kinda. Sorta. If you squint.
Z.O.M.G.!! That was one of the most horrid things I've ever read. Just how many times was the author going to repeat the same facts over and over again? Ever hear of a topic sentence? I had to turn my head away the fifth time we were told they were nude before the tortured prose would cause me to vomit.
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
Z.O.M.G.!! That was one of the most horrid things I've ever read. Just how many times was the author going to repeat the same facts over and over again? Ever hear of a topic sentence? I had to turn my head away the fifth time we were told they were nude before the tortured prose would cause me to vomit.
So... there's allegedly a contaminated form of LSD out there causing people to strip naked and go feral/zombie. Interesting...
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Both guys naked??? Definitely drugs (or some cult-voodoo drek).

Why not instead, two guys meet in a club, hit it off, and step outside, when an undiagnosed tumor causes the future attacker to lose it and turns sucking face into eating face?
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Two guys. Naked. And your first thought is drugs?
![]() Why not instead, two guys meet in a club, hit it off, and step outside, when an undiagnosed tumor causes the future attacker to lose it and turns sucking face into eating face? |
I've hit it off a few times with prospects at the club but end result is usually inside... tussling butt naked... engaged in 'soft-core cannibalism'.
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

Because they're both outside... tussling butt naked... and its Miami.
I've hit it off a few times with prospects at the club but end result is usually inside... tussling butt naked... engaged in 'soft-core cannibalism'. |
Or, failing that, one of the mosquitos-as-big-as-a-semi got a hold of one of 'em and transferred some disease from the untraveled depths of the innumerable swamps?
Miami? Couldn't it have been the insanely hot down there?
Or, failing that, one of the mosquitos-as-big-as-a-semi got a hold of one of 'em and transferred some disease from the untraveled depths of the innumerable swamps? |
Anyhoo, you know this is going to end up as an episode of CSI, NCIS or L&O, right?
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

Scary thought: Zombie flies (first ants, then wasps and bees... maybe we're next?)
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

The answer is to nuke Miami from orbit.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
It's the only way to be sure.
I guess Im the only one looking forward to a real life Walking Dead series (great graphic novel), even though I wouldnt have thought of Miami as ground zero of the outbreak.
Prepare yourselves for the arrival of our undead overlords...
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
Hmmm...the conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if may be somehow related.
Hmmm...the conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if may be somehow related.

Think it's time to go get some more MREs and treadmills for perimeter defense...
Seriously, read the article, watch the video. What are your thoughts on this?