451 -
Quote:they hit the 6 mil mark?????? wow, very excited about that! last i checked they were barely over a mil and i was pessimistic about their chances. it will be awhile before this sees the light of day, but something to look forward to is always nice.For me, I have more faith in Chris Roberts Star Citizen. I pledged there.
2 million dollars was the minimum to start the project, 4 was the desired goal, 5 million was a hope and 6 million was a dream.
They got 6 mill and still counting!
I'm exited and exstatic for the possibility to once again play a Chris Roberts game.
(If the game names of Wing Commander, Privateer and Freelancer brings any memories.) -
as a replacement for CoX, i could see some folks not liking it. but i think that's them taking the wrong approach. i have the game on PS3, free account, the game is perfect for that. less MMO and more MASSIVE ACTION RPG. art is nice, costumes are a little limited, and i dont like having to grind for costume pieces, and i'm not OVERLY thrilled with the power/weapon system. sometimes it's great, other times it's just meh. that being said, having it on console is a pretty nice option to have, i would recommend having both CO and DCUO, CO pay the $10 month gold fee, the extras are worth it, just for the freeform slots alone. DCUO on console with freebie account, great compromise between PC based MMO and mindless console button masher, perfect for those days you just want to smash a bit and not really chat with other folks.
I'm having a BLAST in CO, i'm @traegusprime over there (really???? who took traegus? that's just not right) forum name photonhammer. i don't mind the slightly campy/goofy feel, i can appreciate that as much as the darker, more 90's style CoX. i LOVE the freeform concept, it may not have every option you want in it (they could definitely use more power sets.... ALWAYS MORE POWERSETS) but the freedom of building a toon like that is intoxicating. CO isn't perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but it definitely scratches that itch that the lack of CoX will cause.
i recommend CO, i really do. but like has been previously stated, it's its own thing, don't go in comparing the two, just enjoy it for what it is. and i love the fact that everything is NEW, controls, game mechanics, fighting style, etc... it is the only piece of CoX you could never get back no matter what they added to the game, the newness of when you first started playing and everything was amazing. enjoy that for CO while you can, and appreciate the unique qualities of the game, i am and have no regrets.
and MOST IMPORTANTLY PEOPLE... the one and only Mr. Playskool posted on the first page of this thread.... THE MR. PLAYSKOOL, what the fracken heck is fracken wrong with you people????? if he is playing CO why has no one asked the obvious????? this is almost unforgivable. so, Mr. Playskool, over in CO, what's Strong and Pretty?
(i love the freeform stuff, but i started an AT as i my first toon, an Impulse, the Impulse is truly strong and pretty imho, i recommend it highly). -
Quote:ARE. YOU. *******. KIDDING. ME????????Apparently Cracked reads these forums: 6 Terrifying Spiders That Will Haunt Your Dreams.
A parting gift to Claws and Effect, and an apology to Traegus.
of course i clicked on the link, so i can't ***** much, but...
the last one is pure evil, fake ladybug spider? i blame NCSoft for that too! -
ok, **** this, and **** NCsoft, a POX on your ******* house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need me a crate of about a million of these Cthulhu spiders, and a helicopter so's i can air drop 'em into the ******* NCsoft HQ building!!!!!
**** i'll hand deliver each one individually.......
******* stupid *** sonsofbitches -
i've enjoyed more than one of these books thanks to the folks in this thread pointing them out.
and have a growing list of books to read as well!!
thanks all.
one more thing though, go to amazon/B&N, find a superhero fiction book and click the i want a "digital" edition button please. can't for the life of me figure out why they take so much darned time to get these out in digital format.
and if anyone has read the wildcards series, or is currently reading it, if you hear anything about books 4-6 being released digitally, an update in this thread would be awesome. -
OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!! don't hide behind me, i think i may have wet my pants.
life's funny, grew up in the ghetto, my sport/hobby growing up was getting punched in the face (and punching other people in the face), not scared of ANYTHING!!!! 'cept spiders... reduce me to a sniveling, squealing, little child who wants his mommy. not fair i tell you. -
Quote:Sorry to say that, despite much fuss from some of us on the forums about it, the only official responses have been that it will remain an exclusive giveaway for the time being...
I managed to get it from their Twitter giveaways, but I wish they'd simply make it available for all to purchase or acquire or whathaveyou.
Best of luck!
well that's just an affront to all comicdom
DEVS, this is unacceptable... -
so the other day i saw a couple of toons running around with Kirby dots for an aura... and i almost choked to death on my cookie! what are superheroes without kirby dots????
i asked them what aura it was and they informed me it was dark matter (or something like that anyways) and said it was a dev give away a little while ago.
i would do horrible horrible things to get my hands on this aura, any word on if they are going to release it generally? -
Quote:SON OF A ......
EVAC EVAC EVAC, fallback to secondary positions in the closet MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!!! -
Quote:FIRST! ALL spiders are venomous, whether or not they are deadly to humans has no bearing on that, the venom is how they hunt. you can't trick us into coming to your deathrap of a country just to be eaten by your horrifying spider overlords.That Queensland spider isn't really that big. I live in the state in question and the tree spiders (completely harmless and non-aggressive and non-venomous) are bigger than that. Besides, the local geckos kill all the smaller ones anyways.
SECOND! so much disinformation in this thread.... the spiders are EVIL, i know it, you know it, if you are saying otherwise you are on their side and just trying to get us killed! how's it feel to have sold your soul to the evil spider overlords???? traitors!
i'm gettin all heebie jeebie like.... creepy crawlies all up and down my spine.... better get the shotgun and huddle in the bathtub till this thread blows over and the spiders go away -
Quote:Congrats, Turg! Hope everyone is doing well!
Despite Traegus' crotchety-old-man comments, I think we'd love to have mini-Turg at the next get-together. And speaking of which, when are we doing one of those again?
not fair, i am neither the oldest nor the crotchetiest (it's a word cuz i used it in a sentence, so there) of the folks that showed up, i was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero.
and yes, another get together soon would be awesome.... i owe Turg -
Quote:And considering that we've been getting new content and new powersets at a decent clip? I'd say it's doing very well overall.
I think the above is probably the most important part of this. if the "free" model followed, say, what Netflix did, and changed things without providing an immediate benefit i think it would have failed. a couple of freebie players, and a bunch of pissed subs that decided it wasn't worth it. i personally EXPECTED it to go down the tubes, and the best i could hope for was a quick death so i could avoid the lingering cancerous death of my favorite game.
they surprised me, they were seriously on top of ramping up new "stuff" to get the ball rolling on micro transactions, their turnout rate has been good, as long as it's an improvement over the previous pace it shows that they are actually following the path that was laid out to us when it was announced.
i was happy with the change, i leveraged my free monthly points better than i thought i could, and haven't missed anything i wanted yet. i haven't purchased anything extra YET, but seeing as how i just filled my tier8 slots i may buy points to get some tokens, and they BETTER bring the first tier 9 armor set back..... (that is a not so veiled threat there devs).
all in all, i think it went better than expected, for players at least, and hopefully it either continues to follow course or improves. if it does, i'm in it for the duration. -
meh... baby needs more sombrero
heya Turg, hope everything's been going well, the little one is adorable man. gotta bring him to the next get together. or not... diaper changing has a way of killing a good time, especially "super diapers" ewwwwwwwwww
edit: just figured out why supes wore red undies over his costume, it was to hide that awfully convenient snap, all makes sense now. -
Quote:AG, 2 things, first you are confusing "relaying facts" or Journalism, with "story telling" or novelist. two different things, just because they both put words to page doesn't mean they can be compared or should be judged in the same manner. a truck driver and race car driver both drive for a living... the similarities end there.Highlights added by me.
Unnecessary adjectives, all. Maybe it's the journalist in me.
second, you seem dead set on NOT liking it BEFORE you read it. yet you asked for help in obtaining it in a stated effort to like it. this seems argumentative to me.
Dug, the candy descriptions had me rolling, especially the PB cup.
and in general, Lovecraft/Lovecraftian horror has always been one of my favorites, at least in concept, if i look to my right i am eye level with the shelf on one of my bookcases that has about 5 anthologies of lovecraft/lovecraftian stories. good stuff, heck GREAT stuff, but it has never given me any bad dreams. i can get wrapped up in a good book as well as anyone, but to have a horror novel carry over into "real life" emotional state is... i'll let you fill in the blank so's i don't offend anyone. -
Quote:is this true? the difference that is? i always loved def's, and corr's too, the mix of powers really kinda nails what a superhero is for me, but i always thought there was a significant damage benefit for the corr. this is not based on any real numbers, just my, admittedly flawed, perception. if so then i can justify rolling another defQFT
Especially solo (Thanks to Vigilance). There is very little difference in damage until Scourge starts to kick in, and that's only really noticeable on bosses and a few tough LTs.
In which case the superior -res debuff values of Defender kicks in and shortens the gap once again, for those sets that actually give Defender their proper advantage *glares angrily at Tar Patch* This is especially noticeable in Sonic Blast.
People act as though the damage difference between Corruptors and Defenders is as wide as the difference between Brutes and Tanks, when it's really no where near that profound.
meh, who needs justification, i'm a PROUD altoholic!! -
thanks man, i appreciate the help, will tinker around with the market and see what i can get my hands on.
Dr. Harmony...... so, suggesting i go with a an APP instead of the Scorpion shield, hmmmm
i have always preferred res to def, and with the +res options in I24 maybe a res option is viable.... DAMMIT! all you've done is confuse the situationNOT so harmonious if you ask me.
all kidding aside, and including that i would naturally prefer res, i was kinda proud of my self for solo'ing Scorpions arc and getting his shield..... and about nothing else out of that PPP, man the rest of the powers just don't appeal to me. but that is an option, to go layered, or even try to max out my res (75% cap for corr's right?). now i gots noodlin to do... -
Quote:One of the things you will want to decide on is whether you're going to go for a hover + range softcap build or a S/L softcap build. While hover blasting is usually safer, S/L capping is easier and cheaper to build for and will protect you from the vast majority of melee attacks in the game - which is pretty nice for a kin as you'll be jumping in for FS.
What's your budget like?
budget is ok, maybe 700mil to 1bil, i would think that S/L would be easier because of the shields S/L bonus is the highest (i think). and yes as a kin (and as a mostly melee player) i end up in melee range ALOT. and the hover is less for functionality and more for concept, but i figured the bonus is interchangeable with CJ so could be substituted at will. -
ok, so first, i finally got my corr to 50 this weekend! he's 5 years old and my very first villain toon i ever made. but between being on a server i ended up leaving for the most part, my addiction to melee types, and the atrocious team rate on redside ( for the server i was on ) i was never able to get very far. but eventually, after a server switch (and a much needed rename due to that move, score!) i made it!
now, my nrg/kin is 50 and is BADLY in need of a respec, he has old school fitness pool, some very questionable power picks, and HORRIBLE slotting (apparently i only ever played him whilst drunk).
in light of this i was looking to maximize his +def as much as possible while staying in the theme for the toon, i don't min/max, but i want to eek out the best i can out of my preferred build. that being said, i don't currently have a build, what i got is some power picks i really want to keep, and for some info on how to slot and what to add to get the most survivability out of him.
so no current build to post, but i can tell you which powers i want out of both sets and see if you guys/gals can steer me in the right direction. NRG: burst/bolt/blast, the cone and the TAoE (sorry wife is talking and i can't remember all the names...) Aim and the Tier 9. if the snipe changes in I24 will effect corrs and you can get some decent set bonuses out of it i can add the snipe. out of kin i skipped IR and ID, took everything else. i also went with Scorpions shield, which i assume is the keystone of a good redside def build. i also have hover, since he is a flyer and i would like to keep hover blasting as my play style. other than that i am open for all instruction.
i know it's a heck of a request, but i hope someone has a similar build lying around that would do the trick.
thanks in advance! -
i started working out again a couple of months ago (5 i think), so i made a "deal" with myself, anytime i am going to play for more than an hour i MUST run through at least one p90x dvd FIRST, then i get to play. and if i am on more then 3 hours i have to do a second dvd that day.
thanks to paragons insistence on putting out tons of new stuff for me to play with this deal has worked out quite well, over 50lbs down, 15 from my target weight. if the game had not added so much cool stuff over the last year or so i would probably just said "nah, don't feel like working out so i wont play" but apparently Paragon wants me to be healthy and fit and playing... good job guys!
so i suggest making deals with yourself (in a very non-psychotic talking to yourself kinda way) and making exercise part of your game routine. of course ymmv, but it has done wonders for me. -
ACK!!! must get on Beta NAO!!!!
problem is i built a new box and need to load the beta client, can't find the stickied post on how to access it, can someone please link it??????? please -
sometimes "so strong" is enough by itself
i LOVE WM, had a WM/FA for years, wayyyy before the tweaks that made WM great. (actually it's a FA/WM tank). my only issue with WM is it got the short end of the stick with the different weapon options, sooooo underwhelming
i really really want to play him again, or maybe reroll him as a brute, but i NEED a WM skins pack. actually i think it's something the devs should do in general, just put out a pack for weapon options, a mix of new weapon options for the weapons sets, that's it, just new weapon skins. should be relatively fast and easy to do, and i think most of the player base would fall all over themselves trying to buy it as fast as they could, but that's only IMHO.