So... Defenders are my new favorite AT
Well one of my first Defenders was Traps/AR. I was teaming with some people running Carnie radio missions to get the badge. Anyway I tend to act like I'm the tank when playing my trapper, I run off and assume that the rest of the team will follow me so when we came to an intersection I went right and the rest of the team went left. I was halfway through the next spawn before i realized that the rest of the team had not followed me and was in fact almost dead. I finished off my foes and then went back to help scrape them off the floor.
Another good one was on my Time/Elec Defender which is about as close as you can get to a Tanker without actually being a Tanker. I was on another random mission team against 5th Column (or maybe Council?). Anyway for some reason most of the team had scattered leaving me and another Defender (I think a TA/A) alone. Now several of the other team members were dying but mean while the other Defender and I were happily sitting in a crowd of foes who were so heavily debuffed with so little endurance that they weren't even scratching us.
When people talk about how Corruptors are so much "better" than Defenders I just smile and nod. The extra damage is nice but the toughness of Defenders is a lot higher than many people realize, especially when you factor in Pool Powers (Defenders get Tanker mods for most self defense buffs and the best Leadership mods). It's most noticeable with sets like Traps and Time but every set has at least some abilities that can keep the Defender himself alive and the higher numbers DO make a difference.
Those are indeed epic moments to have on a Defender, especially as a Stormie.. When you can go balls-to-the-walls on a Stormy you can survive a lot of **** lol. (and with the Vigilance Bonus, well you have infinite End at that point)
I had a similar experience the other day on my (then mid 20s) Storm/Water defender. The mobs were Council though, but we were hit with a double pull from the front and several chained ambushes the behind.
I was able to corner the ambushes using Hurricane while O2ing the only surviving scrapper as he cleaned up the mess in the front.
In the end we cleaned em up followed by an echo of cheers from the team.. Funny because the whole time they were telling me to run for it, but I say to hell with that!
When people talk about how Corruptors are so much "better" than Defenders I just smile and nod. The extra damage is nice but the toughness of Defenders is a lot higher than many people realize, especially when you factor in Pool Powers (Defenders get Tanker mods for most self defense buffs and the best Leadership mods). It's most noticeable with sets like Traps and Time but every set has at least some abilities that can keep the Defender himself alive and the higher numbers DO make a difference.
Especially solo (Thanks to Vigilance). There is very little difference in damage until Scourge starts to kick in, and that's only really noticeable on bosses and a few tough LTs.
In which case the superior -res debuff values of Defender kicks in and shortens the gap once again, for those sets that actually give Defender their proper advantage *glares angrily at Tar Patch* This is especially noticeable in Sonic Blast.
People act as though the damage difference between Corruptors and Defenders is as wide as the difference between Brutes and Tanks, when it's really no where near that profound.
So interesting factoid on Defender Toughness. A Cold Domination or Storm Summoning Defender with either Dark Mastery or Soul Mastery (for Dark Embrace) has almost the same Resistances as an Invulnerability Scrapper. Unslotted the numbers are (going S/L/E/NE/F/C/T/P) 30/30/15/15/15/15/15/0 for the Scrapper and 27.5/27.5/20/15/20/20/15/0 for the Defender.
The Scrapper does have better Defense but the higher Defender numbers for pool Powers can help close the gap there.
Now obviously the Scrapper gets a lot of other nice goodies like Debuff Resistances and Mez Protection but it's still interesting to think about.
Especially solo (Thanks to Vigilance). There is very little difference in damage until Scourge starts to kick in, and that's only really noticeable on bosses and a few tough LTs. In which case the superior -res debuff values of Defender kicks in and shortens the gap once again, for those sets that actually give Defender their proper advantage *glares angrily at Tar Patch* This is especially noticeable in Sonic Blast. People act as though the damage difference between Corruptors and Defenders is as wide as the difference between Brutes and Tanks, when it's really no where near that profound. |

meh, who needs justification, i'm a PROUD altoholic!!
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
is this true? the difference that is? i always loved def's, and corr's too, the mix of powers really kinda nails what a superhero is for me, but i always thought there was a significant damage benefit for the corr. this is not based on any real numbers, just my, admittedly flawed, perception. if so then i can justify rolling another def
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That last bit is important. When you start factoring in additional damage buffs (such as from inspirations or powers like Aim and Fulcrum Shift) the Corruptor starts to pull ahead due to a higher base damage and a higher damage cap. A Corruptor with capped damage (a total of +400% from buffs and enhancements) will do about 44% more damage than a capped Defender (who only needs +300%).
Now Scourge also makes a difference. The estimates I've seen are around 20% extra damage.
The only time a defender dies is when he has stupid teammates.
Please buff Ice Control.
So interesting factoid on Defender Toughness. A Cold Domination or Storm Summoning Defender with either Dark Mastery or Soul Mastery (for Dark Embrace) has almost the same Resistances as an Invulnerability Scrapper. Unslotted the numbers are (going S/L/E/NE/F/C/T/P) 30/30/15/15/15/15/15/0 for the Scrapper and 27.5/27.5/20/15/20/20/15/0 for the Defender.
The Scrapper does have better Defense but the higher Defender numbers for pool Powers can help close the gap there. Now obviously the Scrapper gets a lot of other nice goodies like Debuff Resistances and Mez Protection but it's still interesting to think about. |
Toss in a few Def IOs, weave, CJ and Maneuvers, and you're sitting on a healthy Defense padding as well.
All this is before factoring in their to-hit/DMG Debuff and massive healing capabilities, not to mention the potential to run around with a permanent +100% damage buff and perma snipe without tactics.
My Time/Energy/Power defender tanked both Primal and Praetorian Duray after everyone but me died. I wasn't actually hurting them but they weren't really able to hurt me in any way that mattered either. I kept building threat on Praetorian Duray until my team got back so we could focus on Primal (and his annoying teleporting). Praetorian Duray stayed focused on me while we wrecked his primal counterpart and then he was just toast after that.
I've come to appreciate the much higher buff values of Defenders over Corruptors just because it often means even if my dps isnt Corruptor level, I can often be virtually invincible (depending on the power sets and build), often with less slot investment than a corruptor, which means as long as my dps can overcome their regen I can't lose barring a spectacular one shot. In the case of this defender she has perma capped defenses to everything thanks to power buildup/farsight (as long as she doesn't exemp below 30), some -regen, a great mix of buffs/debuffs/controls and, when i24 hits, she'll have perma fast snipe as well to add to the mix.
Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30
Storm is a particularly good set in a life-and-death crisis. Its weakness (the scatter/chaos) only really affects the offensive output of an orderly team. Once the team's focus turns toward staying alive, the chaos isn't so much of a penalty, and Storm is better than the soft cap at keeping people alive. (I say "better than" because it has knockback and ragdoll and -range and -recharge to go with the to-hit debuff, making it more effective than just floored to-hit.)
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
The upcoming Nature Affinity is in a similar boat. Wild Growth + Charged Armor with Cardiac puts it at near capped S/L Resists, with 60 or so Energy resist, and 25 into everything else. This is without Tough.
Toss in a few Def IOs, weave, CJ and Maneuvers, and you're sitting on a healthy Defense padding as well. All this is before factoring in their to-hit/DMG Debuff and massive healing capabilities, not to mention the potential to run around with a permanent +100% damage buff and perma snipe without tactics. |
Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
NA looks to be very clicky, so I'd hesitate with the Archery choice...but how are you conceptualizing Elec? Other than "It's not really this bad. It's not really this bad. It's not really this bad!"
Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
It's numbers like this that make me want to make a Nature/something defender rather than the obvious plant/nature controller...but it's a problem of concept for me on the blast set. What concepts have you come up with for a Nature/ Defender?
Nature/Assault Rifle could make for a good Eco-Warrior character (the alignment would depend on your personal views on the subject).
Nature/Fire is also an easy concept. Most ecosystems depend on occasional fires to clear out the old growth and make room for new plants to bloom so the combo fits reasonably well for quite a few concepts.
Nature/Psychic is a decent combo for a natural empath. The same ability that puts them in tune with Gaia also allows them to screw up the minds of Her foes.
Nature/Radiation for a Mutant/Science character. How do you think all of those mushrooms are suddenly growing? Through the magic of Nuclear Power! Your character uses radiation to make plants spontaneously grow and also shoots blasts of it to attack his foes.
Much to think about, much to think about indeed.
Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Add me to the list of folks just discovering how fun defenders can be to play after many years (some away from the game).
I tried a few early on and never got over the hump. But for me, playing my Water/Time corrupter was sort of a gateway drug. On that one, I do some team support, but also blast a lot.
Then I created a Kin/Rad defender. Oh my. I almost never blast, but I'm constantly pressing buttons. And it can't solo for beans, despite having heavily slotted the rad attacks. But I don't really care. I pretty much only play it on full teams and it's a ton of fun!
The nature set is intriguing, but sort of agree that nothing is jumping out to me as a good fit for secondary. Well, I would say water, but since I just leveled up a water corr, I'd rather do something else. I hardly ever repeat a power set, even across ATs.
Ink Jet - 50 DM/SR - Virtue
Halloweed - 50 Plant/Thorn - Virtue
It's numbers like this that make me want to make a Nature/something defender rather than the obvious plant/nature controller...but it's a problem of concept for me on the blast set. What concepts have you come up with for a Nature/ Defender?
/Archery could work if you go for a sort of "Elf/Woodsperson" character concept. (Though as you pointed out, the redraw might get ugly)
/Fire sounds odd, but might be able to be fit in as some sort of "Mother Nature" character. Forests and greenery are all good and well, but mother nature can also spit out molten lava, and fire is actually quite important to the ecology of a forest.
/Dark could fit well if you go for a "corrupted" forest or some such, color the Nature pallet darker colors as well. I did this on my Plant/DA and it meshed quite well.
Personally I don't think that the redraw is going to be that bad. The only really spammable powers are Corrosive Enzymes and Regrowth. CE you probably won't use a whole lot except for AV fights anyway and if you're having to spam Regrowth to keep your team alive then you're not going to have a lot of time for blasting with any secondary.
Now I probably won't recommend NA/DP due to redraw but Archery and Assault rifle both have quite fast redraws which I think will be manageable. That being said, I haven't tried it on Beta yet.
Yea I don't recall Archery's redraw being much of an issue, and I was playing it with Kinetics..
Then again, redraw doesn't really bother me, so ymmv.
I have played at least one of every defender, but have indefinably doubled and tripled (etc, etc) them through deleting and altinitous.
One of my great war stories was similar to the storms with my storm/sonic. A team of squishies going against a bunch of warriors. Before I knew it, half the team had dropped and then the blaster and I were left. I rushed over to her with a little 02 boost to get her out of the stun and surrounded her in my hurricane. kept her healed and no hold bars! tornado and lightning storms flying around with crazy gales. It seemed like we were almost done so others started self rezzing and then the blaster accidently arrgo'd another group. I flew to the front of the mish and did a mass tp. some died before it went off. luckily, there was a hallway that fit my hurricane perfectly. The survivors and I took down the group a lot easier than the previous, but the blaster died from the first group. I love defenders.
...and of dark/dark defender...howling twilight coming back from a full restroom and team was just wiped. tp'd them in one place and used it. rezzed 7 at once. my most fav defender moment ever!!!! Defenders...we rock!
The Issue 24 Blast set changes should further improve the experience of playing Defenders.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Not to be a downer, but the only reason the OP pulled that off is that there happened to be an Empathy defender in the group. Without that particular character the actual scenario in that situation would be that the defender would take a ranged mez from the DE, the toggles would drop, and the defender would die instantly. The empathy mez protection is what really made the difference.
50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD
First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present:
Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
My first level 50 was a Defender, but that was forever ago. Since then I had devoted about 99% of my time to melee archetypes, specifically Brutes, Scrappers and a Tanker. Like many others, I had written off Defenders as a (sometimes) necessary asset to a team and little more than a useful augmentation of my powers.
**Warning, war-story imminent**
Until I created a Storm/Fire Defender. I knew the combination was fun, but tried not to take it too seriously. I was waiting for it to get boring and trying not to invest too much influence in him. Last night, however, he gained the title of my new main. One of the 8,471,987 (of course that's an exact figure) water/something Blasters decided to aggro a second group of +3 DE during a mission. I think about four of us died within thirty seconds. Recognizing the situation as dire, and with Vigilance's end discount in full swing, I turn on Hurricane, pop Tornado and spam blasts like crazy. As I was doing this, everyone but another Defender (Empathy/something) had died. Tornado proceeds to wreak havoc and the 962 (another exact number for you) DE can't touch me thanks to the knockback and/or Hurricane. I got hit with a hold and was promptly CM'd by my still-alive teammate. I managed to tank the aggro cap's worth of +3 DE while she rez'd our Brute and a few others awaken/break freed themselves. We recovered from it with no hospital trips.
I was stunned. I knew Defenders were apt at... defending... but I didn't know that they were capable of that. And I have a whole new respect for "emergency" powers. This archetype rocks. Period.
Topic: what makes you love Defenders? (war-stories encouraged!!)