912 -
1. Looking back, considering everything, which was your favorite archetype in the game?
Controllers. Why? Because they had a huge grab bag of tricks, generally had enough offense to get the job done (albeit slowly at first), and had the potential to be incredibly powerful at high levels.
2. In possible contrast, when it comes to your favorite character, what kind was it? List AT and the two main sets.
Illusion/Radiation Controller. Why? Because it had a great toolkit. Damage at lvl 1 that got better as you hit certain levels, both strategic and chaotic crowd control, invulnerable pocket tanks, pocket blaster pet, the best invisibility option a non stalker can get, great buffs and debuffs that helped solo and group play and the ability to heal myself and others. It was the perfect combo for me.
3. What AT did you evolve to enjoy over the years that you disliked initially?
Tankers. Why? Between some buffs over the years and inventions I realized tankers could be incredibly sturdy while having a decent kill speed, and there was something fun about jumping into huge swathes of mobs and essentially ignoring their best efforts to kill me. The initial turn offs were toggle drains on endurance, low damage and, after the GDN, the sturdiness was lacking. -
I've tried to play CO a number of times... and every time I can't stomach the aesthetics... even with the "comic lines" turned off. The graphics look WORSE than COH imo... and I can't make a character I find appealing to look at. My male characters all have this squarish blocky looking face with very little in the way of customization options. Sure the costumes have quite a few options that coh didnt have but they just don't look good to me. To my eyes the graphics engine for CO seems older and less robust that COH's. Maybe I'm just weird I dunno.
Three times I installed and tried to play. Three times I walked about 10 feet, shot off a few powers, was so disgusted at the look and feel of the game that I uninstalled it.
It's just not for me. If I don't like the way my character looks then I won't enjoy playing the game. COH was the only game that really let you make a comic book looking guy. Not a neanderthal but an honest to goodness heroic looking male, model physique with adjustable parameters. I guess I am just superficial but I like my character being hot. -
I think one of the biggest draws coh had for me personally was it allowed me to live out a fantasy of mine. Maybe I'm over over-sharing but, I've always imagined what might happen after I die. Is there an afterlife? Do we get reincarnated? Do we have any say in where we end up and what we end up as?
At the same time I've always been a huge fan of Jean Grey as the Phoenix. It was Classic X-Men 43 the reprinting of the end of the Dark Phoenix saga that had the "after" story of Jean's death as Phoenix, that was my very first comic book as a child. I felt a kinship to this woman. I collected everything to do with Jean and anything Phoenix related. City of Heroes allowed me to have my own personal reincarnation as my character who is basically me as the Phoenix with enough subtlety and uniqueness not to get genericed :P. His name was just Nic (like Cher!), no fancy super hero name.
Here he is:
And here's his bio in game:
Quote:City of Heroes gave me the chance to live that fantasy to some degree. To be reborn in a world of super powered beings with fantastic gifts to help the world be a better, safer place. Other games let you be a hero of one sort or another. Whether it's a powerful mage fighting world ending dragons, or an angelic being trying to save a shattered world, these games let you be a hero within very strict confines. What City of Heroes did was let me be a hero based on my desires and the kind of story I wanted to experience.Whille technically classified as a mutant by the Paragon City Hero Registration, Nic's true origin remains a mystery. Examinations by Positron revealed that every cell of Nic's body carries a very powerful and unique energy signature never before seen, and exerting his psychic powers beyond a certain threshold, psionically ionizes air particles around him creating a fiery visual effect.
Suffering fragmented memories from some unknown ordeal and unschooled in how to control his powers, Sister Psyche mentored Nic, teaching him how to cope with hearing the thoughts of others and how to have fine control over his telekinetic abilities.
Turning to Azuria for some divinatory assistance, it was revealed that Nic had died in one reality and somehow resurrected himself in this one. It is, as yet, unknown how he did so. What is known is that with his rebirth also came unimaginable psychic potential whose limits have yet to be determined.
In most other games you're not much different from anyone else who picks the same class as you. Your equipment may determine who is stronger but at the end of the day you still can do all the same things "same class as you" can do. CoH let me tailor my character to MY tastes. My character Nic was a psi/psi/psi Dominator. Did other players play psix3 doms? Sure they did! Did they necessarily have all the same abilities I did? No they likely did not. While we still had limitations and worked within a certain structure, I was still able to tailor my character to a very close approximation of my imaginings both in how he played and what he looked like. No other game to date has been able to pull that off with as much success as City of Heroes IMO. That's what will forever make COH unique to me -
I've actually dusted off Skyrim myself with the new DLC's. I still play other games but there's really NOTHING like COH out there. I can't really get into the aesthetic of CO even with the "lines" turned "off" (which doesn't really change much imo). DCUO/Tera controls are just uncomfortable. I'd have to be as nimble with my fingers as a lady who likes ladies to excel at that game and frankly that's just not appealing to me.
I'm holding out hope for Archeage. Yea it'll probably end up being just another grinder, but the views I've seen from it are breath taking and I like some of the concepts they have going on. Unfortunately that game is some time off.
Another hopeful is Elder Scrolls Online. If they can give me Skyrim in MMO form, and by that I mean that level of graphics, physics, questing, I won't be able to stop myself from buying it. Though I hope the controls/UI is more like traditional MMO's. I think the idea of trying to be "different" by making your entire way of interacting with the world so alien from other MMO's is a mistake (*cough*Tera*cough*). I'm not saying you have to be a clone but to get butts in the door there has to be some sense of familiarity and ease of entry. -
lol I was tempted to make an ele/elec blaster named Pizzaz as a villain
For posterity I took some screenshots of my modified COH client. While these forums may not last, my pics will endure forever! WARNING this post is long and image heavy!
Using COHSplasher, I modified many signs throughout the game to more real world businesses and things I was interested in. Here you can see some local eateries and a big billboard feature Deborah Cox in the play Aida.
Here are a few familiar business signs
Even Paragon City succumbs to Walmart! And of course a feature spot for one of my favorite shows Once Upon A Time. In the background you can also see an Outback Steakhouse sign replacing the "In Front Steakhouse".
My main character Jem was inspired by the 80's cartoon of the same name and her background is as head of the Starlight Corporation, a rival for Crey that deals in advanced technology development. It's primary focus being holographic and laser technology. Jem is an ill/rad controller after all! This pic shows the billboard I made advertising Jem's company and a billboard spot for yet another of my favorite tv shows MTV's Teen Wolf (I'm a huge 'Sterek' fan!)
Here's a few more shops, I particularly wanted to focus on the Digital Storm sign since they built my last computer 5 years ago and the new one I just got about a month ago! I had to give them some real estate in Paragon. They make awesome computers!
A few more local signs, like Pep Boys, Goldman & Sachs, Royal Wok (I love chinese food!), and the Oasis youth organization.
Next up are my Solo SG Base pics that I've been building for years. The functional rooms are all done but I never finished the residential rooms unfortunately and find it difficult to invest the time in it now that I know the game will be ending
Here's my control room! As you can see it's Jem themed!
Here's the entrance of my library!
And here's an opposite view from said library. You'll note the picture of Castle Brightmoon from the 80's cartoon She-Ra!
Here's my med bay. This was inspired by the big topic of base pics where someone recreated the Pokemon center!
This is my transporter room, fully upgraded with the new 6 beacon porters!
This is my workshop with storage and buffing!
And nearby is the Hangar Bay with more salvage storage and my crude attempt at making a flying vehicle that can be entered by a player. I didn't focus any shots on that cause it's kinda blocky and as I said crude.
And last but not least...
Here's the Truly Outrageous Jacqui Pacheco, daughter Jerrica Benton Pacheco and Rio Pacheco! She fights crime using her mom's old moniker Jem!
I'll carry these memories with me always! Thanks Paragon Studios for giving me the opportunity to live that little dream virtually. -
I'd love to know whatever the secret non-coh project was that Paragon Studios was working on
I never stopped playing wow along side coh so I'll keep playing wow. Maybe i'll change my mind in the future but I can't even think about giving NCSoft money for GW2 right now. Champions is not my cup of tea. It just pales in comparison to COH and I'd feel dirty trying to recreate the COH experience there. DCUO is also not my cup of tea.
As for upcoming games that might catch my interest, nothing super hero related at all it seemsArcheage looks promising for sandbox fantasy type play, Elder Scrolls Online also has potential if they can give me the same experience (gameplay and graphically, like rivers with currents that actually push my character down stream) as Skyrim in MMO form.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's anything of the caliber and style that COH provided. I can only pray another company buys the rights to it, private servers pop up, or NCSoft gives COH one last hurrah by releasing a stand alone version that can be played solo or via lan like Neverwinter Nights. -
One way that a traditional looking scythe might work with titan weapons and staff fighting is to simply add a sharp pointy blade at the top. Do the weapon can do slashing or piercing style attacks and look appropriate while doing so.
Here's a simply example of the concept:
Quote:If someone decides to not go with fire APP and plan to use Scorpion Shield they can shore up their energy defense by slotting Blazing Bolt with the 3 thunderstrike pieces that dont have accuracy... and then use 3 pieces of calibrated accuracy for more pure energy defense than thunderstrike gives.My Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster is coming along well, and oh good lord does he die all the time. That doesn't mean, however, that he isn't hilariously fun, especially once Consume was acquired and put to work to help counter his ridiculous endurance use. I already picked up Tactics and tossed a Kismet into Combat Jumping (along with my smallest LotG: Recharges in Combat Jumping and Maneuvers, because recharge is going to be the key to having Blazing Bolt in a ST attack Chain), and the overall damage output is pretty impressive.
For now, my Overwhelming Force Proc is in Fireball for some occasional protection, but the final build will probably replace the Overwhelming Force Proc in Fireball with the Proc from Ragnarok, giving added KD goodness, which I'm aware is a far cry from real protection. 5 Blaster's Wrath ATOs (all but the proc) round out the rest of Fireball's 6 slots, making it my low level damage workhorse, followed by Fire Sword Circle, Rain of Fire, Blaze, Fire Sword, and Fire Blast. I'm still debating where Blaster's Wrath will go later on. Again, I don't have mids, so I don't know where exactly it will fit the best.
For Blazing Bolt, should we still slot it with Sting of the Manticore? The Interrupt reduction is useless, but the numbers seem solid enough and it gives a 7.5% recharge bonus when 5-slotted. I suppose the Alternatives would be either Apocalypse (for raw damage output), Devastation (for regeneration/Max Health), Thunderstrike (for Ranged Defense) or Decimation (lower overall damage, but a 6.5% recharge bonus).
But sticking with the Fire APP I'd prob slot it with Apocalypse if i had to 5 slot it... or go with Sting of the Manticore if I could afford to six slot it and leave out the acc/int/rng and replace it with a generic lvl 50 recharge IO so it's up enough to use as part of my attack chain (assuming perma-fast snipe) or at the veyr least to get as many uses out of it within the 10 second window of Aim and Build up. -
Also if you havent done first ward why not go to Ouro and do the story arcs before you head to Night Ward so you can follow the whole storyline?
You get exemped down a bit but you wont lose any powers and you'll still get good xp. It's win win IMO. -
Quote:My suggestions are set IO based. In general it's hard to really go "wrong" when leveling and slotting your powers with the basics. With that said I try to plan my leveling builds with the end result in mind.So far I've been told that I should drop to single slot on Health. Any other specific suggestions? I think I'm going to look for both a Human/Crab form build as well as a tri-form build and then use the games alternate build function to test them out.
Early on slotting health isn't very important. Adding only a single extra slot so you can use both Miracle and Numina uniques for the extra recovery is about all you'll need to do. If you find you have extra slots (which is rare on Kheldians it seems) you could toss another in for the panacea unique but I probably wouldn't go beyond that.
It's hard to give you more specific suggestions without knowing exactly what your goals are at max level. Deciding whether to be human only, tri-form, or dual-form makes a big difference in build.
I can say having hasten AND slotting it at lvl 6 isn't vital and you can probably find a more useful power for that early in your character's life. Like say... taking essence boost there or even just stealth. In fact I'd probably skip Conserve Energy (at least for awhile) and put Hasten in its place since thats around where you'll have SO's and SO equivalent generic IO's.
As far as slotting goes, at the very least I'd have 3 slots in Stamina by lvl 22 so you can ed cap it with SO's/Generic IO's. If you're talking set/rare IO's I'd have the Miracle and Numina uniques in health by lvl 27 -
Quote:I don't think premiums can post in the AT forums.Try posting in the Kheldian Forum for help with Kheldian builds.
Keep in mind that only Illusion Control's Superior Invisibility and the Hide ability that all Stalkers get, will hide you from Snipers and NOTHING hides you from Rikti Drones, Rularru Observers or Knives or Artemis (though Knives of Vengeance have lost this stealth piercing ability)
Quote:I don't get how in one breath you say you aren't getting your money's worth and in the other you say you get more as a premium than as a VIP. Maybe since you've been here so long and have tier 9 perks premium IS better... for YOU.No.
My argument is, "I used to love this game, and I subscribed for seven years because of it. I want to continue subscribing, but I feel I am no longer getting my money's worth. Please make the game better, or at least give me the same rewards as those players who have not been so loyal."
This is my semi-annual rant in an attempt to change the direction the game is taking. That's all. I want to help them improve, so I'm giving feedback about how I feel I'm being treated as a subscriber.
I have no indication that anyone listens, but a man's gotta try. Especially when I've sunk my heart into a game for so long -- it would be wrong to walk away without at least trying to explain why and under what conditions I would have stayed.
If you don't mind buying 100 bucks in points every few months instead of paying the sub and don't mind using those points to unlock everything included with VIP that you can that is relevant to you, and you think that you'll get more that way... why not just do that? Why should VIP be changed because you don't value what's included in it? If you can get everything you want as a premium, what's the problem?
VIP is not lacking. VIP just isn't giving you things you want. But COH has the premium option that DOES give you what you want. So again I say, what's the problem? Go premium. It suits your desires and perception of value. You're like a monkey with it's hand stuck in a jar screaming your hand is trapped by a fistful of cookies! Cookies you don't even like! Just let go of those cookies you weren't going to eat anyways and your hand will be free from the jar.
For me, as a tier 9 vet, if I dropped to premium I'd have to spend around 200 bucks in points to unlock everything I'd lose as a VIP that matters to me. And even after that investment I'd still lose things * I * value such as: incarnate content, being able to keep my base functional, beta server access. I'd have to buy any new powersets that VIP's get included in their sub in the future and pay for server transfers/name changes I may want. For ME its not worth it to drop to premium because I value the things that come with VIP. If you don't value those things then you have the option of dropping to premium.
The fact that you are complaining that you HAVE this option baffles me. And how you come to the conclusion that VIP's are somehow disenfranchised compared to premiums just makes NO SENSE AT ALL. Premiums have only the very basics to start with and have to PAY for everything piecemeal. Only with a huge financial investment will a new premie get to tier 9 and the devfs are FINE with that. cause it's cash coming in even without a sub. That's the POINT of the Freedom model. To get income from non-subscribers. -
Quote:To be honest I am unsure how this works. It is quite possible a premium could join a VIP in their missions in those paid for zones but not be able to start those story arcs themselves. It is also possible they couldn't enter the mission due to their status. That might be something you'll want to post in the "Player Questions" forum.This causes me concern. If I am VIP and have access to all of this but people I pick up for a pick up team do not, they can't do the content with me? That right there sucks, especially when they don't give you a warning of such when you go to the zones (or did I miss one?)
It's certainly a good question but not relevant to the topic at hand. -
Quote:As someone else pointed out we'd get far fewer power sets per year. We'd get less quality of life additions, less time spent on costume sets, less of just about everything.And those ramifications would be.....? One less thing to complain about?
It certainly wouldn't cost them any money - we're vip, after all - they give us those points for "free", remember?
The power sets we pay for generate income for the company. Even if you use your stipend to buy them those are points you can't spend on something else like SBE's, Superpacks, Costume Sets, etc.
Buying them with your stipend removes that currency from your "wallet" leaving you either shelling out more money for points to buy the things your stipend doesn't cover (generating income for the company) or waiting and saving points to buy the things you want, all while the company is producing even MORE things you want so your stipend might not ever be able to keep up.
The goal of the company is to make a profit while producing a desirable product. The monthly stipend is hard pressed to keep up with EVERYTHING the devs are putting out. Even if you don't want EVERYTHING you may want more than 400 or even 550 a month can keep up with. That's intentional. But if the devs were not generating income in that way they'd be producing far less and a slower rate.
I swear there are people here who actually believe they had it "better" pre-Freedom because they got "everything for free!" but conveniently forget that "everything" came in 1 or 2 drips per year, not the 11+ we're getting now. Not to mention they completely overlook all the other stuff they paid extra for like costume packs, expansions that included power sets, etc. -
Quote:How about you wake up and read a simple sentence that explains why things are the way they are:How about making *none* of the new powersets free, but increasing the VIP stipend so that they get as many points as Premium players do for the same amount of money?
Then VIPs will be able to afford all the powersets they want, yet VIP status will be more appealing. Right now the situation is very stacked *against* VIPs. Premium players have it much, much better and that's not the way it should be.
Quote:If we didn't have to pay for any of the new powersets, then, most likely, we wouldn't be getting them at the rate we are. -
The scary thing is one them will inevitably read that post, scratch their chin and say: "You say this like it would be a bad thing. I don't see the problem. This is how it actually SHOULD BE!!!" and never realize the ramifications of actually going through with that idea.
Quote:That's easy!How does a customer decide what should have been a free set what should be a paid set? I don't get this?
First take a look at the powersets... is there one or more you really want? Those go in the "free" pile!
Then look at the rest... meh those can go in the "pay" pile.
That's how anyone who complains about which power sets are free which aren't wants it to be. Unfortunately they can't all agree on what should be free and what should be pay so they decide ALL of them should be free or at the very least all of them should be included in VIP. -
Quote:I consider being able to maintain my base's upkeep as more than a "minor perk" - and this is VIP onlyIt is more cost effective to buy points in bulk then pay a monthly sub.
Some people can't grasp this or cling to minor perks as being "worth it".
I consider incarnate advancement/content more than a "minor perk" - and this is VIP only
I consider the incredible number of character slots I get as a VIP as more than a "minor perk" - I suppose spending an extraordinary number of points can buy this
I consider the server transfer tokens (even if I use them just to get a bootleg name change >_>) more than a "minor perk" - you can spend points to buy this as needed.
I consider access to the beta server a minor perk but a really nice one - and this is VIP only
I consider full forum access a minor perk - and this is VIP only
What I think is "worth it" may not be the same as you. But that doesn't mean I am making a poor choice. The "cost effectiveness" of buying in bulk isn't disputed. But why spend those points on things I get with my sub when I can spend them on things I DON'T get with my sub? Why not pay the sub over time and simply use the monthly stipend to slowly but surely unlock things without spending any large amount of cash up front?
Buying in bulk is clearly cost effective. You get the most bang for your buck. But this isn't an And/Or situation. I pay a sub... AND when I have the funds available I'll drop 100 bucks for points because it IS cost effective to do this. But the idea of dropping that hundred and then blowing all the points just to unlock stuff I already have as a VIP and then drop my sub losing those "minor perks" that I actually find value in just doesn't make much sense to me.
If paying carte blanche and eschewing a sub works for you then great! You have that option and I am glad you do! But don't assume that those of us who choose to subscribe are stupid for doing so or somehow self deluded. We know exactly what we're paying for. -
One thing I don't get... if the people who think VIP isn't worth it and that they get more out of staying premium and just buying points to unlock what they want... what's the problem with doing just that?
I mean isn't it good that you HAVE that option? That you can pay piecemeal for only that which you find value and not have a consistent monthly fee to worry about? -
Quote:You're absolutely right about unlocking stuff as a premium means you always have it. If I could afford to buy enough points to unlock the whole shebang I probably would... but.... that's a great deal of points. I simply can't make such an up front investment. What I CAN do is subscribe and save up points and slowly but surely perma-unlock an item here or there that I already get with VIP or use those points on new stuff.And to add to all the "you've forgotten" comments, once you stop paying that $15/month, you LOSE all those items. Premium purchases last until the servers shut down. And no matter how long I subscribe, I will not get to keep all those extras. I would have to decide what items my 'free' points would keep unlocked permanently and given the discussion here, after purchasing powersets, you will inevitably lose those extra slots, costumes, arcs, etc. Or just keep paying.
But I'm of the mindset of don't buy it if you don't want it. As Remus pointed out, if you don't like the Incarnate system then Premium is the best option. For me, I'm spending less and getting the same fun as I always have.
To the OP, if you don't feel VIP, I think the solution is simple and should cost you less in the long run unless you have a serious case of alt-itis. As a premium player, I have little complaint about the value I'm currently getting. I was rewarded exceptionally for subscribing all those years and absolutely thrilled to hear about others paying beyond their subscription to get extras that took forever to release in the previous model. With that increased revenue, I worry less about how long the servers will be up and how long I get to enjoy this game.
And even if I did unlock everything I'd still lose incarnate content, my base functionality which I value highly, and there's several costume bits that seem intrinsically tied to VIP and dont have a buyable option in the market (they aren't anything fancy or part of sets they just don't seem to be available on my 2nd account which is premium).
At the end of the day though... tally that total up... is the person who pays to unlock the whole shebang really getting more for less? -
Quote:Basic math doesn't account for EVERYTHING ELSE you get with the VIP subscription. If all you got were points sure your math would be spot on. But you aren't just getting points.Basic math says you're wrong. If 13560 (Premium) > 6600 (VIP), then there's something wrong with the VIP rewards.
You're getting:
Incarnate Content
New Zones (First Ward, Night Ward)
Alternate starting experience (Praetoria)
Invention Access
Auction Access
Reward Merits
Alignment system
And more
Just because you might not value these things does not mean they do not have value.