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  1. I, too, aim to misbehave. I know I was late for the rally, but I'm in AP2, torch high, ready to rock!
  2. This is good news, methinks. Hell, even getting the Sentinel+ extractor in a week is a HUGE step...and you're telling me the multimillion dollar company can't even put together a proper press release in the same time frame?

    Very, very shady. Put me on the list of people who won't be satisfied with my subscription time (prepaid until February 1) being rolled into another NCSoft game. I want my money back, damnit.
  3. Aurora_Girl

    Where are you?

    Originally Posted by WHTJunior View Post
    Oh, please... not with the Imo's. You'll scare them all away. lol
    Seriously, that has to be my least favorite pizza of all time. OF ALL TIME!
    "The square beyond repair" is more like it.

    Oh, and added mine.

  4. Aurora_Girl

    Where are you?

    Added, home of Imo's, toasted ravioli, and World Championship baseball.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The player side of the rescue effort is being co-ordinated on the Titan Network forums:,134.0.html
    I emailed Tony, so he knows my virtual pen and vitriol are willing, ready and able to press-release the PANCAKE out of this bad boy.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Also, just to et you know, as part of the player rescue effort, and building on the spread of our story on gaming and mainstream news sites, we're planning to issue a press release tomorrow that outlines the situation and our goals, which should help to continue coverage of the story.

    Meanwhile, we're continuing the letter writing campaign to the head of NCSoft, as well as the online petition - and any Twitter users are encouraged to use the hashtag #SaveCoH in an attempt to get it trending.
    Who's handling the PR for the release?

    I'm a journalist and marketing kid, professionally, so I'm just curious. Navy-trained and collegiate idealized.
  7. *sigh*

    Here, I was getting fire scrapper advice from a pre-dev, and I DIDN'T TAKE IT! What an ******* I am.
  8. I will absolutely contribute anything I can, even if it's as little as a single dollar.

    This game has gotten me through the roughest times in my life over the last almost eight years, and it's been my rock.
  9. I'm just...I'm devastated. I never got to be Forum Cartel!
  10. IRC?

    People still use that?
  11. There's no way it would just be a quick tweet and writeup for something like this. Absolutely not.
  12. This has got to be a joke.

    No way in hell.
  13. Oh quit with the gorram winking, already.
  14. No, they aren't.

    Also, so? So the thing from thing that makes things go yellow has gotten to Nemesis, maybe?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Look closely - anything more would be spoliers
    Not seeing it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Apart from one important detail

    Eh? What important detail?
  17. Yeah, that's definitely Nemesis. Same left-hand claw thing as a Warhulk, and the gilded design on the legs is very steamtastic.
  18. What in the hell?!

    It kind of looks like a very beefed-up Warhulk...which is funny, as there's a regular Warhulk for comparison.


  19. On my A/TA Corruptor (presently at level 40), I've skipped:


    (May skip EMP as well, we'll see when the new pools come out.)

    Also, I switch up a lot; when I team, Ice and Entangling aren't in my tray at all, because I'm more focused on the AoEs. When solo, they go back to the tray and I don't use all of my debuffs.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Note: As a responsible adult, player, and forum poster, I would like to remind people that this thread does NOT condone the abuse of alcohol. Drink something else.
    To avoid causing a violation of the rules of the game, I'd like to point out this. The first line of the OP.
  21. *Proceeds to put Johnny B, GG, dug and Blue Centurion on ignore*

    It's nothing personal, guys, it's to save my own life.
  22. Aurora_Girl


    Oh GOD, A_C doesn't know about IOs?

    I'm not responsible for cleaning up the mess when his head explodes.
  23. Aurora_Girl


    On Beta right now, still have to have 2 other fighting powers before choosing Weave.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
    My secret shame: illiteracy!
    The Hickman! He returns!

    Why was there no tickertape?! I DEMAND FANFARE!