The Galacto-Rangers are BACK!




Hello! Galactoman here! What's that, you don't recognize me? Even from my commercials? Ah. Well. No matter!

I come to the heroes of Paragon City with joyous news, and the villains of the Rogue Isles with a dire warning: The Galacto-Rangers have returned.

I will admit, things got a bit... shabby... during my year in Europe. And it is unfortunate that Euro-Galacto failed. However, I have assembled a loyal group of Galacto-Lieutenants and we are looking to once again swell the ranks of the Galacto-Rangers. If you heroes wish to be a part of this extraordinary group, please stop by the Galacto-Recruitment Office in New Overbrook at once, or track down myself or one of my esteemed Galacto-Lieutenants: Moose Rider, Luficia, Ether Chill, All-New American, Psi Cicada, Captain Dapper, and The Ensorcelless.

Galacto-Rangers, Gassemble!


((H'Okay, sorry about that. Galactoman gets a little excited.

So we were inactive for about a year, and things got quiet. I do not like quiet. So I'm pushing the Galacto-Rangers back into full recruitment mode.

For those of us who've never heard of the group: We are a Silver/Bronze Age themed roleplay SG. We've been active on Virtue for nearly seven years - we existed on Champion for a short while before that - and have been active in many of the iconic RP events that have defined the awesomeness that is Virtue. We used to host an annual Free Comic Book Day party in Pocket D with The Cape Radio. We have a base nearly as massive as Galactoman's ego, and a million times more functional. And most importantly, we have always had fun.

We're looking for friendly RPers with a good sense of humor. Having a cool character with a long backstory is all well and good; but frankly, we're far more interested in making friends and building a community.

Our storylines tend to range from very serious to very silly: Some people are put off by the more goofy aspects of our group, but we are not a "joke" SG. Our heroes are heroes, and behave heroically, and engage in heroics. Some of them just go about it in a slightly off-kilter way.

For RP information about the group, we have a Virtueverse profile at:

To apply for membership, either go to our website - - or track one of us down in-game.


Thanks for reading! Or not!))




As a fellow SG leader trying to get something similar off the ground again, I wish you luck!



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
As a fellow SG leader trying to get something similar off the ground again, I wish you luck!
((Thanks! And if you need a home for one of your many alts, you know where to look!))




I have an alt i might put in.Name is Hero Sword i put in a application in your forum

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Whats the villanside group called...Ill join them

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-