21 -
Hello! Galactoman here! What's that, you don't recognize me? Even from my commercials? Ah. Well. No matter!
I come to the heroes of Paragon City with joyous news, and the villains of the Rogue Isles with a dire warning: The Galacto-Rangers have returned.
I will admit, things got a bit... shabby... during my year in Europe. And it is unfortunate that Euro-Galacto failed. However, I have assembled a loyal group of Galacto-Lieutenants and we are looking to once again swell the ranks of the Galacto-Rangers. If you heroes wish to be a part of this extraordinary group, please stop by the Galacto-Recruitment Office in New Overbrook at once, or track down myself or one of my esteemed Galacto-Lieutenants: Moose Rider, Luficia, Ether Chill, All-New American, Psi Cicada, Captain Dapper, and The Ensorcelless.
Galacto-Rangers, Gassemble!
((H'Okay, sorry about that. Galactoman gets a little excited.
So we were inactive for about a year, and things got quiet. I do not like quiet. So I'm pushing the Galacto-Rangers back into full recruitment mode.
For those of us who've never heard of the group: We are a Silver/Bronze Age themed roleplay SG. We've been active on Virtue for nearly seven years - we existed on Champion for a short while before that - and have been active in many of the iconic RP events that have defined the awesomeness that is Virtue. We used to host an annual Free Comic Book Day party in Pocket D with The Cape Radio. We have a base nearly as massive as Galactoman's ego, and a million times more functional. And most importantly, we have always had fun.
We're looking for friendly RPers with a good sense of humor. Having a cool character with a long backstory is all well and good; but frankly, we're far more interested in making friends and building a community.
Our storylines tend to range from very serious to very silly: Some people are put off by the more goofy aspects of our group, but we are not a "joke" SG. Our heroes are heroes, and behave heroically, and engage in heroics. Some of them just go about it in a slightly off-kilter way.
For RP information about the group, we have a Virtueverse profile at:
To apply for membership, either go to our website - http://www.galactorangers.com - or track one of us down in-game.
Thanks for reading! Or not!))
Looking forward to doing some eeeeeeevil for a change!
I voted for Option 2 because they're actually... doing something.
Though I'd prefer it if it actually looked like superheroes doing superhero things. *cough* -
After all the superheroes leave, after the police have secured the area, after the cleaners have left, after the lights have been turned out... a figure materializes in the corner of the room surrounding the bank's vault, leaning against the wall. He'd been waiting for a few hours, but he was a patient guy. Besides, super-fights are always fun to watch.
Blinkback stretches his arms over his head and yawns, then casually strolls over to the vault. He types in the combination, the door swings open, and he walks in. He glances around at the safe-deposit boxes, stopping at box #603. He points a finger at the lock, and a small burst of energy flies from his fingertip, and the drawer pops out. He reaches in, grabs a small parcel, and, now whistling softly to himself, starts to stroll back out of the vault.
Suddenly, there's a brief flash of light, shortly followed by a large rush of air. The lights in the vault all snap on with an electric crackle. Baron Blitzman looks Blinkback up and down, and then speaks:
"Joel, Joel, Joel. Look at you, making mischief in the night. You managed to dodge Xanatos, you know. You must be pretty proud of that. Anyway, I have an offer for you..." -
The Human Flashbulb
I work my way down the hallway towards the bank manager's office, quickly and quietly. It's conspicuously silent here, save for Bad Penny hollering in the background.
The quiet continues as I head into the office. Nobody here. I glance around. There was definitely a struggle. Desks overturned, drawers hastily opened, paper all over the place. A brief sound of a muffled voice comes from the hallway leading to the vault. Definitely a woman, can't make out what she said, if anything. I hover out there to assess the situation.
Two guys, a hostage each. Guns to heads. The one on the right is Hollow Point. I've dealt with him a bunch of times, usually bank jobs like this one. He's got the manager. On the left is Comrade. Only tangled with him once or twice, he's not so tough, but he's got his gun against the secretary's temple and his other hand covering her mouth. This is bad. Both these guys are killers, and neither would hesitate to shoot a hostage.
Hollow Point looks around the hall, then shouts "Human Flashlight! We know you're here! Go visible with your hands above your head if you want these @#$%s to live!"
I need a second to think. I could easily take one of these guys, but I need to hit them both at once, simultaneously. I can't risk a single shot being fired. I hate taking a gamble like this, but I need to buy some time. I focus for a second to create a hard-light version of myself, hands above my head, standing right in front of them.
They both immediately start screaming at the illusion. Hollow Point's saying "Get on the ground! Get on the ground!" Comrade's saying something in Russian. What should I do? How do I handle this?
...Okay. I have to. I am SO not comfortable doing this @#$%, but I have no choice. The shard of the Well of the Furies that I have stashed in a compartment in my belt is calling out to me, and this time I need to listen. I HATE using magic. It's too unpredictable. I'm not trained well enough in it. It scares me. But right now it's my only chance to save these people. I put both my hands out in front of me, and I breathe deep. Inhale, exhale, inhale, and then I hold it. I concentrate as hard as I can on what I want to happen; I concentrate much harder than when I'm just crafting illusions. After a few seconds, I feel the Well's power start to stir in my chest, then spread to my arms. The two mercenaries are both still shouting at the projection of me, making threats, shaking their hostages, when an arc of blue electricity shoots from each of my hands, hitting Comrade and Hollow Point both directly in their faces. It only takes a fraction of a second and they're both on the ground... Thankfully their hostages are still standing, though they look confused as @#$%. I am too, I guess, but it's magic.
I dissolve the illusion and go visible. I want them to see someone in bright colors and a cape so they won't think something WORSE is about to happen to them. "It's gonna' be okay, folks," I say, forcing a nonchalant grin, "you're safe now. Just head on out the front door and the police will be there to help you. Ignore the metal Abe Lincoln guy, he's stuck to the floor. I'm going to get to the vault and disarm that bomb."
They both give me a weird look at the part about Bad Penny, but they seem thankful. I listen until they're out of the building, then I head into the vault.
It looks like they got a chance to rig up their explosives, but not to arm them. I crouch down over the bomb and start to take a look at-
It takes me a second to realize I just yelled that out loud. Something just slashed my back wide open. Somebody with a sword or something. Before I even have time to think, instinct has me standing up, turning around, and taking a fighting stance.
Captain Mako. Captain @#$% Mako.
I've never won a fight against Mako without help. Fighting him doesn't work. He's too fast and strong. Going invisible doesn't work, he's got electroreceptors that show him right where I am. Illusions don't work, he can smell what's real and what isn't. The first time I went against Mako, he almost killed me. I've never tried to take him on solo since then.
I think he's smiling, but it's hard to tell. He lunges at me. Hits me right under the ribs with his claws, hard enough to toss me into a wall. I flop to the ground like one of the dead fish this @#$%'s probably used to eating. Vision's getting blurry. I try to pick myself up but my hand slips in something. My blood, probably. I'm lying on my side on the floor, Mako runs up on me fast, and kicks me in the back a few times. I'm trying to reach for my belt to try and heal myself, but I think my right arm broke when I hit the wall. My chest is bleeding like crazy. I can barely see. Over my heart pounding in my ears, I can hear that Mako's laughing now.
He's leaving me alone for the moment, he must be going off to arm the bomb. I can't let that happen. If I lose consciousness, the hospital's mediporters will pull me out of here and all those people outside will get blown the @#$% up. I can't let that happen. I can't let that happen.
I manage to roll onto my back, which hurts like @#$%, but at least my left arm isn't pinned under me anymore. I tap a sequence of commands into my belt and it heals me as much as it can, which is basically enough for me to stand up, but not enough to fix my broken bones. I tap in a second sequence, and my force-field whirs to life. It's not fantastic - something my mom put together in her garage last year - but it might be able to take some of the edge off of whatever Mako's going to do to me.
I realize that I still can't see very well. I struggle to my feet and wipe the blood out of my eyes. If I squint I can make out shapes. Captain Mako turns back around to look at me and laughs again. I don't have time to heal myself up anymore: This is it. I don't think I have the focus to use the Well's powers right now, and I don't know how I'm going to get out of this. My right arm just hangs limply at my side, it's gonna' be useless.
Suddenly, two grayish shapes fall down from the ceiling behind Mako. There's a flurry of activity. Sounds of fighting, but I can't make out what's happening. I try to take a step forward, and slip in the blood, landing on my back. Now I can only hear noise. Something metallic. Mako swearing. Sounds of fists and boots hitting leathery flesh. Then I hear a body hit the floor, hard, and Mako's voice: "Sink... or... swim." Then there's somebody standing over me, holding out their hand. I take it, and they pull me up.
"You've looked better, Marcus." I think I know that voice.
"Gimme a sec," I say, as I set my Defenderbelt to its highest setting and heal myself back to normal.
I look back up from my belt and I was right... It's Red-@#$%ing-Havok! And just a few feet behind him is Foxy Ferret. Two good friends that I haven't seen in far too long. "It's good to see you, Marcus," she says, smiling. I smile back. Things just went from bad to great. I've been fighting crime with these two for years.
Red-Havok looks me in the eyes, and suddenly gets real serious. "Marcus, we're starting something big here. And we want you in on the ground floor. We-"
Some time during all of this Mako must have regained consciousness. @#$% heals fast. He roars and lunges at the three of us. However, while he's still mid-air a powerful torrent of ice smashes through the bank's wall and freezes him in place. A second blast of ice freezes the bomb by the vault. And in through the newly-created hole in the wall flies Xanatos. Like, THE Xanatos. He lands right next to us. I am TOTALLY geeking out. I don't know what to say. My parents used to tell me stories about this guy. I try to sober myself up, shake off the pain and look as professional as I can. "That was some good work there, son," Xanatos says to me, "You saved a lot of lives back th-"
There's a bright flash of light as Galactoman teleports into the room with us. "Galacto-Lieutenant Galacto-Flashbulb, you turnnnnt off your Galacto-Communicator-Galacto! We had to go get our own Galacto-Beverages... Um... Wha happened here?"
Foxy Ferret is the first to laugh. "Oh, Galactoman!" she says, and the rest of us start laughing too.
Cue the theme music. -
The Human Flashbulb
I try to pin down who's the one doing the talking, but their voice is all muffled like they're wearing a mask, or a helmet. That doesn't help me out, could be anybody. I go back to being invisible, float up a foot or so off the ground, and drift slowly through the lobby and towards the offices. They're gonna' find those two unconscious @#$%s any minute now, and I have to be ready.
I hear the same muffled voice coming from down the hall. "Mangle? Mangle, where you at?" Suddenly an armored figure is rushing towards me. He's holding the other walkie. I manage to dodge to the left just as he runs past me and into the lobby. Okay, red and yellow armor. Probably some sort of fire guy right? Looks familiar. Wait, was this one of the @#$%s we ran into in Nerva that time? Yeah, Pyrelord was his name. Whatever, time to-
@#$%. @#$% @#$% @#$%. Feel like I got hit by a car. What the @#$% happened? Okay. Okay. Stand up slowly, and...
...and I must've blacked out for a second, because I'm visible again. @#$% @#$%ing @#$%.
Everybody stops moving for a second while I pick myself up and get my bearings. I see what happened now: That dumb @#$% Bad Penny was running down the hall after his buddy, and slammed right into me while I wasn't paying attention. How many times do I have to deal with this guy? Thankfully they seem more surprised than I am, though I am totally hating myself for even letting a chump like Bad Penny knock me over. I'm really off my game lately. Get it together.
I close my eyes for a second to concentrate on the illusion I want to create. When I open them again the entire Freedom Phalanx is standing around me, silently glaring at the two villains. Hopefully they'll just surrender on the spot. @#$%, it's happened before.
Well, it half-works. Bad Penny starts to back away, covering his face and whimpering. But Pyrelord loses it. He yells "DID YOU KNOW THAT I LIKE FIRE?!" and chucks a fireball at what he thinks is Back Alley Brawler. I kind of feel bad for guys like this. The guy is obviously just crazy. Sometimes it feels like half my job is beating up sick people. I focus on the spectral form of the Brawler and he solidifies into a hard-light construct. Difficult trick to master, takes a lot of focus. The rest of my fake Phalanx melts away as the fireball bursts against "Brawler's" chest, and "he" rushes towards Pyrelord, grabs him, and pins his arms to his sides. He asks the thing "Did you know that I like fire?" while he wiggles around. It's kind of sad.
Bad Penny is running at me now, letting his battle cry lead the way: "In for a penny, in for a pound!" I have to admit, that's actually pretty good. Maybe I'll tell him that after he's locked up. I've never really had a good catchphrase, and neither did Dad. I mean, what am I gonna' say? "Everybody Flash?" Everything just sounds too awkward. I go invisible and step out of Bad Penny's way, and he crashes into the wall.
You know in the old Looney Tunes cartoons, when Wile E. Coyote or somebody would run into a wall and it'd leave a dent in the shape of their body? That actually happens with this guy. I can't help it: I laugh out loud. He gets more @#$%ed off than I expect and he runs toward the sound of my voice all "DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" He takes a swing that nearly connects, but I duck to the right, turn, and land a kick on the small of his back as he runs past me. He hits the ground, his face cracking the tiles. My foot hurts like a @#$%. I can keep this guy confused and running around all night, but I really have no way to knock out a dude made of metal.
But inspiration strikes. I run across the lobby and crouch behind a desk. My construct is standing completely still, with Pyrelord clutched in its arms. Bad Penny is struggling to his feet, looking hecka mad. I let the construct fade away and put all my focus on weaving a new illusion. Within a few seconds, both Pyrelord and Bad Penny look exactly like me. Well, as close to exact as I can get, at least. There's only so much time you can spend staring at yourself in the mirror before it starts to get creepy, you know?
Bad Penny rushes toward Pyrelord, hollering his catchphrase again. It's not so clever the second time. That's the problem with those things. Pyrelord reacts surprisingly quickly, and launches a pretty massive fire blast at his friend. I let it go on for a few seconds... hopefully long enough for Bad Penny's feet to melt to the floor... and then I stand up and throw a wall of hard light between the two of them. Don't want these @#$%s to actually kill eachother. Pyrelord starts really freaking out now, I think he's actually crying, and again I feel a little bad. I use a trick Aurora Borealis helped me figure out. A fast sequence of lights flash in front of his eyes, and I hope his helmet doesn't have too much glare protection. Maybe I'm relying too much on the bad guys being stupid? That could be a problem. I can't let myself get cocky in this job. My parents always told me that getting cocky could get you killed. Thankfully, I guessed right with this guy and he passes right out.
I take a second to look around. Property damage isn't really too bad yet, considering. Pyrelord, Mangle, and Comatorium are out cold. Bad Penny is awake and ranting at me, but he's stuck there pretty well so I'm not too worried. Comatorium starts to stir a little. I jog over to him and poke his brain again, and he stops. I allow myself the brief luxury of healing up my foot with the Defenderbelt. I think I broke a toe on that copper idiot. He screams "I WILL BE REVENGED!"
I head back for the offices. Whoever's left still has two hostages, and probably knows I'm here. Gonna' have to be careful. -
((For the record, I wrote this storyline for another forum, and I typically make my characters talk like I do. So I am editing it semi-heavily to fit the profanity guidelines of the main forums, lol. So if you're a delicate reader, just read every "@#$%" as the word "sassafras".
Also, this ties in with the main ERA/Challengers thread, which can be found here:
The Human Flashbulb
"Galacto-Lieutenant Flashbulb! There is a dire Galacto-Emergency! We require your Galacto-Assistance at once! Moose Rider and I have run out of vod-"
I don't need to listen to that @#$%. This isn't what I signed on for. A few years ago The Galacto-Rangers were doing something real, you know? Something important. We were out there fighting alongside groups like The Frontline or The Freedom Force, taking down actual threats and making an impact against crime worldwide. That's why I got into this superhero thing in the first place, right?
Now Gary just expects me to make booze-runs for him. No @#$%ing thanks.
I don't really know how it happened. It seems like one minute, we were this huge collective of heroes. I was leading squads of five, ten, even twenty people at a time into battle against some of the nastiest villains Paragon City could offer. @#$%, we fought Lord Recluse! Nemesis! Tyrant! And beat them all into the ground, I might add. Now it seems like there are only about a dozen Galacto-Rangers left, and here I am sitting in my car with the police-scanner on, just looking for something to do.
Galactoman says the Rangers became so much less active because some sort of bigtime supervillains are @#$%ing up the space/time continuum. Says he detected it with his "Galacto-Senses". I don't really know. Half the time he's full of @#$%. Probably more than half the time.
What the @#$% am I doing with my life?
"All units, please respond. There is a super-powered robbery in progress at the Citizen's Bank on Maple Street. Repeat: There is..."
That's only a couple blocks away. Lock the car up, throw a couple more quarters in the parking meter, and Showtime.
It only takes me a couple seconds to fly over to the bank. I don't see any other supers on-site, and the PPD looks as thinly-spread as always. I spot Detective Freitag and I touch down next to him. He's a nice guy. He and his wife invited me over for dinner once.
"It's good to see you, HFB. We've got multiple super-powered hostiles, they have hostages, you need to get in there right now."
I like Freitag. He's all about sticking to the facts.
I let the light wash through me and go invisible. The Detective doesn't even flinch. He's been through a lot, that guy. I head past the police barricades and up to the entrance. I was a little worried that a door opening by itself might tip off the crooks, but the glass on one of them is smashed right out. Nice of these dumb@#$%s to make it so easy for me.
I jog into the lobby and get my bearings. Eight - no, wait - nine hostages. Four tellers, five security, one of them unconscious. Two villains, one big guy and one little guy. The little one's Mangle, I've seen him before. And the big guy is... Oh, what the @#$% is his name. Something stupid. @#$%... um... Comatorium? That's it. Mangle's staying quiet, Comatorium's ranting. "Human filth" this, "Cleanse the Earth" that. Standard fare. I'll have to take him first. One, because his energy blasts could hit a hostage. Two, I want to shut his stupid @#$% up.
I set my Defenderbelt to "Hover" and silently float across the room until I've sidled up behind him. He's still ranting, flailing his arms around. This guy's a nut. I have to duck under his left arm as he waves it around above his head to punctuate some sort of point about "paring down the population". I'm trying to come up with a game-plan and then I see it, and all I can think is... really? This guy actually has his brain exposed? Just, like, hanging out? REALLY? I reach out with two fingers and quickly rap them against his cerebral cortex. The guy drops like a sack of @#$%. The hostages around him gasp. I hate that part of what I do. I don't want to scare regular people.
Now Mangle's got his claws out. @#$%, he's sniffing the air. Does he have heightened senses? Suddenly he's rushing me. Guess he does. He takes a few swipes at me, but he only gets the cape. @#$% it. If he wants to throw down, I'll throw down. I let myself go visible and he takes a step back, looks kind of surprised. I've got a good two feet on this little @#$%, and I almost laugh. He just snarls, tries to let me know he's all bad and scary. I don't hesitate. I set my feet back down on the ground, and I punch him right in the mouth, real quick-like. Ooh, he's mad now. He lets loose with a "I won't be caged again!" and comes at me hard. @#$%'s fast; he's got a claw through my shoulder before I can react. No time to worry about the pain, and no time to let this guy @#$% with me anymore. I grab his free arm by the wrist, stare him right in the eyes, and let him have it. My dad's namesake, the first power I ever developed, my "flashbulb". My vision goes that familiar white as the light blasts out of my eyes. Mangle screams and I let him fall away from me, very aware of the feeling of his claws sliding back out of my shoulder. He's retracted those claws now, rolling around on the floor and clutching his face. I kick him in the stomach, hard. I'm a little @#$%ed that I let him stab me. Then I grab his head by the horns and smack it against the floor once, twice, and he's out cold.
I glance back over at Comawhatever and he's still flat on his face, so I rush over to the unconscious guard. I tap out a sequence of buttons on my belt - it's such a part of my day-to-day that I don't even have to think about the code anymore - and the familiar green aura of energy flows out from it. I feel the pain in my shoulder melt away as the wounds stitch themselves up without even a scar, and I watch as the bruise on the guard's forehead fades away and he wakes up. He looks up at me; I actually think I've rescued this guy before, now that I get a good look at him. "H-Human Flashbulb," he says, "There are more of them. Th-They've got the manager and his secretary... a-and a bomb! I saw them heading for the vault!"
Okay. It's time to really superhero up. I speak loud, going for my best baritone, like Statesman does. "Don't worry folks, I'll get you out of here safely. And don't you worry about these creeps: They'll be going to jail for a long, long time. Come on now, everyone head for the door. There are police officers standing by to help you out."
I make sure they all make it out okay, and then I head back inside. As I step back into the lobby I hear a walkie-talkie start squawking. "Mangle? Mangle, you there?"
I'd better act fast. There are still lives on the line. -
Quote:I guess I'm sort of harping on a point here, but... Why don't your characters "fit in"? I mean, can't a serious character simply react seriously when something goofy happens? Even if it's just shaking their head and moving to another room (the other rooms being one of the reasons Nalrok_AthZim chose the Midnighter Club in the first place), it could still be done in-character instead of just rushing for the door as soon as things start to get Too Silly.At least you tried to join in to keep having fun with the event you started, even when a group started moving it in an entirely other direction. My character really doesnt fit in with that kind of RP though (again more serious character, vs the party), and honestly none of my characters do.
I wasn't present at the event in question, but I have RPed for years with some of the cats on trial here. They're some of my favorite folks in the game. I can guarantee all you roleplayers that Johnny Turbo's backstory is WAY more fleshed-out than yours, lol.
Not everyone RPs super-serious characters. And you know what? NOT ALL COMIC BOOK SUPERHEROES ARE SUPER-SERIOUS EITHER. I would frankly give up on roleplaying as the most boring pastime ever if Galactoman couldn't get drunk and and act a fool at parties... but I've NEVER encountered this kind of angry reaction before, to be honest.
For me there's a very solid distinction between "griefing" and roleplaying as a character who happens to be a jerk (Or a "fratboy", which I can't help but think is just a nerdy way of describing people who are able to go out, get drunk, and have a good time, lol). If you don't know how to respond to a particular type of character-behavior while you yourself are in-character, THEN YOU NEED TO THINK HARDER ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER. It speaks very badly of your skills has a writer and RPer if someone else's RP can cause your character to lock up like an aging computer, forcing you to resort to blocking and/or OOC name-calling. Heck, think of it as a writing exercise: "How WOULD so-and-so react to a drunken, arrogant superhero?"
If you're at a bar, having a pleasant conversation, and a drunken friend, acquaintance, or even stranger starts being crazy on the other side of the room, it doesn't ruin your night. Usually you just shake your head, laugh, and continue your conversation. In fact, this pretty much happens ALL THE TIME. Have you guys ever been to a bar? Other than Pocket D, of course. :P
This isn't directed at Nalrok_AthZim, because he totally seems like a level-headed dude who was simply caught off-guard. I've run quite a few public RP events over the years, and I know first-hand that it can get hectic quick, with /tells flying fast and furious while you're trying to also carry on three conversations in-character and ALSO exist in the real world of food and bathroom-breaks and phone-calls, and any disruption can throw you completely off your game. I have been there.
Nalrok_AthZim seems to be willing to give this another go, which I think would be a great thing. His initial idea of trying to kick-start the RP community back into action is commendable. But I would really love to see everyone try to get along, even with people who might not play the game the same way that they do, otherwise the word "community" starts to lose its meaning. -
Hahaha, I love watching people trying to act like they're so cool that they don't even KNOW who the popular people are, versus the people who are like "Their first album was alright, but after that they totes got lame."
There are definitely iconic player-characters on the Virtue server.
Ascendant of course wins. Y'all who are claiming to have never heard of him need to pay closer attention. He's been absorbed into the game's lore, the NPC text, and even had a speaking role in the comics.
Dragonberry is a unique and recognizable character, is always an entertaining presence, and is likely the toughest danged Scrapper on the entire server.
I don't know if he still plays anymore, but Frostfire has earned his stripes in Virtue history, largely for his epic battle to regain his name from Cryptic.
Grae Knight had the balls to create like nineteen supergroups, and force them to all dress like him. And people DID. That counts for something.
The Havok Brothers are one of the first duos I can recall ever seeing, and they've been at the center of some pretty major RP events over the years.
Both The Imperial and Vindicator are characters you can't go anywhere CoH-related without seeing. They both have distinctive costumes and personalities, and tremendous gobs of character art plastered over every "City of"-related website in the world.
Xanatos is someone I've always associated as a fixture in Paragon City; partly because he's been around forever, partly because he seems to constantly show up in the background of the comics, and partly because he has his grubby little fingers in so many chunks of Virtue history.
I also think Knight Sentinel deserves an honorable mention, because I remember when he was first firing up his new supergroup, and now I can't take two steps without bumping into one of his crew. The dude has some serious drive.
I could probably list more, but y'all are just gonna' go "Who?" anyway. Learn your history! -
Man, I log on to just putter around, sell some stuff, and chat with my SG-mates... I zone into Atlas Park and am immediately shot point-blank in the stamper, repeatedly.
I quickly threw a team together, and spent the next 20 minutes or so in an epic battle with Gyrfalcon on the roof of City Hall.
What a fun event! I loved the seeming randomness of it all, the cries of "OMG WHAT'S GOING ON???" in Broadcast, the banding together with strangers to fend off a sudden - and for most, totally unexpected - invasion on our home turf... Even if I was only getting like one frame of animation every four seconds, it was still incredibly cool.
It would be great to see more stuff like this happen. -
Woot! I placed!
*gobbles up da monies*
Congrats to the winners, and thanks to the judges, and extra Super Galacto-Thanks to Fury Flechette for coming up with such a cool idea. This really stirred up some serious creativity, and the whole thread is really fun to look through. -
Quote:Damn. In that case, Coyote REALLY deserves a spot in the Freedom Phalanx - or at least The Vindicators - at this point.
Poor Coyote... I've always wondered what he did to piss off Statesman badly enough to earn himself a lifetime of telling newbies to punch sick people...
Those are ultra-slick, Commander.
Here are my entries... I sort of treated these as genuine makeovers; I tried to stick to the characters' original body-types and faces, as though I were actually giving them fashion advice.
My main goal with Shalice here was for her to PUT SOME CLOTHES ON. And I - like the original poster - am so sick of looking at her stupid belt that I decided to go with no belt at all. I stuck with the original color scheme (more or less) since it looks good with her pink energy blasts and greenish forcefields ((though I think her powersets are in dire need of reassessment, personally!)).
Citadel needs a makeover simply because running around for almost six years in some newbie-contact named Horatio's busted old power-armor can't be good for any android's self-esteem. I clearly went for a "TRON" look, because "TRON" will always and forever equate with "hi-tech" in my mind. If I could have, I would've stuck with Citadel's unique head-model, though.
Lastly there's Numina. To be honest, I really like the unique robe she's already sporting... but there are a few things that need changin'. Most importantly: The porno-haircut NEEDS to go - even if her name IS "Tammy"! It's 2010! Also, the cheap, boring leather boots she bought at Payless don't really suit a mystical apparition of her station; she needs to fancy it up a bit, I reckon.
So that's my first batch... I may do more, as this was a lot of fun! -
Just finished my first villainside story-arc:
"Mad Science for Fun and Profit"
Help out Dr. Forrester with his new pet project: Kheldians!
((Story-based arc; Soloable; Minimum level 46.))
I've wanted to make a Dr. Forrester arc since MA was first introduced. I had a lot of fun with this one. Hope someone enjoys it!