The Cardaclysm: United Underworld RPPvP Event! June 24th
Seismecca is ready to flir...errr beat up more heroes.
Oh who am I kidding they're the same thing for her.
Can always count on Inferno to blaze everyone up!
Looking forward to it!
This looks like a lot of fun, I'm definitely going to try and make it out.
I'll do my best to make it! I always try to make time to beat up superheroes.
(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)
We're celebrating Father's Day next weekend since they are currently out of town. We're not sure what day yet though it's looking like it might be next Sunday to go see a couple movies.
We'll do our best to make it so we may end up being late, just a heads up!
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
We're celebrating Father's Day next weekend since they are currently out of town. We're not sure what day yet though it's looking like it might be next Sunday to go see a couple movies.
We'll do our best to make it so we may end up being late, just a heads up! |

-=Crey Threat Profile=- : : THE CHALLENGERS on Virtueverse
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
We wouldn't be great villains if we didn't keep you on your toes.
We're celebrating Father's Day next weekend since they are currently out of town. We're not sure what day yet though it's looking like it might be next Sunday to go see a couple movies.
We'll do our best to make it so we may end up being late, just a heads up! |

Edit: Apparently I fail at calendar reading this month. I should be there since its Sunday. Yay
Is it just me but when I saw the title at first, I thought that the Kardashians (or a CoH facsimile thereof) was invading?
In all seriousness, this sounds like a great event and hope you all have fun.
Ashes to ashes,
The Cape Radio
"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman

And their friends tell their friends.
And their friends tell their friends.
And their friends tell their friends.
And their friends tell their friends.
And their friends tell their friends.
And if you have any friends that think they're an extra-planar dragon, have them tell all their extra-plantar dragon friends and their human counterparts and have them tell their friends.
Just saw this was 8pm on a Sunday. Can't make it as that's 1am my time.
Yeah...the Global Defense Force will be there.
- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)
should be fun! See ya there!
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Looking forward to it.
Heroes: 7:00 PM is to start the AE Arc. THis also gives the villains time for a headcount while that introduction is done. To do the arc, try to meet on up at the Kings Row AE. When you need the team number, send me a tell -- I'll send you the number so your teams can get started on it. It is an hour to kill so RP and make most of it! Also, remember: READ ZEE CLUES! :P
Villains: There isn't much for us except for a head count. All villains participating with the United Underworld should meet up in Cap Au Diable by the Willy Wheeler contact. So we have a head count, figure things out and give out at least what we;re doing to those who haven't been informed yet. If your still lost, send a tell to Dominatriea or @Alevan(ME! ) and I'll just invite you into a team.
Luficia's Virtueverse Page
Thanks for everyone who came along. It turned out to be a huge success for both villain and hero sides!
If you guys have pics, go ahead and post them!
If you guys are interested in having UNited Underworld run events for you but more on a personal level? Check out the Right to Menace form and fill it out after checking it over. Then we can set up and run special events for your supergroup! Send a tell to @Drimble Wedge for information.
Or if your a villain group and looking for a coalition, United Underworld is also looking! Again, send a tell to @Drimble Wedge or @Blightrix on such.
Thanks again for such a huge turn out! It was a great success and LOADS of fun!
Luficia's Virtueverse Page
Glad to hear it went well! I ended up down most of the day, I think a bit to much time in the sun yesterday so I spent most of today in bed. Can't wait to see some of the screenshots from the event.
I had a lot of fun with it. Having relatives over while doing this though makes it so hard to pay attention, specially when they keep asking ya a ton of questions. They loved it too though lol.
I didn't even think of taking pics was way too distracted lol! Hope someone did though! =)
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
I had a lot of fun with it. Having relatives over while doing this though makes it so hard to pay attention, specially when they keep asking ya a ton of questions. They loved it too though lol.
I didn't even think of taking pics was way too distracted lol! Hope someone did though! =) |
I couldn't imagine playing with relatives watching.

Glad you enjoyed it though.
Paragon City has been recovering peacefully despite the terrible loss of their greatest heroes. The Rogue Isles were not affected nearly so much and life moved on with the people ready for the new challenges ahead. Everything was back to normal--Except, of course, for the mysterious rash of disappearances among Paragon City heroes and Rogue Isles vigilantes lately.
It is summer though. Perhaps they decided to take a break?
...But then... no matter who you were, hero or a villain, flying above Paragon City or roaming the depths of the Rogue Isles, it happened! It would start out as a piercing headache before a vision would play out before their very eyes. Some might recognize the woman's mask that glared back at them with piercing, glowing eyes or the petite form that barely showed itself through the thick cloud surrounding her.
It didn't matter who you were. You could feel the hatred pouring out of her. Presently the woman would speak to anyone witnessing her vision.
"Greetings. I am Dominatriea...Supreme Leader to the United Underworld!"
"Don't bother to call your 'heroes.' I am not here...only a vision that exists to declare a warning to you. The 'Era of the Hero' will end, and United Underworld will have complete control of Paragon City!"
She paused, as if she could 'feel' the likely heroic speeches or declarations against her. Even though she wore a mask, you could sense the smirk on her face.
"I have one thing up my sleeve, or... rather, a deck of cards. It may mean nothing to you, but I assure you I hold the upper hand. At this very moment, I can see the multitude of ever past, present and future of every single hero or villain in existence! Oh, I can even do more than see it..."
"... I can erase it."
"Enjoy your time while it lasts, heroes. By the time my speech ends, you will cease to exist. Every single hero to exists will disappear and, with enough time, no one will remember any of you or your accomplishments!"
"Go ahead. Call the police to protect you, the National Guard, the army! I'm willing to give the city a sporting chance when we come. Any villain that rallies under our banner will be rewarded...I extend the invitation to anyone who wants to help in our little invasion. Who knows? Maybe if your a hero and decide to help... Maybe I'll rewrite your history into that as a villain as well and spare your life."
"Have a wonderful evening. I look forward to watching the city burn before United Underworld takes over!"
The vision abruptly ends.
Welcome to United Underworld's RPvP Event: "The Cardaclysm!"
Hosted on June 24th, it will begin at 7:00 PM EST with an AE introductory mission before starting in the PvP zone Bloody Bay at 8:00 PM EST--with more surprises ahead as the story unfolds!
What is the Cardaclysm? The villain Dominetriea has enacted a mystical ritual involving her powers to try to erase every single hero (or vigilante) from existence! Once complete, United Underworld forces intend to invade the city without any resistance!
However, what Dominatriea did not realize is the massive scope such a ritual would take to complete, resulting in a time frame much longer then she anticipated!
What does this mean for you until then? It means you can get involved with some good role-play in the coming events! If you want one of your heroes to disappear temporarily during Dominatriea's ritual, then you are more then welcome to do so to play it up as you like. Your hero will reappear back into existence safely once the event is over. It can be done before or during the event!
(This is part of the event's story is, of course, a voluntary choice, which people can choose to take part in or not. If, on the other hand, you do want to permanently erase your character from existence then you can do so as well. The choice is yours, and the option is there for story purposes, as well as any other creative way in which you choose to participate!)
If you have an idea you want to present involving your character or your Supergroup, be they hero or villain, send a tell to @Drimble Wedge or @Alevan in-game or respond to this post! We will try our best to work with you.
Either way, it is time to be a HERO! ..or a VILLAIN!
Luficia's Virtueverse Page