893 -
We'll hopefully keep in touch via twitter.
But thank you for inspiring me to finally get into doing videos myself. -
Quote:There already is a thread:It might not be bad idea to go to their forums and make a civil, well written plea for support and petition signatures.
And so people know Gabe and Tycho do not read the forums. But there has been a PA group in City of for ages and there has been a thread since the news broke discussing the game closing.
They've been playing on Beta. -
Alright, Virtueverse should be back up. The database now lives in a new location, so it'll be easy going for a few days while I monitor and tweak things. Please report any issues you encounter.
Just an update and a apology, the site issues unfortunately came at the worst possible time for me, we've got a major launch at work so I spent all of last night fixing last minute things people waited to report.
I spent a little bit of time on VV but I didn't have the amount of time necessary to do the work. If I don't go home and crawl into my bed to hide under the covers tonight I will try to get the database fix done. If not it'll probably be Thursday.
I'm so sorry again guys.
Quote:Well to give Primus at least some credit, they did kindly credit the original infobox designer Eisregen which many sites have not. But yeah VV is unique I guess in that we want people to have some creative freedom with their pages rather then forcing you to a specific template. I know Primus and Ouroportal both have specific wiki style templates.Just gotta say that making VV pages for my characters was always my favorite part of creating them.
Even more than actually playing them. Sadly.
Shame CO's equivalent is like a 5th grade version compared to VV.
If I was planning to move to CO I'd offer to do a VV style wiki for the game. I was working on some plans to allow people to do expanded universe information on ther VV page for characters outside of COH. -
Quote:My facebook post about was essentially "THERE IS NOTHING HERE YOU WOULD WANT CHINA."That's... so weird. But I'm glad that we have such an awesome admin on the job.
Because yeah its really weird. The only thing I can figure is maybe for farming emails off then database. -
So apparently some Chinese users REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted our stuff.
Now thankfully they didn't manage to get any of it, but the result has left the database for VV with a wee bit of corruption. Nothing major but its exploded the size of the data table for the site to an unrealistic level.
I've locked the site to edits for now and tonight I will rebuild the data table manually which should resolve the issue. Unfortunately my stop gap fix last night doesn't seem to have helped any.
Sorry guys! The data is fine and the site is okay I just don't want to see the DB explode in more unhappiness. -
If this helps at all, I will be keeping the Unionverse wiki online and maintained and will be making some upgrades to the Unionverse/Virtueverse forums for everyone to use if they wish. It's in the planning phase now.
Just a quick post, I just returned to the US a few hours ago. Virtueverse will be continuing moving forward and we will be working on plans for a more robust space for the Virtue Community to thrive in.
I am open to ideas and want to talk with a few other similar projects people have already discussed. Hopefully I'll have more details in the next few days. -
I will be opening up Virtueverse to the community as a whole as it is already an established community for Virtue. I would love to see it become a place for all city of heroes players to come to.
Glad to hear it went well! I ended up down most of the day, I think a bit to much time in the sun yesterday so I spent most of today in bed. Can't wait to see some of the screenshots from the event.
Quote:Yeah unfortunately I'm running into the same situation. Father's day is being delayed for me until this coming weekend because of scheduling conflicts. And I'm pretty much 100% certain its going to be Saturday for me.We're celebrating Father's Day next weekend since they are currently out of town. We're not sure what day yet though it's looking like it might be next Sunday to go see a couple movies.
We'll do our best to make it so we may end up being late, just a heads up!
Edit: Apparently I fail at calendar reading this month. I should be there since its Sunday. Yay -
This looks like a lot of fun, I'm definitely going to try and make it out.
So what exactly is this event going to be? You talk about the initiative but not actually whats planned? Is this largely going to be just a conversational RP session or will it be architect content or something else?
I ask because your write up is a bit nebulous concerning what exactly is going on. -
Quote:Yeah, I actually hit a pretty major time constraint when making this. I started work on it two weeks before the event and then had major RL issues crop up and lost pretty much all of the time I had set aside. So unfortunately the hero scenes I wanted to do got axed a bit.Cool trailer Ransim!
For your first go this is impressive.
A few thoughts for improvement...
Some of the scenes, more so for the heroes, seemed to be a camera that is pointed
at someone who's just standing there. I wouldd suggest either have them doing
something (thought bubble/speech/emote)or shorten those segments a bit.
I did originally plan for the villain items to stand out more, after all this was their big plan, the heroes were just reacting to that.
But yeah lack of time. I finished this up literally the night before the event rather then several days before.
Quote:Love the song 7 Nation Army (even liked this sort of tripstep-ish version) and it was cool
to see people fist pumping to the beat but sometimes what is being said has nothing
to do with what's happening visually. Still not bad and I know it's rare to get
a perfect fit unless the video is made for that specific song but maybe
some different scene arrangement or a diff song would work better.
Quote:Some of the the text doesn't work well together, i.e.
"What will you choose? Aid the villains? (is aid a what in this context?)
Maybe instead "Which will you choose?" or if you must keep
the what then perhaps "What will you choose to do?" Aid the villains?
Also "Aid the villains" and "Save the world" don't really sound like opposing options (unless the villains
are out to blow up the planet) since one is a side-choosing and the other is an objective.
If you want to mention the objective maybe "Help save civilization? or bring it to it's knees?"
Or just mention the sides to choose from (do you ever really give aid
to villains? seems like something they would scoff at)
with "Join the villains" + "Or aid the heroes"
Just myhope it helps and I look forward to what you come up with next.
The whole story revolved around the heroes rallying to save the world (or at least the eastern seaboard of the US) from Phanto's plan to create a psychic bomb. The main villains spent time convincing other villains to aid them in creating the distractions and taking down some of the challengers to help the plan succeed.
But yeah I look back on it now and there are quite a few things I'd do differently, for at least the sake of clarity. But it was a great way to learn, especially under the gun I had to figure out some creative fixes to a few issues I had.
Thanks for the critique! There will definitely be more, probably way more cut scenes for the SG I'm in and I'm mulling trying my hand at a news segment. It's really a lot of fun being able to build my own scenes in game, I wish I'd learn to do it sooner. -
Quote:Well the event had a massive turn out, we actually filled Sirens Call and had a second one open with people in it. So we'll definitely be doing more, everyone really seemed to have fun, we were all blown away by the response.Nice trailer, I wish I had known about this about three days ago. >.<
It'll be advertised in the Virtue area and on VirtueVerse and I'll probably try to make sure it goes elsewhere as well next time around. -
Quote:Invite them to team, let them enter and they drop team. It doesn't kick them from the mission.Pretty damn fun event. But I have a question.
How did you get so many folks together on one mission map? 'Cause that's def the Manticore mansion.
Before AE was around we use to do this to have more then one team in a story mission for RP. -
Quote:I nailed you a few times though I don't think I actually killed anyone during the event. I spent a lot of time face planted. But it was a lot of fun, I'm always happy to play a target for Hero rage.The Eternals had a blast. We decided to go straight for the big names on the bill. I had more fun trash-talking than anything (I played Silhouette.). My apologies to Phanto, Trioxin, and Mindswipe.
You three were always in my sights.
I want to thank all of the people that put a ton of effort into this, I was really psyched about this well before hand, enough so that I taught myself demo editing to make an awesome video. It was an amazing idea and even with hiccups well executed.
I'm definitely looking forward to more. -
Just dawned on me that I could post this here if anyone wanted to see. I finished up my first real machinima over the weekend as a trailer for a huge RP event held on Virtue Sunday evening named Memorial Mayhem.
The video was created using demo editing and some creativity along with Sony Vegas. I had a lot of fun putting cameos in this of many of Virtue's Role players and people in my own SG the Challengers. Everyone really got a kick out of it. So I hope you enjoy, critiques are always welcome and greatly appreciated.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X-2y3I9KO4 -
I've done up a trailer for the event, hope everyone enjoys it! Looking forward to the event tomorrow!
Event Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X-2y3I9KO4
There are quite a few cameos in the trailer.
Villains -
Phanto, Trioxin, Baron Blitzman, Codename Devilfish
Challengers -
Red-Havok, Replacer, Asunder, Voltium, Johnny Turbo, Masked, Paul Ooshun, Azure Tracer, Human Flash Bulb, Armaments, Gadgix, Dynomind,
Reciprocators -
Crux Enigma, Static Bolter, Noisebomb
United Underworld -
Dr. Amygdala, Horror-Frost, Seismecca, Shogun of Sorrow, Madame Machina, Spectre
Other Villains-
Technotroll, Dust Devil, Powerlaser, Revolver II, Gatoroid, Living Reactor, Acid, Megabooster, Slyshot, Skunkette
Other Heroes -