Future of the Unionverse
well tbh there are a number of F2P games who forums can be "borrowed" without any real need to play the game, or even just make a toon as a chat proxy.
Running a forum is time consuming.
We're still reeling over on The Militia boards but we'll be keeping the boards going as I think all of us still intend to keep roleplaying with each other one way or another. Whether that means keeping it as forum RP or moving to a different game, who knows?
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

I need time to think on how I'm gonna proceed, but I'll likely be starting up a writing project at the least featuring characters of mine: the Unityverse. Fiction's gonna need some retooling fo' sho' though.
I'm certainly going to continue paying for the webspace which The Militia forum is currently hosted on and I will continue to administrate/maintain it, so it's not going anywhere in the foreseeable future. I certainly hope that people will continue to write stories and RP plots on the forum, even after the lights have been turned off over Paragon City.
EDIT: I'm sure there are other forums and webspaces where other groups do their RP, so there should be plenty of space for us all!
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
Well, I've been meaning to buy some webspace for a while in order to store my university portfolio work. I've registered unionroleplayers.co.uk as a domain for the space, but if it doesn't work out, I'll dump the name and grab another one, and re-purpose the space for personal projects.
So yeah, no guarantee that this will go anywhere, but it's a start nonetheless.

The forum is now up and open to registration.
This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.
9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.
If this helps at all, I will be keeping the Unionverse wiki online and maintained and will be making some upgrades to the Unionverse/Virtueverse forums for everyone to use if they wish. It's in the planning phase now.
That's great, Ransim... It'll be great to continue to use the site to host characters (old & new) for ongoing forum rp.
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
So, currently there's The Militia forums that are well worth a sign up, lots of great RP and RPers there, the UnionRoleplayers forum and the various other forums listed in this post.
I'll be using both of the top two and seeing about some other boards not centred around RP.
I brought this up on the Union Roleplayers Steam group that Nitro made, but I figure I should air it a little more publicly. Obviously, a lot of us are dismayed over the closure of City of Heroes, however, I'd be more than willing to try and set up a community elsewhere (For when these forums go dark), so that those who want to keep in touch and keep their plots going have a place to do so.
I know Forum RP can't really replace City of Heroes, but it's better than nothing, surely?
I'm willing to register something like unionroleplayers.co.uk out of my own pocket for a while, but I can't run something like this alone. Would any of the Unionverse peeps help?