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  1. tried the game

    love the game

    so far i am playing the game and not found time to RP much at all

    so.. any UK time zone friendly cabals around ??
  2. well tbh there are a number of F2P games who forums can be "borrowed" without any real need to play the game, or even just make a toon as a chat proxy.

    Running a forum is time consuming.
  3. News report on the Sunday Morning New Round Up Show on Paragon TV…

    .. and the Kings Row factory of Bystain Electronics, a whole owned subsidiary of Crey Corp, is reported to have suffered some structural collapse, causing major damage to the company’s production line and R&D laboratory. The cause of the collapse is as yet unknown, but the building is said to be unsafe. Luckily no one was injured as only the might gate guard was there at the time. The company’s manager Dr Kuasus was unavailable for comment……
  4. ….Late Night News with your fav Anchorperson, on that Paragon TV channel you like……

    ….Lt. Mavin , Perez Park PPD, confirmed a combined PPD and Hero raid on the Circle of Thorns was successful, and rescued a number of captives, including Office Jansk of the PPD, who was reported missing five days ago. The Heroes, lead by Miss Santander, also managed to prevent the Circle raising a ritual stone. Lt Mavin praised and thanked the Heroes for all their assistance.
  5. This is Union server RP, a small group of heroes set out to prod bottom ,others people may pick up PPD radio messages as the PPD watch the events, but this is mostly for those heroes who raided the CoT .

    OOC report

    Perez Park 04:49 Team Blue, ( so named by the PPD in honour of Sant’s hair ) move out.

    By 05:34 the action is over.

    Team Blue manage to stealth to the site, and attack and overwhelm the CoT, firstly defeating the Guards and freeing the captive workers, then the team drive off two waves of counter attackers, before completing their tasks and withdrawing.


    Is otherwise its normal self
    The CotT are reclaiming their former territory, which has remained “ vacant” until now, with just the normal plants and animals in the area.


    As Sant has been very helpful to them they will assist the team.
    They will provide a paddy wagon squad to deal with prisoners.
    They will provide cover for the teams withdrawal
    They will provide any needed medical care
    The team will all earn brownie points with the PPD and Lt Mavin will be happy.

    Team Blue…

    (( the bit where people can give a flavour of their actions and style. You can post here or save it for later IC chat ))

    Colonel Orn will be effective in a obvious military way, but nothing special , he does use a high tech energy beam pistol that stuns rather than kill, along side a compact modern machine pistol, his meta powers, which are psionic, seem able to weaken and disable his foes. For an old man be moves very well.

    The CoT

    Mostly lesser cultists , they will fight but the heroes are much stronger, the only thing the CoT has is numbers, lots of guards and thorn blade wielders.
    This time the CoT put up as good a fight as they can, but are outclassed.
    One single mage type is spotted way way at the back giving order, but leaving as soon as defeat is clear.
    Three CoT are captured for questioning (( more latter on this ))
    The captive workers either flee , about 13 of them, or are escorted to the waiting PPD. Of those that reach the PPD 10 are local gang members, 8 are civs, and one is a PPD officer(( extra brownie points)).
    All the captives are in a poor state due to constant hard labour and little food or rest.

    The Site…

    The site is a patch of grass on a hill side where the captives have been forced to unearth a CoT Runic Ritual Stone (RRS)
    The stone is 40% uncovered at the time.
    It is a classic RRS, seen where ever CoT control. But , any magic person can tell its odd it is totally demagiced. Even very old lost ones hold some magic normally.
    The stone was only buried in the last few years, as the soil around it is full of recent trash.
    The CoT had not started to use the stone.
    Basic info from the released Captives and prisoners, ( you will get to ask specific questions in the IC debrief if you want to )…

    All will confirm sightings of the FishBloke, some sort of magical meta. He seems to be searching and questioning people, he does not like the CoT.

    No one understands the first stone exploding, along with the ritual casters, up to that point there had been no problems.

    The Perez CoT are short of Mages, this is due to Dire lament constantly culling them in the past few years, and then Hexing their sites and getting them covered over. Dire Lament has left the area and the hexing have all faded.

    The CoT are seeking two things, one a Lost Shrine in the area, linked to Dire Lament, and secondly the magic knowledge of how Dire Lament “ drained “ all the magic from their mages she caught, the CoT think this is Otherworldly magic.


    OK that’s the brief overview, all and any questions add here or PM me or see me tonight in game.

  6. This is always a good question, but not for the naming of a badguy/gal/AI/thingy, but for how it exposed what folk think of as evil..

    who is most evil....

    the ruler who orders the persons death ?

    the administrator who enables the process ?

    the hangman who pulls the lever ?

    or ...

    the person who blows up a building killing 200 people ?

    the person who spends three days slowly killing one person ?

    given that the CoT work with demons they must be up in the top five,

    any Nictus based vill also, they eat people !

    The Family, they sell drugs, kill people, corrupt others, and exploit the rest.

    The Carnival of Souls, again eating people.

    Also Hami ..wants to turn people into his idea of a good thing.
  7. … Early morning New Show, on your bestest Paragon TV channel…

    ..We have confirmation from the Perez Park PPD Commander that the strange Moon event last night is not being linked to the magical explosion that occurred in the Park in the early hours of this morning, Lt Mavin stated that the timing was different and that the explosion was preceded by an localized earth tremor and the force of the explosion was upward. At least eleven Circle of Thorn cultists are reported dead at the site of the now broken ritual stone……
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Well, I'm a VIP and have never noticed this. Have I been missing mine?
    under the old vet rewards you did, and respec tokens, not seen any renames with VIP.
  9. ..Midmorning News Roundup, on your fav Daytime in Paragon show on Paragon TV..

    ..we have had a chance to speak to Lt Mavin who is leading the PPD effort in Perez Park, Firstly he made clear that thanks to the efforts of his Officers and the help on one Miss Santander, a Hero, the Circle situation seems to be contained. However he did admit that the CoT has taken control once more of a “mystic” site and seem to be using it for some sort of ritual. The Lt went on to say that he could not praise high enough the invaluable assistance he had received from Miss Santander, without whom a number of Officers would have been lost.

    Currently a number of CoT cultist bands are reported roaming the Park, but they no longer seem to be taking captives. The mysterious Fish-Bloke has been spotted fighting cultist, but he has avoided the PPD, and no one has managed to speak to him.

    Overnight there were reports of strange glowing shapes floating above the trees of the Park, but as yet the significance of these is not known.

    In a possibly related story the Steel Canyon PPD arrested a group of “Mercenaries “who were attempting to sneak into Perez Park.
  10. …on Cape Watch, your favourite Hero gossip report show on Paragon TV…

    ..and as well as the armour clad, blue haired, battle maid, another new Cape Face has been seen dealing with that Thorny issue in P Park, this one has no hair of any hue, and is currently being called the Fish Bloke, he was seen taking down a number of less Circle gangers last night, sorry no vid footage as yet…come on you Cape Spotter .. but, no ! please ! don’t enter those high risk areas just to get your name on the show , and win a classic Cape Spotters tee shirt…….
  11. ..on The Crime Show , on that ever popular factual channel on Paragon TV…

    ..and we have learnt that the PPD , despite deploying some Hardsuit units, have withdrawn many of their Officers and have fallen back to the area around the Skyway Gate. It now seems that part of Perez Park, which had been relatively quiet for sometime has once again become a battleground. A Hero presence has been spotted, an armour clad, blue haired female was seen rescuing a number of PPD officers, from a band of Thorn blade wielding cultists.
    Our reports speak of the Circle of Thorns, in strength, pushing back the Hellions and Skulls, taking captives and forcing them to dig up so called mystic hot spots. It looks like the Circle is back with avengance………
  12. ..on the Sunday morning Review of the Week program , on your favourite Paragon Sunday morning TV channel…..

    ..This week nine PPD officers have been hospitalized by the upsurge in Circle of Thorn activity in Prez Park. It is reported that the PPD are rethinking their strategy for the Park, and may have to redeploy heavy support units to the area……
  13. ..Late night New round up on Paragon’s favourite Last Night News show…

    ..and the PPD continue to report a rising menace in Prez Park where the Circle of Thorns seem to be making major move, a number of PPD Officers have been injured and extra support has had to be deployed…..
  14. ..News item from the Midday News on Paragon favourite Daytime channel…

    ..And in continuing clashes in Prez Park between Circle of Thorn members and the PPD, four Officers were hospitalized due to injuries sustained in what the a PPD Spokesperson described as an escalating situation…..
  15. ..part of the morning News bulletin on Paragons favourite Breakfast show….

    …..and the PPD are reporting a sudden upsurge in Circle of Thorn activity in Prez Park, a spokesperson said that there has been a huge leap in numbers and there is concern that this may lead to more incidents in adjacent neighbourhoods. A local Mystic source says this may be linked to a number of strange portents seen in the park over the last few days, however, as always, the Mystic could not say what these portents actually foretell. .........
  16. At midday a boring, "nothing to see here" white van arrived at the gates of Dr Mechano’s Sharkshead factory gates, three tall crates marked farm machinery were soon unloaded and vanished into the building, the van departed heading south, as unseen as they had appeared the two watchers left moments after the van.
    At the same hour a jiffy bag found its way into the factory’s mail box, three data disks and a printed note explaining them made up its contents.

    (( Mech , deliveries as promised from GD, I will PM you with the details ))
  17. GD still disliked TV in any form, it just seemed so unreal to the her perception. But she was needed to keep up to date on the developing story of Statesm…

    ......and then there was a mass of flickering, hissing into static for a brief moment before showing the symbol of a skull within a cog. GD frowned as her data sources informed her about the symbol, then the face appeared an the information fell into place. GD drank in the broadcast, a smile creeping onto her face as the website information appeared…

    Three phone calls later and the room was once more quiet, and GD was on her way to the Paragon house.

    (( Mech what infomation is on the website, ie contact details...))
  18. I have just started a BM, currently mid 20s and i leveled up in Praetoria where the mobs are meant to be tougher and had no real issues, however i did have Time Manip as my secondary, which is very very good.
    With BM you need a heal to keep the pets going, and to patch them up between fights, you need to be active helping them a lot. I found the BM attacks are needed and make the set work, unlike most Pet set attacks these didnt seem to cause end issues and do make a noticable difference.

    My Nin MM hasnt been out in a long time so no comment.

    /sonic and /FF have been give bad press due to incarnate content where they are a bit weak, for normal content they work fine. I use FF on my Necro MM and it does the job well.
  19. so treat it like the Zombie and rikti attacks, ie ref them IC but as a "nother round of nemesis strutting his stuff ", and not the death of Sates reasoning ?

    works for me.
  20. So, do we have a plan ? i know a few ideas were voiced in chat last night ......
  21. In fact we are careful to keep to the in game situation. The whole States issue is because in Game he is still ther until i23 comes out, so new player will see him at fort trident for example. once the in game matches we make a change.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitro View Post
    Zombie Post!

    Suddenly Statesman not dying yet has become an issue, because Nemesis is invading in a big event that will last all of may in response to the guy croaking it.

    There are pretty much two options.

    • Just ignore the reason for Nemesis's massive offensive
    • Have Statesman die in the next couple of days.

    The only way I see the second option working is if we ignore a lot of the early part of WWD, and have Episode 3, where Marshall Blitz negotiates with Alexis Cole-Duncan, who is then killed happen either today or late yesterday, and then have States dying tommorrow.

    The rest of the arc we can ignore for the moment as not being particularly newsworthy, or, not yet revealed. Unless we have any characters with strong ties to the Freedom Phalanax, it's quite reasonable no-one would know about the Malase-Psyche showdown just yet. Aside from the death of Statesman, the death of Alexis is the only other newsworthy big deal it would be silly for people not to know about publicly.

    Anyway, that's all from me, continuing to play the role of the guy who thinks far too hard about encorporating in game plot into RP.
  23. Question, with i23 and the new Night Ward zone, does the exsistance of Night Ward make IC RP sense from where we are in the Praet story line ?

    I know how Night Ward comes about from spoilers, but not the full details, given where we are Unionverse RP Lore wise, does Night Ward work IC ??, or do we need to progress any part of the other Praet / itrials / DA stuff ??

    Anyone know ?
  24. From what was said in in the UnionRoleplayer chat channel last night I got the following:

    The reason for this is to have an RP agreed history that Toons can refer to IC.

    The LAM and BAF itrials have been done by a “generic group of meta powered people “
    And there was more than one “raid”. White was just defeated.

    The Praet attacks on Kings and Skyway occurred, and most damage has been fixed (( look how fast LA repaired its Skyway like roads in RealLife after the earthquake ))

    This has resulted in Cole now lacking enough strength and supplies to launch any more major attacks, while at the same time Primal is in the same situation.

    ..and that’s it.

    The point of progression and what we do with the story line post i23 was raised , but we are too much in the hands of the Devs and what they do, which I am sure they will not tell us yet…

    How we handled the SSA and the death of States seemed to work well….

    Some points..

    From the Resistance and Loyalist Toons point of view, only the ongoing stalemate works, as sort of resolution is a huge game changer. Also technically all the action is from Primal side, there are no itrials run just for the Resistance, and none for the Loyalist.. From a RP stance this does need looking at and agreeing a what’s happening and who is doing what.

    All the itrials plus first ward and I assume night ward are VIP content, or pay to unlock the zones, I think we need to make sure we are not excluding non VIP players from RP by using VIP content IC with out careful thought. Even for VIPers the itrials are optional, and don’t add any more to RP than any other TF , arc or mission…after all how many people does it take to defeat <insert any level 25 baddy/goody> or save “whoever”

    Paragon is a very dynamic place , events are always happening, and the new today soon is history and ignored, the Rilti wars, Richeman and the 5th, Zombie invasions, MoT, all happened, but are now just footnotes in Toons back stories, The Praet war has had its high point and now is just another thing Paragon and the Isles survived, now everyone is focused on the new threat….. This is how comic books work, and the Devs have clearly indicated that Praet has its end, how much effort do we need to put into fudging some minor events.