Avian Blast! (no seriously)
What, nothing to FINALLY take revenge on those cars that keep pushing me around? I'm disappointed.
I want this now !
I would change Murder of Crows to function more like Tornado/Waterspout rather than as a rain power. This is a flock of angry birds they are highly mobile and the power should reflect that.
Flurry of Feathers might function better as a confuse rather than a placate.
I like this idea and would love to see it as an actual set.
Would also like to see the same concept applied to an Assault set.
This is a brilliant idea!!

As cool as this idea seems to be... it's a bit too niche to ever get made IMO.
I agree that would fit more, but that would also lead to the oh so infuriating instances of your "nuke" chasing off after some lone runner and getting wasted. I'd prefer to avoid the possibility of that.

Hawks (and other raptors) don't peck, they rake.
Sorry, that irritates me in the Beast Mastery set and you got the spill over here.
Nice looking set other than that.
Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.
How has no one said this yet..Avian Blast..aka Duck Season?
I came into this thread expecting to see some sort of egg launching cannon.
I am dissapoint.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Interesting, but I want to see Swarm Blast more.
As cool as this idea seems to be... it's a bit too niche to ever get made IMO.
'Swarm Blast'
You assault your foes with a flurry of small parts that overwhelm your opponents defenses and quickly find any weak points!
Nanites (square silver specs with glowy trails)
Ice Cream Cones
Tarot Cards
Trash (magnetic aura)
Skulls and bones
Good idea, VK! Good way to un-nicherize this set and make it something kinda cool and applicable to a far wider range of concepts!
I agree. The idea of a bunch of angry birds out for revenge? In a video game? Preposterous!
'Cause what you are saying has zero to do with what I said.
Ok, so, the joys of Beast Mastery has show me that more than just about any other set imaginable right now, I'd like to have a full on "bird blast" set.

I've made several BM MMs (Rare for me because I don't actually *like* Masterminds.) and it turns out that my favorite is a petless one, the Birdman of Ziggursky. Now obviously he plays terribly, as petless MMs generally do, but the concept is too much for my to give up.
What I'd really like to see is for the two bird powers to get expanded into an entire set. (Unlikely, but a boy can dream can't he?) So after a bit of brainstorming, this is what I came up with. What do you think?
Avian Blast
Starling Swarm
You summon a swarm of starlings to peck at your foe causing Light Lethal damage over time and reducing both their movement speed and defense.
Fast Recharge, Minor Damage(Lethal), -Defense, -Speed
((This is just Summon Swarm with the sound/FX modified to be birds, not bees))
Call Hawk
You call forth a hawk ally to swoop in and viciously peck at your target causing High Lethal damage. The attack often catches foes off their guard and can knock them down as well as reducing their chance to hit.
Moderate Recharge, Moderate Damage(Lethal), Chance knockback, -ToHit, -Fly
((Direct copy of the Beast Mastery power))
Summons a few small birds to harass your target, disrupting their aim and making it difficult to concentrate. Debuffs your target's Damage and chance ToHit.
Moderate Recharge, No Damage, -ToHit, -Damage
((Just a couple lil birds zipping around the target's head/face, messing with their ability to shoot back at me. Bonus points if the target flails their arms at the birds as an idle animation.)
Call Ravens
You command an unkindness of ravens to quickly assault and harass your foes. Your foes will suffer Moderate Lethal damage over time and have their speed and defense reduced.
Moderate Recharge, Moderate Damage(Lethal), -Defense, -Fly, -Speed
((Again, ripped directly from the Beast Mastery set.)
Eagle's Cry
Greatly boosts your damage for a short time, then continues to increase your damage by a smaller amount after the initual effect fades. Your teammates will also recieve a portion of this buff.
Very Long Recharge, +ToHit +Damage
((The Aim variant for the set. Gives you a moderate bonus (say 15%) to ToHit and Damage for a short time(10s) as well as giving your whole team an additional 15% buff to ToHit and Damage for a longer time (30s). These bonuses stack on you for a total +30% ToHit/Damage for the initial 10s))
Dive Bomb
Signals your best hunting bird to Dive at and attack your target, knocking them off their feet and dealing considerable Smashing and Lethal damage from the blow.
Slow Recharge, High Damage(Smashing/Lethal), Knockup, DoT (Lethal)
((Large raptor swoops in, talons outstretched and knocks them off their feet. Ideally I'd have called this power Swoop, but there's already a Swoop power in battle Axe.))
Flurry of Feathers
Blinds nearby foes with a cloud of feathers, causing them to lose sight of you for a moment. Affected foes will be placated for a short time, and cannot attack you unless you attack them.
Very Long Recharge, No Damage, Placate
(More or less stolen from Ninjutsu Stalkers)
Carrion Birds
Baits a clutch of carrion birds to your location with the promise of a good meal. These birds will savagely attack any foes that get too close. Carrion Birds will only stick around or a short time and, while not immobile, will not follow you or venture far from their supper.
Very Long Recharge, Summon Special(30sec Duration)
((Targets a defeated foe and summons a number of vulture type birds that attack anything that comes near their meal. Not a true pet power in that they don't leave the area they're summoned in, so you can't just spawn them at the door and have them follow you through the mission. Acts somewhat more like Carrion Creepers.)
Murder of Crows
Calls down a muder of crows to continuously assail any enemies in the area with beak and claw. Deals extreme lethal damage over time with a chance to knock your foes down. Enemies in the area will suffer substantial penalties to their ToHit and Defense.
Very Long Recharge, Extreme DoT(Lethal), Chance Knockdown, -ToHit, -Defense
((A "Rain" type mini nuke, a huge cloud of black birds descend on the targeted area, ripping into anything that moves. Very The Birds.)
The set deals almost entirely Lethal Damage, which is a minus, but it also has a few tricks to hopefully make up for that. It can stack a reasonable about of -ToHit on individual targets, and Flurry of Feathers if there to help them out of a jam, should they over agro.