1192 -
This sounds fun, and I've already figured out a few things. Really wish I participated in more of these kinds of things now.
EDIT: welp submitted mine pretty sure I nailed it, but I could have gotten 2 colors mixed up. Was a fun diversion though. -
Quote:the Studio that made Auto Assault wanted to buy the rights/ip back but couldn't meet NCSoft's price. So it's not that they didn't want to it's that they couldn't afford to.t.
Did anyone *want* to buy Exteel, Auto Assault or Dungeon Runners?
As for Exteel and Dungeon Runners I've no idea. -
Managed to snag this one 34S6-H3GR-2TDX-KMFK-6ABT.
for People still trying the middle seems to be the best spot at the moment.
Thanks alot Devs. -
Actually a single hit breaks whatever spell/trance the Red Caps put on her, then she dives back underwater.
Quote:I forgot about all the little things VIP's do get, namely available character slots at 12 per server vs the 13 total I have now as a Premium (I qualify for tier 9 but can't justify the subscription at the moment).I don't think I've ever used a server transfer token, and the SSAs are crap.
The fact that VIPs are force-fed content we do not like, while Premium players are able to pick and choose, is *another* way that VIPs get the raw end of the deal.
I don't think I directly mentioned the free for VIP power sets but I think I implied them. Not to forget the Incarnate Content either which is VIP only.
Honestly if you don't like the SSA's and don't use the server transfer(or use 2 as a name change) why are you paying to be VIP? -
Quote:I'm still not hearing an argument for why we're not soaking the Premium players to generate income for the company, rather than soaking the VIPs. VIPs get *half* as many points as Premium players do for the same amount of money. You can improve the VIP situation and still generate enough income -- more income, in fact, if you made VIP status truly desirable.
They are restricting how much the VIP players get so that they can push out more content to all players. Non-VIPs then get the new content more cheaply than VIPs do. Doesn't that seem counter to the goal of getting more subscribers?
I'm not sure I follow where this idea is coming from. Let's assume 15 a month for VIP and a premium
The VIP will get 400(550) points
The new SSA (400 points)
A server transfer token (800) points
1 Paragon Reward Token
Unlimited Access to all game zones,systems features and ATs
a Premium will get
1200 Points
1 paragon Reward Token
limited access to all game content
Those 1200 points can get spent pretty quickly.
the SSA at 400 so now they have 800 left
their invention license needs to be renewed for 200 so that's 600 left
AE also requires a license so that's another 200 gone and they now have 400 points left which would put them at the same amount of points for stuff assuming the Vip isn't Tier 9 in which case the VIP would have 150 more points than the Premium.
And then said Premium still has limited access to the game content, and a whole host of systems and At's that need to be purchased for two or three times the amount of points they have left. -
All this time......
the sad part is that's probably been in the game since the Power Linking feature was added too....
Nice to see you back Angry Citizen.
You should definitely check out the new power sets.
Kinetic Melee and Street Justice are particularly good on Stalkers.
Titan Weapons is great for the other Melees (it's not available on Stalkers)
And for Ranged theres the brand new Water Blast set, the Beam Rifle set and a plethora of proliferations that I've lost track of all of them.
Since you've already been to DA the next step is the Incarnate Trials. -
Skill is very questionable in any kind of video game and this one is no exception. The thing with CoH is it doesn't require a lot of reflexes or hand eye coordination to give a rewarding play experience. So where does skill come in? To me Skill for Coh is in timing and positioning, and to some extent how you min/max your build using SO,IO or HO.
Have you ever seen or been:
A Dark Melee character that consistently hits 2-3 enemies with Shadow Maul?
A Stalker that times an AS to kill a Paragon Protector before they hit their tier 9?
A Dom/Cont/Tank/Brute that keeps that second or third mob busy while the team is working on the first?
A Ranged character that can perfectly pull troublesome groups consistently?
Ever used a god mode power and drop the last enemy just as you crash?
those are all shows of skill.
Timing and positioning more than anything else show skill in CoH. -
Skimming though this thread, is there a reason Weave couldn't be swapped into tier 1? In looking it up on City Of Data it isn't that much better than Manuevers, slightly lower end cost, slightly better defense boost which makes sense when considering a Self Toggle vs a Team toggle.
Quote:I can see why you would think that, however the PPP's followed a completely different design. One that was never designed with the Heroic AT's in mind. In Fact when Going Rogue came out and the PPP's were several powers that had to be flat out swapped because of duplication.This isn't specifically a Scrapper epic. At least one of the powers I mentioned is not in a PPP, regardless of whether or not APPs and PPPs can or can't be similar; and I find the statement "citing Patron Pool Powers as an example of how Ancillary Pools can follow a different design path is disingenuous" to be itself disingenuous, as (among other things) the existence of any 'type' of power in a class's APPs *or* PPPs invalidates the argument that that type of power is mechanically inaccessible to the class.
The original design of PPP's called for them to be made more powerful than the APP's because of how they were gated and locked(picking one meant you couldn't respec into the others) now granted the lock has been removed but the PPPs are still gated. Because of that they are allowed to break some of the rules. APP's are not allowed to break those rules because they are instantly available at the proper level.
I was using Stalker and Scrapper pools for comparison as Shadow Meld was brought up in the discussion. If this isn't a Scrapper/Stalker Pool than it's a Tanker/Brute Pool and would follow different design goals.
Also for the Record I like your Psionics pool suggestion, but i'd like to see a second Ranged attack somewhere and think the PBAOE would be better than World of Confusion. -
Couple of things,
First Stalker Epic designs were originally different from Scrapper Epic designs as the two AT's actually do have some different needs by the time EPics become available.
Second Patron Pools were designed to be different from Ancillary Pools. They follow different design paths and citing Patron Pool Powers as an example of how Ancillary Pools can follow a different design path is disingenuous.
As for the pool itself I agree with Jack that a Psionic themed pool would be better. -
Thanks for the reply, and the update on your tournaments.
Oddly this way actually makes some sense to me, as the old tournament was so confusing I couldn't really follow how you played.
So Congrats on actually getting characters to level 50, and keep being an interesting person. -
Agreed, maybe have multiple animation options? Some that include the swords some that don't? Depending on how the set ends up looking I just might make a Bob (props to those that get the reference).
Don't forget the massive Excel sheets for your competitions.
Speaking of, how's the latest one doing? Anybody get to 50 yet? -
IIRC, which I may not be, until the devs had a way to separate PvP and PvE effects they were hesitant to make any changes to Stalkers due to their overwhelming PvP successes. So because of PvP an AT that struggled in team content had delays in getting changes. I could be way off base here, but I think this was ab it of an underlying problem.
Overall though I think the Devs did a fair job of keeping PvP from effecting PvE too badly. Though one questionable area is Villain Accolades, some of which required going into PvP zones to get all the necessary badges. -
I like seeing your lists again Steelclaw.
I also got the Candygram joke but I'm not that old. -
I noticed that too, but the slots reset each time you downgrade.
In related news investigations are being opened into rigging of the boxing events through intimidation of the judges, as many of them felt as though someone were holding a blade at their back. While no evidence has been found it would explain many of the upset wins by Joe Everystalker.
I still don't get how everyone started calling it Fix everything.
Zwil specifically said fix all the things. Which is a very clear reference to a meme known for hyperbole. And we all know how much Zwil likes his memes.
What I find even sillier is if people really want to take what Zwil said literally they seem to be overlooking the fact that stuff,items,doodads, and whatnots are all not things.
They're fixing all the things, which is a very specific subset of the work that goes into an issue. -
I don't see the Melee attack working here. Conceptually I like it but this is a control set.
I'd move the Sleep dart to the tier 3 slot and put an immobilize power in the tier 1. -
The whole part before the Options is fine, however I'm going to go a step further there are many technical problems with powerset /AT respeccing. Now while there are a fair amount of Comic examples for this happening we're going to need to put some restrictions here for balance/mechanical/technical reasons.
First off a restriction of not changing the AT. I believe this will avoid causing more problems than necessary.
Second no granted respec, if you want to save enhancements use your unslotters and respecs before the change(but after completing the arc)
Third any enhancements that haven't been removed from pwoers get deleted. Again this is done because it should avoid more problems than necessary.
While these may seem a bit harsh keep in mind that AT/Powerset respecs is not something the devs are keen on doing. These restrictions also help serve as a strong disincentive for doing it. -
I thought that bug was being considered a feature since Burst is the only AoE in the set?
On the plus side the Concentrated Strike Crit from Hidden was confirmed to be WAI -
Quote:Long ago, before the dark times.... there was a (long, long-lived) thread for a Mecha EAT. Rather wish the author would re-post it. (It really has been gone for years, lost in a forum purge.)
Weren't you the author of that awesome thread?
Anyway I think using the combination of Branching Powersets and the Build slots we have, might be a good approach. Unfortuantely I don't think there is a way to work around the costume issues Branches+Build Slots currently have.