Rejected Captain Mako Week Ideas...
So now you want to make lists again...

He has a condition, he can't help it.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Bravo Sir!! BRAVO!!!
* All zones no longer divided into PvE and PvP... now simply referred to as "Buffet."
* Say good bye to Lusca.... say hello to Sharkzilla... * Not to say anything bad will happen to her... but you may want to get your Believer badge NOW... * A strange fish-like guy walks up to you wearing a fake mustache... he warns you that Captain Mako has been spotted nearby and the only way to protect yourself is rub these herbs and spices into your skin then hit yourself repeatedly with a meat tenderizer... * No matter how large/small the body of water... whenever you are running/swimming through it two or three shark fins will appear and follow you... and yes... that includes the sewers... * Flying sharks with laser cannons in Shadow Shard! * (The following joke is extremely dated... like 70's dated... acknowledging you get it is as good as saying you're old...) Every time you click on a non-mission door a voice from the other side will say "Candygram..." * Running the Admiral Sutter Task Force just got a LOT more interesting... * At the end of the Death From Below trial instead of the two hydra heads you find Mako with a dreadfully distended stomach... you still get all the bubble and vortex attacks (bad gas)... but instead of attacking him you must spawn the temp power "Pepto-Bismal" at him over and over again.. *Defeat Mako's forces and get a Jabberjaw as a summonable pet! |
(wish I had the Orson Wells Clap gif...)
And Yes! I get the Candygram.
Thank you for the time...
@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

You say that like it's a "bad thing".
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
I like seeing your lists again Steelclaw.
I also got the Candygram joke but I'm not that old.
Since Mako and all his finned friends are taking over the streets (and ponds and whatnot), all players automatically have their travel powers changed to Super Leap.
Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
not that dated if you know your comedy history. they repeat those eps a lot too. Heck, it was my first joke when i read the title.
I'm proud to say I got this reference. I earned my oldness, one day at a time*.
* (The following joke is extremely dated... like 70's dated... acknowledging you get it is as good as saying you're old...) Every time you click on a non-mission door a voice from the other side will say "Candygram..."
*I also remember One Day At A Time.
I'm a teenager and I got that one.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
LMAAO!!!! all those ideas are awesome
BAAD paragon studios for not thinking of them!

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use
Now I want to run that version of Admiral Sutter Task Force!
Hey hey, that's what syndication and Youtube clips are for! And that's my favorite one, though they're all great.
* (The following joke is extremely dated... like 70's dated... acknowledging you get it is as good as saying you're old...) Every time you click on a non-mission door a voice from the other side will say "Candygram..."

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."
You didn't go for the obvious choice, Sharktopus.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
* All zones no longer divided into PvE and PvP... now simply referred to as "Buffet."
* Say good bye to Lusca.... say hello to Sharkzilla...
* Not to say anything bad will happen to her... but you may want to get your Believer badge NOW...
* A strange fish-like guy walks up to you wearing a fake mustache... he warns you that Captain Mako has been spotted nearby and the only way to protect yourself is rub these herbs and spices into your skin then hit yourself repeatedly with a meat tenderizer...
* No matter how large/small the body of water... whenever you are running/swimming through it two or three shark fins will appear and follow you... and yes... that includes the sewers...
* Flying sharks with laser cannons in Shadow Shard!
* (The following joke is extremely dated... like 70's dated... acknowledging you get it is as good as saying you're old...) Every time you click on a non-mission door a voice from the other side will say "Candygram..."
* Running the Admiral Sutter Task Force just got a LOT more interesting...
* At the end of the Death From Below trial instead of the two hydra heads you find Mako with a dreadfully distended stomach... you still get all the bubble and vortex attacks (bad gas)... but instead of attacking him you must spawn the temp power "Pepto-Bismal" at him over and over again..
*Defeat Mako's forces and get a Jabberjaw as a summonable pet!
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw