729 -
Ouroboros!!!!! And build a house on the floating islands, and become another epic time traveler along side Neme-- I mean mender silos :3
Then use the ouro portal to go and get food n stuff... Maybe bring some animals to populate the islands and make a fence so they don't fall off
Quote:For the two others we could build bridges from island to island and have them connect the the main platformThat floating island with the waterfall in Ouroboros. It's a cool spot and it's in one of the few zones not overrun with criminals.
Of course I'd need my own helicoper or at least a jet-pack if I lived there. -
Id easily pay more if it kept it going much longer!
HAVING A SUPER AWESOME OUTSTANDING DEV TEAM!!!!!!!! AND HAVING THEM LISTEN TO WANT YOU WANT!!! (sometimes) BUT THEY DID DO A LOT OF CHANGES AND TWEAKS!!!!! And Made stuff in the game happen from player requests!!!!
Ill have to be there tooo
damn you golden girl! And yes we did!
Quote:I think ive seen that happen a few times...A bug I used to take advantage off was to adjust the camera just in the right angle on an indoor map, to have the entire map vanish and see just floors and blackness. I also was able to see the location of every single glowie and enemy.
Was still possible recently, but not reliable because the camera somehow learned to snap back in fast. With all the changes to things like map marker after every enemy was dead, though, it was rarely something I cared to exploit in the last couple years. When the game was full of timed missions that required me to find a glowie though that bug was extremely valuable. -
Quote:lololololol!! Nice! well a friend of mine @Golden.Avenger taught me the Peregine Island, Talos, and Atlas park trick and kinda enjoy trolling doing hide n seeks in AP setting /hide settings to the max and just sitting under (literally under) Atlas statue and see what people do.Once I found myself under the world in Talos, and for several hours I freaked out players by waiting for them to start engaging a spawn and then shot their spawn from below with explosive blast as they attacked. I could see them but they could not see me: the wonders of one-way textures.
Whats even more of a blast is having a non-targetable pet out. you can summon it under a zone on a surface but will pop up above ground... and fly around under the zone with it running after you... it looks like a random NPC running around in zone. -
Im going to Try and Make Vigos somewhere else..... It took about an hour or more to find on CoH what AT i wanted to make him The original Character is on www.myspace.com/Great_Black_Leviathan999 and where i based him from on CoH
Lemme know if somone cand find something simuilar to him and ill go to that game then >to keep the Legacy alive of The Great Black Leviathan
Quote:Bugs are the best part of the game!!! The Best ones im sure are still kept secret :P and never reported. My favorite bug is still going under AP and doing /e ultimatepower under Liberty scaring n00bs :P people in Cap didnt care so much by Black Market... some pp were like O_o? I miss going under: Faultline, Peregine island, :C they fixed those with i23 Cimerora, Monster Island, Pocket D, Atlas, Cap au Diable, Croatoa ive managed to get underEven when things dont work this community can find the fun in it. Some wonderful bugs Lets see...
Way back when the game released the maps were not set up right so you would often see bad guys just leap through a wall. I remember having to petition those a few times.
*hugggles tonyV like a plushy* I wish i could reach through my comp and hug you in person.... and all the peeps if we pull this off.
Probably under Cap.... outside of Pocket D...... somewhere awesome.....
I have everything saved
I hope something awesome happens, man. I really really really dont wanna see this game go down like this. I wanna see all the new stuff that was going to come out... and future stories
Lost count :/ I'll have to find out an exact number tomorrow. It was a lot though
I did make something of my own toon long before playing I had a pic up in the thread with my ralaruu eye pic. Ive had the same toon/character long before playing CoH, but would be kinda cool too. I know i sent her pics (and i think she took some of Vigos too) just not sure where it be in the "queue" of making them.
.......yes and Even the dreaded council/5th column caves ._.
Quote:dooooooooo eeeeeeeeeetttttt!!!!!!!!!!!! :di'll make this easy.
I'm on google+ and twitter. Search for my real name, chris lecount.
My email is chrisle12345@gmail.com
unfortunately, i do not have a facebook page at the moment. (although i am seriously thinking about it now that it may well be nigh impossible to stay in contact with my coh buddies without one.)
~v~ -
yay added Snow Globe and Golden Girl on DeviantArt
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Vigs999 (please lemme know who you are so i can also add you to a CoH group there
if the CoHFaces are going to be up: Vigos999 there too
MSN: Vigs999@hotmail.com
YIM: Comarits888@yahoo.com
iMessages (for itunes/ipad users) Vigs999@hotmail.com
AIM & Skype: BlackLeviathan99
Twitter: Vigos999
If some of you get into the whole ParaPR ..stuff..
also I have a Chat Site for people that like live Chats:
to use and meet with people, its not moderated so please courtious of other people.
.......so need Devianart site...... ill have to make one and update this
Update: http://vigos999.deviantart.com/ <= for that site too now -
*latches to Snow Globe* I wanna keep in touch with ya dude! D:
POSSSIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! add me on Facebook *sobs*
Thanks Zwill for updaating your post with our group
It means a lot to me!