Carry on the Legacy
i think the titan forums will be my next hangout when all this comes to pass, i would even be willing to start giving my sub to them as donation every month

Do you think you'll be able to give us some advance warning, Zwill? Or...was this the advance warning?
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
I plan to slither off to some dark corner of the internet and spawn a new online identity for myself as I do with each MMO I go to.
Add your something awful to the list anyway, Zwill, don't just tease us with it!
@Doctor Gemini
Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.
Add your something awful to the list anyway, Zwill, don't just tease us with it!
Somewhat related, but ever since the announcement, tumblr's City Of Heroes tag has burst into activity.

Add your something awful to the list anyway, Zwill, don't just tease us with it!

I believe he was referring to the Something Awful forums, but I think members aren't supposed to talk about it or something.
It's a more abrasive place than here; coarse language is allowed, and the bitter rivalries here have nothing on the kind of grudge matches goons can hold. But they do love their games, and they're... not exactly welcoming, but certainly willing to yell loudly if you are.
We'll always have Paragon.
Thanks, Z! We will indeed continue to operate and serve the City of Heroes community after NCsoft shuts their servers down. We will continue to post news and updates about our efforts to keep the game alive (see signature) and to keep the community together.
Moderation-wise, we shoot to maintain a feel similar to the forums here. We do actively moderate posts for content such as personal attacks, vulgar or offensive content, etc. Everyone is more than welcome to continue congregating in our neck of the Internet.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
What're the chances another company comes and picks up CoH?
Speaking of which, these forums have a lot of history and community culture here and I know a lot of people don't want to lose it all. Web Archive does not do well with archiving forums; it usually just grabs the main boards page with each "snapshot" and leaves everything else untouched.
Is there any way one of us can contact Jason Scott's Archive Team for the possibility of archiving the posts and threads here?
(Also, I want forum VIP status so I can see my avatar again ... ;_; )
if you have Facebook: Join here!!

I will be heading over to Titan Network after these forums are shut down. See you all there!!
Zwillinger, I loved participating on these forums and reading about the game nearly as much as playing it. In fact, because I could peep on here during work hours or by using non-gaming devices, I probably spent more time on these forums than in game.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Zwillinger is a goon--I knew it.
The 1st Message Board Warrior. m/
Thanks Zwill for updaating your post with our group It means a lot to me!

You guys wanna come to Comic Shaven. Except GG, go somewhere else.
Comics Shaven Forums
Although it's posted in the Infinity Server Forum, I felt it was necessary to try and include anyone who may be interested. Feel free to check it out. Thank you for everything.
Thanks Zwill, we will have an official statement in a day or two. But for now, here is my personal statement about why I founded Unleashed, so that those that don't know anything about us can have some basic idea.
More to come...
We've been here since before this game was released. Longest running fan community in the history of this game. We're going no-where.
As we wind things down, one of the eventualities is that these forums will cease to exist. This doesn't have to mean the end of this gaming Community, nay family.
There are many existing third party sites that are comprised of or have a significant number of City of Heroes Community members who avidly discuss the game, amongst other things. While they're not the same as the Official Forum, moderation rules may differ, the management certainly isn't official, they're definitely an opportunity to continue your friendships in cases where distance is a factor.
Please note: Join these Communities at your own risk. This is not an official endorsement of any site by NCsoft or Paragon Studios.
- Titan Network - : TonyV and the other administrators of the Titan Network/Paragon Wiki have dedicated a huge portion of their free time and passion to maintaining this amazing Community site for many years. I can't think of a better place to congregate.
- Unleashed - : Regardless of it's origins, Unleashed is a place full of City of Heroes players who love the game and the Community. Tell Westley I said "hi".
- I had another recommendation to go here, but I figured that many of you might consider it something awful. Regardless, it's one of those places you'd be surprised to find such a passionate group of City of Heroes players. NSFW.
- Many players have joined a Facebook group to keep everyone in touch -
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave them in this thread. I'll try to review it and add it to the list if it's appropriate.Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios