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  1. For every beginning, there must be an end. For all things that exist, nonexistence awaits. All things that live, die. This is something that we will all have to face in life. For some, it comes sooner, as we lose our childhood pets and learn the lesson the hard way. For some, it comes later and we haven't yet developed the coping skills to deal with the loss.

    You could say that the end of an online video game is no big deal. Compared to the deaths of hundreds of children a day in Africa due to malnutrition, compared to the epic raging of mad dictators that suppress their people, compared to even the life-changing events that affect people's lives in the "real world". You could say that, compared to all of those things, this is a joke, nothing worth noting whatsoever.

    You would be wrong.

    Just like in any city, there are people that come and go constantly. People that stick around for only a short time, and old timers that can tell you what it was like "back in the good old days", and everyone in between. I was one of those old timers, depending on your definition. I was never in Beta, but I was there from day one of launch, I believe. Though I haven't played in over two years, I still remember what it was like. I remember first running around Atlas Park, and seeing how HUGE the game world was. Little did I realize at the time, that this was just one ZONE. Do yourself a favor before the game shuts down in November, take a walk around Atlas Park. No travel powers, no speed bonuses, just got at normal speed like any newbie that couldn't figure out what Sprint was. You will see the zone and the game world in a different light. It might even bring back memories, for those of us experienced and jaded. Like, when you stand next to one of the business doors, for just a moment, you can hear people inside. Like the detail on all of the windows, doors, and even in the litter on the streets. Like the intricate posters that still hang on the theater walls just as they did from the start.

    We have a lot to thank the developers of this game for, past and present. Don't you think for a minute that the current staff were the only ones that care about the game. I can guarantee you that there are still former and current Cryptic developers out there that remember fondly the details that they put into that initial launch.

    We have a lot to thank the other players of this game for as well. For shared memories and shared experiences. I remember when I was first starting out, and some player, who's name is lost in time, taught me how to "window hop" in King's Row before I ever got to fly, just so that I could get to the top of the buildings and hunt for Circle of Thorns for that one mission that it was IMPOSSIBLE to find them for. I remember much much later, when I finally made the big time, and my main character Philotic Knight got to 50, heading over to Monster Island in Peregrine with a few other like-minded individuals, and bringing giant monsters all the way to Castle! Sure, call me a troll for that, report me, but you have to admit, you had just as much fun fighting all those giant monsters in a place they weren't supposed to be as anyone else did. Those memories will last a lifetime.

    But even beyond these memories, beyond the world inside the game client, the City continued. The City continued on the forums, where I spent more time than I even spent in-game, enjoying the company of others. My history with this game's forum community predates my first marriage (and lasted longer than it too, I might add!). This was where the City could be seen beyond the pick up groups, beyond the hustle and bustle of grinding to the next level, tailoring your suit, or min/maxing your character's stats out. The forum community was and is a fantastic group of people, who, while we may not always get along, always shared that one thing in common. We loved our City. We loved talking about our City. We loved debating aspects of our City and finding ways to make our City better, brighter, bolder!

    No, my friends, City of Heroes was NOT just a game. City of Heroes, like anything that causes people to collect around it, became a COMMUNITY. As it exists right now, digitally, technically, it's all code, ones and zeroes. But everyone here knows that it's more than that. What Cryptic, NC Soft, and Paragon Studios crafted together was an entire world, where people could congregate, share, develop, and grow together. Where even though our individual actions never really changed the storyline of the game itself, our interactions with each other changed the lives of countless other people.

    It was a place where a lately diagnosed autistic could learn what it means to really UNDERSTAND the way other people think, and to try to learn to live with them, work with them, communicate with them. And for that, I thank you all.

    While I hope that Paragon Studios, NC Soft, the Titan Network, and whoever else involved might be able to come to an arrangement to continue this game, I GUARANTEE you that Paragon City will never be lost. (By the way, you can help in the cause to save the game here, if you haven't heard already)

    Because each one of us carries a piece of Paragon City within us, and each of us carries a piece of every other person who we've ever met in our City with us too. I carry a piece of you with me, wherever I go, and I hope that you carry a piece of me with you. Even if you've never heard from me before now, at least you have this letter. You have this one interaction, which the City gave to us. Just now.

    For all of my ramblings and incoherent diatribes, I need you to remember that when Pandora's Box was opened, and all the evils beset to trouble mankind entered this world, there was one thing left for all of us to share: hope.

    That is what Paragon City, the City of Heroes, gave to all of us, a hope for a brighter future, a dream brought to digital fruition. It was real. It IS real. And it will continue to be real, long after the servers have gone dark.

    Fellow City of Heroes forumites await you, if you join us over on the Unleashed Forums. We are eagerly awaiting your visit. Contrary to popular belief, the site was NOT an "ego project" for me, it was my attempt at giving something, anything back to the community that gave me so many memories. Because, if you look at it honestly, if we didn't care at all about this game, we wouldn't be here talking about it.

    And that should be proof enough for anyone that it's worth a damn.

  2. Thanks Zwill, we will have an official statement in a day or two. But for now, here is my personal statement about why I founded Unleashed, so that those that don't know anything about us can have some basic idea.

    More to come...
  3. It's one thing if my name was something generic like "Hero Dude". But this is obvious intentional harassment. How many "philotic" characters do you see out there? It's pretty obvious that this was on purpose solely for the purpose of getting me upset.

    It worked.

    Blood Spectre over at Unleashed also made a good point about this in our chat room:

    if you're this mad, maybe you should just accept that you're never leaving CoH
    look at you
    you clearly love this game
    I hate it when other people are more right about me than I am.
  4. ...who took the name Philotic Knight on the VIP server? I want your liver. With fava beans, and a nice chianti.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    For that reason, I applaud the MARTy initiative. If they can keep the monitoring on the server, where it really makes the most sense, then I'll be happy as a clam about the whole monitoring issue.
    I concur with this. I think MARTy is one of the best ideas they've ever had in this game. I just hope that they can get the "sensitivity" just right to stop the RMTers and not affect regular players. I'm sure it will get better over time.
  6. I'm strongly considering sucking it up now though, at least for one day, just to try the Philotic Knight the way he was always meant to be from the start: a Force Fields/Fire Blast defender.

    It is tempting to give up my rights to finally see that.... seven years later...
  7. No, it's not unusual. But that doesn't make it right. There are a lot of things in our history that were "usual" and normal, that we would not accept today.
  8. What may be "intended", and what it actually says are two different things.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The EULA isn't changing, the servers are up, I21 is live, and this thread is even more pointless now than when it started
    In what way is it pointless? Please, be specific.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    EDIT: There have been times when a service I wanted to try had terms which I felt took more than I could approve of, then I choose NOT to use the service. I'm well within my rights not to use a service I feel is taking more than they should, as well as the service being well within their rights not to serve me for whatever reason, including not agreeing to their terms.
    I cannot disagree with this, I am just stating my opposition in the hopes that it might possibly be changed. I WANT to play this game in the future. Defenders getting Fire Blast and the new focus on content rather than new systems/doo-hickeys that I never cared about got me very excited about coming back to the game again.... and then this.
  11. I'm sorry that I cannot be as apathetic about this as you are. This game meant a lot to me, and so it makes me passionate.
  12. In the end, what matters to me is what it says, not whether it's enforceable or not. I will not agree to something that I disagree with on a fundamental level.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    or in the case of Japanese-Americans in WWII....what rights?
    Does that count as a Godwin? I'm not sure...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    TBH, doesn't look like too many people care all that much.
    This does seem to be the case, and it makes me sad. People are so easily willing to give up their rights, pretty soon we won't have any left.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    surprised the thread devoled into a troll thread?

    yep trolling.

    Yep trolling.

    Also is my memory off, but isn't ADMITTING that you were trolling basically an actionable (aka forum temp ban) offense
    Let's please keep the discussion where it needs to be, the EULA.
  16. Weird concept? That people may not want to give up certain rights to play a game? How is that weird?
  17. This discussion should be about the EULA.
  18. Can we have a serious debate without name calling and insults? We're all mature individuals here, right?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Definitely. I don't think we'll ever see the helmet from the comics as it obscures too much of the actors face.
    Agreed, which is sad, and makes me think very scary thoughts about the upcoming Deadpool movie.
  20. I posted it as soon as *I* found out about it. The timing was based on the timing of my knowledge, there is no sinister reason for the timing of my post. I would have made it Monday afternoon if I found out then.
  21. What can I say? As soon as I read that part, I was angry. I didn't want to be alone, and I figured "who else reads EULAs?" So I wanted to point it out.
  22. I'd like to note that my usage of the term "civil liberties" was intentional hyperbole for the sake of generating emotional outrage. I was aware that I was using it incorrectly, in fact, I chose to do so intentionally.