In the Newspapers!




((This is proposed to be an in-character recap thread similar to the IC rumours, but on a more city-wide scale. Its simple; just post a newspaper headline or two, maybe even a paragraph or an entire article, explaining the news on your character, or supergroup or whomever it may concern. Captured news from plot events are even better, just because they're part of a bigger story. You don't have to always include the newspaper's/editor's name, but it's good to say the date of the paper's print, or occurrence of the subject event. Posts with images of their newspaper article may be featured in the Handbook.

The main aim of this thread is to provide our characters with the latest public knowledge, giving food for conversations. Another aim is to altogether, give the Union Universe a stronger sense of realism, through produced media. I'll start.))


Mystical hero saves the day! Last night, an aeroplane failed over State City, the Priest somehow teleported it to safety just seconds before it would have crashed, possibly into the Twin Peak complex. - City News, Dec 2



Acrobat Pulls A Vanishing Act

Nicholas Kolya, 18, and famed for his death-defying stunts in the Paragon Central Circus, was last night reported missing by the circus owner. The acrobat, who dabbled in parlour tricks aswell, was well known through the lower-class entertainment crowds. Whilst no note was left behind, police are reporting this as "un-suspicious" and that "the boy probably just ran away". An inquest into the training methods and the way performers were treated in the circus is underway.

Dec 1 issue of Paragon Times, Page 8, found on a bench in Atlas Park.



((Wonderful idea Pious))

Paragon City Gazette, December 3rd. Page one.

Hand of Battle found guilty of unlawful killings!

The hero known as The Hand of Battle was today found guilty while absent of the unlawful deaths of thirty-two criminals, who died of their injuries during the hero's heavy-handed arrest methods of her early career. Upon her return to active duty following the Rikti Invasion fleet's majority repulsion, she was ordered by city officials to pay compensation to the families of the bereaved parties, a sum in the order of US$14,000,000.00

The Hand of Battle, also known as Isabelle Savage, who is a member of the heroic organisation The New Heroes Union, was reluctant to comment at length, saying only: "I am content with the judgement, and will repay the debt she owes without complaint or appeal. Justice must be served above all else especially those who dispense it." At which point she leapt into the air and vanished out of sight. She remains on active duty while serving her sentence in the employ of Freedom Corps. and the Vanguard. Some estimates say that the compensation sum may take her more than eight months to repay.



Paragon Times, Columnist Steven Tyler's page, main article
"A step too far?"

Willaim Benedict has only just recovered from his coma but it seems his mind may have not fully recovered or that someone forgot to give him his injections that morning. What am I referring to? Why it's the Benedict's Phoenix Soldier Project, a re-run of the ill-fated Paragon Protector Project with the righteous glistening of 'volunteer-only' stamped on it.

I was invited like several other journalists to witness the unveiling of his latest project (or rather his first since he's woken up from a five-year slumber). With loud voice and accompanying soundtrack he unveils it to a fanfare and most of us were dumbstruck when what stepped out was a woman dressed in strangely red, white and black outfit wearing a helmet that would put PPD SWAT teams to shame. After the shock passed he claified that she had been dead for almost 3 years and resurrected by some kind of genetic bath insertion technique (my gobsmacked look prevented me from hearing exactly what he said as I was trying to pick up my jaw after it dropped off my face).

I remember several years ago that Countess Crey came onto the scene spouting glorious, praising words that her Paragon Protectors would bring order to the city, assisting the PPD when needed and she is currently facing lawsuits from several deceased hero's families about illegal usage of their DNA in creating them. Does anyone besides me see the glaring similarities? DNA, dead heroes, a desire to help clean up the city with them.. all present and correct.

The only glimmer of hope came from the words utter by Mr Benedict that she was only the first and for a moment I was almost convinced until I re-read those words in my head. He went on to say that they would not be 'alone' and that experienced heroes would be helping to re-train them for today's climate.

If this is his idea of helping.. God help us all.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



((Extract of an article from The Paragon Herald))

Archer and Plushie Toys Sell Out
With the festive season fast approaching and the cries of demanding children becoming ever louder in the ears of weary parents, it seems that one of this year's "must-have" toy is already becoming thin on the ground. Action figures based upon the Paragon City hero "The Crimson Archer", are doing battle with "Plushie-Love" dolls for the title of fastest selling toy. With these toys currently unavailable on the toy shop shelves and being sold on the internet auction site I-Bay for five times the shop bought value it seems the anguish for parents of demanding children is only set to continue.

The Crimson Archer sales campaign, currently being spearheaded by personal appearances across Rhode Island by the hero himself, otherwise known as lottery millionaire Jamie Reynolds, is itself set to increase as Christmas draws near. John Davies, Marketing Strategist for ActionBiz Toys says, "Expect to see more of Crimson Archer and the real life realisation of these action figure costumes in the run up to Christmas!".

With "Plushie-Love: The Movie" due to open this weekend, and Crimson Archer already sporting a new look bas...

((The rest of the article is obscured by an unfortunate coffee stain at this point!))

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



"In Paragon City, Halloween is not a night where kids can go freely looking for candies. It is a nightmare full of deadly monsters: Vampires, Zombies, Witches, Werewolves, Jack-o-Lanterns, Eochai, Jack-in-Irons... A night full of hard work for heroes."

"En Paragon City, Halloween no es una noche donde los niños puedan ir libremente por ahi buscando caramelos. Es una pesadilla llena de monstruos mortíferos: Vampires, Zombies, Witches, Werewolves, Jack-o-Lanterns, Eochai, Jack-in-Irons... Una noche llena de duro trabajo para los héroes."



(( No offense, but Halloween was in October! ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Trusted Doctor Of Atlas Park Goes Onto Magnificent Healing Spree

trusted medic jame's stone saved his allies lives three times in striga isle drug raid last night after being amushed by 40 or more warriors more on page 3((no page 3 its a fluke ))



Battle for the Flop, Flopped

A few weeks ago, the Flop erupted in gunfire and dead bodies as an attack by several groups created chaos on the streets. Police investigaors have only just finished sifting through the evidence and have confirmed that the gangland shooting of several Marcone bosses was performed by the Circle as weapons found at the scene indicated. Witnesses claim they saw men appear out of the shadows attacking the Marcone bosses directly and seemingly unaffected by their retaliatory efforts but the lack of bodies has thrown their accounts into doubt.

The attack appears unrelated to the numerous random killings across the Rogue Isles. Police are still investigating.

Rogue Isles Guardian, 5th December 2007

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



The Paragon Times, Dec 7th, page 6.

Impact! boom rocks city.

Yesterday a large crater appeared in the farm land area outside of the city war wall area, reports from the area state that a fireball was spotted in the sky shortly before a loud bang was heard. Serveal Heroes rushed to the area, finding a man standing there looking into the crater, he is believed to be the Sha'dower, who is the said once missing english multi millionaire, Sean O'Brain founder of O'BrainTech Industries.
We have been told by their C.E.O's board that the object was in fact one of their satellites which had crashed due to a fault in its main computer, althrough they had tried to set it on a course to land into the sea off the coast, due to an unexpected problem it had changed course and crashed outside of the city.
They have sent in a team to recover the Satellite and fill in the crater, and have told the paper they are willing to pay any damage costs caused by the accidental mishap of the crash.

* There is a photo next to it which is of Sha'dower standing their scratching his head and peering into the crate at the fallen satellite remains.*



((Article appears on the Buzz Around Paragon news website and follow ups appear in several of the city's newspapers))

Special report by Dixon Growler

GOTH rock icon Samyaza was a fallen angel hell bent on death and destruction, it has been claimed today.
The sensational accusation comes as MAGI and Freedom Corps are finally releasing information about a major strike by heroes on an island several miles off the coast of Peregrine Island last Thursday.
MAGI investigator Michael Thunderhorse said that Samyaza is the only suspect in the slaying of 13 MAGI mystics and the destruction of a warehouse in Independence Port last month.
The androgynous singer, who recently launched comeback album The Rapture, is best known for his 70s and 80s output including Soul Food, Sweet Torture and Lost in the Garden of Good and Evil.
He recently filed a lawsuit against the Daily Comet after they printed claims that he was responsible for a devastating attack on HeroCorps operatives at a base in the Sahara.
Mr Thunderhorse said that Samyaza had been either killed or incapacitated in the attack by several heroes. Although the identities of the heroes has not been revealed, our sources say that perennial media targets Diana “Love Angel” Bright and Dee Dee Diablo and several members of Silent Tempest were among the party.
Mr Thunderhorse said: “The nature of angels and fallen angels is open to interpretation and we are not in a position to confirm or deny these claims. Whether Samyaza was a powerful mage or meta or a mythological being, his power was significant and we are grateful to those heroes who risked their lives to expose him.
“The exact conclusion of the battle is still under investigation. We don’t wish to give credence to the rumours he was sucked back into hell, but we are confident that Samyaza is no longer a threat to Paragon City at this time. We will not be looking for anyone else in connection with the murder of MAGI personnel at Cutlass Island or the attack on the warehouse at Independence Port.”
Several arrests have been made, including three powerful metahumans who are currently held in the maximum-security wing of the Zigursky Penitentiary, but Samyaza is not thought to be among them. Several boats have been impounded and Freedom Corps and MAGI are continuing investigations of the island and what are believed to be subterranean tunnels.
Captain Zak Truman, of Freedom Corps, said: “Our inquiry is ongoing. We have found advanced scientific and medical equipment on the island as well as a number of humanoid creatures similar those rescued from a ship docked at Striga Island back in September.
“One theory, supported by interviews with some of the heroes involved in last Thursday’s strike, suggest that a new drug called Rapture was being manufactured here with plans to distribute in Paragon. We cannot with any confidence say at this stage that the drug has not entered the city’s criminal supply chain.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Mysterious attack in Striga Isle, Hero Left for Dead

"I could hear smashing glass and crumbling concrete all the way from here," Stephanie Peebles told the press. "A warehouse lit up entirely red from within, and that's when I decided to call in a few people I know to check things out."

The rather gritty elderly woman who has been a resident of Striga Isle for her entire life was the first to call in Paragon City's heroes to investigate a disturbance on the pier, but it seems even they were shocked at what they found.

"A hero - no I won't give you their name, sonny, some things don't need to be too public - came back this way, looking rather shaky," Stephanie continued. "She told me that young fella, Loup Garou, was in a bad way. He looked as if he'd been electrocuted, and a message had been left upon the wall above his body. Sadistic freaks...I doubt it was a Council job, or even Family, I'd know the signs, but SOMEONE did. I feel a bit responsible; he came here a little while ago and offered to help clear the Isle up...maybe he got someone's attention as a result, but he was determined to help, and determined is what is needed sometimes."

Loup Garou, a Paragon hero, apparently was attending a meeting, of which purpose the Heroes declined comment. Witnesses note they saw Loup Garou being flung through a window as if he "were a sack of potatoes", being pursued by a figure in a costume which almost look like Statesman's. The hero was found by members of the New Heroes Union - their names were also not given - and was healed and treated from extensive burns.

"By reports, he was apparently dead on the scene for at least 15 seconds before being revived," Dr. Hartwell of the Galaxy City Hospital commented. "It may explain his current state, as Loup Garou is now comatose. There are two dark impressions upon his chest, just above his heart, which still remain even with the attempts to heal him by several heroes on-scene. This would denote extreme tissue damage.

"I've also been told this particular hero has regeneration abilities. However, with his current comatose state, these abilities appear to be unresponsive. Right now, his body and mind are in statis. It could be hours, days, or years before he recovers. It's impossible to say."



((This is actually taken from the Supremacy thread, but seeing as we are collecting newspaper stuff here, I figured I'd post this bit here too. For the full story though check Supremacy.))

Informer 01/12/07.



10th December - Paragon Metro's 'This Week In The City' Entertainment Section.

Nene MacAllister, frontwoman of 'The Nines', will be playing at Blue Waterfall in Steel Canyon this Friday from 9pm. The up-and-coming rock musician will be on the piano playing a range of contemporary and traditional Christmas songs till 11pm.

When asked on the change of style and venue, compared to her normal setting of 'The Pits', an alternative nightclub in Kings Row, she said:

'Whilst I enjoy rock music, and love performing with my band, my first love has always been the piano and classical music, and to fit the season, the owners of Blue Waterfall have kindly let me perform this coming Friday. I am rather looking forwards to playing in front of a new audience with different tastes, and hope everyone will have an enjoyable festive evening."



((This appears first on the Buzz Around Paragon news website but is picked up by the evening and following morning's papers))

Story by Dixon Growler

SEVEN teenagers have been hospitalised after falling into unexplained comas while listening to a controversial rock album.
Doctors at Rivera Medical Centre, where the three males and four females aged between 16 and 19 are being treated, said that traces of an unknown biological compound has been found in all of the victims.
One common factor seems to be that all of the victims were listening to The Rapture CD by gothic rocker Samyaza whose island home off Peregrine Island was recently targeted by Silent Tempest and other heroes. It was later claimed that Samyaza was a fallen angel masterminding the introduction of a new highly addictive drug in Paragon. Claims that were supported, in part, by Freedom Corps and MAGI.
The mother of Eloise Jenkins, 18, of Skyway City, said that her daughter exhibited mood swings and became withdrawn in recent days.
Mrs Jenkins said: “She was a lovely, outgoing girl, who had heaps of friends before she started listening to that blasted album. That same song going over and over must have fried her tender brain. She would stay in her room for hours and lost interest in school and her friends.
“Then I went up to her room to take her a cherry soda and some cookies and found her unconscious. Her eyes were wide open, tinged with red like they were bloodshot. The image of her like that and that horrible song just keep going round and round in my head.”
Paragon Police Department say they are investigating suspicions that a new street drug known as Rapture is being distributed in Skyway City, Independence Port and Peregrine Island.
PPD spokesman Chuck Randle said: “The name Rapture and suspicions that a new drug is being sold is based on information from heroes investigating Samyaza as well as anecdotal evidence.
“Moody teenagers are hardly a new phenomenon and as yet we have been unable to confirm who is supplying Rapture or if it exists at all. We ask any heroes who come into contact with this drug’s supply chain to contact us immediately.”
Meanwhile, calls have been made for Samyaza’s album The Rapture to be banned.
Marion Goodwill, of Christian radio station WWJD, said: “This rock singing person has been all but confirmed as a fallen angel and yet we let our young, impressionable children listen to his evil. Does it really take these young people falling into comas to convince the authorities to act? I cannot comprehend why so many people fail to understand that freedom of speech and other rights we have as Americans should only apply to ideas and individuals we as the moral majority are comfortable with.
“Won‘t somebody think of the children?”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko




((Article appears on the front page of the Skyway City Spartan newspaper today. There is a picture of a powerfully built Native American in a black suit, white shirt and tie captioned as “MAGI investigator Michael Thunderhorse”. Another of a gnarled-skinned, heavy-browed Troll with an iron plate bolted to his face where his nose used to be is captioned as “Troll boss Ironbridge who was arrested yesterday”.))

16 dead and 21 arrested as City Rapture lab is shutdown

A DRUG lab producing the drug Rapture was closed down by MAGI investigators in Skyway City yesterday.
Until the swoop, the question of whether the drug was real or an urban myth had been widely debated.
But last night, MAGI investigator Michael Thunderhorse confirmed that a gang of renegade Trolls had been supplying the drug, sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Drug due to its rumoured connection to disappeared rock star Samyaza, in Skyway City.
The leader of the gang, a Troll called Ironbridge, was arrested along with 20 others. Ironbridge is also being questioned regarding the murder of Troll boss Grunt who was found stabbed in prison earlier this year.
Mr Thunderhorse said: “Today we can confirm that Rapture is a reality. This drug is highly addictive, radically alters the user’s behaviour and has already put seven teenagers in hospital. I call on friends and family to monitor their loved ones and report any suspicions that they are using this vile drug. Heroes should be vigilant and report any information about the supply chain of this drug to myself at MAGI’s offices in Atlas Park or Galaxy City. And, finally, I call on the criminals themselves - this drug was created to fulfil a yet undetermined, sinister objective and there is no shame in providing law enforcement with any information that could remove it from the rest of the city as today’s strike as done in Skyway.
“Finally, I would like to thank civilian Cristabel de la Rosa, without whose help this operation could not have succeeded.”
Turn to Page 7

Cont from Page 1
In an earlier raid on a Troll base that was part of the same investigation, 16 Trolls were killed after violently resisting arrest.
Mr Thunderhorse added: “There is a derivative of the drug known as Rapture X, which the gangs involved in its supply are taking themselves. This variation seems to have magical properties and changes the behaviour and biology of the subject. They are possessed of great strength, endurance and ferocity and leave those of the side of the law no option but to respond with deadly force.”
MAGI have advised that the whites of Rapture X users’ eyes appear to be stained blood red, their veins are dark and prominent, muscle mass is increased and their gums recede giving them the impression of having elongated teeth.
Members of the public are advised not to approach anyone they believe is using Rapture X and heroes are warned not to tackle them without back up.
The effects of Rapture itself, however, are thus far unconfirmed.
Seven teenagers who are believed to have taken the drug are still being treated at the Disease and Infection Control (DIC) Unit at Rivera Medical Center.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko




((This article is posted on the Buzz Around Paragon news website late this afternoon))

Story by Dixon Growler

TWO more teenagers have fallen into drug-fuelled comas just hours after MAGI confirmed the existence of Rapture.
Last night, Titus O’Connor, 16, and Konnie Applegate, 18, were admitted to the Disease and Infection Control (DIC) unit at the Rivera Medical Center.
This morning, after liasing with MAGI, the unit confirmed that the latest admissions bring the total of teens that have fallen victim to Rapture to nine.
DIC Head Alan Bannister said: “The latest samples provided by MAGI investigators from a illegal drugs lab in Skyway City have helped us come to the conclusion that all nine of these young people have been overcome by a drug which I am reliable informed is known on the streets as Rapture.
“The drug has been assimilated by their body as if it were a blood transfusion making it as yet impossible to isolate or treat. There bodies have lapsed into an extremely relaxed state, almost as if they are asleep. However, this is contrasted by their brain activity, which is off the chart. At this stage we simply cannot arrive at a prognosis.”
Last night, MAGI investigator Michael Thunderhorse confirmed that Rapture was being manufactured and distributed in Paragon City.

The Rapture victims:
Eloise Jenkins, 18, Skyway City
Langdon Richards, 17, Skyway City
Konnie Applegate, 18, Skyway City
Omar Nasri, 14, Independence Port
Titus O’Connor, 16, Independence Port
Lucy Bright, 19, Peregrine Island
Daphne Lacont, 17, Peregrine Island
Jackie Mullins, 18, Peregrine Island
Douglas McQueen, 17, Peregrine Island

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



-Buzz Around Paragon news website, December 19

FOOTAGE of rock musicians Nene McAllister and Dee Dee Diablo singing Christmas favourite Fairytale of New York has become the most viewed video on Buzz Around Paragon.
The duet was caught on a cellphone at Blue Waterfall, Steel Canyon, where Nene McAllister, frontwoman of The Nines, was performing a concert of Christmas favourites.
For the final song of the night the accomplished pianist was joined by her girlfriend Dee Dee Diablo of hellraising punk band The Last Word.
The video, which has been watched 250,000 times in our Viewed News section, has led to calls for the pair to release the song in time for next Christmas.
Diablo said: “If people like it that’s cool, but we haven’t talked about releasing it. It was Nene’s night and I was just there to support her. She was amazing and I wouldn’t say that song was the highlight by any means. We just thought it’d be cool to do that song together as we both love it. But if people like that video they should see the one we made last night. Or maybe they shouldn’t. No comment!”
Bane of the moral majority Diablo has seen her band’s album Greetings from the Gutter soar to the top of the city’s chart since its release last month.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



New company opens it's door in Paragon

A new business enterprise, calling itsself Fortitude has opened a new office in the well-known Nebula district of Galaxy City. The company, well known for the production and sale of items both mystical and mundane, has had great success with their offices in New York, Sacramento, Little Rock, and Vancouver. Arriving to oversee the smooth opening of the office is company chairman Vincent Hammersmith, who has announced that the doors will open at midnight, December 24th. This eccentric behaviour has come to be expected from the normally reclusive Mr Hammersmith



An excerpt from the Rogue Isles Reporter -


Rogue Isles Police have had their hands full today as 24 members of the "Skulls" gang were found dead in the Darwins Landing district of Mercy Island. RIP reports say that the bodies were severely beaten, with rib cages crushed, skulls shattered and limbs snapped. Another quite disturbing feature of these murders in that the faces of the victims were contorted in twisted visages of utter terror. In recent weeks there have been several reports of similar deaths in Port Oakes, Cap Au Diable and Sharkhead Isle.
RIP Detective Danny Mills told us "We believe we're dealing with a Meta, I think we can be pretty sure of that. No normal person could inflict this much damage, even with a weapon. What we don't know is why the victims faces are contorted in this way." Said Det. Mills. "I've seen some disturbing stuff in my time on the force, but this is by far creepiest."
Police have been unable to find anything that could lead to an arrest. Police forensic teams were unable to find a single trace of the assailant. So far there has only been one reported eye witness.
The witness, who asked not be named, is currently recovering from severe psychological trauma in the psychiatric ward of Black Heart hospital in Sharkhead Isle. We asked them what they saw. "He was tall, huge! Blackness just kinda... seeped from him. The men... the men were frozen in fear, utterly terrified of him. Then he went to work on them. I could hear their bones snapping." Said the eye witness. "When he'd finished with them... he turned and looked straight at me. I could feel him. Like he was inside me, almost as if he was always there... in my head. I've never been so scared in my life. I mean never! Every night since then I've had nightmares. I see him whenever I close my eyes"
Police are continuing with their investigations.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Boomtown Paragon

In recent days, a number of Paragon based business have been baught out by prostigeous organisations around the world. Could this mean that our fair city is about to go through a major ecconomic boom, or a bust? Only time will tell. So far, all the business are strickly small-time sole traders or limited partnerships, so the smart money is on a boom. After all, if foreign investors are buying up these small businesses, how long can it be before our big businesses get a slice of the funding too? The following list is all known businesses that have been baught out, and by who:

Daves Pawn Shop, Kings Row - Fortitude
Breaker's Electricals, Steel Canyon - Hawasawa Inc
Fun Stop, Galaxy City - Woleworts
Family Pharmacy, Atlas Park - Stilletto's pharmacuticals
Loan&Savings, Kings Row - Reatley's Bank

In addittion, several plots of disused warehousing is getting baught up at high rates of interest. Leaked information from many of the buysers would indicate that large-scale offices and shop outlets are planned for these sites. Paragon may, once again, be at the financial forefront of the USA



((Nice idea))

Taken from Paragon Daily

Hero Rivals Collide

On saturday, a supergroup raid was reported to be started between the 47 Ties and the Supernation. It started at 8pm, with members of the Supernation invading the 47 Tie base. Although, many members of the Supernation were stuck in the 47 Ties' ''maze of doom''. Leader of the 47 Ties, armour girl, says ''The maze took about 2 days to make. Along with the help of Stun, we created a very tricky maze.'' Although some members of the Supernation were cunning and managed to get through the maze into the giant generator room, the meeting room, the medical room, and the war room. The 47 Ties managed to defend their base long enough and won. The 47 Ties are proud of their win, and the Supernation must get better if they wish to beat them again.

-Adam Strench, AKA Phantom Blue



((This story is posted on the Buzz Around Paragon news website on Friday, December 21. Versions of the story appear in several of he city's newspapers on the same day))

By Dixon Growler

HEROES discovered a drug lab hidden in a mob-owned meat processing plant last night.
The drug Rapture was being distributed throughout Independence Port and the surrounding areas stuffed inside Italian sausage.
Heroes, including Silent Tempest members Diana “Love Angel” Bright and Dee Dee Diablo, arrested mob boss Sammy “Foot Long” Fiametta along with more than 30 members of his crew after a late night raid.
Fiametta, who ran the legitimate Fiametta Family Meats business, which has the well-known slogan “Your Momma Can’t Get Enough of Sammy’s Famous Foot Long”, has been charged with the manufacture and supply of Rapture.
MAGI investigator Michael Thunderhorse said that other charges were pending after several humanoid creatures were found at the plant in Independence Port.
Mr Thunderhorse would not confirm rumours that these beings, which a PPD source said were referred to as “nephilim” by MAGI and Silent Tempest at the scene, are part of the Rapture manufacturing process. The creatures were placed in the care of the Angel Foundation.
Tempest’s Diablo and Bright were joined in the operation by Nene McAllister and occultist Eldritch Trickster.
Diablo said: “The evil of Rapture is right at the top of our hit list at the moment, and anyone dealing in it should know we are coming for you and we are loaded for bear.
“Sammy Fiametta thought that hiding behind a respectable business would protect him. But we can all rest assured that the only place he will be delivering sausage for some time to come is in prison.”
Diana Bright, who’s recently announced retirement shows no signs of slowing her down, seemed more concerned with the quality of Fiametta’s produce when our reporter spoke to her.
She said: “"It's horrible! Look at it! Is this a proper sausage? It's all small and soggy! Too soft too!
“I tell you, this sausage would not last five minutes in my oven before exploding, you know?"
The strike is the latest high profile action to combat the drug Rapture that has so far put nine teenagers in comas.
Mr Thunderhorse added: “Rapture is potentially the most devastating drug to hit Paragon City for along time. I am grateful that Silent Tempest and their allies have taken such robust action, which will hopefully lead to us ridding Paragon of this poison before it can take a stranglehold like other drugs have done in the past.”

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



((This story is posted on the Buzz Around Paragon news website on Saturday, December 22. Versions of the story appear in several of he city's newspapers on the same day))

By Dixon Growler

STRIKING disguises were the key to success for an operation led by Silent Tempest that it is hoped has put the final nail in the coffin of the Rapture drug.
Tempest members Diana “Love Angel” Bright and Dee Dee Diablo, along with Nene McAllister, disguised themselves as Carnival of Shadows members to infiltrate a club called the Beast Market in an abandoned warehouse in Brickstown. They were accompanied by a strangely garbed figure believed to be a member of the mysterious group Cirque de la Lune
The information they were able to gather led to a full-scale strike on Tuesday’s Child Modelling Agency, which was allegedly being used as a front for the trade in the illegal drug.
MAGI and PPD are still investigating subterranean caves near the agency’s offices on Peregrine Island, which it is believed was the site of the last Rapture lab in the city.
This morning Shanti Toucey, 29, known as Madame Tuesday, died in hospital after being injured in the strike. 58 people, many of them employees of Tuesday’s Child Modelling Agency, were arrested after the raid.
PPD confirmed that until recently Toucey was a high-ranking member of the Carnival of Shadows.
Silent Tempest stalwarts Mesoc, Star Crusader and veteran heroine Lady Cobra joined the faux Carnies for the final strike beneath Peregrine Island.
MAGI investigator Michael Thunderhorse said: “Madame Tuesday had split from the Carnival to produce and supply Rapture. The Beast Market was a touring club, establishing itself for a night or two in disused buildings in an effort to get the city’s affluent young people hooked on Rapture.
“Regrettably, six young people were discovered to have fallen into comas at the club and were moments away from being disposed of by Tuesday’s gang.
“Again, I must thank Silent Tempest and their allies for taking the initiative in this matter. From their action against the mastermind behind the drug, Samyaza, right through until last night’s operation, they have done everything in their power to halt the spread of Rapture before it is too late. I honestly believe that, with the closure of this third lab, we can look forward to a 2008 free of Rapture.”
The Disease and Infection Control (DIC) team based at the Rivera Medical Center is treating the six comatose teenagers.
As with all of these recent Rapture raids, a number of humanoid creatures were taken from the site and transferred to the care of the Angel Foundation.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko