In the Newspapers!




Prominant Activist dies in mysterious circumstance

Today Jonathan Bridge and spokesperson for the outspoken group "Sanctid Life" died of a siezure while at a rally today, outside the headquarters of the Neurogen Headquarters. The group were protesting the Companies experimentation of neurological compounds on animals when during a passionate and outspoken speech, Jonathan Bridge grasped his head and the collapsed. he was pronounced dead when the Doctors have arrive, so far no verdict has been delivered to cause of death although the Police have ruled out that Neurogen themselves could be responisble.

Neurogen have expressed thier sympathies to the families "The right to protest is one we believe should be upheld, this tragedy has shocked us all here. While we believe our research here is very important to the advancment of science, we always have allowed people the right to speak out against this."

The "Sanctid Life" has cancelled all further protests for the year while the incident is dealt with. "We all miss Johnathan, he was one of a kind." said one member. The Police have appealed for any witnesses who may have pertinent information to come forward.



Tram Trashed!

by Jackson Turner, Senior Times Staff

Perry Cooper, 67, had been a railway conductor, engineer, inspector and supervisor for the Paragon Transit Authority (PTA) for over forty years. Retired in 2002, he’s writing a book chronicling the history of Paragon City’s transit system—a history that dovetails neatly with that of his own family. “I’ve been a train enthusiast since I was about 4,” he says. “My dad was an engineer on the old Red Line and his dad was with the Paragon Rail Company. It’s been a family vocation since the Civil War.” However, when told about the recent vandalism of a Yellow Line train by the individual known as "Vectors", Perry couldn't help but shake his head in disguist. "No respect. Kids like him have no respect for anything nowadays."

The graffiti artist has made a name for himself in Paragons extensive underground culture by 'tagging' large heroic and iconic objects, such as the Galaxy City Arena and the statue of Galaxy Girl herself.

However, authorities are confused by the vandals actions, as he also seems to be doing vigilante work on the side and attempting to aid in the cleaning up of the streets. Police have stated that, if he is caught, he will certainly be punished, although his good deeds may count towards something in the long run.

More on this story as it unfolds.



((this has appeared in a few papers globle, only a small piece.))

O'BrainTech Industries moves into Paragon.

Reports of O'BrainTech Industries moving it's operations to Paragon City have been comfirmed in a breif press message sent out yesterday, sources say that Mr Sean O'Brain, Founder and head CEO of the Company has signed a contract with the Paragon City hall for three buildings in the City, to be used as a base of the company's new range of Hero goods, a line which rumours say have been brought on my Sean's return to the inventing after time spent in the City.
Only time will tell what the Company have instore for the world.



Feature on this week:

Island of Hope

Words: @Romanov
Design: @Rhino

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Two Sides to Every Story:

Differing reports from the Skyway City Spartan and New Inquirer on the incident involving the abduction of Jessica Chang, the death of Danny-Ray Brown and the arrest of David Chang.



Words: @Romanov
Design: @Rhino
Based on a plot by @Lotus X

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Mechanical Mayhem?
By Irene Weatherman

TECHNOLOGICAL CONSTUCTION AND RESEARCH firm Mechanik Industries has developed a way for ex-heroes and villains to be de-powered, a report today suggests.

Mechanik Industries has long been under the Paragon spotlight after allegations came to light linking the company head, Prof. Ivan Leibowitch, with noted robotics expert and criminal matermind, Dr Mechanibus. These claims have been proven to be falsified accounts in the past, as the noted Professor has made plain in the citie's courts on a number of occasions. However, these court aquittals have not dampened the public's view of the controvesial company.

Hoping to prove once and for all that the company is working for the betterment of mankind and not against it, a radical new procedure has been pioneered in their Kings Row labratories. Professor Leiberwitch was unavailable for comment, but one of the scientists at the site was able to explain the procedure.

"It's quite simple, really. We have developed a procedure whereby any citizen of Paragon City with metahuman capabilities who, for whatever reason, wishes to have those abilities nullified, can do so for a nominal fee"

"The procedure can take up to two weeks to complete, in which time the citizen in question can go about their normal lives while we calibrate our machinery to come up with the best solution for said citizen"

"Unfortunatly, we cannot disclose at this time he exact methods utilised in this procedure, but once it is completed, the citizen in question can live a perfectly normal and fulfilling life, free of the worries that metatalents can bring"

"We hope that this technology will bring peace and happieness to otherwise troubled lives. To date, we have performed the procedure on over twenty willing voulenteers, and are pleased to announce a 100% success rate"

A statement from Mechanik Industries corporate head offices reads simply that "Mechanik Industries is constantly working for the betterment of mankind, and we are currently in talks with the PPD for large-scale use of the procedure in the often overrowded halls of the Ziggurat penetentiary, thereby relieveing the stress on Paragons formost metahuman prison"

On a related note, sources inside the corporate headquarters inform us that they are now working on a new project for the empowerment of ordinary citizens. Controversial move? Perhaps. But, it is what has come to be expected from a controversial company.



((Article would be in many major newspapers, worldwide))

Death of the Priest

Reverend Pious Hunter, a legendary hero to us all, a world saviour and even a deity to some, was killed a few weeks ago on an otherworldly mission for Portal Corps. Paragon City’s patrol team The Militia where with him when he died. He is survived by his disciples across the world, and of course, the people of Paragon City.

In a collaboration of efforts, the FBI, the Militia and Portal Corps have deduced the cause of death. Doctor Montgomery of Portal Corps shares his reports, “Reverend Hunter was murdered by the Un-banished Pantheons of Earth 52, following the Militia’s defeat of their Adamanstor, the Priest was hit by an energy attack that eradicated him on a cellular level. His team-mates would not have understood what was happening, as the attack was magical and completely undetectable. Now we have reason to believe the strike was an organised assassination, as only the Reverend was hit, but also because the level of power required to conjure such a destructive blast would have taken the collective and pre-meditated efforts of several supernatural spirits. The Catholic Church revealed to the FBI, and we can now air this, that the Priest was actually a troubled soul, victimised by the Devil and his demons on a daily basis, so it was natural to assume the Devil has finally succeeded. The FBI have stated that there will be no further investigations into the assassination”

In the wake of this tragic event, Paragon City is left to mourn the loss of yet another iconic hero. It was only months ago that the Battling Britanic was killed in an unexplained explosion at his home. In this time of sadness, we can only look skywards and hope for the colours of new and aspiring heroes, suitable to wear the mantles of our lost saviours.



((Article would be in many major newspapers worldwide))

US Army to Police the Multiverse

A new division of the United States Army has been formed, collaborating with Portal Corps to monitor and police the parallel universes while keeping the peace here at home. The official nae given to the special unit mirrors their responsibilities; Rapid Assault, Protection, Investigation, Evacuation and Rescue, known in short as R.A.P.I.E.R, doubly meaning a sharp sword. The government has given the team highest authority and clearance to operate on a planetary and intergalactic scale, acting as peacekeepers across the known universes. Powered civilians as well as trained soldiers form the shell of the group while higher ranking military officials form the core. Known members are so far, Colonel Cypher, Bullet Man, Retcon, Vanguard Agent Star-Tyger, Commander Omega Prime, Psi-Unit, 777, Pyro Raven, CPT Angel Maren, Emily One, Silver-Fox, Commander Beet and two characters from an alternate dimension, Commander Pious Hunter and Lieutenant Damsel Grey, the former a parallel creation of our late Reverend Hunter, the Priest.



(( two guys walking down the street in Steel, passing a news vendor ))

"Hey dude! Check it out!"
"It's this months edition of that mag!"
"Look there, on the front cover, isn't that that chick hero?"
"Oh yeah, wasser name..."
"How'd you know that so fast?"
"Its there on cover with her picture, dude..."
"Oh yeah... Hey, you know those piercings she's got? You ever wonder exactly how many she's got?"
"Well, now that you mention it..."

(( The Magazine in question is 'HeroZone', a smalltime monthly fashion magazine which gives out tips on where to get the different articles of clothing they show off for the cheapest price, while still looking good. The range covers all aspects of normal clothes, fancy, casual, night time and swimwear etc.

And I'm afraid I don't have plans to create an actual image/look for this magazine, now or ever really, and nor any plans to add anyone. Don't mean to sound rude, but I'd just not have the time to manage it or anything and I'd rather not disappoint you if you were interested in it))



Rogue Isles Protector, page two.

Arachnos employees slaughtered!

This morning our sources informed us of an import/export warehouse where over thirty innocent and loyal Arachnos shipping personnel were brutally murdered in cold blood. This greivous act was performed in the late hours of yasterday evening, and is without provocation or precident.

Sources say that the warehouse's usual trade was food and mecicines for the lesser-off citizens of our glorious island home, who will now suffer for the actions of whomever commited the atrocious crime.

Sources have also revealed that a Longbow taskforce was also found within the building, all also dead. Numbering forty. Information on why the Longbow interlopers were present is not forthcoming at this time although the Longbow themselves shared injuries identical to the Arachnos employees, deep lacerations, amputations and bisections. This leads this paper to conclude a heavy and edged weapon was used.

Investigations continue, and witnesses are not forthcoming.



((Seen in several business publications))


July looks set to be a chaotic month for Longstaff WarTech, starting off with new offices and labs in Rhode Island, and following that with new projects in the works.

The Florida-based corporation, which specialises in weapons and equipment for the battlefield, opted to set up shop in Paragon City on the advice of founder and CEO Liam Longstaff's daughter Molly several weeks ago.

The grand opening takes place today. However, entry is via invite only, and all invitations have already been mailed according to Molly Longstaff.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




((Several news papers city wide, probably a few news reports as well))

Fast food under attack?

Today suspected terrorist attack on various fast food franchises across the city occurred. The Paragon Police Department were warned of the attacks by a man who only identified him self as Mean Cuisine.

Black smoke filled thirty locations across the city as the bombers threat was carried out. No incendiary or explosive devices were found at any of the locations, was this all just a prank or a test run for something bigger?

((mainly in newspapers in Steel Canyon may be mentioned else where))

Police Hunt Baron Eternity

After a vicious attack on a local hero and the destruction of several thousand dollars of property, the former Nazi super villain Baron Eternity escaped into the city sewer system. Police consider him at large and still in the Paragon City area.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.




A unknown underground clan called the Cooros has been deformed today. They were deformed for legal reasons. They broke the rule 13b of The Clan Rules Handbook For Clans. The rule was: "In accordance with the law of the Paragon Police Department, no clan must attempt to police the Paragon City Goverment." The leader of the Cooros, only know as 'Master Cooros', stated today: "We did not try to tell them what to do...we were only accusing them of not giving us our freedom. Our clan rules are pure and simple, and if the Paragon City Goverment oppose them, then they shall come up to us and tell us, rather than tell that we are wrong in public." The Paragon City Goverment keep on their stance in the case, stating "that the clan must follow Paragon City Goverment rules, and that we are trying to give them as much freedom as possible".

The Cooros are well known in the underground for their wisecracks, headstrongness, and controversial arguements.



Massacre Graffiti Baffles Police

Police at the scene of last night’s massacre in Port Oakes confessed bafflement regarding graffiti that had been spray painted over the front of the building. The incident in which over 70 Wyvern troops were slaughtered has shocked a number of officials in the police who have stated that despite the regular violence that they encounter in the area, this recent crime seems excessively brutal.

Senior Arachnos officers have expressed dismay at the incident but stated, “If heroes wish to send covert armies into the Isles, we cannot be responsible for anything that may happen to them.”

The graffiti, spray painted in bold red letters over three metres high simply reads ‘The Cadre’. Police have stated that this is the first that they have heard of what could be a new gang setting up in the area. Wanted mutant rights activist, Third Degree Byrne was seen leaving the area shortly after the incident, a sign that perhaps he is seeking to re-establish his gang of terrorists, Scorched Earth. Police have warned citizens to treat him as armed and extremely dangerous.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



((small job advertisement in some local Rogue Isles news papers))

Professional Exotic Dancers (m/f) Wanted!
New to be opened night club in Port Oakes is looking for professional exotic dancers (m/f). Protection and Insurance provided, salary negotiable. Only serious applicants. Contact B. Faith at 0736-666!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



((Sort of like fox news only a bit more reliable))

Channel Ten New

The smiley anchor man continues talking.

“… Rikti forces were forced into retreat by the forces of R.A.P.I.E.R and civilian helpers.”

The smiley anchor woman next to him face lacking wrinkles and movement an obvious sign of a recent botox injections piped up.

“Good to see our brave men in uniform in action”

The anchorman nodded

“And now Joe Johnson with ‘street talk’”

The familiar little jingle; and series of short scenes from past events in the series plays, as the intro ends the screen changes to show a young man laid out on a park bench quietly laughing to himself.

“Forget me not” a slick voice announces as the cameras view zooms out from the young man, an older man microphone in hand dressed in a well turned grey suit, the centre piece of his face was a well groomed Tom Selleck esqe moustache.

“The latest drug on the street but where does it come from? Is it just harmless fun or is it just the latest plague upon our streets”

The scene changes the man is sat now in a darkened room in a chair opposite sits a figure whose face is digitally blurred out.

<An Actors Voice> appears in white text at the bottom of the screen.

“So can you tell us why you use this new drug?” the interviewer asks

“Ye see years ago my life was great I’d goten into university on a football scholarship, met the love of my life. Things were perfect you see?” the man leans forward clenching his head in his hands.

“But then the Rikti came one single bomb changed my life. Took my legs, took Jane, took my future” the man was obviously distressed but the voice actor still continued on in a disinterested voice

“But ‘forget me not’ takes me back you know? Makes all my memories seem real”

The scene changes Joe Johnson is now stood outside the Kings Row police department.

“So a harmless way of reliving your memories? Not everyone thinks so an interviewed police officer had this to say”

White text appears on a blue background as an actor’s voice reads the text.

“It seems harmless at first, just a way of reliving the past. But its addicting they take more and more and eventually they are just walking around sleep walking until WHAM. They walk in front of a car, and dammit it all if our hands aren’t tied. We’ve had tech heads checking it out labs all over the country and there is nothing illegal in the whole thing.”

It switches to show Joe again.

“So a harmless drug? A covert attack on America by terrorist organisation? Or possibly a plot by Nemesis. Only time will tell but channel ten news will have the facts”

The scene changes back to the anchor room. The next story is about kittens.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



((this has been in a few of the papers in Paragon.))

Blast in Galaxy City, Second time around.

Yesterday another blast rocked the Galaxy city area, this time it was at the new O'BrainTech Industries office block on the west edge of the war walls. The device appears to of been left in the front lobby of the building, which has been totally destoryed by the blast. Local heroes and PPD attened the building moments after the blast, if is thought no one was hurt by the blast. Mr S O'Brain, and Miss G. Greys are thought to of been not in the building at the time of the blast, but it has meant a minor set back to the grand openings of new O'BrainTech shop center in Paragon City. Both Company CEO's were unable to comment on the blast at the time of print, and PPD refused to comment.
It is understood that this blast is not connected to the other blast in Galaxy city earlyer this week, as no gas bomb was found nor were there reports of Freakshow in the area. Investigations into the two blasts are continuing on.



Rogue Isles Protector – Friday 29 August 2008


The prominent demonologist Count Ortega left the Isles today following a violent shootout at the Golden Giza last night. Arachnos reports state that a raid was attempted on the pleasure spot but the assailants were repelled by internal security and Arachnos soldiers with minimal loss of life. Count Ortega however, later issued a statement which seems to indicate that there’s more to this than at first glance.

The Count commented, “I came to the Isles seeking knowledge, glad that I would be protected by one of the finest armies in the world. I am saddened to say that this is clearly no longer the case. As I cannot entrust my work to this abhorrent regime, I will be taking my research elsewhere.”

Count Ortega arrived in the Isles only a few weeks ago to study the various demons inhabiting our land. He was invited by Lord Recluse himself and spent a long time on the slopes of Mount Diable with his research team.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Paragon City Times - obituaries
Reporting on the passing of Heroes

Marina Wilson, aka High Burn, aka Confuscate. Killed by gunshot while walking in Perez Park. Died instantly 21/8/08

Ling Shu-Chi. Killed defending the innocent in Steel Canyon. Tsoo involvement suspected 30/8/08

Crozius. Banished 17/8/08



Daily Hero Profiles
Our roving reporter has picked up a number of scoops, including an interview with White Napalm.

White Napalm
Son of famed hero Napalm Bomb, White Napalm recently took up his fathers' mantle and entered the hero proffession. However, lacking inherent powers White Napalm was forced to fuse with a Kheldian by the name of morphus to gain his superhuman abilities. White Napalm has already conducted numerous feats of bravery and was good enough to answer a few questions with our reporter.
Daily Reporter: What inspired you to enter the heroic world?
[u]White Napalm[u]: With my father being a hero I was inspired to follow in his footsteps and did whatever it took to do so, even if that meant fusing myself with a Kheldian.
DR: And what was your relationship with said Kheldian, Morphus?
[u]WN[u]: Well, although I was apprehensive about the process I soon realised that there was no one else i would rather fuse with. Morphus was the one who really convinced me that I was doing the right thing.
DR: What influence has Napalm bomb had on you as your father?
[u]WN[u]: Well, like I said he inspired me to become a hero. basically, I would do anything to impress him and make him proud of me.

We thank White Napalm for his time and wish him well in all his endeavours as a hero in the future.



((Still sort of in the process of returning to the game, so here is a little something about Pin Pointer, and... well just read it and hit the linkys ))

{05/09/2008, late afternoon, Atlas Park}

The journey back to Paragon from Los Angeles had been long and tiring, but Pin Pointer didn’t care, she was just happy to be home. Although she was exhausted, heavily burdened with luggage, and still a little annoyed her Father had sent her away in the first place, she couldn’t help but smile as she clamoured through the front door of her Atlas Park home. As Pin Pointer allowed her bags to drop to the floor her Father got up from his leather arm chair and stood before her with an uneasy smile. The pair stood for a moment in an uncomfortable silence contemplating their separation over the previous months.

Back In February Pin Pointer’s Father had sent her to live with her aunt in LA. Her Father always maintained the reason she was sent away was to train as a possible late US candidate for the 2008 Olympic games, but she was well aware the real reason was to try and take her away from her dangerous heroic career in Paragon. However knowing her own Father’s dream was to have been an Olympiad she reluctantly agreed to move to the west coast. Despite whatever strings he’d pulled in the sporting community to get her considered for team USA, she was just too late to make the team, and it wasn’t long before she’d taken to heroing on the streets of LA. Deciding that it would be impossible to keep his daughter out of trouble wherever she might be, Pin Pointer’s Father had in the end arranged for her to come home.

In the end the silence between the pair had become too much to bear, Pin Pointer swallowed her pride and leapt at her Father with arms outstretched. As the two shared a long overdue healing hug, Pin Pointer noticed the cover of today’s Paragon City Post that her Father had been reading in his arm chair…

Story by George Stantz.

In a shock statement given to Paragon’s press and media late last night it was revealed that supposedly dead hero Britanic was infact alive, and back in Paragon City. Britanic, also known by his civilian identity as Eric Mitchell, was believed to have been atomized in an explosion in the offices of Sentinel Industries back in February this year. However that assumption was smashed last night after sources from M.A.G.I., G.I.F.T., and Portal Corps all confirmed the British born powerhouse was indeed alive, and currently under medical observation by all three agencies.

In the statement given to the Press by Freedom Corps it said…

“While we were ecstatic at the news Britanic was indeed alive it did open up questions concerning February 9th’s bomb blast at Sentinel Industries, as well as his whereabouts these last few months. After debriefing Britanic much light has been shed on the events of February 9, as well as his remarkable survival.

In the original investigation it was determined Britanic had been atomized by a Rikti explosive device probably planted by Rikti assassins in retaliation for his efforts during their 2007 invasion. Britanic, having seen the device before it’s detonation, has confirmed the main explosive was of Rikti origin, but had also been modified with a terrestrial fuse detonator. The fact the bomb had come gift wrapped had also ruled out the PPD’s original suspects, the Rikti, in favour of a yet unknown domestic culprit.

As for Britanic’s Miraculous escape, he has put that down to a little known aspect of his powers that essentially let him sidestep dimensionally, allowing for a sort of short range teleportation. However on this particular occasion Britanic’s sidestep went horribly wrong leaving him dimensionally…

[/ QUOTE ]

Having read the front page over her Father’s shoulder Pin Pointer was pleased that she wasn’t the only person to make it home…

((Actual details of Brit's return to follow soon!))



***Press release to a number of Paragon papers form Thornbridge associates***

Reality TV boss attacked by crazed hero

On Saturday evening Melissa Thorn-Bridge, producer of the hit reality TV show Rising Stars was assaulted by known super power Roselin Thorne.

Stunned Melissa reviled, “I was going about my business and Roselin walked around me and I sensed she was trying to use some kind or pheromone power over me, I felt strangely myself drawn to her. Of course, being around people with powers all day you learn some basic resistance to this sort of thing and I had the moral code my parents instilled in me to fall back on and help guide me. Then the next thing I know this so called hero is lashing out at me with her fist then I’m on the ground with blood pouring out of my nose.”

When asked what happened next Melissa added, “I’m sorry to say I was rather stunned and very shaken, and I’m embarrassed to say I probably cried, I thought she was going to kill me!”

When asked if this was the end of her ordeal Melissa commented, “I wish, but this Roselin woman obviously had it in for me and proceeded to bind my hands so tightly that I lost any feeling in them and started to accuse me of blackmail, which, as anyone who knows me can attest to, is just crazy. Fortunately some proper heroes removed me from this crazy woman’s custody and released me.
“A very nice hero, I think she goes by the name Bodyshop, helped me up and fixed my broken nose. I’m very thankful for her amazing kindness and help.”

“It’s funny,” the plucky Melissa joked, “in my line of work, I always knew I may be in danger, but I always thought it would be from villains like Nemesis or something. This Roselin Thorne should spend more time arresting proper criminals such as the hellions who stalk our street rather than assaulting innocent citizens on trumped up charges.”

When asked if there would be any reprisals from the heroes in her television show Rising Stars Melissa commented. “I’m lucky to work with incredibly brave and honourable powered individuals, you just have to watch the show to see what a good example Fanservice girl is to her generation, or how Molly.exe really empowers young women by demonstrating how such a young and intelligent woman can run a business, invent incredible technology and still have time to keep the city streets safe. None of the heroes that I work with would follow such a petty vendetta when there are genuine threats out there, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

When asked if she would ever offer Roselin Thorne a position in Rising Stars, brave Melissa joked, “Now there’s a frightening thought, I don’t think I would want her gung ho brutality anywhere near me or the show.”

When questioned Hero corps representative George Stevens said “This is a shocking incident, such unprovoked attacks are certainly not the kind of thing Hero Corps will stands for.”

Roselin Thorne was unavailable for comment.

Rising Stars is broadcast at 8pm EST Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on KSPN.



((Need to push forward Richie-plottage a leetle and keep it from being deaded by life,the universe and everything that seems to be working against me right now. >.&gt)

Many of Galaxy City's residents will have noticed the damage to one of Freedom Court's many buildings today, caused by what appeared to be a strange black cloud that appeared seemingly out of nowhere and disappeared within seconds, but not without making its presence known. The cloud wiped out the apartment belonging to one Richie Stacker, who operates as a hero within Paragon City, leaving nothing behind, not even its floor or cieling. It is not certain whether the cloud has destroyed the contents of the apartment or simply teleported them elsewhere.

Mr. Stacker was available to comment, however what little comment he offered is unfortunately unprintable.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."
