In the Newspapers!




Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
Vanguard. Portal Corp. Freedom Corp. Various Departments of the US Government (including the FBSA, NSA and DoD). Leading Super Groups.

A very detailed report on the dimension designated Eka Upsilon 5 2 was sent to all of these and more by Susan Bright, psionics instructor to the New Vigilantes. Included in the report are translations of incriminating documents stolen during an earlier raid on the dimension (as well as copies of the Russian originals). More importantly, also included are details of a large low-level psionic field covering possibly the entire world and acting as a behaviour modifying field. In addition, energy fluctuations within the field are shown to be near identical to those associated with the Carnival of Shadows on Primal Earth, and interpreted as being the same form of energy stealing from living humans.
Document 1
Conversation between Vyera and unknown female.
Vyera: -on't think it's work the effort at all in my opinion, the information I obtained points to some fair nicer worlds we can look into. We have the time and opportunity to shop around, I don't see why we should go for the first place we happened to find. the place is a dump, to be honest, a dump that will fight back.

[fragment missing?]
Vyera: you know, I think I'm going to like this place, the view is lovely
???: Oh yes, it’s more or less in the heard of the city. I think you managed to impress her.
Vyera: we'll need to contact Orion about security
???: Yes ma’am
Vyera: this place might be warded, but I am damn certain there's going to be reprisals from primal. Artemis as well, I want some anti kheldian weapons
???: anti-kheldian? we might have someone making them…
Vyera: I don't know, look into it.
???: Do you really think that cat's that much of a threat?
Vyera: I can't see her at all and she has a cloaking device. Not to mention....
???: You think she was the one who raided the bases on primal?
Vyera: yes
???: and she *did* punch you
Vyera: exactly
???: Do you really think they're actually going to attack though?
Vyera: oh yes, probably here to be honest. I did somewhat make myself a target. they're going to think I have the child

[fragment missing?]
Vyera: well, that or petty revenge.
???: and we did steal their portal technology
Vyera: that too. It's certainly what *I'd* do

[fragment missing?]
Vyera: and they do have that other me running around
???: What, Venessa?
Vyera: no, the other one. The *competent* one.
???: The Fateweaver?
Vyera: Mmm

[fragment missing?]
Vyera: exactly, it was a stupid idea to attack her in the first place. The traitor aside, that's the reason we failed, and it was her that came up with it.
???: do you think she did it on purpose? To try and get you killed?
Vyera: I don't think it was. Just stupidity. Or over confidence.
???: it doesn't matter, we managed to get her back
Vyera: oh yes

[fragment missing?]
Vyera: no, DeVore was *very* pleased with that. I am going to have *fun* breaking her
???: Try not to do it too quickly though.

Vyera: was there anything else?
???: there is that doctor, : the one who contacted us about an alliance.
Vyera: oh yes, the good doctor, I'm going to have to reassure him about what's happened. he *does* have a way of getting here doesn't he.
???: I don’t know. I think he might be able to. He can probably find an arachnos portal device or something.
Vyera: well, until we build one it's not like we have any way of going back there.
???: do you think he'll try and contact us again?
Vyera: well, I did tell him this might happen

[fragment missing?]
Vyera: we'll keep an eye on the place, see if he turns up. If he does, bring him up
*the figure nods*
???: I’ll tell the others then.
Vyera: lovely. Now, I think I need a much deserved relax
???: Have fun then.
Document 2
Fragments extracted from a conversation between Vyera and a female prisoner.

Vyera: oh don't give me that
???: you expected anything less of me
Vyera: Mistress Vyera: you could try *something* to get some measure of clemency, you seem good at it
???: fine, tell me what you want me to do then, you obviously want me for something or I would be dead

Vyera: you told the Primal’s the location of our base, *everyone* we had suborned. Were it not for my forward planning, we would have lost everyone *and* the portal technology. This is not some power play, this is betrayal.
???: fine, you want to know why I "betrayed" you, link with me
Vyera: I am not going to sully myself traipsing though your mind
???: then I will tell you and you will have to trust me when I say what I’m gonna tell you is true
Vyera: sweetie, I have lots of people who are more than happy to dissect your brain. Well.... vivisect.
???: they caught me, they injected me with some crap that would have turned me into some bloody walking zombie, a bound slave to your counterparts, counterpart
Vyera: and you hoped that if you told them everything they’d let you go?
???: I could have told them what I did knowing you had contingency plan, or waited for the injection to take effect and told them everything, including the contingency plan. It was the lesser of two evils. And yes I did hope they would let me go

Vyera: do you know what happened to Rei? They captured her, and tortured her, and she didn't break. Eventually, she provided only meagre amount information in exchange for allowing her an honourable death, so that she could die rather than betray us

???: and probably because of that they injected me with that zombie juice crap
???: then good for her, but I didn’t get that much of a choice
Vyera: you could have told them the false story we already discussed; reveal Rei, yourself and Paul and no others, not reveal to them *everything*.
???: Venom already knew more than our little cover story V

???: really, tell me oh mighty leader, tell me did I have a shotgun lying in my cell that I couldn’t see?
Vyera: like *you* need a shotgun

Mistress Vyera: is this the level you have stooped to? petty insults?
???: well it keeps me entertained
Vyera: well, who am I to crush what few pleasures you have left

Vyera: do you even *want* clemency?
???: and be some puppet for you, no, I want a public spectacle, lots of people to see my execution
Mistress Vyera: oh?: do you want to be a martyr?

Vyera: …and *then* have you executed, still, I think your death would serve better to commemorate our expansion into other worlds. Like breaking a bottle on a new ship, except in this case, you're the bottle.

Vyera: me?
???: come on admit it V, you were more straight laced, like the military that used to run this world, all tactics and plans, no fun what so ever
Vyera: *someone* needs to be good at it, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but all play and no work is just as bad
???: I agree when we were "in character" but while we were in the warehouse?
???: you are telling me you betrayed me? Betrayed our troupe? Betrayed *Vanessa*? because I was not providing ample entertainment?

???: what have I got to lose
Mistress Vyera: my fleeting reserves of goodwill? the use of your legs?
???: fine

Vyera: I did not even cut a deal to save my own skin at the expense of the rest

Vyera: do you see this lovely building we are standing it? it was a gift, all of it

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.



..Midmorning News Roundup, on your fav Daytime in Paragon show on Paragon TV..

..we have had a chance to speak to Lt Mavin who is leading the PPD effort in Perez Park, Firstly he made clear that thanks to the efforts of his Officers and the help on one Miss Santander, a Hero, the Circle situation seems to be contained. However he did admit that the CoT has taken control once more of a “mystic” site and seem to be using it for some sort of ritual. The Lt went on to say that he could not praise high enough the invaluable assistance he had received from Miss Santander, without whom a number of Officers would have been lost.

Currently a number of CoT cultist bands are reported roaming the Park, but they no longer seem to be taking captives. The mysterious Fish-Bloke has been spotted fighting cultist, but he has avoided the PPD, and no one has managed to speak to him.

Overnight there were reports of strange glowing shapes floating above the trees of the Park, but as yet the significance of these is not known.

In a possibly related story the Steel Canyon PPD arrested a group of “Mercenaries “who were attempting to sneak into Perez Park.



Portal Corp announced today that Eka Upsilon 5-2, also known as “Carnie Earth” has been deemed hazardous in light of recently surfaced information. Civilians are being advised not to visit the world under any circumstances and envoys from Eka Upsilon 5-2 would no longer be premitted lawful access to Primal Earth.

Portal Corp refused to comment on whether any hostile action would be taken to safeguard Primal Earth, but asked that heroes remain vigilant for infiltration, subornation or energy stealing.

Representatives from Eka Upsilon 5-2 were unavailable for comment, and have reportedly evacuated their facilities on Primal.

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.




On TV, and of course if anyone was up and looking at the moon during the time, the white lunar beauty would of turned a pinkish colour of Caucasian flesh, the craters that make up man in the moon (or lunar bunny) becoming an agonised face, that screams in inhuman agony.

Two minutes later the moon once more hangs silent and white in the sky.

Various Newspapers on the same time line as Paragon, others have a different time stated. 12/07/2012

Scientists baffled!

Last night something beyond words occurred, but still this newspaper will try to describe what you no doubt witnessed yourself. The moon our ever silent night time guardian transformed for a period of two minutes at midnight, into what can only be described as a horrific globule of greasy screaming flesh.

While we did not actually hear the scream here in the city, we have been informed that in Paragon City an unearthly wail was heard during the time of the moon’s transformation.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



… Early morning New Show, on your bestest Paragon TV channel…

..We have confirmation from the Perez Park PPD Commander that the strange Moon event last night is not being linked to the magical explosion that occurred in the Park in the early hours of this morning, Lt Mavin stated that the timing was different and that the explosion was preceded by an localized earth tremor and the force of the explosion was upward. At least eleven Circle of Thorn cultists are reported dead at the site of the now broken ritual stone……



….Late Night News with your fav Anchorperson, on that Paragon TV channel you like……

….Lt. Mavin , Perez Park PPD, confirmed a combined PPD and Hero raid on the Circle of Thorns was successful, and rescued a number of captives, including Office Jansk of the PPD, who was reported missing five days ago. The Heroes, lead by Miss Santander, also managed to prevent the Circle raising a ritual stone. Lt Mavin praised and thanked the Heroes for all their assistance.



Today various papers world wide.

While it is reported, she was not famous enough to grab a full front page to herself, so it appears in the smaller news, though one colluminist in a paragon newspaper devotes her collum to coverign the story, talking about how privillaged she was to have been saved during the Mot events by the deceased princess of the Hades Empite Tomb, and the withdrawl of her people from contact Primal.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Front page of the Paragonian Watch


The reputation of the Ziggursky prison took another hit as several high-profile meta criminals known as the Sinister Squad broke out.

What adds salt to the wound is that at no point was there escape stopped. No alarms were raised and no guards were scrambled. Infact, the alarm was only raised an hour AFTER the criminals had escaped.

The meta-criminals, known as Blackwell, Miss Rad and Cesspit are infamous for their robbing of a bank dressed as famous and beloved heroes, and the kidnapping of a notable hero's daughter (Who has been reclaimed)

This latest breakout brings questions to the legitimacy of the prison.

"The tax payer spends too much money on this crumbling, monolithic sham of a prison." said Rob Denber, founder of the No More Zig group of 10,000 followers. "For too long this prison has stood and failed to do it's basic job; keep criminals inside. This event just shows how woefully under-equipped the Zig is for today's meta crimes."

Ziggursky authorities have re-assured that the event is being looked into, and appropriate action is being taken to make sure that something like this never happens again.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



It is Paragon NEWS. All the strange and bizarre news from around Paragon and around the world brought to you here. Online.

Today's "Are you kidding me" story comes from Skyway City where hero Olivia Stevens of BridgePort California, has some how once again ended what could have been of the beginning of a civil war between the Supa Trolls and the smaller Trolls lead by Atta. Earlier this year the Supa Trolls attempted to break away from what they called their "tribe" and forming a new one. This upset the leader of the Trolls and began small skirmishes throughout the city. In a statement which will be in his own words, asked us to send one of our reporters to be interviewed this afternoon in a statement that comes from Atta himself. "We trolls, WE invinc..invinc...UNBEATABLE UNITED! NO break way! You leave. You die!" Now for those not keeping score, the Trolls were normal humans who took Superdine and transformed into current trolls, who are now even bigger and stronger because of an overdose of Superdine that has permanently made them into hulking men and women of power.

Olivia Stevens a known hero appeared on the scene with hero fashion flying through the skies with a young teenage girl whom many speculate to be her "daughter" whom herself surprisingly to be a troll as well, engaged in a fierce battle between the two forces to end the conflict. At the end of the battle she spoke to our reporters on the behalf of the Supa Troll's appointed leader Dark Skarr who refused to talk to the media. She spoke to reporters on the scene and had this to say: "Skarr and his forces want to see an end to the conflict in the "Troll Tribe". His wish is to break away from "the weaklings who need to get high to be happy". He has taken a stand and wants nothing more to do with Atta and his people. And Skarr wants everyone to understand he and his down at the teenage troll girl) That is not right. They are not a force but enlightened group of individuals who are no longer "junkies" or "thugs" but warriors of yore. Thus new Troll state. They fight only for glorious battle and honor. Now I request that Atta and the heroes of Paragon if not the city and the federal government to respect the new fledgling nation and leave them alone. And they in return will leave this city alone. Thank you."

You heard it here folks, we have a new nation on our hands. With Atta who will no doubt be determined to crush these new nation and the heroes who will do what they must to protect it, how long till a full out war break out? Time will only tell.

You heard it here, I am your host of Paragon News. And good night.



Baron Eternity and Kid Eternity steal rocket! 29/07/2012

Reported all over Tunisian newspapers and evening news, reported less worldwide, however within agencies of a security nature, an orange alert is sounded.

At mid-day Tunisian time, a rocket used to launch satellites into position and deliver supplies to space stations was hi-jacked by Baron Eternity and what is presumed to be his new sidekick Kid Eternity. The replaced the cargo on the rocket with something, as well as the pilots with several robot drones, using other mechanical machines of malicious menace to hold off the Tunisian forces and local hero ‘The Mighty Lion’ before the rocket launched carrying its altered cargo list.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Articles reported by WHAT A WORLD newspaper.

Front Page features a picture of scientists running out of a burning warehouse. The headline:


By standers watched in horror as scientists escaped a burning warehouse in Kings Rows. What started the fire is unknown and is currently under investigation. An officer who was at the scene states, "i'm really glad they made it out, but what I want to know is what were scientists doing inside an abandoned warehouse?" Police are treating the fire as suspicious and so far none of the scientists have been willing to cooperate with the officers when questioned about the fire. Witnesses claim to have seen the hero known as The Knight Angel flee from the building before it caught fire. Authorities are asking the hero to come forward with any information regarding the fire. Although the hero is not being treated as a suspect, there is suspicion that he may know what caused the warehouse to inflame. Rumours are circling around the internet of a terrorist group from a hidden Middle East city being involved. When asked about this, councillor Robins had this to say, "if there was a hidden city in the Middle East we would known about it. We would have been able to spot it from a satalite, plus, we have the best military in the world. These rumours are just conspiracy theories! Time to take off your tin-foil hats guys and get involved in the real world!"

Written by Oscar Tame.

An article on the next page with the title:

Hero Hunter

This issue has not been addressed and I feel it is about time someone should address it. So I am going to take the liberty in doing so. All my life I have been a huge fan of superheroes, whether it be in the form of a comic, T.V show, computer game or even right here in Paragon City and around the world. All heroes mean something to someone. Even if they are not a well known hero they still matter. Something drives these heroes to get up every morning, put on their spandex, lace up there boots and kick crime where it hurts and you have to respect them for that. When it comes down to it, whether they have powers or not it is their choice at the end of the day to do good. With that being said, I will get straight to the point I am trying to make.

There is someone or something out there targeting not so well known heroes. And because of their low status, major news corporations are treating these deaths as, "killed on duty", and have not been giving the full attention it deserves. What I have found out during my investigation is whoever or whatever is targeting these lowbie heroes have a pattern and art to their kill. A particular style if you will. The killer breaks multiple bones of their victim before removing the heart and burning the face to a crisp.

How this has not been covered by any mainstream newspaper baffles me as I believe there are more to these murders that meets the eye. Hopefully now that I got the word out more people will look into it. But for now, if you plan or suiting up and taking to the streets, becareful!

Written by Wilma Spearshake.



Newsr News - Ad: Confronto ADSL

Masked Necromancer attacks Talos Island!

In the early hours of yesterday morning, Talos Island in Paragon City, Rhode Island was under the attack of a masked necromancer, who's name is yet unknown. The troubled city of damsels and superpowered vigilantes is known all over the country for its frequent loads of nationwide crisis, often averted in the last minute by the so-called 'heroes' of its local populace.

The attack in question, as reported by witnessess saw a single man covered in voodoo skulls walking off a flashy boat and into a nearby cave. Minutes later he was seen exiting with what passerbys decribed as "a horde of rabid vampires and undead zombies" in toe. As he left for the seas on his flashy boat, the cave and large parts of the island were shaken by an explosive blast, leaving the scene covered in earth, smoke and fire. Police are still piecing together intel to ascertain the nature of this attack.



News report on the Sunday Morning New Round Up Show on Paragon TV…

.. and the Kings Row factory of Bystain Electronics, a whole owned subsidiary of Crey Corp, is reported to have suffered some structural collapse, causing major damage to the company’s production line and R&D laboratory. The cause of the collapse is as yet unknown, but the building is said to be unsafe. Luckily no one was injured as only the might gate guard was there at the time. The company’s manager Dr Kuasus was unavailable for comment……



Front page of the Paragonian Watch

Paragon prepared!

At roughly lunchtime yesterday, the long-lost Harold Simmons, also known as Aerial Assault, a PPD captain with prestigious honours, gave a small speech to journalists today, urging the authorities and local heroes to be ready for an imminent attack.

"A meta-crime group known as the Forged Conclave have been preparing for a large scale and co-ordinated strike on Paragon City. We have reason to believe they will be attacking with some force, so we are urging authority groups and heroes to lend a hand when the time is at hand."

Simmons went on to explain the dangers and goals of the meta-group.

"The Conclave are powerful tech-smiths with many dangerous tools at their disposal. We have reason to believe that they are using repurposed Praetorian WarWorks among their ranks, in addition to a sizable amount of highly advanced war machines. Their ultimate goal is to summon their patron demigod known only as the King. At this time we are not aware of the full extent of their abilities, only that they pose a significant threat to Paragon City and perhaps, we reckon, the rest of the planet."

This news doesn't rest easy for many Paragonians, however, the threat of invasion isn't a new one. Nevertheless, several heroes have already pledged their support, and the PPD has commented saying that "They are always ready to protect Paragon City." No official comment from Longbow or Vanguard, though they have commented that they will "Watch the situation as it unfolds."

Finally, PPD officials have made it clear that looting of Conclave materials will be classed as evidence tampering and will be treated as such. Whether this is enough to deter other crime groups getting involved is to be seen.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



18th of August, 10am, outside the King's Row PPD precinct

Across various early morning news programs, it is tuned in to a speech to be given by Harold Simmons, regarding the crushing victory over the Conclave the day before.

Simmons approaches the podium and microphones set up, wearing a formal suit and tie and wearing a pair of golden aviators. He gives the cameras a wave and a smile as citizens in the background cheer.

"Before I begin, I would like to give my thanks to Paragon's many and fine services. The PPD, National Guard, Longbow and Vanguard all did the City proud in defending them from the Conclave forces."

A few more cheers from the crowd, and Simmons gives them a wave and smile.

"I am pleased to confirm that me and my team were able to prevent the Conclave from summoning their patron deity, the King, into our world and on our doorstep. With our efforts, we have decimated their ranks, shattered their leadership and neutralized their resources. The few cultists that made it out will now be without any safe haven, any leadership and with no resources. I believe this is the end of this threat."

The crowd cheer and cameras flash some more.

"I'll be taking any questions."

The assembled journalists shout for his attention, and he points to the journalist from the Paragonian Watch.

"Juliana Bakes, Paragonian Watch. Is it true that you were fighting alongside members of the disbanded and shamed Liberty Force?"

"Without naming names, yes. They did an outstanding service to Paragon and the rest of the world and their reputation should not be used to slander their hard fought battle. Next question."

"Gerald Timmings, City Ear. Some have said that your methods against the Conclave were too extreme. What do you say to this?"

"I say, Gerald, that nothing is too extreme where the Conclave are involved. Adding to the fact that the majority of them are in fact machines, I believe that the measures we took were sufficient to end the threat at hand. Next question."

"Susanna McRena, New City Weekly. What will you be doing with the King's Scepter? Many have said that it's powers should be used for good and given over to MAGI, who, I will say, comment that they have not received it. Being a mag-"

"I am not answering any questions pertaining to the usage or storage of the Scepter. Final question."

"Quincy Shae, Morning Post. Liberty Force have been, more or less, branded as a group of vigilantes. You yourself have shown to have a disdain of vigilantes. Is this a new turn of thinking?"

"I am not answering any questions on the nature of Liberty Force's workings, however, I will repeat that the work they did yesterday was of outstanding quality and saved many, many lives. That's all."

Simmons exits the podium, where several cameras continue to follow. The journalists at his heels continue to hound him with questions, to which he calmly responds each time "I am not answering any more questions." He gets into a expensive vehicle with tinted windows, and pulls away from the cameras.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



On the front line of the Paragonian Watch

Liberty Force save the day!

Despite the ruining of their reputation and apparent disbandment, yesterday came as a shock as it appeared the team were back out on the streets.

And not a moment too soon. Around Paragon, members of the known meta-criminal cult known as the Forged Conclave launched raids all across the Paragon Area. The area around Waxachie Park, just off Steel Canyon suffered millions of dollars worth of damage due to Conclave invaders.

However, just when all hope was lost, Liberty Force swooped in! The Force put up a courageous battle against the Conclave forces in Waxachie Park. Though the battle lasted for a while, eventually the Force put them into retreat. The Force weren't done there!

Quick on their heels, the Force followed them back to an enormous stronghold. They sweeped through each room, taking down any and all opposition. They found one of the higher leaders of the Conclave and found the information they needed to prevent the summoning of the Conclave's patron demigod, the King.

The details are sketchy, but it is believed that here, where the Conclave were strongest, that Liberty Force dealt the final blow.

During this, another member of Liberty Force, believed to be one of the main accused of vigilante activities, and a unknown hero, swept through Paragon, fighting down the Conclave wherever they found them. It is believed that they even fought down a physical avatar of the King!

Regardless of your opinion on Liberty Force, without a doubt, they saved Paragon City from yet another invasion.

As a personal note from this writer: Thank you, Liberty Force, for being there in our time of need. - Juliana Bakes

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



So-called Heroes Kill Longbow

As our entire year has been doom and gloom, with the fall of many iconic figures, the death of heroes and the onslaught of an ancient death god, our fair city seems to sink deeper into darkness and conflict when MAGI's very own, the so-called Nighthunters, here pictured, turn on their own, murdering in cold-blood and in plain sight, an entire base of Longbow agents without provocation. MAGI and the secretive Midnighters Club refuse to properly comment, trying instead to spread further fear and panic with false claims of an outbreak of some sort of vampire virus.

What this newspaper will ask is this, when our heroes begin to murder each other, and get away with it, who will be next? Will they turn against our police and law enforcement? And then, what is to stop them turning on us the powerless, defenceless non-demigods of the civilian populace. When we can no longer trust our elected 'heroes', one must ask, who will save us from them? Our children already live only indoors, fearful of stray bullets and flying concrete. Nighthunters kill Longbow, Midnighters kill Nighthunters. What next for the people of Paragon City and how safe are we really?



Thursday August 23rd.
Reported in, Various Second Edition Newspapers and News Reports.

Steel Canyon Outbreak.

Hospitals in Steel Canyon have put into quarantine up to fifty people, following an outbreak of an unknown disease. they are asking for people to be on the lookout for other cases of the mystery disease, currently they have the following symptoms listed.

1) Lethargy
2) Increased sweating
3) Discoloration of the skin.
4) Vomiting
5) Hair loss
6) Loss of breathing
7) Diarrhea with a watery like Consistency.
8) Formation of cyst like lumps.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Friday August 24th.

Mystery disease claims ten lives, seventy remain under quarantine.

The outbreak which started in the busy heart of Paragon City, Steel Canyon continues to infect new people, with thirty more reported cases today, sadly of these thirty, ten have died. The disease is said to be baffling Doctors, as they are unable able to determine a pathogen or other infectious vector.

They have however managed to rule out any methods of poisoning as the diets and life styles of the infected do not have any common cross over points, other than Steel Canyon itself. Doctors and Police are asking people to watch out for signs of infection in friends, family or neighbours.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Sunday 26th August , most Paragon Papers carry the story, as do news shows.

Police search for possible, Typhoid Marty.

A new lead in the outbreak of the unknown disease that has so far killed twenty people and left over one hundred in hospital. This unknown male, of unknown origin has been spotted in several of the outbreak spots, several people infected with this new disease have claimed to that the mystery man was around them shortly before they became ill.

<A picture, an artists impression, some might recognise it as the hero Arc Bled, though man he looks like crap, his skin discoloured and puffy looking, his head shiny, greasy and bald. Maybe it's just the way he is drawn but something about his weasely eyes makes him just the kind of guy not to trust, maybe he needs a punch or two.>

Local Christian meta-human youth group, The Street Saints, reported that two of their members were left hospitalized after attempting to arrest the mystery man. Police are advising not to go near this man, instead contact them or a disease proof hero.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



08-28, Daily Star, Celebrity gossip column

Where some were wondering if Ellie Stoneberg was loosing her touch, nothing could be further from the truth. Well known socialite Ellie had been seen chatting with the red headed Gene for months in Pocket D, but seemingly without effect. Whether this fiery Gene was playing hard to get or the feline Ellie was enjoying the lengthy chase is unknown. Or maybe it took the double teaming with her partner Jessica Stoneberg, for the starlet to break the red head's ice. The mystical Jessica was sporting a cute Red Riding Hood outfit that suggests she might be as wild as her lover. Maybe it's a coincidence that the red planet Mars was visible in the night sky when the catgirl was seen leaving Pocket D with a fiery red head on one arm and a red magician on the other, but this reporter thinks that this girl Gene was heading for a night straight from a naughty fairy tale.

I have a signature, me.



Paragon Protector

At approximately 19:00, the Zig was attacked once again. This time, it was by two apparent Super-Villains. One Super-Villain was identified as a demonic entity known most prominently as Leeroy Leonard. As far as heard, he is a lesser-known demon who is apparently a Lord of his demonic theme, Madness, but he tends to avoid being 'honoured' as this, because he apparently dislikes titles. The other is unidentified, she is seen as having brown hair, and wearing black and gold clothing with a long, high collared cape.

The two of them caused many things to happen. Most of the beds in the cells were on the ceiling, there were many winged rabbits around the place, and some sort of monster that looks like a bizarre prehistoric dinosaur with and trees growing out of their backs, although this was confirmed to be illusionary. Besides this, many people clad in Roman armour patrolled the mad corridors while speaking Spanish (Also illusions.)

The prisoners in the least bizarre section of the Zig were sleeping contently in their upside-down beds, while the strangest section (Possibly where Leeroy was spreading his chaos) left many prisoners hopelessly driven to insanity, probably caused by Leeroy, being one to spread madness. The only missing inmate is Brann, who is recognizable by his orange coat. Police are conducting a search for the three of them, while looking for a way to fix the chaos.