In the Newspapers!




Saturday, March 12, 2011

It was a touch and go scene as firemen and medics worked dilegently to free this gang member from a precarious position.
"This is almost unheard of. I have never seen someone actually fall between the rungs in a such a position," one fireman said.
"While it is true, you may only witness this once or twice in your lifetime, it is not that rare of an occasion, considering we are in a city filled with super powers," a city medic told this reporter.
Bystanders stated that they witnessed a group of gang members attacking a twin duo called only Super Twins, who alledgedly belong to the super powered hero team of Justice Fighters Inc.@.
"The twins did what the rest of us wish we could do! They put them ignoramouses on the run. It aint there fault one fell through the cracks!" One old bystandard told us, cackling as he walked off, uninterested in if the victim was freed or not.
"He sure hung that one up to dry," an obvious medical worker yelled out to reporters as she was passing.
While the crowd showed little concern for the alledged skull gang member, the twins assisted in whatever way they could to help free the young man.
"While it is true we are out to preserve justice, and defend those that cannot defend themselves, we are not vigilantes by any means. We are a recognized super group by the city itself, and it is our duty to protect even those that are accused of crimes. While we regret this happening to the young man, we could not have foreseen it, nor could we have avoided it. It was his choice to attack us, and we simply defended ourselves," one of the twins told us.
The Skull member was freed, and transported to the hospital, in serious condition. He was awake, and well aware of what happened to him, as he called out that he wanted a lawyer, and that he was going to sue. He is facing numerous charges, including assault and battery, possession of schedule S (super) narcotics, and defiling public property, upon release from the hospital.



TPN Today, morning edition, March 12th 2011

Rogue dog brought to heel!

Police yesterday reported that the dangerous ex-cop and model, Acre Lento, was killed during attempted escape through the sub-city tunnels. Lento, who had been working with members of the so-called Resistance, was brought to official attention following a series of raids on suspected Resistance sympathizers. Evidence found on the various scenes linked Lento, disgraced Powers Division and P.P.D. member, to terrorist bomb threats and activity across Imperial City and Nova Praetor.

Lento's wife, one Isabelle Lento, was also killed in the police action. The restaurant Le Gastronome has issued a statement of regret that "...such a fine, upstanding citizen, respected by all who knew her, could have been tragically misled by her own husband."

The bodies are being held by city officials, though it's expected that the family of Mrs. Lento will be free to collect and bury her with full dignity before week's end. Acre Lento's corpse will remain with officials until a full autopsy is complete.



Massacre of Council in New Corinth

Last night there was a report of gunfire coming from a warehouse in New Corinth, Talos Island. Bystanders reported increasingly intensive gunfire followed by the entire 4th story exploding. The battle spilled onto the streets where Council soldiers fought against an unidentified group wearing a type of black armor similar to the Malta Operatives.

The PPD has not confirmed know the unknown soldiers were as they managed to escape clean while holding off the police with military efficency. There were also unconfirmed reports that one of the soldiers was the known vigilante: Sentinel F13. The PPD found only one clue however. The warehouse was storage for large sums of cash the Council had kept locked away, all of which had been cleaned out.



Rogue Isles Reports Underground
The Truth of Things

The body of a woman was found near the water's edge on Mercy Island, only a few 100 yards from the well protected Arachnos Base. She has been identified as Louisa Sanchez, daughter of a well connected member of the Santoni family, Hector "One Glove" Sanchez de Santoni. With great care for my own personal safety, I was able to get a short interview with her father.
"She had been doing her own thing for some time now, and was quite old enough to make her own decisions. While I did not support her work at the Dirty Duck on Mercy, I never thought someone would actually be fool enough to put their hands on my daughter. This is war with whoever I find done this. You want to print an interview in your little underground rag, then there you go. Let someone know they are dead."

The Rogue Island Police spokesman said they had no comment, but I spoke to my informant who stated this.
"This is on the heels of the mass murder we found in the bar only a couple of weeks ago. If this is some kind of mafia war, then we will be putting an end to it quickly. We lost alot of good men in the Dirty Duck, and we plan to find out exactly who is responsible."
So you think the two are connected?
"It was well known she worked there. Our officers had a, well, good relationship with her. No coincidence then that she is dead, she is connected to a Family, she worked at the Dirty Duck, and there were alot of people kilt there."
While this is the first I hear of the mass murder, I will be checking into it more. Secrets upon secrets in this island of so called mercy. Lots of work for an underground reporter, and lots of danger.

*((if interested in story see Bloodlette rp storyline))*



Arresting Behaviour
Paragon Tattler, March 30th 2011
Seen walking through Founder’s Falls in the direction of the marina on Monday night were Paragon heroes Tiger White and Gunwitch. Nothing out of the ordinary there, of course, as reported in past issues of the Tattler, the two are firm friends. However, what were they doing handcuffed together? Witnesses suggest that the cuffs were far from ornamental, one has to wonder who was arresting who?

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The Price They Pay
Paragon Tattler, March 31st 2011
Not long ago, the staff here at the Tattler were shaken by the loss of one of their own. Erica Mitchell, editor of the Hero Column, was murdered by a man who had nothing against her aside from a desire to murder people from other worlds who have wound up on our planet. Through the tireless work of the Paragon Police Department, the killer was tracked down, but he did not go quietly. Detonating a bomb which destroyed his apartment in Independence Port, he apparently killed one police officer and hurt another, before going to ground. His next sighting was in a donut shop in Galaxy City where he attacked the Gunwitch with another bomb, killing himself and severely wounding her. The Tattler managed to catch up with the Gunwitch now that she has recovered, and this is what she had to say.

Tattler: Could you tell us what actually happened when you were injured?

Gunwitch: Well, I was actually on my way to the King’s Row precinct to help out Detective Cooper with the case. I’m pretty friendly with the guys in the precinct and there’s a great donut shop near where I was staying. Well, there was. I was ordering donuts and this guy came in, took a few pot-shots and then blew himself up.

Tattler: What injuries did you sustain?

Gunwitch: Third degree burns to my shoulders, arms and legs, mostly at the back. Spinal compression, broken ribs, concussion, a few bruises and scrapes. Luckily I heal fairly quickly thanks to my cybernetics, but it took me about two weeks to clear up the burn scars and get myself back into shape for crime fighting. Thankfully, the kid in the shop was not badly hurt. He ducked behind the counter when the gunfire started, and that took most of the blast.

Tattler: And this is almost certainly the man who killed Erica Mitchell?

Gunwitch: All the evidence points to it. Detective Cooper did some good leg work, along with one of his colleagues, a specialist officer named Seven. The incendiary devices the killer used left little in the way of evidence, but Tiger White was able to find a weapon cache he used and we identified him from some of the technology he employed. It’s pretty clear that he was responsible for Miss Mitchell’s death and the murder of several other active heroes, all of them alien in one sense or another.

Tattler: I guess that’s the price you pay for hero work. As I can attest, it’s a dangerous business even to be near

Gunwitch: Oh, we’re protected some by things like the medi-port technology, but there are ways around that and this killer used them. Some of us are invulnerable walking megaliths, but a lot of us aren’t really much tougher than a normal person. There’s always someone out there who wants you dead because you’re in the way, or you know too much, or because they’re trying to make a name for themselves, or just because you’re different. I’m sorry your editor had to pay that price, even if she didn’t exactly make my life easy.

Tattler: Thank you, Gunwitch, for your time and candid answers.

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An article in a local tabloid.

Collatoral damage?

When one of the latest 'savings' of a Crey Industries labratory done by members of the Unity Vigil ends up with it being shut down due to collatoral damage, one can only wonder if this was indeed collatoral damage. Was it accidental, or was it an intentional sabotage done to deminish competition for the Unity Vigil's founder Zorielle Rolando's own friend's company: Huntington Industries?
Not so, the spokesmen from the Unity Vigil and Huntington Industries would be quick to state. Too quickly, some might point out.
Sources in Crey Industries confirm that they have had such suspiscions for longer and are investigating it for merits of a lawsuit.
But beside the legal issues, the one that should be most important is the moral one, are these super powers in it for us, or for their little elite club?

I have a signature, me.



Paragon Times, April 9th 2011, Late editions
A light aircraft crashed into the reactor building in Terra Volta this afternoon at approximately 2pm. The pilot and two passengers were confirmed dead and emergency services with the aid of several heroes were able to control the resulting fire. Technicians indicate that there was no threat of radiation leak and the building itself took no real damage.

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The Paragon Newshound

What is the world coming too?

What ever happened to the rights of suspects? When the police arrest you, you get read your rights, you know that you're protected by them as much as you are being charged by them. Not so with our heroes, no. When a hero makes an arrest, they beat you to a pulp and teleport you to the Zig hospital, where you are read your rights upon waking up. Now, I ask you, where's the investigation into the 'arrest', where are the consequences for making a wrong bust? And if that wasn’t enough to worry law abiding citizens of Paragon, what about the humiliation tactics that some of these ‘heroes’ use to ‘enforce the law’. Being stuck in a trashcan is hardly a court approved punishment, and neither is the super strength applied wedgies that are reportedly becoming more popular.
This city is too free with its licences of super powered deputies. And as if that wasn't enough, we're giving probationary licences to the 'citizens' of what is called, the City of Villains. I can only wonder how long until I too will be too afraid to go out the front door in the city that I have called home for all my life.

I have a signature, me.



Souring Speck spotted by Youth at Talos Island.

Reports continue of a winged figure souring from roof tops on Talos Island. Commonly seen at the monument of the urban hero 'Talos' himself, many have assumed it to be another of the thousands of heroes in the city. Yet children who have claimed to of met the unknown figure say it's a faceless girl with "tiny bird wings". This reporter assumes we have another hero to add to our list.



Praetorian Threat?
The Paragon Tattler, April 18th 2011
Sources within the Paragon Police department have brought to light a previously unknown factor in the recent murders, including that of Erica Mitchell. Found among the effects of the murderer was a badge from the Praetorian Police Department, suggesting that the killer was Praetorian, and a member of their police force.

Neither Longbow nor Vanguard were available for comment on the threat posed by the multitude of Praetorian natives currently living in Paragon City. A statement from the PPD stated that “the infusion of Praetorians into the city’s populace over the last year has not resulted in any noticeable increase in criminal activity.” The Tattler considers that a non-statement. It certainly says nothing about the potential threat of having thousands of potential spies and fifth columnists under our roofs.

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Video footage shown on various news networks around the world, available uncensored on the internet and some of the more raunchy current event shows.

It starts with seemingly normal footage of a charity costume contest held under the statue of Atlas in Atlas Park; the announcer is welcoming people and announcing that a few familiar faces are here today. Everything seems perfectly normal, until a bluish white spear of light descends from the sky, it strikes the floor in front of the statue a wave of energy pulsing out from the impact point.

Things get a little weird at that point, the statue vanishes as does the concrete it was built upon, and so does the clothing of every super hero, heroine and citizen attending the contest. Mostly this footage has been censored out with black bars to prevent offense, though in some places its bar free. The is some schadenfreude to be had at the sight of super heroes and heroines trying to work out what needs protecting most, their secret identities or their private parts.

The news report goes on to say that two minutes later all the clothing and the statue became visible again. There would be media coverage of the half dozen incidents that followed, starting with the Edison Museum.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



TPN News, Friday the 22nd of April

Explosion In Four Gables!

What appears to be a Resistance plot ended the life of model and Powers Division member Farah Dae.

Residing in Four Gables with two others, only one unidentifiable, yet easy to deduce whose, body was found. Burnt to a crisp the body of Farah Dae will be buried with honour.

The bomb detonated and destroyed all of her apartment and possessions, including her Home Companion Clockwork.

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



Love Boat, Love Nest
Paragon Tattler, April 29th 2011
It seems that Tiger White and the Gunwitch may be more than good friends. Reports indicate that the Gunwitch has moved out of her apartment in King’s Row and seems to have moved onto the Tiger’s yacht moored in Founders’ Falls. It seems that Tiger White has set up her new romantic interest in a little love nest for easier access. The Tattler wonders whether what Tiger White’s long-term partner, Grav Mistress thinks of this arrangement.

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Paragon Times, 28/04/11, early edition, page 7

It is not often that a request to recall an obituary is received, but that is exactly what happened yesterday evening.

We received the tragic news that Firefighter Jake Patterson died in the line of duty whilst attending a call out yesterday afternoon. No one could be more surprised, however, when a few hours later, Mr Patterson spontaneously revived at the hospital morgue.

Initial reports are that the FBSA will be listing him as an individual with 'Lazurus' powers. That is to say, someone who is capable of coming back from the dead.

It can only be hoped that Mr Patterson does not have to put his newly manifested powers to use too often.

((The article is accompanied by a picture of Jake in his dress uniform.))

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



Morning News, Paragon News Channel One.

Late last night someone let rip across Eastgate Park in the Prez park district. The PPD officers on duty at the gate to Skyway reported a mass of screaming and shouting as person or persons, as yet unknown, swept the area of Circle of Thorn cultist.

PPD Sergeant Clive Hoslt said they witnessed a “rampage of fury” and “ widespread detonations of some sort” as whoever it was hunted down the CoT across the Eastgate Park area. The assault was powerful enough to silence the area, even now at 8:00 am there is a somewhat creepy quiet over the place, and no sign of the normal gang activity, even the wildlife is keeping a low profile. Sergeant Hoslt said that Longbow has been asked to send in a patrol so see what has happened but as yet only a liaison has arrived.



Paragon City Times
'Jane Doe remains identified as elderly window, Florance Bards'

On Friday, at 11 pm, the remains of a elderly women's torso was found washed up in Faultline City's sewer system. It is still unsure of how the remains got there, or what removed the limbs and head from the body, what was known was that the limbs were removed post-mortem. Now the body has been identified as a window at the age of sixty-eight by the name of Florance Bards. Florance lost her husband in battle during the Rikti invasion, many people who knew her said she had become very depressed since then and was actively seeking out Mediums and the likes. Claiming she felt her deceased husbands spirit in their house in Talos. PPD are close to declaring the case a Cold case, as they've run out of leads, and any outside Hero help has been met with little information and much resistance.

(A follow up from a Conjuring of the demon Duke Zepar that Kail reformed as requested from a "elderly widow named Florance.")



Do We Need a Witch Hunt?
Paragon Tattler, May 5th 2011
Next week the Senate Subcommittee on Emerging Alien Threats will sit for the first time. Branched off from the Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, this new and important wing of our government’s highest house will sit to discuss the threat to our great country posed by aliens of all types. By ‘alien,’ Democratic Senator Maynard Price means those threats which come at us from space and through the barriers between dimensions. Senator Price is the chair of the subcommittee and is quite clear on the course he wants to steer. “When travel to other dimensions was first discovered, we felt we had complete control over it. Back then there were relatively few aliens here on Earth, whether from extra-planetary or extra-dimensional sources. Then the so-called Peacebringers came to Earth, bringing not peace, but their war against the Nictus. In the past year we have started seeing more and more refugees from the Praetorian dimension coming here. We simply wish to assess the kind of threat having a large quantity of potentially dangerous aliens in our midst represents.”

Here in Paragon City, where many of these aliens end up, and many of these alien attacks hit home, we have an example of just the kind of thing Senator price is worried about. Tiger White has long been a black sheep among the Peacebringers, noted for excessive violence and an out-spoken proponent of the destruction of any and all Nictus she comes across. As reported in the Tattler, she is now in a firm, same-sex relationship with the Praetorian immigrant, Gunwitch. They represent a microcosm of the threat we see every day and can only hope never worsens. After all, can we really be sure that these saviours do not bring the problem to us in the first place? Would the Nictus be here if the Peacebringers were not? Would there be threatened Praetorian invasion if we did not harbour criminals escaped from that world?

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Paragon Times. Monday Edition

Refugees Found Dead

Clive Anton, a refugee from the alternate dimension known as Praetoria, was found dead last night in his apartment, along with his wife Marie and their teenage daughter, Alison. Neighbours reported hearing screams shortly after 10pm, and on getting no response from repeated knocks, forced their way into the apartment only to discover their bodies.

The Anton family, residents of a community housing project in the Gish area of Kings Row, were well liked despite coming from a world whos current relationship with our own can only be described as difficult, and officials have so far been unable to explain why someone would wish to harm them.

Local rumours however, indicate that Alison Anton was gifted with telepathic abilities, and was the reason why the family had originally fled their homeland. The FBSA have so far refused to comment on whether any member of the Anton family had registered with them.

Police have appealed for anyone with information to come forward, and have setup an incident hotline on 555-85654. The local residents committee are offering a reward of $5000 (five thousand dollars) for any information leading to an arrest and conviction.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Paragon Time, Monday 9th May, 2011. Page 2 Column

Birds of a Feather, People together

A Vanguard spokesman put forth the above statement when questioned about the influx of Praetorians and the growing difficulties betwen the extra-dimensional Empire and our own Earth.

Jeremy Charles Lyndon (29), Vanguard Shield Colonel and ex-SAS officer, was forthright in his view on the Praetorian situation and the mixed responses of the public.
"People need to understand that the overwhelming majority of the refugees, such the sadly late Anton's, are normal people trying to live everyday lives the same as anyone else. They deserve not only our sympathy, but our protection from those would do them harm simply because they chose freedom and truth. In a way those who come from Praetoria, the non-meta's especially, exemplify more than most the values that founded Paragon City; Truth, Freedom and Justice."

When asked wether taking such a stance might make him unpopular, Lydon was resolute.
"I've read the hate-rags like the Tattler and others, and it saddens me to think that people actually read, let alone believe, the dross they print. Haters will hate, I suppose. And if any of them come my way, well, they're more than welcome to try their luck."

The Colonel, known to many in Vanguard as 'Lucky Lyndon', boasts no idle threat. A member of Vanguard since 2004, Col. Lyndon has been through more than his fair share of battles and come out standing, including the viscious 39th Battle of Point Du Hoc.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Paragon Times, evening edition

Goliath Leftovers in Talos!

Amid the cleaning up of Talos Island today, Residents of Talos Island were shocked to discover the last few remnants of yesterdays foiled invasion attempt by the Praetorian Army. Tucked away on a quiet cliffside, this Goliath Warworks droid seems to be staring out to see at the overwater monorail line.

We here at the Times are unsure of what to make of this silent sentinel, but speculation exists that this droid was left behind, forgotten in the rout when Praetorian forces were expelled from our fair city by the valiant efforts of our brave heroes.

caption: Ominously observing...
Vanguard have cordoned off the site in preparation for dealing with this monster. However, they were unwilling to give a statement beyond their "handling matters."

Local residents are of mixed opinions, some stating that the droid should be dismantled and studied, while others felt it was better to leave it alone. One lone voice opined that the droid aught to be shut down and made into a memorial in memory of the brave heroes who gave their lives the line of duty during the attacks yesterday.

We at the Times feel this is the most befitting use of the leftover droid, and will be posting a petition at our offices' reception beginning tomorrow morning.



TPN Evening News Friday 13th May 2011.

The PPD is still investigating the murder of the known big game hunter Van Peltro, a close associate to Emperor Cole. Van Peltro was murdered earlier today in his private estate.

According to the witnesses there was an anthropormorphic feline seen near the crime site. It was dressed like some kind of samurai.

We warn the public that this feline might be feral and very dangerous.

The PPD has issued a shoot on sight order in order to protect the rest of Praetorias loyal citizens.

If you see this anthropormorphic feline, call the nearest PPD station at once. Do not try to approach it alone.



PNN Morning News. Monday 16th May

A graphic of the Paragon News Network appeared on the screen, along with the shows serious theme tune, and as it rotated into the background, Johnathan Stiles, the stations anchorman, faded into view.
"Good morning Paragon, and here is the news."
"Reports are coming in this morning of a murder at the FBSA offices in Atlas Park. The victim, a security guard working the night shift, was found dead in one of the offices in the department of hero registration and checks indicate that the computer in this office was used to access the registration database at the approximate time of the murder. It is not known which records were accessed at this time, but police suspect the guard may have interrupted his killer in the act of stealing personal data on one or more of our cities defenders."
"Video Surveillance of the department is currently being analysed and police are hopeful that some useful information may be attained. In the meantime, they are appealing for any witnesses who may have seen anything unusual around the area of the FBSA offices in Atlas Park between the times of midnight and 6am today, to please come forward."
Taking a brief pause, Stiles moved on to the next time. "The cleanup of our fair city continues today after the attack by Praetorian forces last week. Reports of lone robots continue to be received by Vanguard and every effort is being made to secure the city from these roving weapons..."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Concern Over Aliens in Our Midst
Paragon Times, May 20th 2011
Concern was expressed yesterday in a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee for Emerging Alien Threats chaired by Senator Maynard Price (R – WY) regarding the number of Praetorian asylum seekers and resident aliens in the city who failed to take part in fighting during the incursions of May 11th. Senator Price’s assertions that the majority of Praetorians in Paragon City had not engaged in the defence of the city came after evidence was presented to the committee by Longbow officer Lt. Major John Barrett, who is currently four months into a six month review of the current Praetorian security situation.

Our reporter Andrew Becker caught up with Lt. Major Barrett following the hearing, and managed to get this quote from him. ‘My report is in a very preliminary stage and taking any part of it, out of context and prior to final evidence and editing, is liable to give an entirely false impression of the totality of the report.’

A request to Vanguard regarding any statistics they had on Praetorian participation in the May 11th incursions resulted in a statement that they had no such statistics, but knew of many who had taken part. Senator Price’s office was unavailable for comment.

Traitors and Spies?
Paragon Tattler, May 20th 2011
Dateline Washington, DC, and yesterday Senator Maynard Price (R-WY) stood up to Longbow’s obfuscation and told it like it is. Facing off against a Longbow Lieutenant tasked with whitewashing the involvement of Praetorians in espionage, terrorism and sabotage, Senator Price got to the bottom of it all and went on to prove that the Praetorians over here could be traitors. Citing sources in our sister newspaper the Paragon Times, the Senator gave evidence that these so-called asylum seekers stood by while the armies of their homeworld trashed our fair city. Can we really afford to allow these people to stay?

Small ads section, near the back
Wanted: exorcist or ritualist conversant with the removal of curses to consult on possible magical issues. Candidates should call Hillary Richards at the Tattler.

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Praetorian Invaders?
Paragon Times Sunday Edition, May 22nd 2011
On May the 11th our city saw massive incursions of troops, meta-humans and gigantic robots from another dimension. The world which Portal Corporation has designated Upsilon Beta 9-6 has become better known to us as Praetoria, and it was the source of these invaders. A world, we are told run by a brutal dictatorship which thinks nothing of enslaving its own people, a dystopia bent on world domination.

In truth, we have been subject to a Praetorian invasion for several months now. Not the forceful, violent, murderous one we saw on the 11th, but a much quieter one. These other invaders have come here seeking a safe haven from the regime they left behind. America has long had a tradition of taking in those seeking respite from tyranny, so we have welcomed these people into our homes as we have done for centuries. America fights for the persecuted, now as then.

So why is it that we are beginning to see people speaking out against those who have come to us seeking help? Some of us are old enough to remember Senator McCarthy and his pursuit of “communists” following the rise of the Soviet Union. Perhaps it is the fact that many living now did not live through those days of fear that allows such sentiments to once again be voiced. Those of us who do remember can only watch in fear as people with power use an invented bogeyman to gain more power. It begins with the spreading of rumour and fear, and ends with accusations and the ending of lives. Already the process has started.

Recent articles in some media, and discussions on Capitol Hill, have led us to believe that the Praetorians we have taken in are traitors, that they refused to fight when their former brethren attacked. The source of these allegations is an out of context quote from an unfinished report and a similarly extracted segment of an as yet unpublished interview for this very paper. But what of the other Praetorians?

Many are running from being forced to fight. One family came to King’s Row so that their daughter might have a free life. They were not soldiers. We do not ask the average man on the street to fight forty foot tall robot killing machines, why should we ask them to do the same? This family will not be fighting at any time in the future either. Why? Because they were brutally murdered not long after the invasion. A family, in their home, watching TV were killed because they came from another world.

Another Praetorian, a woman who has become well known in King’s Row under the sobriquet “the Gunwitch,” fought alongside other heroes and the police on May the 11th. She is not some super-powered soldier, just a clever woman who uses her skills to defend those weaker than herself, but she put her life on the line when it mattered. Perhaps her words explain the position of most of our Praetorian immigrants. ‘I left Praetoria because I had to, because life was intolerable there. In some ways, it will always be my home, but now I have a new life, and a new home, here in Paragon City. I have been welcomed and found new friends and a purpose. And I will fight to keep that, no matter what it takes.’

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