In the Newspapers!




An Advertisement running in several papers in Paragon City for the next few days.


Getting your special deliveries from A to B in Paragon City! Zack's Packages will run your mail and small packages from any location in the city, to any other. Why choose Zack's Packages over any other firm?

  • Green! Zack runs on everyday foodstuffs. No gasoline consumed, no electricity needed. Just Zack and some Granola bars.
  • Lean! Many have stated that Zack is a lean, athletic young so-and-so, who will use Secret Ninja Techniques to ensure your delivery is fast and free of robbery.
  • Mean! Zack has authority based on the Citizen's Crime Fighting Act to punch those industrial saboteurs who try to get at your vital documents!
  • Seen! Advertise your company on Zack's costume, and have your brand zip across the city!
Call Zack Tanner on the following numbers, or contact him via the internet at this address, and remember:

Zack will keep your packages as safe as his own!



((Hidden amongst the general reports in locals about the Zig))

Minor Zigursky Breakout - Major Pain

Conductor Pain 'Marcus Payne', a minor Rogue Isles face known for his musical themed crimes staged a minor breakout from his cell in the Zigursky Penitentiary yesterday. Police have deemed the Conductor a low risk escapee, stating that his trademark double-barrelled trombone shotgun remains safely secured in its evidence cabinet.

Police continue to track Payne and his accomplices, some of whom it is believed took advantage of the disturbance in the main yard to stage similiar breakouts before they could be contained. Information regarding the whereabouts of Louis Nicolau, Frankie 'Biggo' Jones, Edward 'Eddie' Brisbane, Ricky Harkness or "Judgement" Gee should be submitted to your local PPD station, or the response unit at the Penitentiary on...

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Another One Bites the Dust
Paragon Tattler, May 27th 2011
The title today is doubly indicative of the state of our fair city. Why? Because two things happened yesterday that show just how rotten things have become.

Seven good policemen died yesterday when someone destroyed the evidence room at the Founders’ Falls Precinct. Seven men won’t be going home to their families because some mad scientist (the explosion was, reports say, unlike anything seen before) wanted to cover up the evidence of their crimes. Who is responsible? Well we can rule out the self-publicists like Dr Edward Mechano, there was no city-wide, insane broadcast. Perhaps this is somehow related to the mad man who unleashed an army of zombie warriors on Atlas Park a few months ago. Or was it someone knew? The police have, of course, no clues.

Meanwhile in King’s Row, two children have been made motherless and another of the so-called heroes who are supposed to protect us is being held for their mother’s murder. Jasmine Taylor was once a prostitute, but had given up that life and lived as best she could in the Astral Rise apartment building in High Park, looking after her children as a good mother should. Neighbours say that she had a steady boyfriend who doted on the children, a nice, smart young man. Jasmine was an example of how someone can start out wrong and climb up from the gutter.

Her past caught up with her, however, as the man who has apparently already killed a number of other street girls and escorts, came to her flat and killed her using some form of infernal fire on Wednesday night. He did this right in front of her terrified daughter. The price this man must pay for his crimes is hardly sufficient for such a betrayal of trust, but let us hope that the full weight of the law is brought to bear on him.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



PCN News Alert - War Walkers in Uproar!

Breaking news at the top of the hour, ladies and gentlemen, as the most recent developments in the ongoing attacks from the parallel world Praetoria have thrown both sides for a loop the scale of which neither could've possibly expected.

No ladies and gentlemen, your eyes do not deceive you. Though our studio is still in the process of authenticating the image presented, both our reporters in the field as well as those of our valued news partners do indeed confirm that several of the Praetorian attack machines called War Walkers have taken up, um...gigantic picket signs...crafted of what appears to be battlefield debris both against one another and their apparently former masters.

The cause for this aberrant behavior is of yet unknown, and speculations range from a sleeper virus planted within the monstrous machines by covert operations of our own military to a brute-force subversion by cyber-warfare specialists who've managed to breach the encryption of the enemy's communications. The currently most believed...


Ladies and gentlemen, we've just received further details on the subject. The first War Walker upon which this seemingly rogue behavior came to be observed has just issued a broadcast statement identifying itself as 'War Walker 2.0' and is no longer actively participating in any sort of combat, declaring that is has taken on another role in 'matters between your world and Praetoria'. Just what this might mean for us, ladies and gentlemen, is at present still a matter of debate and speculation, though all of us are of course hoping for the best and will keep you appraised of further developments...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Love and Hate in the Capital
Paragon Times, June 3rd 2011
The news that Senator Maynard Price (R – WY) had a star witness for his subcommittee on “Emergent Alien Threats” got around the Capitol fast and it seemed that the entire political Press Corps was on hand to see Paragon City hero Tiger White questioned yesterday morning.

As I sat among the other reporters I kept hearing rumours. It seemed as though someone had been leaking news that the Senator was going to bring evidence that the war between the Peacebringers and their Nictus enemies was claiming innocent lives. Well, as an ex-resident of Paragon City that’s hardly news, but it seemed that the Senator was putting a different slant on things.

Flanked by Zorielle Rolando, noted scientist and businesswoman, and Jessica Stoneberg, a well-known sorceress and Tiger White’s wife, Eloise Stoneberg entered the chamber to a barrage of flash bulbs. A woman with the power to level buildings seemed hesitant to be standing before a room of simple people, despite having various members of the Unity Vigil present. She approached the bench with all due humility, confirming her name to the rather smug looking senator.

Then, as he was about to begin his questions, fate in the form of the FBI intervened. Quoting national security and an on-going anti-terrorism investigation, a Senior Special Agent halted proceedings and whisked Mrs Stoneberg away for debriefing.

Senator Price was unavailable for comment after aborted hearing.

In other news, all-American Hero, Rushmore was at the Lincoln Memorial today along with his fiancée, the Warshade Penumbral Paradox. It was quite the paradox, in one part of the city a representative of the people stands ready to urge us to war against the “aliens,” while in another a representative of the spirit of the country prepares to marry one of those same beings.

Mockery of Justice
Paragon Tattler, June 3rd 2011
Yesterday’s Senate Subcommittee hearing on Emergent Alien Threats was brought to an abrupt end as the key witness, known dilettante and so-called Hero, Tiger White was taken away under armed, FBI escort to an undisclosed location for “debriefing.” What is it that the Peacebringers feel they have to hide? That’s the question the Tattler wants answered.

There was also the method of her extradition from Justice, a declaration that her testimony might obstruct an on-going investigation into terrorism. The order came from none other than the Office of the President. How far up the chain of command does this thread of alien involvement in our affairs go?

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.





Paragon Times, page 4 side column
All quiet on the Home Front?

Despite the ever growing problems facing us across the dimensional borders, things have seemed relatively quiet on the more common battlegrounds back home. International tensions between the United States and the Arachnos group of the Etoile isles (known by many as the 'Rogue Isles') seem to be mostly passive, with only minor skirmishes on both sides. Experts believe that the insurgent Praetorian armed forces threat has given both sides a common enemy.

There are still reports of troop movements in around St Martial and Mercy Islands, but these have been put down to military maneuvers in response to the latest wave of portal strikes.
Longbow representatives stated that, for now, their main priority is safeguarding citizens against future Praetorian military strikes. There has been no available comment from Arachnos.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Paragon Times, June 7th 2011
Following an apparent assassination attempt on Senator Maynard Price (R-WY) on Sunday June 5th, the following statement has been issued by the Senator’s staff on his behalf.

“On Sunday night, in a vile attempt to end my life, persons as yet unknown killed my driver, Philip Jeffries. Philip worked for me for five years and leaves behind a widow and two devoted children who will be cared for.

“It is my conviction that this was an attempt to bring about an end to my efforts to uncover the threat posed by the aliens in our midst, in particular that posed by the Kheldian presence here on Earth. Rest assured that I will be continuing my work as soon as this threat is subdued.”

Senator Price was unavailable for further comment and is currently under heavy guard in a secure location. No representative of the Secret Service was available for comment regarding the investigation.

Kheldian representatives in the Capital stated, “We have no evidence that the device used to take the life of Mr Jeffries and several police officers in Paragon City was linked with either Peacebringers or Warshades. We cannot rule out the involvement of our Nictus foes, but see no reason for them to attempt to take the life of Senator Price whose misguided distrust can only further their aims.”

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



The following story can be found as a late edition entry in tomorrow's papers - 9th June

Construction Raid

In an unusual move, a group of Trolls were spotted raiding a local construction company shortly after 7pm yesterday in the Overbrook area of the city. It appears the gang got away with several pieces of plant equipment, including a prototype digging exoskeleton. Trolls are not commonly seen in the area, though it is believed this gang made their way through Skyway after a Troll Rave before descending upon the construction zone.

A spokesperson for Grandloch Construction was unavailable to give comment last night, however it is understood they are already helping the police with the case.

Graham Cook, creator of the exoskeleton, did speak out about the robbery via Twitter last night, stating that he "may be able to activate tracers" in the suit. Cook's electronics development firm had recently been acquired in a yet unannounced business move. His comments regarding the case have since been removed from the social networking site, amid fears this loss could cost him his recent run of luck.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



A Troubled Man
Paragon Times, June 10th 2011
Maynard Price, Republican high-flyer, senator for Wyoming, and chair of the Senate Subcommittee for Emergent Alien Threats. A week ago, Senator Price was a man to be feared in the Halls of Power. A heroine who is, perhaps, one of the most powerful women on the planet, Tiger White, was seen quaking in her abnormally low heels at the thought of being questioned by this man. This week it is Senator Price who is running scared.

Reports indicate that his wife of 27 years has left the family home near Rawlins, WY, and that she has evidence of infidelity. It is quite possible that she has since other rumours have it that the IRS are investigating claims that the Senator has been draining political funds to pay for a secret love nest in Georgetown and payments to escort agencies in Washington and Cheyenne.

The Senator remains in the Washington Navy Yard under protective custody after an apparent attempt on his life and was unavailable for comment prior to going to press.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Dam Busters play sparks sensitivity debate

Paragon Times, June 10th 2011

A stage adaptation of "The Dam Busters" has run into controversy over its decision to alter the name of a dog. The play, based on the classic 1955 British war film, concerns the actions of the 617 Squadron of the Royal Air Force during Operation Chastise in 1943. In the original film, the squadron's historical black labrador retriever - which belonged to Wing Commander Guy Gibson - was called "N*gger", the name it had in real life. The producers of the play, however, decided to change the name of the dog to "Trigger" in order to avoid causing offence.

The decision has sparked a furore over 'political correctness', with the theatre community divided between those who feared upsetting members of the general public and those who favoured historical accuracy. Since the play's début, the argument has spilled over into the public arena. Jennifer Scott, the producer of the play, described it as a "lose-lose scenario".

"Whatever decision we made, we would have upset someone, so we made the decision that caused the least offence," she said.

Others have taken different viewpoints. Benjamin Terrance, the Tony Award-winning writer of "Pieces of Father" and "Last Sunday", described the decision as "spineless pandering" and accused the play of being unhistorical, as the name of the dog was also used a codeword for the operation itself.

"History should not be sanitised just because it might be offensive," he said.

Unwitting couple discovers body in Silver Lake

Paragon Times, June 10th 2011

The body of a male prostitute was found in Steel Canyon today. The corpse was discovered in the early hours of the morning by an elderly couple. While the body has not been identified, the clothing clearly indicated that the subject was a male sex worker. No statement was issued by the Paragon Police Department regarding the case.



Washington Herald, June 11th 2011
Fire gutted a Georgetown apartment building in the early hours of this morning. Fire fighters struggled with the blaze for three hours as it threatened to destroy neighbouring buildings. The final damping down process was completed around 4am.

Police and fire crews found the badly burned body of one occupant of the apartment in the master bedroom. Neighbours indicated that the occupant was one Clayton Bream, assistant to Senator Maynard Price (R-WY), but a police statement said that no formal identification could be made at this time due to the state of the body. Senator Price is currently under investigation for embezzlement by the IRS, and some reports indicate that the apartment he allegedly used for several extra-marital assignations occupied the top floor of the building.

Following an attempt on his life, Senator Price is currently under guard at the Washington Navy Yard. Police were unable, at this time, to rule out the possibility that the fire was set to kill Mr Bream and fire department investigators are looking into the blaze as possible arson.

Senator Price was unavailable for comment.

Paragon Times, June 11th 2011
Further news in the scandal over Senator Maynard Price’s (R-WY) investigation for embezzlement. Late on Friday, an apparently unrelated Congressional Press Release indicated that the senator’s Subcommittee on Emergent Alien Threats was to be dissolved. Its functions are to be split up and taken over by the Select Committees on Intelligence and the Subcommittees on Emergent Threats and Capabilities. The release indicated that these committees were better equipped to hear some of the higher security aspects of the work and/or had the ability to consider a broader remit, making them better suited to understanding the situations inherent in new threats from all sources.

No mention was made of the disgraced senator, and Senator Price was unavailable for comment.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Paragon City Post - Friday 10th June
Private Jet Lost Over Pacific Ocean

A Gulfstream IV Private Business Jet carrying an undisclosed number of passengers from Providence, RI to Beijing has vanished over the Pacific Ocean after flying into turbulence, air authority officials say.

The pilot of the Private Jet sent a message to air traffic control reporting electrical problems soon after take-off, and this followed by an automatic message reporting a short circuit at 0214 EDT, four hours after leaving Providence, RI. It may have been damaged by lightning.

It was well over the ocean when it was lost, making search planes' task more difficult.

A spokesmen for the airport said the chances of finding survivors were "very small".

Paragon Herald - Saturday 11th June
Ex-Hero Feared Dead In Jet Crash

A Private Jet travelling from Providence, RI to Beijing lost contact with air traffic controllers over the Pacific Ocean, officials said on Monday.

The jet, a Gulfstream IV, was said to be carrying Jamie "Jay" Reynolds, CEO of RCI, and 2 crew members, Brigitte Barrand, Reynolds Concept & Innovations company spokeswoman said today. The flight left Providence, RI on Sunday at 10 p.m. local time.

Jay Reynolds, formerly known as The Crimson Archer, has recently become CEO of Reynolds Concepts & Innovations, a technology company created by his father. He was said to have been travelling to Beijing for a meeting to discuss new business opportunities in the region.

The communication was lost with the plane about 500 miles (800 kilometers) west of San Fransisco, an air traffic control spokesman said.

The search would begin Monday morning , he added, speaking on condition of anonymity in keeping with air force policy.

A police official said the weather was clear in the coastal area on the night of the disappearance and into this morning.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Film star's sexist tirade draws rebukes

Paragon Times, June 13th 2011

Matthew Harris has been criticised for comments he made on a morning tabloid show. While promoting his latest film on "The Dawn", Mr. Harris made several remarks which have been characterized as sexist and offensive. Several public personalities and media groups have called on him to issue an apology.

In the middle of the programme, Mr. Harris commented to host Ben O'Hara that he had "only two uses for women", before correcting himself and stating that, since his kitchen was currently being redecorated, his wife only had "one use". Mr. Harris also remarked that this "use" could be easily catered to by other women, saying that he had "b*tches climbing all over [him]" back in Los Angeles, California. When Mr. O'Hara nervously clarified that he did not condone adultery, Mr. Harris replied that "only gays and eunuchs" would turn down the opportunity.

Outrage in response to the programme was immediate and widespread. Speaking for FEM, a women's equality organization, Sarah Daniels derided the comments as "unacceptable and out-of-date" and said that Mr. Daniels exhibited "clear misogynist tendencies". Ms. Daniels further said that such remarks "objectified women" and "made light of the serious issue of adultery", accusing Mr. Daniels of flippancy.

"If he wishes to preserve any dignity or respect, he should immediately apologise for his hurtful and offensive remarks," she said.

A spokesperson for Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. apologised on behalf of Mr. Harris for the remarks, calling them "unequivocally wrong and inappropriate". The spokesperson said that Mr. Harris was "under immense pressure" at the time, but that this "did not excuse his actions" on the programme.

"Warner Brothers is a diverse and equitable company, and we do not want this sort of behaviour to reflect upon us as a whole," he said.

New study raises issue of cell phone radiation risk

Paragon Times, June 13th 2011

A report by the National Radiological Council (NRC) suggests that radiation from cellular phones could increase the risk of degradation in human cells. Experiments conducted by the NRC showed that cells directly exposed to 1 milliwatt of radiation were 20% more likely to die than cells left unexposed. The author of the report, Dr. Nicholas Alexander, cautioned that the effects of cell phone radiation on humans were "still unknown".

Male probable victim of gang killing

Paragon Times, June 13th 2011

The body of an unidentified male was discovered on a wasteland in. The body was encountered by a caretaker charged with supervising the area, which was purchased by Connaught Construction in 2008 but was subsequently never developed. Police say that the man was most likely a victim of gangland violence.



Breakneck Foundation in Dire Straits

Tuesday, June 14th 2011

Charitable organizations across Paragon were shocked yesterday evening at the brazen robbery perpetrated upon the offices of one of our city's most well-known support groups for retired and semi-retired veteran heroes - the Breakneck Foundation, so named after the hero Cyrus Oliver Thompson, a.k.a. Breakneck.

While rumors abound, actual knowledge of the robbery's details remain few and far between, including the identities of the perpetrators, as well as the full extent of the damage done to this noble organization upholding the memory of one of our city's finest. What is certainly known, however, is the immediate effect upon one of the foundation's dependents, a man known in the circles of Paragon's heroes by the delightfully nostalgic moniker Steampunk Charlie.

A servant to freedom and liberty for many long years now in declining health, the fallout of this crime directly threatens his ability to remain active and mobile within the near future. Therefore we call upon you, our dear readers, to aid this man in his time of need and when others cannot. To view further details, please visit our website for more information and the latest updates.

The memorial statue honoring Cyrus Thompson in Kings Row. Sonya Carlson photos, former staff.

Cyrus Oliver Thompson
Heroes May Die,
But Heroism Never Shall

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Trouble in Paradise
Paragon Tattler, June 15th 2011
Lovebirds Tiger White and the Gunwitch have apparently had something of a falling out. The Tattler has a report of a flaming row breaking out between the two at the Galaxy Girl statue, a well-known meeting place for the hero community. The same reports indicate that Tiger White was seen running from the statue leaving the Gunwitch with her wife, the Mistress of Gravity. They were seen leaving together a while later.

Could there be trouble in Paradise? Has the scandalous relationship between the Witch of Firearms and her “familiar” finally turned sour?

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Paragon Times, 16/6/2011 Morning Edition

Massacre in Peregrine

The peace of night was shattered yesterday over Peregrine Island as Arachnos forces struck without warning. A heavily armoured Arachnos dropship landed just outside Portal Corp, before it's squad of occupants proceeded to devastate the Mera Heights district. Several soldiers bearing the markings of the elite 'Krimzon Guard' regiment tore up everything in their path, despite direct intervention from PPD robotics and Kheldian forces, and the rapid response of Longbow. At least one building was torched, while shops were looted thoroughly.

The Peregrine Bank, however, was spared. The direct intervention of Statesman himself stalled the attackers where nothing else had. Despite coming under heavy fire, the de factor leader of the Freedom Phalanx was able to stop the armed unit from leaving, causing them to have to resort to what seems to have been an emergency teleport jump.

Statesman was unavailable for comment on the events, but Ms Liberty has stated that Longbow will step up it's actions against the criminal elements of the Etoile Isles. Despite the defeat of the invaders it was a somewhat pyrrhic victory, with casualties in the hundreds and many thousands cost in property damage.

It was also followed by a warning; almost an hour after the attack a recorded message, most likely from Arachnos, stated simply "We'll be back. You're next."
It seems that hopes of a respite from Arachnos hostilities are not to be.

((based on IC missioning on Wednesday))

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Paragon Times, page 8, June 21st 2011
Senator Maynard Price (R-WY) was found dead this morning by Secret Service operatives assigned to his protection. Reports indicated that the Senator had been shot and was declared dead at the secene by paramedics from Bethesda. Investigators from the nearby Naval Criminal Investigative Service were called in and are investigating, however a statement from the Secret Service has indicated that no other are currently sought in connection with the death.

Senator Price’s wife began divorce proceedings last week, apparently having been confronted with evidence that her husband was seeing prostitutes on a regular basis. The Senator was also under investigation by the IRS for embezzlement of campaign and federal funds.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Reported through the static around Underground Imperial

PPD picked up another seer this morning near the park - same as the others, no injuries but mind totally gone. RD found another one down below, ghouls got to her first though. Recruits are starting to talk, say there's something down there, something more than just the ghouls. RD is going to see what the PPD know before taking anyone down for a look.



Paragon Times, June 30th 2011
Reports indicate that the Virginia class fast attack submarine, USS Arizona, was involved in an accident yesterday. Two crew members are reported as dead following the incident, but the remainder were taken off the vessel by helicopters from the carrier USS George Washington.

A US Navy spokesperson stated that, "Following a technical issue with the Arizona's reactor while on standard operational duties, an emergency evactuation was required. The reactor has been stabilised and the Arizona is being returned to port for repairs. Two crewmen were, unfortunately, fatally injured while dealing with the reactor. There was no loss of reactor containment."

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



(International news july 3rd 2011)


(Tartu, Estonia) Arukula caves were completely destroyed in an underground nuclear blast today. A device approximately of tactical nuclear weapon magnitude exploded, and made the whole cave complex to collapse. Thanks to underground detonation, damages and fallout were slightly dampened, but authorities have taken swift measures to quarantine the area. Numbers of fatalities and injuries have not yet been confirmed.



Business Section
July 9, 2011

It seems a lab owned by Minhere Inc. has gone awry! This reporter was contacted by an injured hero who wished to stay anonymous. He was able to take this photo of what is claimed to be an AI robot produced and manufactured by Minhere Inc. If this report is true, then Minhere Inc has some explaining to do. Mr Luke Minhere was not available at this time for questions, and in fact the secretary seemed to be a bit busy with other, less human demands that I could not quite make out. Under any circumstances, it is obvious that someone needs to look into this, before another of our fine heroes gets hurt or killed. The bottom line of any corporation is secondary to human life.

( AE arc 507889)



Arachnos Strikes Independence Port
Paragon Times, 11/7/2011 Morning Edition

A lazy Sunday afternoon in Independence Port was shattered yesterday when a group of four Arachnos Agents began cutting a swathe of devastation through the streets of Crey Cove. Despite the combined effort of the Police Department, Longbow and even Aurora Borealis, nothing could stop the group from fleeing the scene with an unknown value of stolen loot and leaving behind them trail property damage estimated to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There has been, as of yet, been no official comment from the police or hero community, although a Longbow spokesperson did say they would do “whatever is necessary” to put a stop to Arachnos’s reign of terror in Paragon. Thankfully no civilians were killed during the attack.

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.



Paragon Tattler, July 11th 2011

A Step Too Far?

We are all glad to hear when a citizen is saved from one of the many gangs who plague this city, but given recent events, one is compelled to ask; “How far is too far?” One citizen, Mabel Franks, 32 of Kings Row, may be in a better position to answer that than most, as she was saved from the clutches of a group of Circle of Thorns mystics last night. Unfortunately, her tale is not one of dashing heroism by one of our city's finest, but rather, one of fear and violence. In her own words, “There was this figure that I couldn't really see, right? And then suddenly the screaming started and there was blood everywhere! I've never been so scared in my life, I thought I would be next!”

While she acknowledges that without the intervention of the unknown individual she would likely be dead, the horror of seeing nine brutally slain in front of her will in itself leave lasting emotional scars.

How can we trust heroes who take the law so far that they almost become the very thing they are pledged to protect us from?

Paragon Times, Evening Edition, July 11th 2011, page 12

Nine Circle of Thorns Members killed during the interruption of a ritual. Police are investigating, but sources state that there is little information to go on.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



Paragon Tattler, July 15th 2011

Sisterly Comeuppance?

The small-time villain and general nuisance to King's Row, known euphemistically and perhaps ironically as Avenging Amethyst was subdued and arrested by her parallel universe "sister" Anbaric Amber last night. Amber, a long-time resident of King's Row who first came to this universe via a tragic accident (more information on D-12) has had to tangle with this local version of herself a number of times. When reached for comment, Anbaric Amber replied, "I don't know what her deal is. She can obviously be a much better person - heck, even a much better villain. She only needs to apply herself more." Anbaric Amber, readers will surely recall, is perhaps best known as one of the many minor heroes and sidekicks who stepped up to take the place of the heroes who fell during the First Rikti Invasion.

Anbaric Amber herself will appear at the King's Row bookstore for autographs and a signing of her new autobiography, "Amber Waves of Fire" this Saturday from 9:00am to 2:00pm.