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Sorry NCSoft, but I call bull on that one.
When it takes over a month to come up with any sort of response to the fanbase's efforts. When there is nothing coming from any other industry sources about attempts to sell the IP. When possibly the most amazing and dedicated Dev team in the industry is tossed out on it's collective ear without so much as a by your leave...
Platitudes like this are just a little too unbelievable and insulting to be taken as a true representation of the situation. -
Mindscythe, you have to be officially the most awesome teacher ever! That is one course I would love to have taken!
I had an absolutely fantastic time! Thank you for pulling this all together!
Added. Orange for my fire blaster main.
C'mon, I'm sure there must be more in London! -
At this point, rumours are just that: rumours. I choose to be hopeful until the servers go dark or until we have some other form of concrete news. With it being Labour Day in the US, I doubt very much that we will hear anything concrete in either direction (assuming we ever do) until tomorrow.
Honestly, right now I think I'll take what I can get. -
SOE maybe stepping in to save CoX?
SWG was my first MMO. I absolutely loved that game. I'd gone through several different skill masteries, I was working towards making my main a Jedi, I was part of a fantastic guild and had made some great friends. Then the NGE hit and for all I tried to keep playing, it just hurt too much. Our thriving player city turned into a ghost town over night (as did many others).
I played a few other MMOs after that, then I eventually settled on CoX and I have happily been here ever since, always coming back to it after a brief dabble with other MMOs. While DDO, LotRO, WoW, WAR et al had some great bits to them, nothing ever captured my imagination in the same way.
Honestly, even now, I still haven't forgiven SOE for the incredibly poor way they handled the NGE, but if they were the ones to save CoX, I'd at least give them another go. -
Email sent.
I'd rather try and do something and nothing happen, than just give up and let City of die. -
Personally I'm loving the look of the set as a whole. My main problem with it is less that there's another mohawk, and more that "Eww eww eww! Nails through head! Eww!!!!"
Last night at FF...
Shanna turned up at the same time as Robyn, and poor Tam had to suffer through an "attack of the red-heads"!
There was talk of how best to fight Sky Raiders, and a little concern over injuries Tam had received earlier, but he assured everyone that he would be fine soon enough and if the girls didn't stop fussing he'd go home to be fussed over by Toppa (at least he'd get hot chocolate then!)
There was general chat, and Shanna got invited to a celebration back in the Forseverse which would be staring Tam (with special effects by Tops)
Shortly after Shanna left, Praetorian Shanna (who shall now be known here as Red to make things easier!) arrived, claiming that she needed a break after Alona had persuaded her that she should watch the special edition Lord of the Rings movies back to back. It was decided that this was some form of torture and that to make up for it, Red and Robyn would get some Ben and Jerry's, some wine, and settle down to watch a chick flick. -
Last night at FF...
Robyn was back! Alexia paid a visit! There was a lot of general chat and catching up. It was agreed that Squish was a lovely guy for not giving up hope on Brie, and that giving death notices was never a nice thing to have to do. Rich agreed to take a look at a mace made of an unknown metal that may possibly make him explode, and then Nemesis attacked.
He seemed to have sent tougher troops for a change, and although the heroes were ultimately triumphant, there were bruises and Alexia's coat will be laid to rest with honours. -
Last night at FF...
Shanna showed off pictures of her new niece to Tam. There was talk of cheating at martial arts, emergency laundry and the need for chinese/mexican/pizza. While Shanna went off to get pizza, pesky Lord Nemesis decided to mount an attack of irritating levels which she returned to help out with. About the only good thing about that was that it meant that the pizza was ready for collection by the time the Nemesis troops retreated.
Coincidence, or another plot? -
Last night at FF...
Tam was all ready to play protective uncle and have a go at Jane until Shanna managed to talk him down. There was some pleasant chat about how well Mar's doing, how mages make the best hot chocolate (this will be tested next time Cassandra turns up!), news about a certain soul crystal, and squeaking over the fact that Shanna will soon be an aunty again! Nemesis very rudely interrupted the talk of babies and Helena wearing a nappy, and once the fight was over, Jane managed to say precisely the wrong thing.
All in all, quite an entertaining evening, in my opinion. -
Last night at FF...
Shanna and Squish had a nice quiet chat about his recent trip to San Francisco, tattoos and various other things. One thing's for certain; if she ends up there any time soon she'll be having a word with a certain hero about manners! -
As Rebel_Scum said, I don't really go for anything specific, so if I'm in the mood for music while missioning, it can be anything from musicals, movie sound tracks, pop, country, metal...whatever really.
Last night at FF...
Pizza! Ellie! Faulty memory and the definition of demon hunters! -
Last night at FF...
Shanna and Tam chatted about his new truck and his plans for having Mar add decals, reinforce the rollcage, etc - after all, when you've got a hero licence in Paragon City you can't be too careful.
Richard and then Jane turned up and the talk turned to scars and what they mean to different people and cultures. There was also chat about baby Drakkins, grumpy Irishwomen vs Snarkdrakkins and teasing of Tam. -
Last night at FF...
Things got off to a rather late start last night, but when people did finally gather, there was bad news. Eloise told everyone about Ellie being taken by Mot (or Tom, as he has been affectionately nicknamed!). There were varying reactions of disbelief and horror, and Shanna flat out refused to accept that Ellie might be gone for good.
It was at that point that she left to go to Astoria to start looking for a way to help her friend (AKA I noticed the time and had to scarper). -
{Rolando Island, 21st March 2012, mid-morning}
The silver tabby kitten sat in front of the library door, demanding the attention of the mage within for one last time.
He glared at the closed door, then glanced out the window where he could see Meow, Pebbles and Minuh were playing on the beach. The natural instinct to go and join the rough and tumble almost overrided his decision to rectify the current situation, but a quick shake soon changed that.
With one last baleful stare at the still-closed door, a silvery cloud coalesced around the kitten and he was gone.
{Astoria, late afternoon}
He had been searching for hours.
As soon as he'd caught a whiff of the bad power, he'd just known Momma had gone there. He hadn't been wrong either. The moment he had set foot in the remnants of the city zone he recognised her scent and more alarmingly, her voice in the wind.
A sense of desperation had sent him following the trace, flitting from shadow to shadow as the monsters searched for their own prey, somehow knowing that the oppressive feel of this place would be slowly driving everyone mad with despair.
At last, the scent lead him to a blood splashed battleground. The vapours on the air told him that Momma had fought here. That she bled here. He sniffed experimentally at a fragment of cloth that had been torn from a cape and yowled his fury. It belonged to the one who'd taken him in when he was nothing but a shivering baby stuck in a tree. She wore it when she was called Tiger White and fought for the safety of others.
Carefully, the kitten reached up and pulled the rag free from the window ledge that had snagged it. Taking it in his mouth, the silver fog once again pooled around him. It was time to look for help in his search. -
Seriously, there are some things that are WAY over-priced. This is only one of them.
Devs, you guys do an awesome job. This is a game that I love and I will happily spend what little money I have on it, but really; when a vanity pet (regardless of how quickly it dies or whatever) is the same price as a power set, you're doing it wrong. -
I think I'm going to go with Mister Ephemeral casting a sneaky spell to pinch the pizza. That way it's not my fault that I forgot it!
Last night at FF...
Alona and Brie returned!
There was chat, teasing, and pizza that everyone forgot about. -
Last night at FF...
There was cooing over baby Drakkins, congratulations at Jane joining the world of the corporeal, discussions on faking a scandal for the Tattler to report on, and instructions to never ever allow the twins to get a hold of one of Jane's knotwork root thingies.
There was chat, giggling and teasing, and as Shanna was about to leave, a warning to be careful around DA these days.
All in all, a rather pleasant and relaxing evening.