In the Newspapers!




Capes and Cowls, January 10th 2011

Kumiko Fukada, or Fanservice Girl as she's known when in costume, was a teen sensation a year ago but now seems to be going through a coming of age. With Super strength, incredible toughness, regeneration and flight she's one of the big, uncomplicated power houses of a Hero that we all love here and we got the chance to catch up with her last weekend and find out just what's been going on that's caused such a stir for her recently.

Thanks for coming today.

Feels great to be here, I love to read your pieces so it’s nice to finally be in one.

Well we want to start with the most obvious question, what’s happened to give you your new look? You’re a foot taller than you were last week for a start.

We’re still working out how exactly my power works, but the current theory is that I’m constantly building up some kind of energy within me and eventually there’s enough that my body undergoes an overnight metamorphosis to better represent what I think I should be like.

So you changed because you wanted to look like this?

Subconsciously, or at least that’s the theory. I can’t really complain about it if it’s true as I’m quite happy with how it turned out, even if doorframes can cause me trouble now.

You certainly stand out. You said on your website that you’re going to stop doing homage costumes, so is this one entirely new?

That’s right, I’m keeping my Blue and Red one and will be trying out a few new costumes of my own design for a little while but once I’ve chosen a look I’ll probably settle down to the same routine with costumes as most other heroes out there. Hopefully it’ll give others the chance to show me how the homage costume is really done.

What made you decide to stop?

I’ve been thinking of stopping for a good while now and the recent changes have made it a good point to do that. It was fun, but I can’t really justify the wardrobe to myself anymore especially with the work I do these days where I want to be taken seriously. Maybe I’ll dress up for special occasions, but it won’t be a regular thing anymore.

Are you going to change your name as well? You’re looking a lot more like Fanservice Woman these days.

I imagine I’ll drop the Girl part soon and leave it at that. I won’t go for an entirely new name, I’d never get people to use it, so just Fanservice will do fine. I use my real name when I’m doing business, but I’ve actually gotten rather attached to being called Fanservice over the years.

You don’t think its degrading?

Not really, it’s just a bit of fun. Other people might think it’s degrading but you can’t please everyone. I take the work I do very seriously but I don’t want to come across as a stern and serious person. When you’re saving someone’s life they’re not really going to complain you didn’t wear a tie. Also when you get into embarrassing situations it’s easier to laugh them off if you’ve not build your whole image around being deathly serious.

You do seem to get in embarrassing situations a lot.

I think every hero does, they’re just smart enough not to film them.

So is your website really that accurate?

About as accurate as the medium allows while still keeping it interesting, there’s a lot of tedium to the job that I do mention but don’t show. I also don’t show things which are disrespectful to the victims of crime or disturbing to watch so there’s things that might really put people off that are missing, which does bother me a little. Hero work is fulfilling but no one is perfect, things can and will go wrong, you might arrive too late or there’ll be an accident and one of my key tips is to find a team or a group of friends you trust enough to lean on when you’re going through a rough time. If that’s not an option, there are a lot of great people in the police force who can be discreet and supportive who’ve been through it all so they’d know where you’re coming from. Some of our work can be particularly harrowing and going it completely alone is not something anyone can do for long. I’ve know people who’ve had bad experiences and quit over it and I don’t hold it against them, but no one should be without a shoulder to lean on.

Have you ever thought about quitting?

Yes and I have. I went home to take care of my family for a few months and while I didn’t stay entirely out of trouble during it, I wasn’t looking about for crime either. It wasn’t that I got sick of Hero work, I just had bigger priorities to deal with. It’s a rather personal matter though so you’ll have to forgive me that I don’t go into it further.

That’s perfectly understandable. Since you mentioned home though would you say you’re well known in Japan as you are here?

Not really no. I’ve actually got former classmates from when I was young who’ve grown up to become far more well known than me back home but are virtually unheard of here, so it works both ways. I’m not surprised about it we tend to focus on Paragon’s heroes and they tend to focus on their own.

You said earlier that you’re a teacher for the New Vigilants? What do you teach exactly?

Media Studies, Wrestling and Power Combat. Which is a class focused on learning to fight with or against powers, on teams or alone. There’s a mix of teamwork and personal improvement too it, as well as teaching the students to think on their feet and keep things safe for the public if a fight does break out.

How do you go about teaching that? There wouldn’t be a class left after the first lesson.

We’ve got training simulators fairly similar to Architect Entertainment at the Unity Vigil, but with more focus on realism than flashy effects and that way students can cut loose without worrying about anyone getting hurt. While it is a fun class it’s still there to teach them important skills and there’s a group session each week where everyone is encouraged to critique each others methods so they can try improving for next time in their own time.

Just wouldn’t be school without homework. As for your other classes I can understand how you’d be a good choice to teach Media Studies but Wrestling? That hardly seems fair.

Fairness and fighting don’t mix. I’m not there to beat them at it anyway, just teach them all the moves and how they’d fit into a fight. Heroes tend to be outnumbered and being able to quickly break a hold is a vital skill, if you get slowed down for even a few seconds you might take a nasty beating. It’s particularly useful to me as there’s a lot of people I can’t hit too hard for fear of doing serious damage. Pins, throws and submission holds are a lot less dangerous if done right and it usually plays to my advantages to turn a fight into a close up battle of strength and finesse. I’m also competent in Judo, Wing Chun, MCMAP and Boxing and I’ve dabbled in even more styles than that but Wrestling’s the one I feel confident in being an expert at. When it comes to a fight I’ve got a rather eclectic style that seems to work and that’s normal, people with powers tend to need to work out their own styles, we’ve got options and restrictions that can completely change a martial art and it takes time to settle onto something that works for you.

That sounds like a lot of hard work.

It is but it’s also quite rewarding to see your self improve. I have a bit of an advantage over most as I don’t sleep, so I have a lot of free time in the early hours that I fill with learning programs or exercises. Not to mention the Unity Vigil have some of the best teachers you could hope to find, there’s always something plenty of people there willing to take the time to train me if I ask and I take advantage of that.

And they do the same?

Of course, I make a good sparring partner at the very least.

Are there any of your students who we should watch out for?

All of them if I have it my way. I won’t pick favorites, but I will say that the more willing someone is to learn then the better I think they’ll do in the future. Every teacher in the NV is teaching from experience and we want them to do well, no matter what they decide to go on to do.

Speaking of future jobs, you’re also the founding member of HEART, can you tell us a little about that?

HEART is a registered charity organization that’s looking to focus on getting people involved in relief and aid work. We try to be on the ground for any major disasters, help find missing tourists, aid reconstruction efforts or assist development projects. It’s really a matter of finding a kind of work that the people applying would be exceptional at and then helping them get the training that’d allow them to go do it. It’s still a small organization for now, but we’re getting bigger.

Good to hear you’re doing well. What exactly spurred you to create HEART?

A lot of people who get powers seem to worry that people will expect them to fight crime with them and so they hide them from the world so they can get by without hassle. Fighting crime is dangerous work and when you’ve got kids to look after or a job to do so you can pay the bills I can understand how people wouldn’t want to take the risks. Still, we all feel we can do more with our lives and we all want to make a difference. All I’m doing is helping people find out an outlet for that without asking them to endanger their lives or the lives of their family. If people want to do it full time then we can provide paid work which is subsidized by a few sponsors including myself so it’s not a burden on the taxpayer. If they don’t want to make a career of it then people can volunteer for a little as a few hours a month or do a one off weekend. Come summer we’ve got a lot University students who are keen to do it for a gap year, so that should be interesting.

Do you have to have powers to work for HEART?

Not at all, but I’d say we’re the only charity currently that specializes in that area. People can apply and we’ll try finding something for them to do that they’ll both find rewarding and be good at. We’ve not failed to do that yet but I’m lucky enough to have some very talented people helping run the organization. For the most part I leave them too it, they’re better at it than me. I’d happily suggest the New Vigilants to people looking to learn how to control and use their powers and HEART for those who want to try making a difference in the world without the danger that comes with the usual Hero work.

You’ve mentioned ‘Hero work’ a few times, what would you say makes a Hero though?

That’s a tricky one to pin down. It means a lot of different things to people but for me I’d say it’s when people go significantly out of their way to help. People working in the emergency services get called Heroes for going ‘Beyond the call of duty’ and I’d say that for anyone willing to step up and take on a difficult task, without any significant compensation for doing so, that makes them a hero in my book.

It’s not a perfect explanation though, it misses out a lot of people who deserve to be in there even if there is significant compensation. I guess deciding who’s a hero and who’s not is ultimately a personal thing. You can’t have a hard and fast rule.

So who’s your favourite Hero?

Always been Starborn for me. I’ve had a massive crush on her ever since I arrived in Paragon. I love the iconic style of her costume, her sensible moral values and her sheer drive and determination. It’s been great to work alongside her in the Unity Vigil she’s somehow even nicer than the press makes her out to be. She’s quite pretty too.

Oh really? So are you seeing someone right now?



And that’s all you’re getting out of me they’ll make themselves known in their own time if they want to. I should say that they’re absolutely lovely though but that is really all I’ll say about them.

Darn. Well before we finish, is there anything you’d like to say?

I’ll be at Comic Con and Hero Fest this year if people want to come make fun of how fat I’ve got and ask me about that kiss with my future self. Some other questions would be nice though, I’d appreciate it if people go to the effort.

We didn’t ask about that kiss.

But you did make fun of how fat I’ve got?


*Laughs* You’re adorable. Thanks for not asking about it.

We’ll save it for next time. Thank you for coming Kumiko, we’re looking forward to seeing how things go for you.

Me too, let’s hope it goes well!

Fukada Kumiko is the founder of HEART and isn’t fat at all. She’s still a regular sight as Fanservice Girl among the skies of Paragon City.





Heroes Weekly. Tuesday, January 18, 2011.

Assault on Paragon Hero

Last week, the Paragon hero and exorcist Reverend Pious Hunter, better known as the Priest was attacked by another metahuman identified as the rogue Ray Hammerfall. The ambush is thought to have started in an industrial area and raged all the way through Skyway and Atlas Park where the Priest was hurled through the air and into an office building.

After several minutes of lightwork and explosions from inside the building, Ray Hammerfall was seen carrying the unconscious priest over his shoulder and dropping him onto the pavement before fleeing the scene. The state and whereabouts of the holy man is unknown and the cause of the attack is yet to be established. Eyewitnesses say the Priest made efforts to keep the civilian office workers out of harms way and indeed, nobody but him was seriously hurt.

(Time Magazine journalistic artist)

Dean Arthur claims he's filmed the whole ordeal as part of a news report on the Nighthunters, published in 'graphic' form, to be distributed Thursday 20th.



Who is the Gunwitch?
Paragon Tattler, January 20th, 2011.
Tall, attractive, seen wandering the streets of King’s Row in a corset and mini-skirt, and the spitting image of hero and model Annette “Nitoichi” Barrington, the woman known as “The Gunwitch” was first spotted by the Tattler at the recent trial of Nitoichi. Back then she was the mysterious double, but her personal fame has grown somewhat since and she is now a well known figure around King’s. Given that Nitoichi has never really courted the press, Gunwitch may even be better known than her sword-swinging sibling. But who is she, and where did she come from?

‘She started turning up last year,’ one King’s resident told us, ‘sometime in late August or early September. She made a real pain of herself with the Skulls and you can only think well of her for that.’

‘I heard the Skulls started calling her “The Gunwitch” on account of her being able to, like, bend bullets around corners and stuff like that,’ another said.

When asked where she came from, however, there seems to be a no one who knows and is willing to speak. There are rumours, however; suggestions that she had to run from Lord Recluse, rumours that she hid among the streetwalkers of Industrial Avenue to avoid Arachnos hit squads. Gunwitch may not be as clean as her King’s reputation makes out, and there are even whispers of her involvement in a murder case where a number of people vanished from the rich Lesco Heights district.

‘The Gunwitch is a valued member of the King’s Row crime-fighting community and there are no current police investigations where she is an active suspect.’ That was the response from King’s Row police precinct. Some of the individual officers were rather more assertive.

‘She’s one of the good ones,’ Officer Frank Turner told us. ‘She came to King’s, she lives here, and she helps the people here. She isn’t one of those heroes who just uses this town as a stepping stone to the big leagues. I don’t care what she did before she came here, or even what she’s done to put food on the table since; what counts is she’s saved lives, cops and civilians. Leave her alone.’

The Tattler is used to this kind of police attitude to Press Freedom, of course, and we will continue to seek out the truth behind the secretive, ultra-sexy girl the city has come to know as Gunwitch.

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Forget the Toads, Guns are the Future of Witches
Paragon Tattler, January 29th, 2011
Magic has taken a distinct turn for the scientific on the streets of King’s Row with the arrival of the Gunwitch, a heroine who uses a pair of custom pistols to strike fear into the criminal fraternity. The Skulls gave her her name, it seems, because her guns fire bullets which seem to aim themselves, and have even been known to follow victims around corners. They claimed she used witchcraft to hunt them down, that she could see in the dark. The Tattler has heard rumours that she wears dark glasses so much to hide the fact that she is blind, but can clearly see somehow. However, in an effort to understand the stunning mistress of pistols better, we spoke to experts in the fields of ballistics and firearms to see what we could learn.

Doctor Gabriel Farnsworth, Chair of Advanced Weapons Study at the Founders’ Falls campus of Paragon University, agreed to watch a few clips of Gunwitch in action. ‘It appears that the young lady uses spin-stabilised, rocket-propelled ammunition. What we call “gyroc” rounds. If you imagine each bullet having perhaps three of four small jets which fire from the sides, spinning the bullet to give gyroscopic stabilisation, and driving it forward. Such a bullet could, conceivably, steer to home in on a target, or even fly around corners.’

Regarding the special ammunition Gunwitch has been seen to use, Doctor Farnsworth had this to say, ‘These cryogenic rounds operate in a particularly interesting manner. Detail is lacking, but they appear to employ some form of super-fluid which freezes on contact. One could theorise that the rapid expansion has an ultra-cooling effect, the fluid sticking to its target like a sort of reversed Napalm. The technology involved in this ammunition is quite extraordinary, highly advanced. If this “Gunwitch” created it herself she has considerable skill and knowledge.’

Brad Sieforth, head researcher at the Austin Institute for Cybernetics, has been doing research of his own into the Gunwitch. ‘I’m quite convinced that she’s a cyborg of some kind,’ he told the Tattler. ‘I’ve talked to a couple of witnesses who say her eyes are blank, no pupils or irises. I think her guns are part of a total, cybernetic weapons system. There’s no telling how much of her is actually organic, she could even be fully synthetic. The Unity Vigil has a number of synthetic humanoids, artificially intelligent and very hard to distinguish from normal humans. It’s possible that the Gunwitch is a synthetic copy of Nitoichi, who is one of their members. She’s certainly one attractive package. I‘d like to get my hands on her schematics, that’s for sure.’

One other theory has presented itself for the origin of the enigmatic vixen. ‘Portal Corp. has been keeping fairly quiet about the rise in Praetorian refugees over the past months,’ says Lidia Boyd, an expert in extra-dimensional threats with the Rosenberg Foundation. ‘Praetoria, or Upsilon Beta 9-6 as it is officially designated, is a parallel Earth generally considered to be a “dark mirror dimension” where good is evil and vice versa. There has been a recent increase in incursions by heavily armed Praetorian forces, rumours of spies and Fifth Column-style sleeper agents. It is known that Praetorian technology, particularly regarding weapons and robotics. Considering that Gunwitch is a near-duplicate of the known hero Nitoichi, it is quite possible that she is a Praetorian.’

So, who is the Gunwitch? Robotic copy? Evil Preatorian duplicate lulling us into a false sense of security? The Tattler is here to find out the truth.

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Paragon Times, morning edition, February 2nd 2011.

Foreign Fireball sees release from incarceration.

English national, Eric "Hearth and Heart" Hart, was yesterday released unconditionally from Ziggursky prison, having served 270 days of his five-year sentence. Eric was originally imprisoned on charges of aiding and abetting the known super-villain, alias "Wind Chime" and failing to make any attempt to arrest her on U.S. soil, among other more minor related charges.

Eric Hart had no statement to make outside the infamous prison, taking to the air immediately on crossing the causeway. He has thusfar returned no calls and refused all visits to his apartment in King's Row.



The (Gun)witch and the Swordsmistress
Paragon Times Sunday Supplement, February 6th 2011
Nitoichi has been a known heroine in Paragon City for more than two years now, not one of the best known, but with some notoriety, particularly in Galaxy City, her home town. While she has done some of the typical, hero-style, world-saving activities, what she is best known for is her work with Vanguard, her modeling career, and her recent trial. Young, attractive, and an expert swordswoman, she is constantly ready to put her life on the line to keep the Rikti in check.

Recently, however, another young hero baring a striking resemblance to Nitoichi has appeared on the streets of King’s Row, and in the pages of some of the tabloids. She goes by the name of the Gunwitch, a title given to her by the Skulls who have a particular fear of her. Rather than swords, Gunwitch wields a pair of custom pistols, and her eyes are cybernetic.

Following the recent press coverage of Gunwitch, speculating on her origins and why she looks so much like Nitoichi, the two heroines came into the Times offices to tell their story.

PT: Nitoichi, Gunwitch, thank you for doing this interview. It’s rare that relatively private heroes give them.

G: Well, with the recent speculation… wild speculation about me in the press, I thought it would probably be for he best if I told my story, and I’d like to thank Nitoichi for agreeing to do this with me.

N: It’s the least I could do, sis, all this kind of affects me too.

PT: Sis? So you two are sisters?

N: Straight to the point then. No, we aren’t sisters, exactly, but we’re obviously very alike and we have developed a very close relationship. She’s very much like the sister I never had.

G: The truth is that I’m her dimensional alternate from Praetoria, so some of the speculation is true.

PT: Doesn’t that make one of you two evil? At least, that’s the popular conception of Praetoria.

G: I think people have the wrong opinion of Praetoria as a whole. I can’t say I blame them, but then Praetorians have the wrong opinion of this world too. What you’ve seen of my world are incursions by people doing bad things, usually duplicates of those you know of as heroes. It’s easy to think that Praetoria is a complete mirror of here.

N: But actually that’s a huge simplification. I’ve done a few trips into alternate realities and what they basically are are worlds that look like ours, but with subtle changes which can make huge differences. Some diverge early and turn into something really weird, some have skipped major changes in history like the dinosaurs never died out, some are a little ahead in time, some a little behind, and some have only really diverged recently, like Praetoria.

G: For Praetoria things changed when our governments decided nuclear weapons were the answer to the Korean War. As a reaction, the creature you know of as Hamidon started a war which mankind was losing. It was only through the actions of the Praetorian version of Statesman that Hamidon was defeated, but the cost was huge. There is only one major city left, Praetoria City, and that’s where I grew up. It’s different from here, and I grew up differently. Praetorians are just like normal people, good, evil, and everything in between.

PT: Yes. The reports we have suggest that Praetoria has a lot of advanced technology, it’s heavily militarized, and there have been some leaks of a repressive society ruled by mind control and drugs. Is that why you left?

G: In a way. There’s a conflict going on over there between Emperor Cole’s administration and the Resistance. I got involved, it cost me dearly, and I want nothing to do with any of it.

N: In some ways, the place is utopian.

G: It is, but if you want to live there then you have to live by Emperor Cole’s rules. If you don’t want that, then you probably end up underground with the Resistance.

N: However, I ended up having to leave school to take care of my brother, invalided in the Rikti Wars. [Gunwitch] went to university, got two degrees, and lived up to her potential.

G: The Clockwork servitors we have take care of the menial jobs leaving humans to be creative. That’s where the advances in science have come from. That’s how I was able to spend time developing my inventions.

PT: That sounds like a good point to address the most obvious difference between the two of you, Gunwitch’s cybernetic eyes. You actually designed and built these yourself?

G: Yes, though I had the surgery done by someone else.

N: We’d like to make it quite clear that neither of us condone elective self-surgery.

G: Quite. My cybernetics are designed to operate as a linked system with my guns. The original aim was to create a weapons system which could be used by the Praetorian Police Department.

PT: But the police there preferred not to test your system on volunteers from their ranks?

G: Oh no, I’m sure they could have found volunteers, but I refuse to test something on someone else if I can test it myself. If I don’t believe it’s safe enough for me to use, it’d be kind of nasty to try it on another person.

PT: And the appearance of it? Couldn’t you have made your eyes look more like your original eyes? I assume they were the same as Nitoichi’s?

G: Yes, they were. I went for functionality rather than aesthetics. If I’d have given them natural looks, I’d have restricted their function. To be honest, back in Praetoria it was a problem, but here everyone is pretty comfortable with them. I mean, compared to people who look like demons, or cats, or people who can turn into giant lobsters, my eyes are pretty unremarkable.

N: And it does help people distinguish us. There are a few other physical differences, but the eyes are most obvious.

PT: So what are the differences?

N: We use different shampoo. My hair is redder.

G: And I have blond streaks.

N: And I’ve always disliked physical augmentation, even cosmetic. I have one tattoo on my ankle, but her ears are pierced and mine aren’t.

G: She’s fitter than me. I did gymnastics when I was younger, but all the sword practice has built up her muscles. You can tell if you compare us directly.

N: On the other hand, if you’ll pardon the crude comment, she’s got better boobs.

PT: Are there less obvious differences? Differences in personality, perhaps.

N: Of course. The most extreme is what I mentioned before, I don’t like body augmentation and [Gunwitch] has her cybernetics. I’m not even sure why I don’t like it, maybe something I don’t remember from my childhood that never happened to [Gunwitch].

G: We have different kinds of confidence. [Nitoichi] is more extrovert than me, but I’m more, um, naturally confident.

N: I was a bit plump when I was younger, her gymnastics kept her slimmer. I had to learn to be what I am now, and sometimes I over-compensate a bit. Despite that, there’s no way I could have done what she had to do to survive.

G: When I first arrived here I was being hunted by Praetorian security forces, I had no money and no legal way of making it. I needed to stay off the map so I turned to the only profession an attractive young woman has at her disposal in such circumstances. Thankfully, that’s behind me.

N: Beyond that, though, we’re fairly similar. Same sort of sense of duty which keeps us doing what we do. Neither of us is evil, we’re both just people. We both do the best we can with what we have. We don’t always get it right, but we keep trying.

G: That’s what I’d like people to take away from this interview regarding Praetorians, if anything. We aren't that different from people here. We’re just people, ordinary people, trying to do our best with what we have.

PT: Thank you Nitoichi and Gunwitch. It’s been a pleasure.

(( The picture to go along with the article can be found here. ))

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(Translated from Italian)

Italian Super-News Spotlight, Monday 7 Feb 2011

Super-Stud, or Super-Sneak?

This reporter was thoroughly shocked earlier today when she saw, appearing out of thin air, three Super-powered beings. Not hugely surprising, you might think, but it gets far more interesting when you learn that they were the fashion icon Ellie Stoneberg (Tiger White), Doctor Richard Huntington (Shadowe), and Shanna Connell (Fea), dropping in on Venice.

All reports suggest that Huntington and Connell are a happily 'together' couple, which begs the question of what they are doing appearing in one of our most romantic cities with another woman in tow? Is the Huntington-Connell relationship in need of some spicing up?

Also, this reporter has to wonder if their visit was a secret, or if they actually went through customs to get here - unlikely, I must admit, since all of my research has found no hint that they came into the country by commercial flight, and a quick check at Paragon International indicates that Huntington's company jet is still there.

So, one man, two women, Venice, and a lot of secrecy and sneaking around - the only conclusion I can reach is that we're looking at a new threesome, who are trying to hide their relationship from their friends.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Industrial Heir and Girlfriend Kidnapped
Paragon Tattler, February 7th, 2011
Though the family of Brian Belltram, heir to the Belltram Industries manufacturing empire, tried to keep it quiet, the Tattler has discovered that he recently returned to the States after having been kidnapped by pirates in the South China Sea.

Beltram was yachting in the region with his girlfriend, model and ex-stripper Star Gabriel. The Tattler has previously reported on the scandalous behaviour of the pair in various LA clubs and the disapproval of his family. However, it is believed that a ransom of some $5 million was paid for their release. However, one rumour suggests that a lone agent, possibly an android of some kind, rescued the couple from the pirate vessel.

Miss Gabriel is currently in hospital, recovering from the ordeal. It is believed that the couple's two bodyguards and all other crew members were killed during the kidnapping. Neither Mr beltram, not his family, were available for comment.

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Paragon Tattler, Feb 8th 2011
The Tiger Turns?
I'm sure that many of our male readers will consider this very good news: It seems that one heroine long thought to be very much batting for the home team may have relented.

Tiger White, aka fashion icon Ellie Stoneberg, was spotted by Italian reporters, apparently out for a secret tryst with none other than our own sexiest couple of the jet set, Richard Huntington and Shanna Connell. A confirmed, and married, lesbian, Stoneberg has long been considered off limits to the city's male population. It seems, however, that the incredible charms of the good doctor have finally won her back, at least part of the way. Clearly Huntington has a thing for shorter women, and all we can say here at the Tattler is "you lucky, lucky man!"

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Paragon Times, 08/02/2011

The Ninety of the Night Comes to Paragon

Most if not all readers will know of the Nuclear Ninety, Ninety children born around the world in the same year, all of which had natural magnetic nuclear fusion reactors for hearts. All of the Ninety have some form of super power granted by these potent mutations, the most common including (but not limited to) flight, incredible strength and resilience, and potent energy manipulation abilities. The most well known of them in Paragon are probably Vanguard Operative Fusionette (also considered one of the most unlucky Ninety members by many), and Canadian Heroine Starjet.

So it might come as a surprise to find one member of the Ninety, until now relatively unknown both within and outside the US, has some rather different tricks up her sleeve.

Annabelle Featherwick, 20, was open with both her name and identity, citing the fact she was an orphan and already rather easy to identify as reasons for her lack of concern over security. This reporter had to admit, she had a point; fairly tall at around six foot, with neat shoulder length brown hair, a very well kept figure and a striking black mark around her left eye which was in turn covered with an eye patch, it would be hard to miss the woman who has come to light as the 'Midnight Nova'.

And, while other members of the Ninety wield varying and various levels of energy manipulation, Miss Featherwicks abilities seem to have an altogether darker twist to them, in a rather literal sense.
"There are others who use the energy of the place commonly known as 'The Netherworlds'," she explained, demonstrating her abilities by cloaking an entire arm in dark matter with but a flex, and banishing it just as easily. "Through past events, I've ended up being something of a living conduit for neg-energy from there."

When pressed on said past events, Miss Featherwick was elusive.
"I'm not the only person who didn't have a fantastic childhood, lets put it that way. It left a few marks, I'll admit," she added while a hand strayed to the eyepatch and the stark black, star-shaped mark that seemed to be emblazoned around her eye, "All that matters now is that I can know that is all over, and I can start working to make sure other kids, and other families, don't have to go through the same thing. That's a promise I intend to keep."

It seems that even the shadows are no longer safe for wrong-doers, as the now public Midnight Nova sets to work aiding the Heroes of Paragon in making our city, and our world, a better place.

Paragon Tattler, 08/02/2011

Dark Angel or Darker Demon?

Everyone knows the Nuclear 90. With big names like 'Suicidette' Fusionette and the blond canuck bombshell Starjet amongst there number, only someone living under a rock wouldn't have heard of them.

So why has it taken the most recently announced member, one Annabelle Featherwick, who goes by the monkier 'Midnight Nova', so long to come to light?
Well, maybe it's because the Midnight 90 has something to hide?

While others make do with powers from the strange 'fusion reactor' hearts that is the trait of the 90, Miss Featherwick deals in a whole different brand of crime fighting. 'Midnight' seems an appropriate description, when you learn that her powers come from the shadowy realm known collective as the 'Netherworlds'. An already sinister place that holds God-knows-what manner of horrors and darkness, and a place that many notable Villains seem to draw their powers, it seems strange for a member of the N90 to delve into using it.

At least she doesn't look like one. Around six foot tall and with curves to die for, the Midnight Nova costume certainly seems to play to Featherwicks body-type. Criminals are as likely to be distracted by the key-sheer mesh circle as they by any calls to justice.

The eyepatch and strange star mark draw even more questions, however. Is it merely a tatoo? A hidden wound earned while fighting crime? Or dies the nickname that city criminals have already attributed to her, 'The Star of Wrath' or simply 'Wrath', have anything to do with it? When mentioning she is a 'conduit to the Netherworlds', this paper has to wonder just how in control of that power Miss Featherwick is, or if the reverse could be equally true?

Only time will tell wether the dark has angels, or it's own agenda to play out.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The Paragon Times - Thursday 10th February 2011

This way the scene last night as firefighters struggled against a blaze, tearing through the town of Salamanca in Croatoa.
Though some buildings were left unharmed, many were burnt down by what eye witnesses claim was 'fire raining from the sky'.
The event happened late last night between the hours of ten and eleven, injuring 38 people, killing twelve, 3 of which are believed to be under the age of 10.

One eye witness claimed the fire came from a man in the sky, a man in a dark cloak with long hair. Local authoritys are investigating, however their suspicions seem to be towards the regular supernatural activity associated with Croatoa. - My main, under construction



So what’s the Gossip, Erica?
Paragon Tattler, February 12th 2011
That’s the question I get asked most often when I’m out and about. I’m Erica Mitchell and people all around Paragon City know that I’m the person to come to for the best news about the Hero Community in this town. Me and my team of newshounds are constantly on the lookout, ears to the ground, hunting down the stories that people want to keep secret from you, the discerning public. So what is going on out there on the streets and in the bedrooms?

Well, with Valentine’s just around the corner, more than one heroic couple seems determined to spice up their love life. We brought you news of Sister Psyche visiting Frederick’s, but then she’s always been the one for the risqué outfits so really, is that anything new? Considerably more surprising is that Tiger White, long thought entirely unavailable for the male half of the world, was seen in Venice with Shadowe and his long-term love-interest, Fea. Now, call me a stick in the mud, but I don’t believe those Italians one jot! That’s one cat who won’t be changing her stripes, oh no. Sorry guys.

So who is seeing who? And when I say seeing, I mean seeing every little bit. Well, the aforementioned Tiger White and her wife, the Mistress of Gravity, continue to work their way through as many people as they can persuade under a sheet. From what I hear, the Tiger has become a little slower in her old age, settling for quality rather than quantity perhaps? Still, compared to her, the remainder of the community is distinctly boring. Playboy millionaire Shadowe seems to have settled into a steady relationship with firebrand, fire-fighting pin-up, Fea. Rumour has it that Nitoichi, the sexy swordsmistress with the gun-wielding double, has settled down with someone in the Unity Vigil, though exactly who is a mystery. One rumour has it that her new beau is Quickfrost of the New Vigilants, but frankly, I don’t buy it. That young man’s one cold fish and hardly seems the type to attract such a hot catch. Speaking of that double, the Gunwitch has been seen out dancing, ballroom no less, with Tiger White. Hard to believe there isn’t some private dancing going on there too. Even Fanservice Girl, long a favourite of the Internet crowd, seems to have shacked up with a new unknown heroine, a blond bombshell with legs to die for.

Of course, it isn’t all sex and good times out there, and more and more the trouble is coming from the heroes we’ve come to think of as our protectors. We revealed that the Gunwitch is the Praetorian double of Nitoichi, and she’s not the only one. It seems that the Gunwitch is a force for good, but then she arrived at a time when her ‘sibling’ was busy murdering a Longbow officer. Nitoichi was tried and found not guilty. Her mind was elsewhere when she tortured and mutilated Maria Keys, or so we are led to believe. Can we be sure that she won’t turn bad again, or that the Gunwitch won’t follow in her footsteps? Can we really be sure of any of these heroes we put so much stock in?

When I was out there fighting the good fight, ‘Hero’ meant something. What is that word now other than a convenient label for those vigilantes we deputise and hope they won’t hurt us while they rain down vengeance on the criminals overrunning our fair city. Hope: something we have in short supply these days, but you can always count on the Tattler to give you the news, straight up.

(( The article is accompanied by a picture of an attractive woman in a skirt-suit. She has red skin and red irises, and a slightly alien look to her features. ))

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Hanky Spankey
Paragon Tattler, February 15th 2011
Breaking news on the Tiger White front and, as I predicted in my recent article, it’s bad news for all you guys out there. It seems that the lusty heroine spent the night before Valentine’s on the beach in Talos, a popular spot for couples seeking romance, with none other than the Gunwitch. The two beauties were, according to our evidence, very much engaged with each other.

Furthermore, the Tiger was heard saying that she would be having a very busy time this year, having so many women to keep satisfied. Included in the list were the Gunwitch’s double, Nitoichi, and that Internet favourite, Fanservice Girl, who we recently reported had a new partner. Tiger White certainly is a busy girl, perhaps there’s some part rabbit in there as well as the cat.

In other news, the Tattler is looking into various large charitable donations made around King’s Row. Someone has been spreading the cash around, which appears to be a good thing, but we have heard rumours that the money may be coming from a rather dubious source. Is there a high class call girl out there masquerading as a heroine? The Tattler means to find out!

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Paragon Tattler Raided
Paragon Times, page 2, February 16th 2011
In a surprise turn of events, the offices of the Paragon Tattler were raided yesterday afternoon by an FBI cyber-crimes unit investigating claims of email and telephone hacking. Computers and paper documentation were confiscated.

The Tattler issued a statement to the effect that they were guilty of no such criminal activities and would be seeking full restitution for loss of business. No issue of the Tattler was published today.

There was no FBI spokesperson available for comment. They cited national security issues for their silence.

Later editions carry the following on page 1
Tattler Hero Columnist Found Dead
Erica Mitchell, the editor for the Paragon Tattler’s Hero Column was found dead in her apartment this morning. The body was found in her bedroom by a maid. Reports indicate that there was evidence of burning around the body, but police were unwilling to give a cause of death at this early stage.

Mitchell’s career went from little known hero to newspaper editor, and she was known for her scandalous, some say much-raking, attitude to publishing stories about the private lives of Paragon City’s heroes.

Editor in Chief George Pearl said, ‘Erica will be missed. She was an exceptional journalist and a fine hero in her time.’

Reporter Hillary Richards, who has been named as the new Hero Column editor said, ‘Erica taught me all I know about producing a successful newspaper column. I only hope I can live up to her standards.’

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Skyway Source

Wolf on the prowl?

Last night a common council meeting of the Skyway city council was interrupted by the criminal group of the same name. Councillor Jeff Macey said the criminals intended to break them to the criinals will and may have succeeded if not for an unexpected intervention. "A hero in a stupid looking wolf costume and red jacket rescued us. He looked like he was having trouble at times and, really oddly, he occasionally spoke notes into a recorder." The councilman stated, before adding that the hero may well also have bitten one of the criminal group. Calls to the Zigursky prison enquiring as to anyone being treated for bites have recieved no answer yet.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Paragon Tattler Editor Murdered
Paragon Times, page 2, February 19th 2011
Three days ago the Times reported on the death of Erica Mitchell, editor of the Hero Column at the Paragon Tattler. While the only police statement has been to indicate that further investigation has suggested that foul play was involved, the Times has learned that Miss Mitchell was murdered and that several heroes and villains are under suspicion for the crime.

Reports of fire at the death scene have prompted suggestions that the notorious Flambeaux may have been involved. Her dislike of reporters is well known, and the Tattler has reported negatively on her in the past, though not recently.

The more recent Tattler columns have suggested other suspects, in particular Tiger White and the Gunwitch. However, in her last column, Miss Mitchell implied strongly that she was investigating something regarding the Gunwitch. In particular, her finances and the means by which she was recently able to provide large amounts of money to King’s Row charities. Following this publication, the Tattler was raided by the FBI, sources suggesting that the two events were connected.

As of last night, the Gunwitch was unavailable for comment. The lead investigator on the Mitchell case, Detective Todd Cooper, stated, ‘We currently have no suspects in the murder of Miss Mitchell. The Gunwitch is assisting with our enquiries in an advisory capacity. No other person is currently suspect for evidentiary reasons and any speculation regarding Miss Mitchell’s killer is entirely premature.’

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Business As Usual
Paragon Tattler, February 21st 2011
No one can stop the Tattler! And no one, not even the FBI can stop us bringing the truth to you. This is Hillary Richards, the new editor of the Hero Column after the sad demise of our own Erica Mitchell, and I am here to assure you that Erica’s legacy is not forgotten. I am here to make sure that Paragon’s heroes have no secrets from their public.

As some of you may have seen reported in other media, the Tattler was raided by an FBI cyber-crimes squad last week. I can tell you that no hacking is carried on by our reporters, so that begs the question: why the raid? We believe that this was the result of one of Erica’s investigations and that someone is covering up the activities of a hero. Perhaps someone who decided Erica’s investigation needed to be ended permanently. Well, you can’t scare the Tattler into silence and we will not stop until we have justice for Erica Mitchell.

In other news, well known church-going hero White Cross was seen partying with a number of half-dressed young women, including one with horns and bat wings, in Pocket D on Saturday night. Is the moralistic young man leading a double life? The Tattler thinks so.

(( If anyone actually has a character called White Cross on Union, sorry, this isn't meant to be you. ))

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Jail bird has a taste for jailbait
Paragon Tattler, February 22nd 2011

Idle millionaire Eric “Hearth and Heart” Hart is known to have a thing for the ladies, but we’ve recently learned that he likes them young. On St. Valentine’s day he was seen handing roses to many a young girl at the social hotspot under Galaxy Girl’s statue, and was spotted later that evening in Pocket D doing more of the same.

Combined with the as-yet unknown age of the young woman he spent time with at the Geneva Hotel this month, it seems obvious that this young man’s a blatant cradle-snatcher.

Are the kids of this city at risk? We intend to find out!



Nuclear '90 member returns to the fold
Paragon Times morning edition, Feb 28th 2011

An anonymous tip yesterday delivered to notable hero group The Foundry has led to the release of three captured metahumans held by Knives of Artemis mercenaries. The three hostages have been named as Misadventure, a rogue individual, Holo Man of Paragon fame, and Nuclear 90 member and former fugitive Uvie "Ultraviolent Light" Fisherman.

Of the two wanted captives, only miss Fisherman has been detained by the group. Her current status is pending review, while members of The Foundry make moves to have her arrest warrant suspended in light of her attempts to turn over a new leaf last year with her work in the Warzone.

Miss Fisherman is under instruction not to renege on her promise to make amends with society, and as such is permitted in public only while supervised by Foundry members, though we've heard reports that she is able to attend DJ Zero's interdimensional nightclub freely so long as she returns to Foundry HQ immediately afterwards.



Business Section
March 3, 2011

CEO Luke Minhere has announced that Minhere stocks has more than doubled as he has secured a contract with Portal Corporation. He has given this reporter inside information, such as the fact that they will be testing some of his newest and best nano-technology in other dimensional settings. The flamboyant playboy also tells us that he personally will be one of the people testing a new suit he created, along with one of his employees, known only as Dark Boltz, apparently his Facebook name.
Luke Minhere gives this statement on his employee's secrecy.
"My employees like to retain anonymity due to the large amounts of fan mail I alone get. It can be a burden, but I am willing to wade through it for the sake of the company. Minhere Inc. has grown by leaps and bounds due to these fans that are willing to pay to test our home products, which never seem to let them down."
When asked what he expects to find in the different dimension presented by Portal, Mr. Minhere refused to comment, gave a most handsome smile, and was whisked away by guards to the shouting of fans, and the flashing of cellphone cameras.



Business Section
March 4, 2011

As reported before, Luke Minhere and his mysterious employee known only as Dark Boltz had entered one of the portals at Portals Corporation in an effort to test some his newest technology. It was not clear when the test would begin, but this reporter was trusted with his return, and yet to be trusted with his send off.
Mr. Minhere paused only for a moment as a single camera took a picture of him and his associate. Both appeared tired, but in good spirits. I do not mind reporting, however, that I did note a twinge of concern on the normally unwrinkled brow of Mr. Minhere. He gave only a short interview before being pulled away by Portal Corporation employees.

Where did you go, if I may ask?
I am unsure of the name of this demension, as that is not my studies. I will say that my new technology worked perfectly. The suit my associate, Dark Boltz, was wearing, functioned admirably under very harsh conditions.

What did you find there?
Automatives, as I would best to understand. The world looked little like ours, but there was some semblance of our world to it. Beacons were destroyed by myself and Dark Boltz, to hinder this world from colliding into ours. Something I assure you and the readers would not be in our best interest.

What was the technology that you tested?
I will only say it was back up to my already existing defense suit and weapons. Dark Boltz was actually wearing the technology, not I. I am not one to hog all of the glory, of my very own creations. Instead, I like to allow others the oppertunity to share in my spot light.

Where is Dark Boltz now?
That is not relevant. The suit is being run through further tests as we speak to insure that it has maintained it's fine Minhere Inc. quality. Nothing but the best for us.

One final question. When did you leave? You surely did not have much time to prepare, as we only yesterday spoke of this coming event.
I left next week, and we will be speaking more on it, so prepare your questions carefully for my departure.

As we finished, armed men wisked the flamboyount Luke Minhere away. A most interesting interview, for a business section reporter!



Return of a Legend?

When people hear the name "Crimson Archer", there's no doubt who they think of: a man who rose from humble origins in Memphis, Tennessee to become one of Paragon City's most admired heroes. But Jamie Reynolds was not the first man to carry that name. Nor, it seems, was he to be the last.

There's little to say about the original Crimson Archer, a.k.a. Herbert Vraney, who used the alias during a crime spree in 1959. Most people had forgotten about him completely, and would have continued to do had he not attempted to sue his later namesake in a high-profile court action. All things considered, the lawsuit will almost certainly end up being Vraney's greatest claim to infamy.

By sharp contrast, from the day he first appeared in costume in Paragon City, Jay Reynolds never had trouble capturing the public's attention. The archetypal champion of the average guy in a world of supermen, Reynolds proved to many that it doesn't take superpowers to be a hero - anyone can do it as long as they have the skill and determination. Winning the lottery first doesn't exactly hurt either.

But Reynolds was and is more than just a crimefighter. Never disguising his identity, he was a charismatic public figure, a philanthropist, sharing his wealth with those who needed it most - investing in the future of Paragon City. From supporting the Militia supergroup, to running the FBSA housing project at SwallowTail House, to appearing on the cover of Paragon Pride magazine, he was a tireless worker and a role model to many.

All of this meant that Reynolds' move away from the limelight, and eventually out of Paragon City altogether, left a void that would be very difficult to fill. Yet, someone seems to have decided to try.

Reports have emerged that the Crimson Archer is back on Paragon's streets... and unless Reynolds undergone some startling changes since he was last in the public eye, we can be fairly sure it's not him. Details are sketchy, and the woman now calling herself the Crimson Archer certainly isn't making it easy for the press.

It's hard to blame her. As if a newly-fledged hero didn't have enough problems to worry about, the Crimson Archer name is owned - as the aforementioned lawsuit proved - by the Raymond Free Press group. Only time will tell if they decide to enforce their claim.

Regardless of how this turns out, one thing is clear: the legacy of the Crimson Archer lives on.

- Hermes King

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Lunchtime News Broadcasts, March 9th 2011

"Reports are coming in of an explosion in the Gemini Park district of Galaxy City. The area around the Quality Donut Shop off Gemini Park has been cordoned off by PPD units with assistance from the fire department. Initial statements made by the police appear to indicate that some sort of suicide bomb was involved and that there were two casualties: the shop assistant, who has not been named, and the hero Gunwitch. Both victims have been transfered to the Cygnus Medical Centre for treatment."

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[excerpt from Paragon Times Classified Ads, Personals - 2011-03-10]


Sidekick wanted! - This internship position is an opportunity for a newly minted hero to learn the ropes of the trade from a seasoned pro. Costume provided. Must be shorter than 5'5", under 140lbs, and not allergic to cats. Ice-based powers preferred but not an absolute requirement. Non-salaried, but possible college credit.


Thank you , St. Jude, for sending Blaquesaber to my rescue last week.


REWARD! - Pearl earring lost in scuffle, last seen in the area near the Perez Park boathouse. $1000 reward. Precious family heirloom. Please call 555-327-2341. No questions asked.


Ralph, I know you must still read the Times, even on St. Martial. Please come home. All is forgiven.


My designs were accepted by Icon! Thank you , St. Jude.


FOUND - Small electronic device with five buttons and a protruding electrode. To claim it, contact box 324 at this paper with a description of the device and any distinguishing marks it carries.


The Red Dog howls wistfully at the Blue Moon


WANTED - 5 Clockwork Cogs. Willing to buy or trade. Call 555-312-0009, ask for Starshine.
