In the Newspapers!




Indescribable Escalation at Brickstown Mall

September 27th

Yesterday Brickstown Mall was rocked by an event of which the scope is still yet unconfirmed. Conflicting report make it difficult to assess what happened but thankfully initial reports detail no casualties, though two women went into early labour. No one villain group has yet to come forward claiming responsibility, but several have stringently denied any involvement.

A spokesperson for the Carnival of Shadows was quoted "Sure we like to have a little fun, but this? Wow" while M3ga-Hurtz, formerly of the Freakshow but now reformed and a frequent correspondent, was unable to stop laughing to give a statement.

"I've never seen so much laser fire in my whole life" the owner of the local Cinnabar confided approvingly in our on the scene reporter "Though the earthquake was a bit much"

"Oh god" said one witness "I can't believe that happened, I'll never look at Pretzels in the same way again"

"Is it over?" one man, struck temprorarily blind by the event was found shouting to the onlooking crowds "Well anything be the same again?"

The Brickstown Mall is currently off limits until they find a way to stop the strange occurrences now plaguing it.

City Officials have issued no statements at the current time, nor any explanation for the arcs of electricity that accompanied the event that were visible for miles around. Five Heroes were apparently questioned by the Police but all have been released without charge.

More on this story as it develops.



Building partially collapses

Independendence Port

News is coming in this evening that the Marchmount Building in Bell Point has partially collapsed after a rovot, believed to be a Zeus titan, was propelled out of the building at speed. The Titan hit the water and no-one was hurt. PPD are investigating.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Seven die in rampage
Skyway City
09 Oct 2010

People in the Caldicot area of Skyway are recovering after their area came underattack from a criminal known as Domination Overdrive yesterday evening. Declaring himself to be on a destructive rampage, the criminal had levelled a towerblock when he was engaged in battle by an unknown hero. The fire punching young hero battled him in a scrapyard for several mies alone until help arrived to down the criminal. Battered and bruised the hero flew off before medical assistance could be arranged.

Despite the best efforts of heroes and emergency services, deveral people perished in the collapsed tower. Fire officer Martin Protheroe commented that, even taking into account the casualties, it could have been much worse.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Paragon City Post, early editions, Oct 12th 2010, page 4

Decomposed Body Discovered, PPD Baffled
Late last night a body was discovered in a dumpster in the Nebula District of Galaxy City. Police sources have indicated that the identity of the individual, and even its species, are currently unknown. Spokesperson Detective Karen Mulligan stated that the body was clearly of an intelligent species, but DNA analysis had indicated that it was not human.

Det. Mulligan stated that there was evidence that the victim had been murdered, but refused to give further details. She said that the time of death was estimated to be some four to eight weeks ago, though an exact date of the murder was being made more difficult by the lack of pathological expertise in the victim's species.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Business Section
Oct 14,2010

Minhere Inc has recently announced that it will be bidding for different contracts with the city of Paragon. The CEO, Luke Minhere, has announced that he is not concerned with the bigger companies outbidding him.
"In fact, I welcome the challenge of going against such mega companies as Crey Industries, and the like. You are asking me of my concerns, you should be asking them. With a leaner establishment such as Minhere Inc, we can underbid most companies, unless of course they wish to take a loss, of which I am well prepared to allow them to do."
Minhere Inc offers a new and fresh look at nano technology, and the highly controversial cyborg technology. Their CEO is definitely a face that some may recognize, as he was once a model on some of the billboards throughout Paragon. He seems to be very charismatic, and can dazzle one with his smile. However, one must ask if that will be enough to take on the hard hitting likes of Crey Industry, or any other number of big names in the business of technology around Paragon City. Time will tell.



Paragon Times, November 11th 2010 Morning Editions

Hero Found Dead in Makeshift Prison

The decomposing body of the hero Wilderleaf was found by police yesterday evening, locked in a lightproof room in an abandoned apartment building in Steel Canyon. The plant-based hero, able to regenerate any wound via exposure to sunlight, apparently starved to death.

No comment on the case was available at the time of going to press.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Paragon times - Friday 19th November

This evening, Oliver 'Nightshot' Davids called a press conference.
Choosing to not only come out of retirement but back from the dead, he gave a speech in Atlas city, in front of City hall.
"My friends, I stand before you today, a tired old man. I have relied, perhaps too heavily, upon a new generation of heroes to lead the world to a better future. In particular the Nighthunters."
At this point the crowd was quite excited, as most of the city believes, the Nighthunters are believed to be one of the finest Heroic teams against the forces of evil.
Their most recent efforts have been against the Court of the Blood Countess and its 'Open Season', though a spokesman from the Nighthunters has been quoted as saying Open season is officially over.

Mr Davids continued, revealing more about his feelings on the current Nighthunters.
"When I left the Nighthunters, I left knowing we had made a difference, a supreme difference. I was ready to live on until my dying days, a comforting thought that the world was so much brighter. These new Nighthunter....have proved me wrong"
At this point the crowd gave a collective gasp, one of the original Nighthunters dismissed the efforts of the current Nighthunters.

"When Nathaniel Norman created these new Nighthunters...I kept away, watching from afar, remembering the good we did back in the day. They have NOT done our memory justice, many of their members have died in battle, they started an all out war with this 'Court', but instead of keeping it to themselves, they brought it to the streets, involving every single monster hunter in the country, and every mercenary out there looking for a quick buck."
The crowd didnt know what to make of these accusations, though they did make some sense.

"Their leader is completely out of his depth, going against other heroes and even the authorities during the 'Rogue Wars', which ended in his own death and endangered others as well, to his most recent acts, inviting villains and heroes alike to some sort of Halloween party which ended up with an attack from Adamastor, endangering the lives of more heroes!"
You could tell Mr Davids was speaking with a lot of passion in his heart right now, honestly believing the future of the Nighthunters may very well be in the wrong hands.

"Yes...I am quite honestly ashamed to call myself a former Nighthunter, and so...I seek to remake them, to truly help Paragon once more, like we did so many years ago. Tonight i reveal to you, some real heroes, true, pure heroes who have given me enough strength to carry on the fight against evil, and i assure you, these heroes will not fail as the Nighthunters have"
"The first hero i would like to introduce is a young lad who, upon bonding with a Kheldian, decided to use his new abilities to help the world, i give you...Hollow!"
At this point, four figured started to walk onto the stage, each coming on as their names were said, the first being a purple haired, young man in blue.

"The second man id like to introduce, a man who has had his own body changed in so many ways, JUST to make the world a better place, Eternal!"
The man known as Eternal seemed to be some sort of Cyborg.
"The man in white to my right, is none other than Shadow, my own personal bodyguard and mission leader of the team, employing his own group of elite Ninjas"
This man was an obvious choice for the leader, having a presence that showed a quiet power.
"And the last young man, he came to me in fear, he was a former Nighthunter, they were his friend, his family, and they shunned him. Having recently suffered an attack from one of the Court of the Blood Countess's Templars, that is to say their most high ranking soldiers, he had been rescued and returned home, only to be put under immediate scrutiny and mistrust. He was almost attacked by his former teammates before he managed to escape. His old name was Storm, his identity is Adam Moore, but today, he is...Luminous!"
Now a show stopper came onto the set, a golden shield in hand, his bright costume seemed to glow as the lights reflected off his body. Holding the shield above his head, a bright light shot into the night sky like a search light, illuminating the entire area.
A fitting name indeed.

"And now, with these new heroes, I will form a new band of hunters, ones who will truly vanquish the evil of the world, who will never bargain with them, who will show this world, what it TRULY is to be a hero. From this day forth, no villain shall hide within the darkness, on this day, you witness the birth, of the DARKHUNTERS!"

At this, the crowd went wild, clapping until they had all exited the stage, and even for a few minutes afterwards. The creation of a new super hero group, one to rival the Nighthunters it seems, many accusations have been made against the current Nighthunters, some seemingly true, but only time will tell.
For tonight at least, the city can sleep easy knowing that the Darkhunters are watching over us. - My main, under construction



Paragon Times. Monday, October 24, 2010.

Open Season Ends With Tomb

The struggle between the Court of Blood Countess and Nighthunters, which four months ago grew into a 'big money' nationwide bounty-hunt for hunters, and then for monsters, and then for Tomb the killer of St. John's, has come to a sad and controversial end.

A government official and MAGI spokeswoman has now revealed that the twelve-year old criminal mind responsible for the mechanical terrorist attack on St John's School, has been killed. Coroners have penned the cause of death as 'severe psychic trauma'. The exact circumstances under which she died is still unclear. Priest and the Nighthunters arcane hero group who were tasked with recovering Tomb have yet to comment. ((Written with CB))



Paragon Times. Friday, November 19, 2010.

Darkhunters: Heroes or Slanders?

With no more financial backings from the recently dead Tomb or the Blood Countess, the nationwide hunts which have caused untold deaths in the past five months seem to have ceased completely. A new spokeswoman from the Nighthunter's team told us earlier this week that "with Bathory's resources low, I doubt her or her Court will be anything more than a common vampire or demon annoyance, nowhere as formidable as the Circle of Thorns, for example."

She went on to comment on more recent events concerning the slander and media propaganda by the now resurfaced ex-General, Oliver 'Nightshot' Davids.

"There are discrepancies in the General's perspectives and even more in his apparent return from the afterlife. Again, with the Court now lower on our list of mission priorities, we'll have more time to focus on investigating Davids and his 'heroic' Darkhunters. We've been very open and trusting with the MAGI department and the press. We serve the public, as mages and as heroes. We have nothing to hide."

((Written with Thunderrar. His above post also written with me.))



UFO Over Paragon International

Friday, November 19th 2010

Paragon International Airport nearly became a scene of mass hysteria in the early hours of this Friday morning as a massive unidentified flying object believed to be a starship descended to within a few hundred feet of the north-shout runway flight line and taxiway, utterly halting airport operations across the tarmac, and eventually shutting down the entire airport as rumors spread and frightened citizens awaited what would happen next.

The 'PAIFO', as it has become known to Paragon's citizens, remained for no more than two minutes before disappearing again. Source withheld by request.

"At first, we thought it was the Rikti come back." commented an aircraft maintenance technician directly under the object as it appeared above, "But then it didn't do squat. Before we knowed it, up it goes again, and there's a box next to me."

According to numerous further witnesses, the Paragon International UFO did indeed climb away less than two minutes after its first appearance, taking with it every last question in the minds of the people below, and leaving behind a mysterious artifact that contained a message not of peace, not of war, but of something else entirely - a request for aid.

From what has been disclosed thus far, whoever was on board that craft stated of themselves as coming from an alternate reality they call 'ReelWorld'. Speculation persists as to why, but the message reportedly made no mention of this, instead jumping directly to describing their version of Earth - a world torn by war and political strife, and in a great degree of need. Furthermore, it seems that the inhabitants of this sister Earth have not a single super-powered individual among them, which is severely hampering relief efforts.

To combat this chaos, it seems this craft's crew has decided to visit a number of alternate realities in which Earth exists and request donations of the inhabitants to supplement the efforts of Reel-Earth's own relief- and aidgivers. The citizens of Paragon City, and indeed our entire world, thus find ourselves in the position of our own heroes, having been given the means and ability to make a difference on, and perhaps even save, an entire world. To this end, the City Council and numerous other organizations have already established collection centers throughout the city, where citizens may give aid to our sister Earth the ReelWorld, and become to its people what so many of our protectors are to us - heroes.

To view a full transcript of the visitors' message and find out how you can help the ReelWorld, please visit our website. Super-powered or not, all donations are welcome and appreciated. Don't wait. Become a ReelWorld hero today!

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Paragon Times, morning editions, November 26th 2010

Peacebringer Assassinated in Galaxy City
Police were tight-lipped yesterday evening over the death of the Peacebringer Ascendent Corruscation while attempting to bring down a Skull drug laboratory in a warehouse in Galaxy City.

This reporterwas able to talk to one of the Skulls who was arrested for the death of the hero. He claimed that it was not his gang who did it but, "a guy in a black outfit. Had lots of weapons on him. Trapped the squid and then shot him up with a big rifle." Police have made no comment on this, but Sunstorm did provide the following statement. "It is well known that the enemies of my people are willing to use mercenaries and weapons of terrible power to destroy us. Ascenendent Corruscation will be deeply missed."

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Business Section
November 30, 2010

As reported in the past, Minhere Inc has indeed bidded on and won some contracts with Paragon City. This would not be news otherwise, except it has caused a ripple effect within the business community, and many of our smaller businesses are no longer feeling the intimidation of the larger ones. Owner and CEO of the business is seen about the city promoting his technology, and even offering "super hero" assistance to those in need. Never one to shy away from television or newspaper reporters, this paper has managed ask a few brief questions of a man who can be called nothing short of a "rising star", Luke Minhere.

What caused you to get into the business of technology, considering you had a succesful career as a billboard model?
"You must understand this determination of mine, one that puts the city of Paragon at the top of my priorities when it comes to the betterment of life as we know it".
So you do this to better the lives of the people of Paragon?
"Yes and no. As a billboard model I was only able to reach out to a city, as the CEO of Minhere Inc, I am now able to reach out to the world, one city at a time. Starting of course with Paragon".
None of what you said answered my questions Mr Minhere, could you elaborate on why you are interested in cybernetics, nano technology, and the sorts?
"You must listen closer sir, if you are to understand my answers. I have told you the why, now you must find out the who of it all. I do understand that the technology I create and promote is beyond the understanding of most, so I do not hold that against you. In fact, it is often times beyond me how I could even come up with such ideas".
With a most handsome smile, Luke Minhere was whisked away by a crowd of admirers. I must say, I did not recieve much in the way of answers, but standing in his presence and interacting with him has confirmed that his charisma alone could sell plastic sporks as the newest and greatest in technology.



Paragon Tattler December 14th 2010

Who is the Gunwitch?
The streets of King's Row, a place to watch your step since the Depression, are just a little safer these days. Few are the heroes who pay more than a passing interest to the former industrial hub of the city; they get sent here to arrest a few Skulls, or while passing through to Independence Port in search of bigger fish. Arrow Azure can be seen on the streets of the town at times, clad in his familiar blue and black suit and riding a fold-away bicycle, of all things, but the number of heroes who frequent King's are few.

But now they have increased by one, and it is quite a glamorous at that. Her name is the Gunwitch and reports suggest that she has been cutting a swathe through the criminals of King’s Row for over a month now. Her weapons of choice are a pair of custom pistols firing bullets which turn in the air and follow thugs around corners. She is hot, dressing like a street ****** in black, snakeskin corset, skirt and boots, a collar around her neck. She is almost always seen wearing dark glasses, but beneath those her eyes are blank orbs. Some say she is a blind witch, others a genius technologist. No one seems to know for sure.

Strangest of all, the Gunwitch seems to bare a striking resemblance to recently disgraced and redeemed heroine of Galaxy City, Nitoichi. They could easily be sisters, and Gunwitch was seen at Nitoichi’s trial, lending moral support.

So, who is the mysterious Gunwith? Where did she come from? All we know is that she is going up in popularity around King’s Row, and with looks like that she could become a city-wide phenomenon.

(Article by the Tattler's hero and Criminal Activity reporter, Tanya Bismuth.)

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Paragon Times Early Edition, Page 5, Sunday 19th December 2010.

Body found in Independence Port.

The body of a man identified as Alberto D'Cruz, 45, was pulled from the waters in Independence Port late last night. The small time magician and fortune teller made a name for himself as an entertainer and was popular in his local area, getting many booking for parties and functions around Skyway City. A neighbour had reported him as missing several days earlier after he failed to attend the Resident's Association holiday party where he was to perform his act.

The PPD are refusing to comment on the cause of death, but have stated that they are treating the matter as a homicide and will be doing everything they can to bring the killer to justice. They have requested that anyone with information regarding the last movements of Mr D'Cruz come forward to assist with the investigation.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



New England Arcane Times, Page 4, Wednesday 22nd December 2010

Bruttenholm Paranormal Society Opens Paragon City Chapter

Bruttenholm Paranormal Society today opened there second American chapter. The society, established in Great Britain in 1834, specialise in investigating, the occult, mystical, arcane and supernatural. The Paragon chapter is currently chaired by Doctor Henry Drake who gained fame, along with several of his colleagues, in summer 2009 for thwarting an attack on the Swedish Royal Family by a coven of witches.

The chapter is currently accepting applications from all those who have an interest in the arts of magic or who feel they can lend their talents to the groups investigations.



As taken from pages on the Paragon Times website ("Because, really, what superhuman reads news in dead trees anymore?"):

The Threat List: Where Are They Now?

By Ann Cashman, December 1st 2010

Radioactive Corpse Spotted Again on St. Martial

Missing and assumed destroyed nearly two years ago, the creature known as "The Quark Zombie" has been found in video anonymously uploaded to the major video and image sharing sites on Web. Government and military officials and sources such as Longbow and Hero Corps confirm that the images and video appear to be genuine and have found corroboration from eyewitnesses.

To refresh your memory, the Quark Zombie first appeared on Earth in a "faded giant" incident at the ULTIMA physics experiment outside Fargo, North Dakota back in 2005. Read this background material to learn more.

After a nation wide rampage that cost 2035 lives and the loss of the communities of Kenwood, California and Twist, Arkansas to subcritical radioactive explosions, the creature disappeared only to emerge in the Rogue Islands pariah state in 2008. There, in the pseudoanarchy ruled by Lord Recluse's super-military junta, the creature was assumed destroyed in the frequent factional and gang warfare the Islands are justly infamous for.

The "Hyperspatial Horror" has returned but close examination of the images and video reveal one key difference: The creature's body appears to be a mirror image of its former self. Scars, exposed bone and skin abrasions that appeared on the left before now appear on the right. This difference is a mystery and has raised doubt if this new creature is the same as then one known prior but, the unclassified writing of Leroy Sass, former Brown University Professor of Mathematics and Fields and Ball prize recipient, may give us an answer....

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Attacked Unity Vigil Member Makes Full Recovery

After a horrific attack on Unity Vigil member Eloise Preston, known by the hero name Tiger Dark, the supergroup issued a press release today stating that she is making a full recovery, and will be able to return home for the holidays.

Mrs Preston was stabbed by an unknown assailant on Talos Island on Tuesday evening, though was quickly transferred to medical care. Her attacker is still at large, but the Unity Vigil say they are confident that the criminal will be caught soon and turned over to the authorities.



Explosions rock Cap Au Diable!

Several links in the PTS pipeline, as well as an entire Arachnos base, suddenly went up in smoke with the sound and fury of a new Krakatoa. When questioned about the incident, Arachnos agents threatened this reporter with death, and Longbow operatives could only speculate that the hot new villain in town, a shadowy figure named Undying Enmity - who, oddly enough, had been presumed dead after a cataclysmic showdown with an entire platoon of Gold Brickers - was responsible, as he had been seen in both areas, and dead Longbow and Arachnos agents bore wounds in his style.

Several eyewitnesses at the PTS plant confirmed the reports of Undying Enmity's involvement. Said one worker, "It was amazing! Scary, but amazing. They just kept shooting him, but he didn't go down. One Longbow even put a bullet through his head, and he kept coming anyway! I think he even pulled out their souls..."

Security footage shows what is presumed to be Undying Enmity, although it is heavily blurred as images of him always are.

Undying Enmity could not be reached for comment, but Melissa Bridges, the columnist who reported him dead, has gone missing.

—Rogue Isles Observer; January 1st, 2011



Paragon Times Evening Edition, Page 2, Monday 3rd January 2011.

Body found in Founders' Falls.

Police have announced that the body of a woman identified as Valerie Carver, 32, was found in the waters of Founders' Falls in the early hours of this morning. Ms Carver was last seen leaving the Midnighter's Club last night after working late, and the PPD are asking that anyone with information as to her movements comes forward as soon as possible.

Unconfirmed reports state that Ms Carver's death bares a remarkable similarity to the murder of another minor magic user who's body was recently found floating in the waters around this city. Is this just coincidence, or is Paragon City witnessing the emergence of a new serial killer?

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



Paragon Times, Evening Edition, January 4th 2011
Explosion Rocks Atlas

The Hyperion Way district of Atlas Park was shaken this afternoon as an explosion ripped through an apartment building killing seven and injuring a further fourteen people. Police and fire department responded to the detonation just after 4pm, preventing further loss of life.

A statement released by the PPD indicated that the explosion took place in one room of an apartment, immediately killing the three men in that room. Four more people died in the apartments below when the ceiling collapsed on them. At this time, police are working on the theory that the three men were killed by a bomb of their own devising, but are not stating why this is the operating theory.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Paragon Times, morning editions, January 5th 2011

Large gathering of Circle of Thorn mages.

Early this morning there was a large gathering of Circle of Thorn Mages outside an apartment building in Kings Row. Eye witnesses claim that the mages were first trying to get inside the building but something kept them away. After trying to get in the large group started to make some sort of chant and after a long while when the chant started to reach its cresendo, some kind of shockwave sent them flying.

When the PPD arrived to the scene to drive them away, some mages could be heard talking about a great magical power building up inside the apartments.

Investigations have been unsuccesful so far.



Paragon Times, Morning Edition, Januray 5th 2011, around page 2
Praetorian Terror Stalks Atlas

Information obtained from a source within the PPD indicates that the explosion in Atlas Park yesterday did the city a favour. Documents found at the scene have suggested that the three men in the flat were from the parallel world known as Praetoria and that they had been secretly infiltrated into the area in order to attack certain important facilities.

The men were killed by a nail bomb, presumed to be of their own making, at around 4pm Tuesday. Unfortunately, seven other people died in the explosion and a further two have succumbed to their injuries over night.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Paragon Xpress
January 5, 2011

Billionaire playboy and part-time daredevil acrobat seeks outgoing, flexible partner for nighttime rooftop activites. Latex optional. Bring your own whip. Interested partners should light a signal into the sky tonight at midnight. No reporters, please.

@Altus Vir
Triumph Server

In the pacific time zone? Join us on the "West Coast Heroes" global channel.
/chanjoin West Coast Heroes



Locals and Paragon Times, January 8th 2011

Highschool in Troll Rave Hit

PPD and Heroes forces were alerted to a break-in at the Skyway High School late friday afternoon after dusk. A number of Trolls had broken into the sports hall and gym facilities at the high school, in what is believed to be an attempt to secure the location for a Troll rave.

Janitorial staff were attacked but fled the scene, and one casualty from the student body was recovered. Initial reports suggest the male student was found within the storage area of the school. It is believed he was taking refuge until help arrived when he was discovered by the rampaging Trolls.

The name of the student has yet to be released, however it is believed he is now under care in hospital. The hospital have yet to make an official statement on the status of the student, though insiders have noted they are still in the process of contacting the victim's family.

Officials for the school district have stated that it is not policy to allow students alone within the school facilities after activities at the school. They have also praised the actions of the police and Heroes that attended the scene, noting that silent alarms placed within the school has avoided much more serious damage being done. They do not believe the school will be closed, repairs begin next week.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



From WSPDR Online, 1/8/2011:

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Nearly three hundred high-ranking members of the Legacy Chain were found dead on a smugglers' cargo ship today. The bodies were alternately mutilated, missing limbs, or dead with no clear cause.

After extensive research and Arachnos interrogation of Circle of Thorns informants, the story has begun to come together. Apparently, this event had to do with the Leviathan, a legendary beast of obscene power. The Legacy Chain had assembled an international army to overwhelm a small group known as the Grasp of the Undying. Neither group involved could be reached for comment, but the Circle of Thorns has theorized that it would take a nearly unfathomable amount of power, exceeding that of even Statesman or Lord Recluse, to deal with such a massive army so effortlessly.