Lord Rahvin

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snarkhunter View Post
    it's a badge showing you actually care enough about the game to spend time to unlock it.
    ...as opposed to actually caring enough about the game to spend money to help support it? Why is one so much better than the other?

    If you don't like giving in-game achievements on the market, would you prefer if items available on the market couldn't be earned in the game? Or are you just against a market on general principle?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The market needs items that need to be replaced after being used to generate a steady cash flow. Inspirations and temp powers are amongst those items.
    I still think it would be a better idea to sell permanent character items, as people make alts for this game all the time and would eventually have to replace the character item.

    Being able to buy character items in discounted bundles would also be great.
  3. Lord Rahvin


    I'm pretty sure they are deliberately trying not to offer features and products that are offered in certain other games. That's why we don't have any powers being offered as duplicates of what are being offered elsewhere in other people's markets, perhaps why the choice of starting city was removed, and likely why we don't have personal bases. I don't think we're getting any of those things largely because no one wants to hear, "and then CoH copied that".
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    It really seems to me people are just taking exception to the system in general rather than the specific event.
    I think this is true. It's more about the mindset or direction of development leaning toward this "play it our way or not at all" in what is otherwise supposedly a very freeform game of choice and opportunity.
  5. I heard something about it being shut down last year...?

    Or it will be shut down in the Last Year.

    Now that I think of it, I think it was someone telling me to shut up. In a year? In an ear? I don't remember.
  6. Nice, especially for a combat aura.
  7. Question: If temp powers are to become more commonplace on the market, would you prefer temp powers with lots of charges (50+ or more) or would you prefer an unlimited use variety only for a limited time?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    Final Destination - for players with terminal altitis
  9. Lord Rahvin

    Fix the market

    Definitely. I've had to keep track of it by actually writing stuff down. How archaic is that?!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twilightdusk View Post
    Isn't the point of the jetboard to be a temporary replacement for Fly? I don't think nearly as many people would bother with it if it took up a power slot that could be spent on fly (some would use it for thematic reasons sure, but I think a large number of people who use it use it to avoid having to get an actual travel power)
    I think you misunderstood (or I miscommunicated) my suggestion. I wasn't suggesting that it take up one of your available powers.
  11. That is hillarious Aedon!

    I'd love to see an AE mission run that way.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    That's okay. Everyone has different views - that just happens to be mine.

    I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just questioning whether or not the choice to put unlockable temps in the store is a good idea.

    I think it's a safe assumption that most people like to do the least amount of work for the most amount of reward.

    The devs spent the time and effort to put certain arcs, rewards, goodies, etc in game. If they're made available from day 1 of a hero's career there's less of a reason to run the content in game, especially with the focus lately being on Incarnate content.

    Do I want to spend time weeding through lower arcs or level as quickly as I can to get the big shiny?

    Anyway, as I said, YMMV.
    I know. I understand what you are saying, I just don't "get it". I'm not trying to persuade you. For me, it's frustrating that things like temp powers and costume emotes are locked behind missions and inventions and you have to unlock them on a per-character basis. I would prefer everything to be upfront when I design a character.

    I paid to unlock capes at level 1 rather than wait until level 20, because I feel that many of my characters are "incomplete" at character generation and the ability to think of a concept and create it in the character generator is one of the big appeals for this game for me.

    I don't really see playing this game as work, at at least I feel that I shouldn't. Its nice to get rewarded for mission arcs and things like that, but ultimately playing the game itself should be rewarding and fun. One of the better ways that City of Heroes achieves this is by having players decide which content to run and which not to. If all I want is the "reward" (a costume piece or temp power I probably should have anyway based on my heroic concept), I shouldn't have to run content I don't care about or waste time buying/selling at Wentworths in order to get that piece for my character.

    It's nice that I have an alternative way of skipping some of the more tedious aspects of the game so I can focus on playing my heroes and running his story. Why should my roman-themed hero have to go to Rome and fight killer Romans before he can have his proper costume? Why should he have to wait 20 levels before the costume creator will let me make the character I want?

    That being said, I was never very interested in the idea of temporary powers to begin with so this bundle doesn't interest me. Maybe some sort of "rechargeable" but not one that simply goes away until you invent/purchase it again. Plus the powers themselves aren't very spectacular or impressive.

    If the game provides a means of getting for free what others choose to pay for, that seems like the ideal balanced hybrid model to me. If the pricing was right, I might even consider purchasing enhancements as a preference to "wasting time" building them.

    But its not like "oh, well now that I've bought this I don't need to play anymore". If I don't feel the driving need to work anymore, that's probably a good thing because I'd rather by playing.

    Plus availability is different from acquisition. Even if every reward was available on the Market, having choices between choosing which to purchase and which you're willing to earn can only improve the game.

    That's my perspective. I'm not saying I don't respect yours, too, and I know a lot of people share it, but I just can't relate to it. I'm very much in favor of the idea of the paragon market (if not its pricing) making locked content easier to access.

    I'd be in favor of them selling, for example, the Atlas Medallion badge. For those willing to buy it, it would cut out an annoying repetitive task from the building of their characters and help them focus only on their missions or other things they like about the game. For those unwilling or unable to spend money in the Paragon Market, they can invest a bit of time into unlocking the benefit the same as they've always been able to.

    Would I run the Atlas Medallion errands if a simple purchase from the market meant I wouldn't have to? Probably not. And I don't regard that as a bad thing. Would I run the Zombie Apocalypse if I already had the benefit unlocked? I probably would, because fighting zombies is fun, especially when teamed up with others during a holiday event. It comes down to being able to customize your game experience, which is awesome for a game with so many players that embraces so many different genres and interests.

    In the end, I expect Incarnates will be their compromise. They'll likely use the Paragon Market to eventually make everything available except Incarnate stuff, which you'll have to earn.

    But we'll see. It's an interesting time to live in Paragon City.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    Let me know when they figure out how to sell fun.
    Didn't they try to sell a whole pack of "superheroes having fun" emotes awhile back...?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    I mean seriously, if everything's available in the store, what's the point of playing?
    I just will never understand this perspective.
  15. Ah, yes. LOTS of new mastermind primary powers.

    Good call.
  16. I'm a sucker for themes. I love the idea of immersing myself in a theme, and I loved the "comically scary" (in every sense) theme that pervaded this mission trial.

    I ran into some people on the help channel asking "What's the point?" due to lack of substantial rewards. Running the trial is the point. I would run it for no reward at all, and ran for the badges just for the hell of doing it. It was fun.

    Plus, as a low-level, I don't get final-fights like that very often. It was nice.

    I also like that it was relatively short although could easily have gone for one about twice as long.

    I think I would have liked it just as much, however, if there was actually a spooky mansion somewhere in the map and I could visit a spooky contact to run the mission.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    With the amount of work needed to get something to work for an engine it was never designed for, I think it'd be quicker and cheaper to just build a close copy from scratch.
    If its that much work, they better get started then! :P

    Just a general observation: A lot of people on these forums like to reply to suggestions by stating how much work those suggestions would take to implement. I'm not really sure why they bother being so practical in what is essentially a brainstorming forum. I don't think any suggesters really cares HOW its done or HOW MUCH work it takes. Only WHEN it can be done and HOW MUCH it would cost!
  18. New powersets. ALWAYS new power sets.

    They don't even have to be very original powersets. They don't necessarily need revolutionary brand-new game mechanic concepts driving them. They could be mix-matches of current powers or re-themed clones of current powers. Why shouldn't we have an Arcane Wand that uses an Enchanement effect similar to Beam Rifle's Distintigrate?

    Functional unique powersets are great, of course, but I would also just love powersets with a unique theme, or a theme currently missing in the game even if its not functionally unique.

    ALWAYS new power sets and travel powers.
  19. Of course, as a consumer, I love the idea of permanent account-wide items. They are a terrific value, perhaps a little too terrific to be a realistic model for the paragon market. I will *always* consider the purchase of a permanent account-wide item.

    I recognize that permanent account-wide items are not great for Paragon's revenue, but neither are purchasable consumables good for consumers. What I offer is a middle-ground approach: consumables that apply to a specific number of characters, but are then permanent upgrades/options for that character.

    This gives Paragon a reason to keep (re)selling good items and decent prices without leaving players feeling like they spent money that disappeared in a puff of smoke after a level or two.

    I don't care too much for how purchasable travel powers are handled right now. They are an awesome value, but it at times seems silly that EVERY character I have now has a jet board or a beast run, whether its appropriate for that character concept or not.

    I think I would prefer if these, and other items like these, were governmed more like powersets. That is, they don't apply for all characters, but for the characters they do apply to they are effectively permanent.

    I would like to see purchasable permanent items follow the following model:

    1) You have a limited number of applications for each purchased power/upgrade
    2) You can apply them to any character, reducing the number of available powers/upgrades.
    3) Once applied to a character, the power/upgrade is permanent.

    So, for example, instead of a permanent account-wide Jet Board power, there would cheaper options for Jet Board(x1), Jet Board(x3), Jet Board(x10) bundles (at appropriate volume discounts) that could be applied/unlocked on up to 1, 3, or 10 characters.

    I think this solution would provide value for players but also a better revenue model for Paragon. If the future of the Paragon Market must be in "consumable, re-purchasable" items, then I would like to see a model where re-purchases were for new characters rather than for repeated uses for the same character.
  20. Getting back to the original subject, I agree with the original poster that more notification/explanation would be nice.

    When you start out as a hero, running an Alignment mission to re-affirm your hero status seems pretty reasonable, or at least understandable. Running the same alignment mission when you are a different alignment, and then having to run an alignment mission again to re-affirm your new status, on the other hand seems counter-intuitive. At least, I didn't catch onto that until somebody explained it to me.

    I agree that there's a slight problem with information distribution within the game, as far as the game offering guidance on how to actually play it. The player is left on his own quite often to find information however he can, sometimes, as in this case, mistaking features for bugs as he goes along. A little more "streamlining" to make sure the player learns the relevant information as he progresses through the game would be nice.

    If you're a hero, I could kind of accept "you just do" as an explanation for why you have to run an alignment mission to get your rewards, I guess. But its a little harder to accept that explanation when you just ran the alignment mission to become a hero.

    I think the counter-point brought up in this thread "you always have to run an alignment mission as a hero to get hero merits" makes sense as explained here in this thread, and I appreciate that, but its unfortunate that this kind of logic/explanation/guidance can't be found in the game at at the appropriate point.

    More information would be good, but now that the explanations have been given, yes, this "bug" makes perfect sense.

    We just need Rogue and Vigilante Merits now. :P
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    There is already a rather extensive system of SG advancement available through prestige, SG badges, and base building, and it has the kind of features that group membership should confer - travel, convenient crafting locations, general quality of life stuff.
    It doesn't do any of that stuff very well, but i guess that's another topic altogether...
  22. I do agree that it would be fun to expand the supergroup idea into more of a full fledged system and having a levelling up feature for supergroups does seem interesting, though I'm not really sure how it would work.

    As far as punishing people who aren't in supergroups, I think players should be allowed to join a sort of "universal" supergroup (Hero Corp maybe?) with its own superbase and such if there's ever any kind of supergroup-only content introduced. Then if people want to, they can start their own group, with the hopes of one day making it better than the default (or at least more personal).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    I honestly wouldn't mind if they took out origins completely. They don't seem to add anything to the game outside of a vague character concept. The thematic names make enhancements harder to determine what they actually enhance. Origin is better suited for the bio screen than the first step in character creation. Heck, they've even done away with the origin starting contacts. Get rid of them, don't expand them.
    I wouldn't mind this either. I just don't think the current origins are very well thought-out. Either they should be removed or improved so that their purpose is fulfilled. At the moment, I think they're biggest advantage is that it helps to ask questions about your character during character generation and gets you thinking about "how did I get my powers" and fleshing out your hero. I think that's useful, but I can understand why some others might disagree.

    At the moment though, I like ways of defining and describing characters in the game. The origins appeal to me for much the same reasons that those little titles above people's names appeal to some. It's just another way of displaying/choosing some of the theme/style of your character.

    But if origins were removed completely, I don't think I'd miss them. Right now they feel awkward and pointless, however, at least during character generation.

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Why do all this instead of just filling in the specific information in your bio? Especially since you're trying to pigeonhole things that I simply don't agree with.
    Geez, I'm sorry. I certainly didn't mean to pidgeonhole you.

    That's a little bit extreme, isn't it? I'm just trying to say the current options have almost no definition to them, and many common themes for origins don't apply to the categories or apply to more than one. Since is the first choice you make in the game about your character, that's a little bit strange. It's even worse since the character generator doesn't reveal any of the consequences for your choice, not that there are that many.

    You'll still have all the options that you ever did, just a few more choices to choose from. Geez. If you want to say your human/alien hybrid shoots light beams out of his eyes as a result of Training, that's fine I guess. Go ahead. I'm not stopping you.

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Why is "Accident" subclassed as "Science," when it could well be that an alien spore infested you - and any human getting that same spore would do the same thing? That would be "natural" for that combination. (See: Peacebringers.)
    See, this is why I'm saying that a little more definition is a good thing. By this logic, EVERYTHING is "natural". Anybody in your circumstances would have developed those powers.

    Trained by the government? Natural, obviously.
    Ex-military? Natural. Ninja training? Natural.
    Infected by an alien spore? Natural, apparently, for some reason.
    Bombarded by cosmic rays? Natural. Anybody bombarded like that would develop powers.
    Come from another planet? Natural. Everybody there has powers.
    A fairie from an alternate dimension? Natural, of course. Fairies can't get more natural.

    Does this choice really reveal anything about your powers' origin at all?

    What if you had picked up a magical hammer that transformed you into a demigod? Is that "natural" for the same reasons that bonding with an alien spore is natural? What if it wasn't a magical hammer, but an alien spaceship? The mystical tree of life? If something changes you and causes you have to super powers that definitely shouldn't be "natural". What if you're a ghost that holds onto reality by sheer force of will and randomly possesses someone? Would you want to lump every one of these examples under the same category?

    You can't just apply anything and say its "natural" and this sort of reasoning is why I don't feel five categories is enough to lump many of the common origins. The merger of an alien symbiote with a human host always sounded like a medical augmentation to me, either through accident or purposeful infection, as neither creature possessed their powers initially. Regardless, there should be some kind of "alien" origin to represent the innate inherent abilities from people that are not human, to have a seperate origin from humans who have trained through work and conditioning. Totally different origins, backstories, concepts, etc.

    If you were infected by an alien spore then the origin of your powers shouldn't be "natural". Your powers weren't natural to you, they were the result of something that happened to you. We should have an origin choice that reflects that.

    "Natural" is so broad and elusive that its pointless as a category and doesn't give any hint as to how you got your powers. It therefore doesn't categorize anything nor does it inspire in any way. It is a nicer way of saying "Other" in City of Heroes lingo.

    We can do better.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    The origins were actually more diverse early in the game's development, but they were condensed down before the game went live. At this point it doesn't really make much sense to expand them, especially when it effectively adds nothing to the game (Magic can already be played as Artifact or Mystic, for instance). Plus, it would require a complete overhaul of DOs and SOs.
    I wasn't really arguing for any significant changes to gameplay, such as enhancements or contacts. I just thought it might help flesh out the character generation screen a little bit, add to theme, and reduce confusion.

    I'd be perfectly fine with enhancements in the Magic category, for example, applicable to both Artifacts and Mystics. Hell, once character generation is over, I wouldn't mind if the game just treated you as Magic in every way except said "Mystic (Magic)" or something in your ID profile.

    I just find the current origin system kind of odd thematically. For example, people like to lump "Alien" under "Natural", which sounds odd and counter-intuitive and doesn't really add anything to the character generation process. If you make a psychic, for example, is that Natural or is that Mutant or what is it? There's no real guideline, so what's the point of having the choice if the obvious options aren't reflected in the available choices?

    I just felt this expanded origin system would answer the "Where do your powers come from?" part of character generation in a way that categorically reflects many common origins in comic book literature.

    As I said, its not intended to change anything in the game play, just correct and improve what I feel is a small and confusing hiccup in character generation. The origin selection has more to do with the overall theme of your character than any significant matter in gameplay so for gameplay purposes I would leave the 5 origins the same.