Super Group System Idea
er... okay.... you already have more stuff open up as you get more prestige, because you earn it, so I can't say I'm quite sure where you're going there. Honestly, I'd rather any SG "stuff" they add be open, not requiring an "SG level" or anything.
As far as "SG Incarnates," "SG IOs" and the like - honestly, I'd rather not punish people who aren't part of an SG or are part of smaller SGs.
First, could you, by chance, be a little more vague in this suggestion? I honestly have no idea what half those things would mean. SG Incarnates? What would that even be?
er... okay.... you already have more stuff open up as you get more prestige, because you earn it, so I can't say I'm quite sure where you're going there. Honestly, I'd rather any SG "stuff" they add be open, not requiring an "SG level" or anything.
As far as "SG Incarnates," "SG IOs" and the like - honestly, I'd rather not punish people who aren't part of an SG or are part of smaller SGs. |
er... okay.... you already have more stuff open up as you get more prestige, because you earn it, so I can't say I'm quite sure where you're going there. Honestly, I'd rather any SG "stuff" they add be open, not requiring an "SG level" or anything.
As far as "SG Incarnates," "SG IOs" and the like - honestly, I'd rather not punish people who aren't part of an SG or are part of smaller SGs. |
er... okay.... you already have more stuff open up as you get more prestige, because you earn it, so I can't say I'm quite sure where you're going there. Honestly, I'd rather any SG "stuff" they add be open, not requiring an "SG level" or anything.
As far as "SG Incarnates," "SG IOs" and the like - honestly, I'd rather not punish people who aren't part of an SG or are part of smaller SGs. |
Plus, I'd rather see more of the things that have already been repeatedly requested in the BIG LIST or in the EASY LIST (see my sig for both).
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

lets do this then ... have an accolade.
team player: once 1million prestige is earned by a player ... they either get: an inherent buff of +2 to team def, or an inherent +1 self def for each player in their team.
That woulds be cool.
lets do this then ... have an accolade.
team player: once 1million prestige is earned by a player ... they either get: an inherent buff of +2 to team def, or an inherent +1 self def for each player in their team. That woulds be cool. |
Heck, here are links to all the super group achievements:

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
It's just my ideas to make the Sg system more fun or challenging but I would like to hear all of yea suggestions to put on the SG system.
I do agree that it would be fun to expand the supergroup idea into more of a full fledged system and having a levelling up feature for supergroups does seem interesting, though I'm not really sure how it would work.
As far as punishing people who aren't in supergroups, I think players should be allowed to join a sort of "universal" supergroup (Hero Corp maybe?) with its own superbase and such if there's ever any kind of supergroup-only content introduced. Then if people want to, they can start their own group, with the hopes of one day making it better than the default (or at least more personal).
@Altus Vir
Triumph Server
In the pacific time zone? Join us on the "West Coast Heroes" global channel.
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A super group earning 1 million prestige gets: Benedict DR-2 Turret Plans
Heck, here are links to all the super group achievements: |
I mean a personal accolade. It would be team def (like manuvers) of 2%Xthe number of teammates
I try to avoid speaking strictly ill of suggestions. Usually they are things I can see why someone would want, even if I don't, and it wouldn't hurt me to have it implemented. So when I say this, it is because I feel very strongly: directly tying personal power (incarnates, IOs, 14% maneuvers??) to SG membership and activity is a terrible, terrible idea.
One of my favorite things about this game versus other MMOs is that I can log in and play without being penalized for not wanting to make complex social ties and commitments to a game. And if increased personal power is tied to membership, you can say it's a bonus to membership, or a penalty to non-membership. They are functionally the same.
There is already a rather extensive system of SG advancement available through prestige, SG badges, and base building, and it has the kind of features that group membership should confer - travel, convenient crafting locations, general quality of life stuff. Expanding that is great and I approve of almost any suggestion that does so, even though I don't want to join a supergroup and don't care enough to create a solo SG. Adding stat bonuses or powers or equipment that are tied to group membership is not great and would greatly decrease my enjoyment of the game.
And if the benefits of being in a supergroup are available to those not in supergroups by adding a universal supergroup, why make them SG perks in the first place? It would be much simpler and less annoying to give them to everyone automatically.
I try to avoid speaking strictly ill of suggestions. Usually they are things I can see why someone would want, even if I don't, and it wouldn't hurt me to have it implemented. So when I say this, it is because I feel very strongly: directly tying personal power (incarnates, IOs, 14% maneuvers??) to SG membership and activity is a terrible, terrible idea.
One of my favorite things about this game versus other MMOs is that I can log in and play without being penalized for not wanting to make complex social ties and commitments to a game. And if increased personal power is tied to membership, you can say it's a bonus to membership, or a penalty to non-membership. They are functionally the same. There is already a rather extensive system of SG advancement available through prestige, SG badges, and base building, and it has the kind of features that group membership should confer - travel, convenient crafting locations, general quality of life stuff. Expanding that is great and I approve of almost any suggestion that does so, even though I don't want to join a supergroup and don't care enough to create a solo SG. Adding stat bonuses or powers or equipment that are tied to group membership is not great and would greatly decrease my enjoyment of the game. And if the benefits of being in a supergroup are available to those not in supergroups by adding a universal supergroup, why make them SG perks in the first place? It would be much simpler and less annoying to give them to everyone automatically. |
Secondly, the accolade would only affect when teaming. It would have no effect when soloing, and if you like teaming and you aren't a member of a SG, one of the players might be and might have that, whitch means you'd be more survivable ... So, I don't see how it would ruin your game. Or even F2P gamers for that matter ... might even help them due to not having IO sets avail.
@Altus Vir
Triumph Server
In the pacific time zone? Join us on the "West Coast Heroes" global channel.
/chanjoin West Coast Heroes
Actually smaller SGs aren't as much of a problem as activity is. I have 4 solo SGs on different servers all with fully functional bases and full storage, it just takes a while to earn which, for me anyway, is the fun part.
I would like to see this functionality opened up more though. Solo SGs are just too dang useful. They are a huge advantage because you can store tons of expensive salvage and Enhancements. This is in addition to being able to design your own base, which in a normal SG only 1 person gets to do and everyone else just gets to look at.
At one point Devs were considering Lairs which would be like SG bases but only for your characters, so you could have what is basically a solo SG AND belong to a real group. Still a very cool idea.
The only incarnate thing I can think of adding to SGs is the ability to go to your base and invite people on either side to a League, teleporting them to your base in the process. Nice way to start up trials without waiting on people running about all over the place also gets you something different to look at while you wait to start.
You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.
I do like the ideas some of yea are saying
I was woundering if The Super Group system would be upgraded with new features and such like adding a leveling system onto The SG when you earn more prestige you level your Super Group more. The more you level your Super Group the new features you unlock like SG buffs, New base stuff for the SG base, SG base abilities, SG incarnates, SG IO recipes for meny classes and a SG Tech Tree. Also When you unlock more features on the SG when leveling you can buy them on a Super Group Vender Somewhere in Atlas Park? Also another program for the Sg system is a looking for a SuperGroup screen also posting your SG recruitment on the game as well to show a list of SGs on the recruitment list.