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You know what we should have a City of Heroes Player Meet and Greet at new York City which is a perfect place or somewhere in long island in my area
I still don't want CoH to die it's really hurting me and alot of us to see NCSoft to shut CoH down
The Unders is active also have an active vent as well
This Month The Unders will be leading A Costume Contest on May 19th around 8:00 Pm eastern time
The Unders will be leading and hosting a Super Group on August 18th around 8:00 Pm eastern time in Kings Row. To all big time Sgs bring your best and top style Sgs to Kings row for The SG fair The Unders will be hosting.
Make sure to describe your SG.
What your SG does, What's your Sg about, Is it a RP sg or a non-RP SG,
Who are the leaders of The SGs your on, How meny members, Your official SG costume main or secondary Sg costume, When was your Sg created and what is your Sg's goals.
Be sure to hear the announcement on RadioParagon once the SG fair starts on The Freedom server. -
The Hamidon raid I and my Sg The Unders lead was kind of rough start but we manage to down Hamidon again for the 2nd time Will be leading Hamidon raids on Saturdays daily with my Sg The Unders and The Unders United which is another Unders Super Group
It's no biggy also today will be another successful Hamidon raid for The Unders
The Unders would also like to be part of the event as well
Leadership: Blast Lord, Shadow, Kinetic Driver
Global: @Under
RP: Non-Role play SG we mostly focus on PvE also to fulfill our goals
Membership Requirement: friendly, active and mature
Activitiy: We're one of the most active Super Groups on the freedom server also been around for 7 years since I started The Unders on October 9th 2004
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...7&TabID=778754
Currently Recruiting: The Unders are recruiting all levels, We are a friendly, active and layed back Super Group Which we do missions, Farming, TFs, Events, Badge hunting and Incarnate Trials, We also have an official Super Group Costume, Ventrilo, a SG website and a Super Group base fully active and has all the base telepads. If anyone from this server is interisted in joining The Unders on the freedom server just send tell to my global which is on this post.
Themed/Concept: We're a family and friendly stlye Super Group I definaly help out my fellow members of The Unders on stuff they need help with -
I and my SG The Unders on the freedom server would love to be part of your Sg fair sign us up
Someone spawned Hamidon to try to grief our raid but failed to grief the raid. At least the raid is successful
The Unders lead a successful Hamidon raid. Good job fellow Unders and we'll lead another one next month on the same time, be sure to be on and on-time for our next Hamidon raid, till then keep blasting
For your information Hell Razer my Super Group are not griefers I don't know where you got that from the last hamidon raid I lead was indeed griefed but not by me or my SG but by someone I do not like on this game.
We're back on Recruiting and working on leading the hamidon raid today at 8:00 PM eastern time
Zwillinger said the perk system was definaly on his mind which is a good chance
This Saturday around 8:00 PM Eastern time we will be leading a Hamidon raid. Be sure 1 league raid team has a tank also make sure to really stock up on the hamidon resistance inspirations.
perk system requires to gain by prestige by buying it with prestige the Sg money system. LIke buying flying mounts or ground mounts in the near future also more
They should definaly revamp the Hamidon Enchancements to give them Hamidon Enchancement set system like the Io sets but like very rare IO set
I was thinking of giving the Super Group system a perk system also giving The Super Group system a personal SG shop system also a SUper Group Enchancement set with the SG's name in it but I perfer the Perk system to put into The Super Group system
Thanks you for the winners for The Unders Costume Contest. Be sure to come on our next Month's Unders Costume Contest till then people of the freedom server Keep blasting
This April 1st The Unders will be leading The Unders Costume Contest. The Prize will be a random Purple IO recipe. 2nd Prize bunch of IO rare Recipes and influence and 3rd prize uncommon IO recipes and yes influence.
Kinetic Driver will be the main host and lead judge for this months Unders Costume Contest which will be held in Atlas Park 1 Under Atlas around 8:30 PM eastern time.
Dress up in those tailor shops and look sharp for an awsome Costume Contest and no costumes it's casual.
Oh yea April Fools dress up your best costume style for The Unders Costume Contest. Keep Blasting people of The Freedom Server. -
I would just make a Hamdion Orgin set that drops from Hamidon which would be good for everyone
Jynxie welcome to The freedom server I'm Blast Lord founder and leader of The Unders also if your interisted in joining The Unders just send tell to @Under
I do want the devs to keep their promise on making a really big moon base zone with alot of outdoor exterior missions, New Moon base Trials, Incarnate Trials also a PvP Trial which if that's good?