90 -
Beast Mastery is ok but needs to be run creatively to get use out of it. The Lioness's regularly use an AOE buff that improves the pets speed and damage. but it doesn't last long enough and they usually don't use it at a good time. They tend to use it when 'not' in battle. You can wait til they roar and then attack, but this can be annoying. If put on passive though, they won't use it. Put them on defensive or aggressive and they roar immediately if it's ready, so that you can control when it's used and attack at the best time.
Since they are all mainly melee, you can't heal them all with most healing sets without getting dangerously close to the front lines and single target heals may not be enough. Nature affinity is an exception. Have all the beast attack one target and they cluster on that target, face them and you can use the cone heal on all of them (can't remember the name) and stay at range. Works well with the heal patch also. -
Being in a team with 2+ masterminds on an indoor map. Being a MM before you could move through your own pets and getting trapped in a room by them.
But i could live with it to keep the game going. -
The customization in this game was so far ahead of it's time 8 years ago that no other game has caught up 'yet'. That's why i still play COX. Other games just don't have the individuality of this one.
I'm one of those people too. I've seen several games with better graphics and/or a bigger world. But i kept returning here. No other game can equal COX's mix of character theme customization, player community, and Dev support. I've been looking for an MMO to switch too since the shut down announcement and none of them measure up to the total package of this game. I will probably just quit the MMO scene after COX is gone. The other games just don't measure up to this one.
Because of the variety of characters (male, female, alien, robotic, etc...) as well as the variety of players, the basic stance probably needs to stay more or less neutral so as to mostly fit with player concepts without stretching the imagination too much. Any changes would be best as e-motes like the different flying poses so that people wouldn't be stuck with something that doesn't fit their concept. Perhaps some different running, jumping, and swimming e-motes would be a good idea.
Quote:Although annoying in some situations, i found this a useful way to return to my original side.One quick comment on something that jumped out at me.
Ouroboros isn't broken. It just can't do what you are asking of it. Ouro is limited by the native alignment of the user. Period. And, even if you are on the "other side" you are still a Villain or Hero, as such you will go to your alignment's Ouro. That isn't broken, it does exactly what is intended.
Changing that functionality is a long-running request, but not one that seem surmountable without a good deal of Dev effort (it might also be something they don't intend to allow). -
Quote:I'm an example of this. I've been playing the game since 2008. I didn't register on the forums for over a year and don't post that often.Activity on the forum isn't an indicator of in game activity. We frequently see players with etremely low forum post counts who are 6, 7, 8 year veterans. They simply don't use the forums often, an there are thousands of players that have never used the forums at all.
Time of thread death. 3:45 PM 8/9/2012. -
/Dismiss makes a pet go away and there's no body left behind to use, but you can be selective and not get rid of all of them.
/Releasepets kills all of them and leaves a body you can use, but you can't be selective. It affects all, even those from Traps or DM etc...
This as a macro or bind may help (with quotes).
/macro Whatever "petcom_pow Zombie dismiss$$petcom_pow Grave dismiss$$releasepets"
It will get rid of all your necro pets, but leaves behind only the body of the Lich. You'll still have to resummon and rebuff all of them afterwards but it helps to Soul Extract the Lich. -
Quote:This about sums it up for me. Right now the only goal for PVP is to beat the other guy. That's just not fun for me, even when i win.I did back in the era of base raids.
PvP was team oriented, base raiding gave the PvP part of it a goal.
When it switched to solo oriented with out a real goal I quit.
If it ever reverted, and the mechanics of it were such that every AT had about a reasonable contribution to the base raiding experience, I would begin again. -
Pressing up while chatting can enter a message you previously entered. If you're messaging in another channel, the previous message can be entered in it without macro's or copy/paste. There's still no excuse for spamming LFG in the help channel though now that there's a LFG channel. It should go away over time as people get used it. Give it about 3 weeks before demanding action.
I saw The Avengers this past saturday. It's 1 of a small handful of movies that actually lived up to the hype. One of the best if not 'the' best movie of all time.
I read somewhere in the 90's that the US alone has enough nuclear weapons to wipe out all life on Earth 300 times. But i'm not worried about that because no suicide cult or terrorist group could get hold of enough nuclear weapons to kill themselves, let alone everybody. Biological threats could kill billions but isolation, weather, and evolution would keep us from going extinct. A cosmic collision 'could' wipe out all life but hasn't in the millions of years there's been life on earth. The dinosaurs were killed by one but life still continued, and we're much more adaptive than the dinosaurs. The only thing that worries me even the slightest is a scientific experiment with the Hedron Collider messing up on a quantum level and causing a singularity (black hole). If that happened though, we'd be gone before we'd even notice.
Quote:I wouldn't be too concerned about them. There's been many doomsday cults and many doomsday dates in my 42 year lifetime alone. It'll probably be about as non-spectacular as Y2K was.What I am considered about is those crazy nutjobs that are trying to make it a self-fulfilling prophesy. "We believe the world is going to end on Dec. 21, 2012 so we are going to make it end on Dec. 21, 2012." A discovery that refutes everything they believe is not going to sway them at all.
The date is when the sun eclipses the center of our galaxy. That the Mayans were able to discover this was incredible. It was never indicated to be the end of the Earth though. It was the end of the 13'th cycle as the article says. Each cycle ended and started by the solar eclipse. 13 may be considered a bad number by us, but it was a sacred number to the Mayans. The date was likely planned to be a grand holy day. Sadly they didn't live long enough to celebrate it.
I figured i'd share this one i use on my Masterminds.
/bind 1 "pet_select 0$$team_select 1"
/bind 2 "pet_select 1$$team_select 2"
/bind 3 "pet_select 2$$team_select 3"
/bind 4 "pet_select 3$$team_select 4"
/bind 5 "pet_select 4$$team_select 5"
/bind 6 "pet_select 5$$team_select 6"
/bind 7 "pet_select 6$$team_select 7"
/bind 8 "pet_select 7$$team_select 8"
when solo, hitting 1 will target the first pet. When in a team, it will target the first teammate instead. Etc for the other 7. Use whatever keys you want instead of 1-8 if you wish. The number after pet_select is one lower than the number after team_select for some reason, not a typo. It works with all types of pets like Dark Servant and Force Field Generator and for other than Masterminds.
Healing your pets while solo helps alot but when in a team it's better to focus on teammates. -
/petsay_all <em alakazamreact> will shut them up until they move and is good for a laugh.
Most that i auto have already been mentioned. Some though aren't always on. On my healer types i have the key for my PBAOE heal (healing aura, etc) bound to toggle auto for it on or off when hit so I can turn it on during battle and off when not needed by just hitting a key.
2 For masterminds, but they're both similar.
1: If you drag an inspiration to a pet, it'll use it, except wakes.
2: Target a pet and type /inspexec_pet_target "the inspiration name" and that pet uses the named inspiration.
I knew about the first one for about a year but i just recently learned the second one. Good for macro's and/or binds -
I've been forced to go premium for a bit myself. Just before i did, i saved up points and got several spare character slots so i could keep playing all of my characters. I also kept spare points saved up in case of situations like this. If you don't have the vet reward for using the invention system, i'd recommend saving up points for renting it. Off hand it's 160 points for a month.
2 words. "Animated Tails"
On a similar topic, when i showed this game to a relative, he made a character. He went through the AT and power choices quickly. When he got to the costumes, i said "This will take an hour, and not because it has to". It did -
I believe the 1.04 cost is a throwback to the "Cottage rule" for controllers. Fire control has 1 toggle at about the same level that is also 1.04 (i think it's called Hot Feet) and i think i saw some other Controller powers at the same level and cost. I never had any problem with running SI all the time with my Ill/Kin if it was my only active toggle or with Hover, but turn on Repel with it and i'd have lots of trouble. I think SI was put at a standard cost since not all secondaries have toggles and a lower cost may have been seen as unbalancing if you had one of those secondaries. I can't agree with that myself but i figure dealing with the issue is just part of the game. As for the slow attack rate with Illusion, imagine what your end would be if it was quicker.
How about a centaur, wemic, or similar? A hybrid humanoid/4-legged model might be possible now.