Mayan Calander doomsday refuted; breath asy!

Agent White



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I hope the title is missing an E and not an s...



I think Pri might be hittin' the bottle a bit tonight...



Macho Man Randy Savage stopped the rapture, so it only makes sense that archaeologists found new calenders.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I hope the title is missing an E and not an s...



Haha, 'tis indeed missing an 'E' xD



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
Thought this might be worth sharing;

I haven't had the time to read the article, only skimmed through it, but it seems to be interesting.

Edit - Ack, typo in the post name, durnit xD
Really anyone who actually knew anything about the Mayan Calendar, or cared to do even a modicum of research into it, already knew the supposed 2012 doomsday was a crock.

Anyone who DOES believe in the 2012 doomsday is far too deluded to care their pet prophecy is demonstrably wrong and ridiculous.

Ultimately, this "refutation" will change nothing.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I hope the title is missing an E and not an s...
It's actually missing TWO 'E's, the words are "breathe" and "easy."



We knew the world was saved when Obama killed Kim Jong Ill... where have you been?

lol... really though, I like how they put it in an article on BBC where even when we had found calendars going to 2012, you have to think about the scale of that. This wasn't 1990 when they made the calendars, it was thousands of years ago. This is not a PROPHECY OF DOOM it's a civilization being hopeful that they will last for thousands of years. Do you really think the U.S./E.U. will still be here and we'll be living the way we do in FOUR THOUSAND YEARS.

These guys wanted that. They pushed mathematics forward constantly, and one of the chief things they did with it was dream, calculate, and attempt to fathom as much future for themselves as they could possibly find stones to display. That's kind of beautiful.



Heh, I read the last word of the title as eh-see, which put me in mind of this old thing.

Which made this thread much more humorous for me.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I'm still routing for a zombocalypse



The date is when the sun eclipses the center of our galaxy. That the Mayans were able to discover this was incredible. It was never indicated to be the end of the Earth though. It was the end of the 13'th cycle as the article says. Each cycle ended and started by the solar eclipse. 13 may be considered a bad number by us, but it was a sacred number to the Mayans. The date was likely planned to be a grand holy day. Sadly they didn't live long enough to celebrate it.



What I am considered about is those crazy nutjobs that are trying to make it a self-fulfilling prophesy. "We believe the world is going to end on Dec. 21, 2012 so we are going to make it end on Dec. 21, 2012." A discovery that refutes everything they believe is not going to sway them at all.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



The Mayans didn't even have a concept of an "apocalypse," from what I've heard. That's a Western idea that we slapped onto their calendar.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
What I am considered about is those crazy nutjobs that are trying to make it a self-fulfilling prophesy. "We believe the world is going to end on Dec. 21, 2012 so we are going to make it end on Dec. 21, 2012." A discovery that refutes everything they believe is not going to sway them at all.
I wouldn't be too concerned about them. There's been many doomsday cults and many doomsday dates in my 42 year lifetime alone. It'll probably be about as non-spectacular as Y2K was.



Originally Posted by Beltor View Post
I wouldn't be too concerned about them. There's been many doomsday cults and many doomsday dates in my 42 year lifetime alone. It'll probably be about as non-spectacular as Y2K was.
But only one of them needs to succeed and the more advanced we become, the easier it is to create a doomsday scenario.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Didn't the Mayans also perform bloodletting?

And I'm done with them.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
But only one of them needs to succeed and the more advanced we become, the easier it is to create a doomsday scenario.

Actually, the more advanced we become the harder it is to kill everyone. In fact, barring an extinction level event magnitudes greater than KT, we are fairly safe from total annihilation.



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Actually, the more advanced we become the harder it is to kill everyone. In fact, barring an extinction level event magnitudes greater than KT, we are fairly safe from total annihilation.
I dunno about you but bio weapons have taken a turn for the scary as all hell in the last few decades.

Also the doomsday stuff has been refuted dozens of times over way before this event ;p



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Macho Man Randy Savage stopped the rapture, so it only makes sense that archaeologists found new calenders.




Until Man colonizes the galaxy, we are never completely safe from total annihilation. The solar system is not enough since some technology might be developed that stops nuclear fusion within the Sun.

Right at this moment, humanity can be destroyed by pollution, cataclysmic changes to the environment, nuclear weapons, science experiments, biological weapons, next stage of evolution, aliens, asteroids, out of control technology like nanotechnology, and I probably am missing a few possibilities. Of course, some are more likely than others while others will take longer to be a concern.

A hundred years ago and we were too ignorant about the possibility of our own destruction. The more advanced we become, the more ways we learn that can destroy humanity.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Until Man colonizes the galaxy, we are never completely safe from total annihilation. The solar system is not enough since some technology might be developed that stops nuclear fusion within the Sun.

Right at this moment, humanity can be destroyed by pollution, cataclysmic changes to the environment, nuclear weapons, science experiments, biological weapons, next stage of evolution, aliens, asteroids, out of control technology like nanotechnology, and I probably am missing a few possibilities. Of course, some are more likely than others while others will take longer to be a concern.

A hundred years ago and we were too ignorant about the possibility of our own destruction. The more advanced we become, the more ways we learn that can destroy humanity.
You forgot time-traveling killer robots.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Until Man colonizes the galaxy, we are never completely safe from total annihilation. The solar system is not enough since some technology might be developed that stops nuclear fusion within the Sun.

Right at this moment, humanity can be destroyed by pollution, cataclysmic changes to the environment, nuclear weapons, science experiments, biological weapons, next stage of evolution, aliens, asteroids, out of control technology like nanotechnology, and I probably am missing a few possibilities. Of course, some are more likely than others while others will take longer to be a concern.

A hundred years ago and we were too ignorant about the possibility of our own destruction. The more advanced we become, the more ways we learn that can destroy humanity.
Pollution: to drive humans to extinction would take a completely insane amount of pollution. Billions dead? Sure. All of us? Nope.

Cataclysmic Shifts: Humans evolved during a major period of glaciation. The survival of that isn't so impressive relative to our survival of the post-glaciation period. Massive environmental changes can wipe out billions, yes. Extinction? Not even close.

Nuclear: Highly unlikely for every square inch of habitable land to be irradiated. Could you get 99% of humanity? Yep. But 1% is plenty for genetic diversity. Extinction? Hell no. And, given the fact every major industrialized country has "fecal matter hitting the fan" evacuation of certain populations... humanity will survive a nuclear holocaust relatively intact; at least, biologically.

Science Experiment: Confused by this. What do you mean? Like generating a micro-black hole or something?

Biological Weapons: see nukes.

Next Evolution: *shrug* We'd become them. Kinda like the Singularity; you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between us and them for a very long time.

Aliens: If relativity holds true, we shouldn't expect aliens any time soon.

Asteroids: This is about the only thing capable of causing extinction; and that's a maybe. See nukes. It would have to be a massive extinction level impact, too.

Nanotech: couldn't get everyone. Luddites would hide out around the world or governments would evac to their nuke shelters and cover their tracks with EMP or something equally science fiction. Billions dead, no extinction.



Well duh. Anyone who's even glanced at Mayan calendars can tell that they're obviously designed to be cyclical.

Best reference site for things like this:



oh hey, that guy quoted in the article was my professor in school!

was one of my favorite classes EVAR!
