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  1. An interesting discussion on if Nick Fury's actions in the Avengers movie to stop NYC from getting nuked were illegal. Of course, as some commentors point out, SHIELD works for the UN, not the US, but it's a fun theoretical question, anyway.
  2. Japanese politicians are "seriously considering" making real, working Gundams for their military. Admittedly, it's just aimed at getting the "otaku vote," but if they actually did it? I'd totally move to Japan just so I can live in a country that has giant battle robots protecting it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    Good! I wasn't the only one! Mako is a big ol Jerk and Korra is super selfish.
    I'ma just leave this right here...

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post

    Only Kittens and Orphans.
    Puppy hater!
  5. The first season was written out and already well into production by the time a second season was greenlit. By then, it was too late to change anything. Clearly they intended Amon to meet his end and leave it at that. Having him return for the second season would be a bit of a cop-out. Besides, he'd no longer be much of a threat by himself.
  6. *watches trailer*

    *bleaches brain*

    *returns to reading IDW D&D comics*
  7. Ultimate Spider-Man: I like that they're doing more with Venom than a one-off appearance. I still struggle with liking this show, though.

    Avengers: Good episode. Interesting, in that it seems pretty clear that this Red Hulk is not General Ross. Also, Falcon and Winter Soldier!
  8. Inazuma

    Taken 2 trailer

    Hm, apparently Neil Patrick Harris is in this, too.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    I am so freaking annoyed. I'm on Directv and right about the time the mines started exploding the show started blinking out about twice per second and became unwatchable. Alternate sources time I guess.
    I got the same problem. Luckily it is rebroadcast a few hours later on another Nick channel, so I was able to watch it without that damn signal blinking.
  10. Inazuma

    Taken 2 trailer

    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
    ... the bad guy is the Most Interesting Man in the World. Sure looks like him.
    "I don't always play movie villains, but when I do, it's against Liam Neeson. Stay badass, my friends."
  11. For the record, Young Justice was new as well. Episode seems to be a flashback to the time period of the first season, and focuses on KF.

    As for Korra, I love it all. Everything was epic. Now the hard part will be waiting for season 2. We probably got like a year until then....
  12. Inazuma

    Taken 2 trailer

    Because the world is always better with Liam Neeson being a badass.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    Dammit, why isn't this on Blu Ray yet?
    Um, because it's still in theaters making lotsa money?
  14. Cool video featuring how Mark Ruffalo and the Avengers film crew brought Hulk to life.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    That reminds you guys remember this?

    I smell a Chekov's Skill moment coming.
  16. Another interesting note is they more or less confirmed that Zuko himself is still alive, just really old.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
    ^It would make sense the soles on her shoes would be rubber.
    Wait, Fridge logic, do her shoes have bottoms?
    Yes, metal bottoms. She can metalbend them away to do the ground-echolocation thing her mother taught her.

    Also, I know I spend too much time on TV Tropes when I automatically know what Fridge Logic means.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    ARG! GUH, wait... was there a new episode of Korra? Some kind of special preview? I thought the new episode was next week.
    Yeah, the one-hour season finale is next week. Today was a new episode, though. And a great one.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post

    For the season finale that is. I wondered if anybody was going to start metal bending those ships. The police should not have been helpless just because they got magnetically attracted. Those War Hulks are made of metal themselves.
    Also, you need to be able to move in order to bend. It requires performing martial arts-like gestures. The policemen couldn't move once their metal suits were magnetized.

    When you think about it, this is a reason why Bloodbending is so feared and outlawed. It can completely remove an opposing bender's ability to fight back.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    Who else thinks we just saw Zuko's grandson? General Iroh is too obvious for anything else. He looks too young to be Zuko's son considering he looks to be in his 20s.
    Yeah, I'm betting on grandson. I assume Zuko and Mai had children in the same timeframe that Aang and Katara did (and Tenzin is the youngest of three). Iroh II could be the child of Maiko's oldest kid.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    I think that was the one that made me adore Coulson. Such a great little short. And while we're on the subject of all things Coulson, I am pleased to have bought this t-shirt recently. Fans of Bruce Campbell may recognise the style.

    I need this, as a shirt...
  22. Thundercats: Pumyra, you traitorous beeatch! Decent season finale... might be the series finale, as CN has yet to confirm if a second season is coming.

    Legend of Korra: Lin! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Also, what was it they named the new baby? R-something?

    Also, GENERAL IROH! With Zuko's voice! I can hear the fangirls going crazy now.
  23. This will turn out to be made of one of two things: Complete Awesome or Total Fail. There will be no in-between.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Which was when she was in her mid 20s. Didn't see the movie, no idea how old she was suppose to be in it. It was a performance worthy of an Oscar nomination as I understand it.
    She played a high school girl, and it was an excellent performance.