Weekend Superheroics, June 23-24
Also, holy ****, what happened to Amon caught me completely by surprise.
If this were a kid's show, that wouldn't have happened.
It's on Nick, the parents of the US will consider it a kid's show. I wouldn't be surprised if parents complained about the end of the water arc in the original show due to it's content. Reminds me about the number of parents who were suckered into bringing their little ones to Bridge to Terabithia thinking it's a fun but a little scary fantasy movie but I digress.
As for Amon, did he die? His skills and reflexes might just kick in. His demise was only implied.
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And of course they wouldn't leave Korra like that before next season, it's still a kid's show. Clifthangers like that upset the little ones to much.
Pretty late into production of Season 1 (or maybe even when it aired or was mostly done), Nick came back and commissioned Season 2. They couldn't really go back and change anything in Season 1, so Season 2 is it's own 14 episode story arc. The original show had three seasons to tell it's story, which is why Korra's pacing is so much faster.
They've also said that they don't know yet if they'll get commissioned to make a Season 3 yet either. Might happen, might not.
But still, very fun.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
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As for Amon, did he die? His skills and reflexes might just kick in. His demise was only implied.
Not to mention they couldn't have been more clear about their deaths unless they actually showed the pair burning alive on that boat up close and personal. Which would have taken away from the impact of the scene. If Amon somehow survived, it would completely ruin that scene, their backstory, and everything season 1 worked towards.
He's dead.
For the record, Young Justice was new as well. Episode seems to be a flashback to the time period of the first season, and focuses on KF.
As for Korra, I love it all. Everything was epic. Now the hard part will be waiting for season 2. We probably got like a year until then....
It will be interesting to see if Korra can only airbend when she is not in the Avatar state.
Kind of sucks with Asami, but ever since Korra was kidnapped, Mako only had eyes for Korra. Maybe she trades in for a better model. Better horsepower, durability, and various luxury features that her old model did not have.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
For the record, Young Justice was new as well. Episode seems to be a flashback to the time period of the first season, and focuses on KF.
But like NBC once said, if you haven't seen it it's new to you (please watch our network).
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
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I am so freaking annoyed. I'm on Directv and right about the time the mines started exploding the show started blinking out about twice per second and became unwatchable. Alternate sources time I guess.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
I think everything on CN was a repeat this week which leaves me ...
The Legend of Korra Well that rocked. Needed more Uncle Bumi than just a cameo. Several people were right about various aspects about Amon (brothers, blood bender). Good to see Asami not being a mole. Someone called how Korra gets airbending. And of course they wouldn't leave Korra like that before next season, it's still a kid's show. Clifthangers like that upset the little ones to much. |
Amon being Tarrlok's brother was somewhat unexpected, but the resolution to that was very poignant. It was pretty obvious that Tarrlok was going to do something as soon as you saw the way he looked on the boat, I wasn't expecting him to blow it up though. Particularly since during the entire episode they had been taking great pains to show the parachutes for the pilots who's planes were destroyed, as if to reassure parents "Look, look! No one was hurt."
I loved Bolin's line about Hiroshi finding time to come up with new evil inventions. Nicely mirror's the audiences view of all the new technology getting added to the show.
I'm really happy that they didn't go all Woman Scorned with Asami and have her jump ship to join her father.
Iroh's voice still doesn't sit quite right with me.

Indeed. I had speculated the possibility of her having her other bending removed and only being able to bend Earth/Water/Fire with the Avatar state. I'm inclined to believe that since she can restore bending to others, that her own bending has been restored though.

Indeed. I had speculated the possibility of her having her other bending removed and only being able to bend Earth/Water/Fire with the Avatar state. I'm inclined to believe that since she can restore bending to others, that her own bending has been restored though.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Personally, I would have liked it if season 2 consisted of Korra having to relearn all of her other bending skills as well as learn a bit of humility, patience and what have you.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
Wow, I really didn't like the ending on Korra at all. The plot holes, and the fact that Team Avatar accomplished nothing themselves, General Iroh was awesome, but mostly a pointless addition late in the game. So, we're supposed to sympathize with Tarlokk now, even though all of his actions throughout the series contradicted the kind of person he was in that flashback. The exposition dump and the lackluster reveal of who Amon really was just disappointed me. How does blood bending mimic spirit bending exactly? We got that info dump, but got a nice little hand wave on that, because Amon was the most super-duper blood bender evar.
I knew they wouldn't leave her without her bending at the end. Asami not being a mole was nice I suppose, but they should ave handled her and Mako's relationship a bit better, at least have Asami encourage Mako to go to Korra when Katara said there was nothing she could do, give some damn closure there.
How did Yakone get away after Aang took away his bending and had him locked up on the street? Was Toph's police force either so corrupt or incompetent that they left one of the most dangerous men in the city just leave?
All in all, the finale on this season didn't do it for me. It was a great build up to it, and I was excited, but got a resounding meh.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
So who wants to start writing the Asami/Iroh slash? Because I'm betting that's the way that's heading.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
So who wants to start writing the Asami/Iroh slash? Because I'm betting that's the way that's heading.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Awesome episode(s). I had correctly speculated a few aspects of it, but I had figured her Avatar state would kick in during her fight with Amon.
Amon being Tarrlok's brother was somewhat unexpected, but the resolution to that was very poignant. It was pretty obvious that Tarrlok was going to do something as soon as you saw the way he looked on the boat, I wasn't expecting him to blow it up though. Particularly since during the entire episode they had been taking great pains to show the parachutes for the pilots who's planes were destroyed, as if to reassure parents "Look, look! No one was hurt." I loved Bolin's line about Hiroshi finding time to come up with new evil inventions. Nicely mirror's the audiences view of all the new technology getting added to the show. I'm really happy that they didn't go all Woman Scorned with Asami and have her jump ship to join her father. Iroh's voice still doesn't sit quite right with me. ![]() Indeed. I had speculated the possibility of her having her other bending removed and only being able to bend Earth/Water/Fire with the Avatar state. I'm inclined to believe that since she can restore bending to others, that her own bending has been restored though. |
I hope she punches Mako in the Deku Nuts....twice.
I loved how she didn't know what she was doing when she airbended so she used her firebending style to Airbend...that made me chuckle!
I think there can be a lot left for season 2. She may know how to energy bend and go into the avatar state but there's still a lot of unanswered questions about the fate of the original avatar team and Korra has a LONG way to go before she can properly Airbend like Tenzen or Aang.
I would love to see Asami and Bolin find someone and we need more Bumi and Tenzen's waterbending sis!

Ultimate Spider-Man: I like that they're doing more with Venom than a one-off appearance. I still struggle with liking this show, though.
Avengers: Good episode. Interesting, in that it seems pretty clear that this Red Hulk is not General Ross. Also, Falcon and Winter Soldier!
Actually, there's a meta reason for that. When they made the first season of Korra, they didn't know if there would be a second season. So they wrote the season as it's own self-contained arc, which means that everything has to be resolved by the end.
Pretty late into production of Season 1 (or maybe even when it aired or was mostly done), Nick came back and commissioned Season 2. They couldn't really go back and change anything in Season 1, so Season 2 is it's own 14 episode story arc. The original show had three seasons to tell it's story, which is why Korra's pacing is so much faster. They've also said that they don't know yet if they'll get commissioned to make a Season 3 yet either. Might happen, might not. But still, very fun. ![]() |
Possibly the plan was to do a three part which would include bits like how Tenzin and his family were caught, how did Naga get into the compound to rescue them, etc.
And how the heck did they NOT think a sequel would be popular. Yes, 70 year time skip, female lead, older cast, but that's perfect for those raised watching the original series. Network execs (shaking head), geez.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
How does blood bending mimic spirit bending exactly? |
The untrained eye wouldn't be able to tell the difference, and for all intents and purposes they achieve the same result.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
My theory on that is that what Amon did wasn't the same as what Aang did. Amon was able to Ki Block the brain with his bloodbending technique, so the power was still there to bend, but the ability to use it is not, and can be reversed. Aang actually took the power out of them, so that it couldn't be restored.
The untrained eye wouldn't be able to tell the difference, and for all intents and purposes they achieve the same result. |
It's entirely possible that given enough time an experienced bloodbender would have been able to figure out how to undo Amon's blocking. It's just that there weren't any experienced bloodbenders*, because bloodbending is illegal.
Katarra was as close as you got, and she's hardly "experienced" with it, having used it all of twice. Beside that Amon's technique was obviously a highly advanced version of bloodbending, so even if she had been a pro at it bloodbending, Amon's skill would still have been very unfamiliar to her.
*Except Tarrlok, who pre-depowering wasn't exactly going to come out and admit it, and who post-depowering could no longer do it anyhow.

My theory on that is that what Amon did wasn't the same as what Aang did. Amon was able to Ki Block the brain with his bloodbending technique, so the power was still there to bend, but the ability to use it is not, and can be reversed. Aang actually took the power out of them, so that it couldn't be restored.
And it may well be that Aang (or another Avatar) _could_ have restored bending that he himself had removed; the subject hasn't come up. Seems unlikely that an Avatar would ever change their mind like that.
I think everything on CN was a repeat this week which leaves me ...
The Legend of Korra
Well that rocked. Needed more Uncle Bumi than just a cameo.
Several people were right about various aspects about Amon (brothers, blood bender). Good to see Asami not being a mole. Someone called how Korra gets airbending.
And of course they wouldn't leave Korra like that before next season, it's still a kid's show. Clifthangers like that upset the little ones to much.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
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