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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    Was anyone else hoping the Doctor's next companion was the crazy Dalek? Could just imagine it now. "Blast! My great weakness. Stairs." Would have certainly been fun with having a crazy dalek as the comedy relief of the show.
    A Dalek companion would have the same problem as K9: Far too many traditional Dr Who plots would be resolved near-instantly when the Companion blows the monster-of-the-week into smithereens.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I get why it was done, basically a set up to wipe the Dalek's obsession with him, but Moffat has shown he can do better.
    Realistically, it shouldn't have even done that. The _Daleks_ might not remember the Doctor; but the rest of the universe does. It won't be very long until they hear stories about the legendary humanoid-in-a-blue-box who is supposed to be a great enemy of theirs, and they're going to get really, really curious about why they don't remember any of it. Obsessively curious, probably.
  3. It'll be a team-up of catgirls riding pastel ponies.
  4. A friend of mine once bought a bunch of Commodore's at an auction. He then used them and some boards to build shelves. They were cheaper than cinderblocks.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Don't you touch my base! Resorting raid functionality means at the very least removing the ability to block rooms with objects and stack things artistically.
    That could be handled: Set a flag on a base to mark it as raidable vs non-raidable. A non-raidable base can stack stuff however you wish, a raidable base must follow the raid-construction rules.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sir Mason Stone View Post
    • How do people trade enhancements between themselves, usually? How many people use Wentworth's to try to get the OF enhancments they're missing?

    I ask because I'm not sure how many times I'll be able to run the event, and would like to get at least one full set.
    To answer that last one: Yes, many people use Wentworth's to get IO pieces they are missing. There are folks right now stockpiling them, with intent to sell them gradually after the event is over. Check the Market Forums for more info, and trading advice.

    At the moment, the Movie Event enhancement set cannot be traded on Wentworth's. That is a bug; expect a patch soon to fix it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Japanese politicians are "seriously considering" making real, working Gundams for their military. Admittedly, it's just aimed at getting the "otaku vote," but if they actually did it? I'd totally move to Japan just so I can live in a country that has giant battle robots protecting it.
    The US military would also dearly love a practical, cost-effective legged vehicle, and have been researching the idea since the 1960's. Admittedly, they mostly have in mind off-road transport vehicles rather than sword-wielding giant soldiers.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Well if it does go splot I think it'll be the first time the US "nuked" another planet. The rover's RTG uses about 5 Kg of Plutonium-238.
    Not the first time; the Viking landers were nuke-powered. Even the MER-class rovers (aka Spirit and Opportunity) had radioisotope heaters.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    So this is the new rover? For the old ones I thought we just put them in big balloon and dropped them, then deflated the balloon and rolled away. I wonder why we couldn't do it that way again.
    The balloon method doesn't scale up very well. It's good for small landers; Spirit and Opportunity were on the jagged edge of the upper weight limit for that technique.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    My theory on that is that what Amon did wasn't the same as what Aang did. Amon was able to Ki Block the brain with his bloodbending technique, so the power was still there to bend, but the ability to use it is not, and can be reversed. Aang actually took the power out of them, so that it couldn't be restored.

    And it may well be that Aang (or another Avatar) _could_ have restored bending that he himself had removed; the subject hasn't come up. Seems unlikely that an Avatar would ever change their mind like that.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
    All mastermind pets are on the list to look at and bring up performance to something significantly above where Mercs are right now. This is a long-term goal (read: not soon) due to the sheer amount of analysis required to simulate all of those various different lists of powers.
    I suspect you could save a lot of time if you replace "analysis" and "simulate" with "Ask Arcanaville". :-)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
    Just caught this Episode and I have to say the stakes just got raised. So the reason why Wally and Artemis quit was more not to tip off M'gann with a stray thought, than them needing to live a normal life.
    We seem to have a setup for M'gann shredding Aqualad's mind, and then realizing that he's a mole *after* turning him into a vegetable.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Also I suspect a large public outcry would occur if Tony or the Avengers were brought up on charges. "They saved the world and you want to prosecute them????"
    Would it be generally understood that the events of Avengers were actually a world-wide threat? All the bad guys actually did was shoot up New York; most folks may not realize how much worse it could have been.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    I need a unicorn to go with my princess hat.
    Given some of the threads around here, would that be a pastel purple unicorn?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm pretty sure if Mjolnir was on the moon, and Superman pushed the moon, Mjolnir would continue to rest on the surface of the moon. I suspect, though, that if Superman tried to move a small enough portion of the moon Mjolnir would then resist that motion because it would interpret that as an attempt to lift it. But how Mjolnir makes that determination is probably unknowable.
    And this can be whittled down to lesser cases, if you consider Thor setting it down or dropping it while in a vehicle.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    I always hated having to ask someone else to open a portal for me. It feels like begging.
    If I'm going to hang out in a heavily-traveled public area, I'll sometimes just drop a portal someplace obvious in case anybody was looking for one, for just that reason.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    One thing that occurs to me is that if Amon wanted to deal some real damage, with minimal effort, he'd eliminate Tenzin. Tenzin is the only airbending master in the world, without him there's no one to train Korra so she can never become a fully realized Avatar.
    Tenzin could likely still *teach* airbending even if unable to actually perform it; the process would just take longer. And I don't think Amon is yet at the point where he can go around killing old men without losing followers.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    1. Superleader gets demoted (or leaves)
    2. Red Star is assigned to "General A", who is qualified by being the toon of the next rank down to have most recently logged in (say, 2 days ago).
    3. "General B" logs in before "General A" logs in again. Star now goes to "General B" because his most recent login now beats "General A".
    Doesn't that work out the same as "Passes to the next character to log in of the appropriate rank"? With a footnote of "There may be some display issues until the login occurs".
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Spandex - every player of a comicbook game should know that
    And remember: There is only one piece of True Spandex, dug out of a crashed flying saucer in 1947. They keep stretching it out and cutting yards off it. This explains why superhero costumes keep getting thinner over the years.....
  20. ...And I found a fix. Seems the problem was caused by turning on "Pointer Trails" under Control Panel. Turned them off, the mouse came back.
  21. Got a problem since this week's update on my laptop: My mouse cursor becomes invisible when the game is running. Works fine everywhere else, but it vanishes as soon as I move it over CoH. By wiggling my mouse around and seeing things highlight, I can tell that the cursor is still *there* and responding to my mouse, but it's frankly impossible to play the game without knowing where it is.
    This is on my laptop, an Asus G53S running Win7. The mouse is the one that came with it.

    Anybody have an idea?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RedLineage View Post
    There is no issues with saying that I am deployed. There is no issues with saying I live in Japan normally. There is nowhere on the internet that I have said where I am deployed. I even turned off location services on Facebook, I really know what I am doing.
    Admit it: You've been deployed to the Shadow Shard!
  23. The new Thundertank has a bridge. Tanks do not have bridges; that thing is halfway to a Thunder-Bolo.
  24. Query: If you were to slot five SBE's in a power, and then use the regular IO version of the proc in the same power, do you get the set bonuses of 5-slotting or 6-slotting?