How to get access to Ouroboros?
See the Entrusted with a Secret badge page. It lists all the ways you can get the badge which gives you the portal.
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At your level, you might want to try grabbing one of the Recluse Victory exploration badges. The PvP areas aren't too densely populated (or, at least, they weren't on Protector when I got the Ouro power for my first character that way).
It's possible to see a "complete" message for Ouroboros, but not actually be done. I've done that a couple of times. If you're still "on a TF" you're not done. Talk to the final contact. Ouroboros should end automatically and disband your TF. If it doesn't you still have a phone call to make.
Also, if you're blueside, you can use a base teleporter to get to the Echo of Galaxy City. Then use the train to exit the zone, which will have an option to go to Ouro.
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yeah check out the badge, it lists the missions. Blueside has a plethora of choices, from Mercedes Sheldon to Faultline to.. like others, I forget all of them, because I typically snag one by either of those 2.
Redside you've got a lot fewer options.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
See the Entrusted with a Secret badge page. It lists all the ways you can get the badge which gives you the portal.
For example, I thought that I had done all the missions form Marshall Brass, but now we have the crystal in the base, I can check if I missed any.
I had forgotten about all the Lord Recluse's Victory options, as I don't like PvP and was around level 30 when I started trying to get this. I'm level 43 now, and maybe that's the way to go now.
It's possible to see a "complete" message for Ouroboros, but not actually be done. I've done that a couple of times. If you're still "on a TF" you're not done. Talk to the final contact. Ouroboros should end automatically and disband your TF. If it doesn't you still have a phone call to make. |
I'm sure I don't have the Ouroboros Portal power.
I will check against the Paragon Wiki page again to see what my options are now. I did it around level 30, and started hunting "time travel missions" as at that point it seemed to be my main option.
I already find putting the Crystal in our base a bit of a cheat, as stoy-wise I think you should only get that after getting access to Ouroboros.
The one arc that always works is the Dark Mirror one starting at level 20 on both sides
You get access to Ouroboros when you finish the last of the two contacts, Field Agent Keith Nance and his superior Something Agent Jenni Adair for heroes and Dean MacArthur and Leonard for villains, because of what you find at the end.
The simplest way, though, is to ask someone else to drop an ouroboros portal and use it to go to Ouroboros, collect the explore badge at the top of the building's point and voila!
I'm guessing the alternate dimension story arcs may possibly award access as well, such as the Destined One arcs in Grandville or the Praetorian arcs in Peregrine Island.
(Edit: Seems the wiki page confirms it.)
If there's no one around to open an Ouro portal, the quickest way (IMO) is to go to Recluse's Victory, go to the train station, and run straight out from the front of the station. You'll end up in a narrow alley. Run for a couple more seconds and you'll get one of the aformentioned exploration badges.
"If you think something is impossible, check your assumptions." -- Atlas Shrugged
If there's no one around to open an Ouro portal, the quickest way (IMO) is to go to Recluse's Victory, go to the train station, and run straight out from the front of the station. You'll end up in a narrow alley. Run for a couple more seconds and you'll get one of the aformentioned exploration badges.
If you do the Doc Delilah arc in Faultline you get the badge for that.
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The one arc that always works is the Dark Mirror one starting at level 20 on both sides
You get access to Ouroboros when you finish the last of the two contacts, Field Agent Keith Nance and his superior Something Agent Jenni Adair for heroes and Dean MacArthur and Leonard for villains, because of what you find at the end. |
Edit: The simplest way, though, is to ask someone else to drop an ouroboros portal and use it to go to Ouroboros, collect the explore badge at the top of the building's point and voila! |
I'm guessing the alternate dimension story arcs may possibly award access as well, such as the Destined One arcs in Grandville or the Praetorian arcs in Peregrine Island. (Edit: Seems the wiki page confirms it.) |
I always hated having to ask someone else to open a portal for me. It feels like begging.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
I'm pretty sure I did that one, I will check when I get home. It's the story where you get a clone of yourself, right?
The arc I am talking about in Grandville is after the patron arc. You do the patron arc(I highly recommend choosing Scirocco for his story and later respeccing into another patron's powers if that matters to you) and end up going through many trips through time, eventually fighting Lord Recluse in the future.
I always hated having to ask someone else to open a portal for me. It feels like begging.
Maybe that is a good thing that there is less time travel though, because that could be very bad for everyone if any low threat thug could go and change history.

There seems to be plenty time travel that doesn't award this badge. For example Cimerora.
It's later revealed that Mender Silos does know all about the Midnighters and their forays into time travel, but if they think that they're being all secretive and hiding from him, who is he to tell them otherwise?
The Midnight Club is actually operating in secret though. Mender Silos expresses surprise, even exasperation, in one of the incarnate arcs when he learns that people are traveling through time via means not known to him or his Menders. So I guess it kinda makes sense that Cimerora would be the one time travel mission you don't get an Ouroboros portal for.
Does he? I might have missed or misread that portion of the dialog then.
I guess they just forgot that(I sure did) when they made Dream Doctor's arc.
Found it -
Nobody should feel like they are begging for help when asking for someone to drop an Ouro portal. Some people go out of their way to drop one for you. Heck I've seen many times where someone in Atlas Park ask for a portal to be dropped under the Atlas statue, next thing you know you got 10 people dropping portals under the statue just for the lulz lol. And if I happen to be in an area where someone needs a portal dropped I'll drop it for them. On villain side though if there isn't anybody in front of the Arbiter you may have to wait a few minutes for someone to come after asking in Help chat. You can almost always find someone willing to help. That's what I like about this game.
Edit: Don't forget, in order to use someone else's portal you need to be at least level 14.
This should have given you the badge unless something is broke. Have you checked to make sure you don't already have the badge an portal?
After you got the Portal and you get to level 14, you can open the portal and get the Chrononaught badge (which will get you Entrusted with the Secret badge).

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I've been trying to get access to Ouroboros for a while now. As I understand it:
1) You basically need to do a time travel mission, which should give you a badge and unlock a power.
2) Or ask someone with access.
Now I don't like the second option. I would like to unlock this access through some kind of mission/story, not just asking someone in global chat. I'll do that if that ends up to be the only way to do it.
I can't find any way to do this though some kind of mission/story. There are two main things I've tried so far:
A) I've done the storyline for the Midnighters that gets you to Crimeroa.
B) I've placed a crystal in our base that gives access to old missions and did one of those story arcs. I did all missions, in the end it says "Completed Ouroboros task force" or something similar.
I'm level 43 now and have no clue what other "time travel" I could attempt to unlock this.
Any suggestions are welcome.