Doctor Roswell

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  1. Doctor Roswell


    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    I support changing Perez Park by burning down the tree maze. That thing's a newbie death trap.

    No matter what level they are, I don't ever even bother with door missions in Perez unless my mission teleporter is recharged to get me in, and I always use an Ouroboros portal to get out. And if by some chance I die and can't rez inside the instance, I'll log out and come back to that mission later. I'm just not dealing with navigating that mess to get back.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Any exclusive that remains PERMANENTLY exclusive is always a bad idea (I'm looking at you Prestige Power Slide). I hope and would have absolutely no problem with the Devs eventually selling this aura in the Paragon Market at some point.
    As someone who has most of the "exclusives" available already, including PPS... I just want to chime in and say I agree with this a hundred and eleventy-one percent.
  3. Also, try the forum specific to the server you're trying to name the character on, since what's available varies from server to server. Virtue, Exalted and Infinity all have threads dedicated to that very subject, and other might too if you search.
  4. Looks like costume codes are the new vanity pets. At least these use existing resources and presumably aren't taking up much dev time. Still, I come to this game because I like designing my own costumes. This costs more than an entire costume pack, and is so much less versatile. Plus, one of the things that's kept me from playing Stone Armor all these years is that the t9 power hijacks my costume and replaces it with an existing model I didn't make... no way am I about to pay extra to make that happen more.

    I haven't been on Beta in weeks; is there an issue with the Cybertech set that's keeping it from going live? Or is it more or less ready at his point and we're just waiting on the release? Because it feels like that one's been there forever.
  5. So, the suggestion then is to add perhaps as many as nine new powers to each and every existing powerset in the game?

    Seems like a lot of work. And money. And time.

    Personally, I'd rather see the devs spend those things on new powersets.

    Maybe -- maybe -- this could work for certain, very specific things, such as allowing (for example) a Ninja mastermind to choose between the recycled Archery attacks they already get, and recycled Katana attacks. But even then I don't think the code currently allows for it.

  6. Also, if it's technically possible... yeah, I'd go for this.
  7. Nope, if you have even a single crab power across any of your builds, you get the backpack. You'd have to respec out on every build to ditch the spider-legs.
  8. Right now, procs have a chance (say, 10%) of going off any time the power they're slotted in is successfully used. As of issue 24, they'll go off a certain number of times per minute (say, 6 PPM) instead.

    Ultimately, whether a proc is better or worse with this change is a matter of where the proc is slotted, mostly because of recharge. Generally speaking, it's going to make slotting a proc in long-recharge powers much more attractive (because the proc will be guaranteed or almost guaranteed to fire every time you activate the power) and in short-recharge powers somewhat less attractive, which is sort of the reverse of the way it works now (where the best way to maximize the percentage-based chance of a proc firing is to use the power it's slotted in over and over in rapid succession).

    Also, there's info on Procs Per Minute on the Wiki. Lots of math, but it's information worth knowing.
  9. Okay, first of all, let's be clear: nobody announced a new round of proliferation yesterday or confirmed anything for issue 25. They spitballed some possible proliferations for the next round, which could be in issue 25. It was presented as, "hey, you know what we could do? This." "Yeah, we could do that. And also this other thing." "Well if we do that other thing, what about that issue with it?" an so on. It wasn't a serious discussion. At most they were dropping a few hints, but that's all.

    That said, it really did sound to me like Synapse had more to say re: his ideas for Stone Armor before ordering lunch sidetracked them. You'd think they'd have an "ON AIR" sign, or at least make sure the rest of the office knew when they were doing these things by yelling "quiet on the set" before they start.

    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    Ice for brutes? does this mean that synapse has figured out a way to make the slows compatible with fury?
    It doesn't sound like it, no. Actually, what they said was that if it ever gets ported to brutes, Ice Armor might end up being a "use at your own risk" set -- that phrase specifically was used. Basically, they're okay with it under-performing (if that's even really the case) as long as players who take it for concept reasons are aware it might be an under-performer mechanically. So, I guess in the same boat as something like Poison or Energy Melee or Any Blast Set That Isn't Fire now.
  10. The vote-caller is kept anonymous for a reason: the kind of player it's supposed to allow them to "vote off the island" is likely being disruptive, irritating, immature or hostile. Those kinds of players are also the type to grief the person who got them kicked off a team as retribution. Sure, the kicked player could always decide to retaliate against everyone, but it's much harder to grief seven people (or more, in the case of leagues) than just one.

    And nobody should ever be penalized for trying to get rid of a disruptive player who's ruining everybody else's fun. Herc is right; if there were a risk of being kicked themselves, nobody would ever use the feature, even when it's warranted.

    To prevent abuse and/or using the vote feature as a form of griefing, it might be okay to give vote-calling a "cooldown" period: if you start a vote to kick someone and it gets shot down (or, hey, maybe even if it doesn't), you can't initiate another vote to kick that player again, nor to kick anyone for, say, fifteen minutes, or until you complete the current mission/trial, or something. But nobody should be able to see that timer except you (and even that's probably not necessary).
  11. I suggest a poison/ninjitsu dominator.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    This will be a "rage over not having enough VIP ponts" week, rather than one of those "rage about not having anything new to spend VIP ponts on" weeks
    A new powerset and a new SSA?

    This is a slap in the face!
  13. I like 'em. I always kind of liked the "generic street gang' aspect of most of the Skulls, but Bone Daddys have screwed up that vibe pretty handily since the beginning anyway. Really, I think a swing toward either of those extremes is an improvement. They didn't seem to have much of a worthwhile identity before.

    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    That may be but to us old timers it was once part of Czechoslovakia and an Iron Curtain country, therefore part of Soviet Eastern Europe Vs NATO's Western Europe.
    Yep, in this case "Eastern Europe" is a cultural distinction, not a geographic one. 90% or so of Russia's land area is technically on the Asian continent, but Russians are hardly what anyone means then they say "Asian people."
  14. And here it is! Turns out they were having some network issues at Paragon Studios. If only they'd told us that up front.

    Also, Hit Streak is going to be in Pocket D again, distributing titles and codes, at 4pm (Pacific) today to make up for it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marshman View Post
    Is it VIP friendly or do I have to pay for this?
    Here's a rule of thumb to answer that question, now and (presumably) in the future:
    • Is the new powerset part of the launch of a new issue? Then it's free for VIPs.
    • Is it a stand-alone market release that's not part of a new issue launch? Then it's a paid-for game add-on.

    Issue 24 didn't go live today, just Nature Affinity. Therefore, Nature Affinity is not free for VIPs.
  16. Very nice. I'll definitely be grabbing this set -- in a few weeks, once the initial glut of Nature Affinitizers dies down. Instead, right now seems like a good time to level a new tank or brute or blaster. Lots of support around.

    Also, a new SSA on the same day as a powerset? Score!

    Also also, it seems like the other sale items really got some thought and consideration this week. If I didn't already have the leaves and Autumn auras, I'd be seriously considering not waiting to grab Nature Affinity and picking up the bundle instead. I like the initiative there -- keep that kind of thing up!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
    I want an explanation.
    Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
    [Admin] NCsoft_Hit Streak: ((Okay, seem shtat we're having some network issues at Paragon Studios.
    Also, bumping posts is against forum rules.

    Just sayin'.
  18. Run the strike force again and use it this time?

    Not a great solution, I admit, but I'm fairly certain it'd work anyway.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Psy hole? It's not typed defense. I don't recall having an issue with psy damage.
    If I'm remembering right, there are some psychic attacks out there that don't have a positional component for whatever reason. Not all of them (most do) but a few. Not enough that it's ever been an issue for my SR scrapper -- if there's a "psi hole" there, it's a very small one.
  20. The premise of "hey, let's do an end-of-the-world event" is solid. The date has been a big deal in pop culture and news for the past year or so; poking fun at it could be, well, fun. The close proximity to Christmas is a bit of a worry, though; won't the winter event presumably already be running at that point?

    The idea of tying it to any currently-practiced real-world religion's end-of-the-world myth is a recipe for disaster. Maybe they could get away with some form of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse or something since that's such an anthropomorphized "end" that could be easily turned into characters for our heroes to fight (as many superhero properties have already done) or Ragnarok since that's a largely-dead belief system and nobody would have to worry about offending anyone by injecting subjective, judgmental and exclusionary language like "true Christians" into a friggin' video game -- one enjoyed by people of many faiths, and many of no faiths at all.

    Maybe it could be tied into existing, in-game mythologies like, say, Mot and the Banished Pantheon. I could definitely see an "end times" event being a good fit in Dark Astoria.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    why would an ice bullet slow someone more than a direct blast of ice or frost breath?
    Because there's also a bullet lodged in their flesh.
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    why would a incindiery round do more than being blasted by straight fire?
    Because there's also a bullet lodged in their flesh.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    I don't think that you can get the value to more than 176% Arcanaville, even with the set bonuses.
    No, you can. But the math is really complicated.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
    Also, they can only draw these types of times one way: full or empty. The character model would either be left holding a sword in their hand with a sword still visible in the sheath, or drawing a sword out of a seemingly empty sheath.
    They say that, but I think the difficulty may be overstated. It explains why creating a scabbard isn't as simple as just making a belt that looks like it has a sword hanging off of it like some people seem to think, but that's all.

    We've had costume parts that change their behavior/appearance based on whether a specific power is active for years now (wings, rocket/winged/piston boots, jetpacks), and auras that only turn on when the character is in a combat stance for a while too. The Vanguard shield has "on" and "off" graphics -- and it even has an animation to transition between the two. I don't see any reason a scabbard couldn't work like the Vanguard shield.

    I think it's more of a "this would be a LOT of work and we're very busy creating other awesome things" situation than a "we don't have the tech to pull it off at all" one.
  24. Because it's good, because it's simple, because variety is nice, because it doesn't prevent me from using a two-handed attack set, because it fits my concept for the character.

    Probably in reverse order, though. Maybe consider that to be something of a countdown from least to most important.
  25. Didn't Nature Affinity and Bio-Armor hit Beta at almost exactly the same time?

    One of them had to come first.