Suggestion: pay points for alternate power animations/models/sound effects
Also, alt animations for Dark Melee. That set has some of the drabbest, laziest animations in the whole game. It doesn't even tint well. Wave your hand at someone, look at some ghostly yarn appear for a moment, rinse and repeat. ~snore~
Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
The 1st word of the title screams that this should be in the suggestion page/forum... bit that's just IMO.
But... good suggestion.
Check out this!!!!
Yeah, I'd do that. Points, money... I'd shell out a hundred bucks to be allowed to play Shield Defense without having to wear a shield or use alternate animations. Just give me the option to give you my money already!
Forum moderators, if you would, please move this thread to the Suggestions forum - thank you.
Mea culpa! I looked under the Development section for a Suggestions forum, never thinking it would be under the "For Fun" section. Yeah, I shoulda used the Search function to find it, but oh well...
Current primary characters, all on Guardian:
The Amber Fist (Elec/Stone Tanker) | Pixelbeater (Fire/Kin Corr) | The Sequencer (Bots/Traps MM)
Blakkat (Claws/Dark Brute) | Mhogus'thra (Ill/Dark Cont) | Wyldhunt (Beast/Dark MM)
Yes. Give me a Siberian Tiger. Now.
EDIT: as for female pets, that's easy for the ones with actual genders. Just make ninjas, thugs, and mercenaries act like Phantom Army: a chance for male or female, but for ninjas you should probably discount huge, because that wouldn't be stealthy.
One thing I'd like to put as "out of scope" for this suggestion: any power effect changes.
For example, any alternate T3 Beast pets would still use exactly same powers with exactly the same effects as the current Dire Wolf. They might just use a different skeleton/skin with different animations/sounds.
For an alternate Granite Armor, I could see a bubble aura having many small floating pieces of flat granite joined by a translucent field. In the Power Customization interface, the primary color would be the adjustable color of the flat granite rocks; the secondary color would be the translucent field. It would still obscure the character's costume somewhat, but would not be a complete model replacement. Other powers in the Stone Armor set could be revamped similarly.
An alternate Ice Armor could be less obscuring - essentially transparent, with more of a mirror/shimmer effect using updated planes/polygons. Just make the vertices much more transparent than currently. An update of Icicles would also be very welcome.
Shield Defense? This set could be envisioned through a force shield which doesn't require the use of a physical device on an arm. Looking over Shield Defense's powers, this wouldn't even break the cottage rule. Yeah, just have the alternate shield model be a floating force (or even physical - you know, floating magic) shield. Hmm, the disallowed melee powerset pairings would still likely be in effect, unless certain powerset combinations could lock out certain powerset animations - in other words, if you choose Shield Defense/Titan Weapons, you could not choose the original Shield Defense animations.
Current primary characters, all on Guardian:
The Amber Fist (Elec/Stone Tanker) | Pixelbeater (Fire/Kin Corr) | The Sequencer (Bots/Traps MM)
Blakkat (Claws/Dark Brute) | Mhogus'thra (Ill/Dark Cont) | Wyldhunt (Beast/Dark MM)
I want the knives of vengeance sirens sonic blast animations.
As much as I'd hate to do it....yes. I would pay to get my peacebringer's old foot stomp animation back for solar flare.
HATE the fact it was changed. Didn't use combat flight on my humanform kheld in combat anyway. Besides, the flavor text in the power itself leads one to believe it's a meant to be grounded power anyway. Plenty of those already in game. Copy/paste from flavor text of power:
You channel the might of your Kheldian energy into the very Earth itself. The ground erupts and cracks with luminous energy, blasting all nearby foes, knocking them back and reducing their Defense. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow
*sigh* yes, I'll pay for alternate animations for kheldians.

Not a bad suggestion, one I can certainly get behind.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
sure, why not!
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Energy transfer and dual blades' thousand cuts. I'd pay money for those changes. Dual blades is such a great set outside its tier 9. Ice and granite changes would be nice too.
"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell
I'd definitely pay for alternate sound effects for some sets.
Street Justice could use a bit more "Oomph".
I'm considering using pink coloured Sonic Blast again for a telepathic character - being able to tweak the sound effects would be a nice bonus.
Beam Rifle gets a bit annoying sometimes.
This idea was first brought up by MM players as a way to obtain alternate pets; however it could be expanded to many other powersets.
How it might work: a player pays Paragon Points for the ability to choose a specific set of alternate animations for a specific powerset. These alternate animations would be chosen through the tailors' Power Customization interface, and could be chosen per power or for the entire set as normal.
I would suggest using 400 as the number of Paragon Points. The reasons are that:
- We're used to this price point for costume options.
- This is an add-on to a powerset. If we're already paying 800 PP for a powerset (which we are in some cases), we might not be willing to pay another 800 for an alternate animation for that powerset.
MM alternate animations might be a special case to be more expensive, as they would sometimes require additional model skeletons/skins to be created.Some suggestions of alternate power animations are (many already have appeared in other forum posts):
Current primary characters, all on Guardian:
The Amber Fist (Elec/Stone Tanker) | Pixelbeater (Fire/Kin Corr) | The Sequencer (Bots/Traps MM)
Blakkat (Claws/Dark Brute) | Mhogus'thra (Ill/Dark Cont) | Wyldhunt (Beast/Dark MM)