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really sad how disrespectfull some of you have acted... stomping on the hope of others is the most distastfull thing one can do.
Hope is the only thing we have... let it go. -
The End has a date. I honestly don't know what to. But I will play to the last minute. -
The why question?
I mean I have toons locked at 30 so they can get lvl 30 drops (that i put on most toons). But if it's for exemp'n down then why not lvl to 50 and make a build that's at 35. Purple set bonuses will still work and your insp tray will be bigger. I have an Ice Tank that is 50 and has a build that uses lvl 20 sets and purples and is tough as nails.
So... my point is... why handcuff yourself to lvl 35?
EDIT: Also... you can add the slots from above lvl 35 to all your sub 36 powers...opens up better builds. -
Last Rising Sun (rerolled from MA/SR scraps) Elec/MA Tanker
The 1st word of the title screams that this should be in the suggestion page/forum... bit that's just IMO.
But... good suggestion. -
So (real fast cause I be work'n)... Mez is fine and yes I do understand the OP. Not all ATs and power sets have mez protection and I find this to be fine. If you give everyone mez protection, then why take Clear mind type powers. And I know that the OP did not say that everyone should get mez protection.
Why do the group of mez'n baddies cause a mez effect on you? And why do you miss a few? Your trying to mez a group and a few miss. If they never missed then why bother playing. Auto hit, is what your looking for and that would be boring after 5 mins. Look at the knockdown proc in bonfire (pre-nerf). Fun for 5 mins and that's it. So we need to miss.
Now if you play at a higher lvl you learn what baddies are threats. The ones that mez need to be stopped. So those high mag hold powers are what you use... first... on them. Then you can spam the lower mag powers. Yes, you will still miss and you should miss.
The baddies don't miss? The OP answered this. If they have more than one Mez and it's a group and your solo. If your on a team and you get mez's it's an aggro issue. The Tanks (and no i do not mean just Tankers) have mez protction. They are supposed to take aggro. If they do, they will get the mez attacks and they will fail to do anything. Lets face it.. the baddies are all dumb. They should target our controllers/doms 1st.
And then...yes... break frees (or someone with a clear mind style power). Its what they are for.
The idea of an mez mini game with botton mashing isn't really the style of game play that this game uses. If I want God of War...i'll play GoW.
The new IO set bonuses have some new Mez Res... that might help. But IMO if it ain't broke.... well you know. -
Last Lizard BS/Regen Brute
Last Zen Staff/Ninja Stalker -
I'm thankfull for what I got. I could list countless sets and powers that are not as good as others, but I have them all and like them all. Our flaws define us from the rabble. I like my trick arrow cause it's not powerfull; It means more to have a lvl 50 TA/A than several other sets. What needs to be fixed? Only what's broken... not what's "under-performing".
Sadly... a change to this Bonfire thing will have to happen. I can farm +4/8 (anything) with NO BUILD. Just that IO. Yea...faster with a build, but my test didn't need it. I also farmed +6/8 (don't ask), took forever to die but was soooo easy.
I love this change to this power, but I know reality. It's gotta go. I'm more upset that the Devs don't test the posible changes before putting them in the game. but i'm sure they are more worried about how to add more dogs to the game. -
At the player summit they were taliking about new sets and I asked "How will this set work in PvP.". I was told that there was no PvP panel at the summit and to stop asking questions about PvP. I found this to be odd since a new power set would be in both PvP and PvE.
Later I got a respose from a RED TAG who said that this is a PvE game and 90% of the population only played PvE. I was also told that when asked 90% said they did not PvP. I thought obout it and went....okay.
Then I really thought about it. If McDonnalds chicken nuggets tasted like pooo and they asked people "Do you eat our nuggets?" People would say no. If thats the case then you wouldn't say.. lets not fix them. If you make the nuggets taste better... more people order the nuggets. So szaying PvP is broken, but NO ONE PLAYS IT... is because it's broken.
I was also told that they had limited programers who are all working of PvE content and could not spare the time to fix PvP. And all i have to say to that is COYOTE TRAVAL POWER. You had time to make that. -
Wow....Please don't confuse "Star" with the lead actor. Not to switch movies on you, but Bat man begins had tons of stars: All who were 100% better than Christian Bale. And in Dark Knight... well it goes without saying that the joker was the star. Bat Man (CB) was the main character, lead actor, top billed all true... but none of those things, alone, define a "star".
Very easy to Aim once you know the size of the bubble. For me, Singy tends to follow me at range. If i pass through the group, he'll be in the group/bubble. He rarely goes in on his own. I've never seen him warp the baddies out of the bubble and would guess it's not gonna happen.
It's a fun power that takes a sharp mind to use. When used by rookies it can be trouble. I've posted this before, but remember to grab the hyperphase temp power. It'll allow you to attack(and be attacked) while the bubbles is up. The point would be if your teammate is dying you can DS and PS and continue attacking from range. Just one of the tricks i use.
Grav/ is my new favorite toy =)
PS: IDK is Singy can attack while I'm PS'd (attacking phased baddies)... I'll test it. -
If my control Hybrids got it (and It's every attack), then Assult should get it. IMO
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Quote:I tend to leave this alone, but since you sound like jerk... i'll toss this out there. You do not have a defense cap'd toon. You went to great lengths pointing out that the OP didn't understand the game machanics and would not understand these posts. Well your not helping. You may be at the defensive soft cap (and there is more than one depending on what your fighting), but you are not built to the defensive cap. Normally I think we are all on the same page and I let it go when someone slips and doesn't say soft cap, but if your talking to a newer player you may be causing added confusion. Further more... if you did get to the defensive hard cap you'd be way over what is needed and most likely would have a gimped build.The Force Field Generator is up every 4 minutes. At level 50 the recharge is down to several seconds compared to its standard 15 second recharge.
I do not need to place down trip mines like a scrub device player would ( mind you I have a 50 ar device blaster with incarnates ). Since I am defense capped I can place trip mines down at will in the mix of a fight. Whereas a Device player is stuck to placing them at the start of a fight.
My response was simply to your Traps is overrated. My point was to express how good traps is. That it is one set that can be used regardless of what primary or secondary you have based on your AT that can be used without the need of any power from that other set. Not many power sets can boast that.
As an example If you had a robot time and I had a robot traps and decided for some reason we could not summon our pets, I would still be able to solo a mission on 2/8 or even 4/8 with the use of incarnates where as you would be completely dependant on the DPS of your incarnate ability. Where as I would be able to produce dps and defense and debuffs with traps alone.
I don't know about you or anyone else but with 1 Triage beacon my Regeneration is up to about 550%. With 2 Triage beacon running I am at over 800%, which is completely doable since I have a 30 second window of having 2 triage beacon running at the same time. Further with the cost decrease of some IOs recently I also have Panecia in the Triage Beacon for additional bonuses. Mind you also that bonus works for EACH Triage Beacon I have out.
I am not disputing Times ability line alba just posted a very nice Time DP Defender doing solo ITF with all incarnates slotted.
All I am saying is Traps is not overrated. Again petless mastermind doing 2/8 pre-incarnate and doing 4/8 with incarnates. Soloing AVs or should say Heros on villain side. So if I am doing with without pets now imagine what pets can do.
And how does this help the OP of this post. Well again goes back to my original statement of knowledge of game mechanics.
Also... all the other posts were helpfull to the OP and others. You are just here to brag. And what your bragging about is soooo not worth the time to post it. Your petless MM is not new... not impressive... and your coments are useless. OP needs to learn the game machanics and you don't bother teaching themand or pointing him in the right direction. Go tell your mom about your petless MM and all it's done... she might care -
So... my blasters are a Fire/Fire and an Elec/Elec. I solo fine and I team very well. I take pride in the fact that I don't die. Yes... on teams we may have a team wipe, but I'm not face planted like I hear about.
Now with the Elec/Elec I know why I live. Tesla Cage (a hold), Shocking Grasp (a hold). If you target the right baddies you can even the playing field. Then DPS like crazy. Of course now that I'm 50 I have ranged def softcap'd and a lot of recharge and ACC. So I can perma hold 2 toons.
Fire/Fire is a bit diff. I DPS like made before they kill me. Rain of Fire makes some of the baddies run (running = no attacking). The damage output is crazy. Two builds: S/L S cap and a Ranged S. Cap. Both with godlike recharge and ACC.
So my point? There are tools in the game that can keep you alive. Regen Scrappers and Ninjitsu Stalkers know this. Using what you have and learning your limitations IS the point. I just started playing Doms and have found that they are a lot like blasters. They have more of these tools, but still need to use what they have to get by.
Blasters damage isn't broken IMO. Best ranged damage in the game. Defense is easy to get with IOs and they shouldn't (but can) survive as well as a scrapper. YOU CAN ATTACK while mez'd. That's something the others can't boast.
I have one of every type of blaster. Most are level 30ish. Not all are great, but they shouldn't be. The need for this game to be balanced is the need for this game to be pointless. If I roll a trick arrow/arrow fender (who solos) it is for a challenge. Balance reduces the challenge.
There is the same thread on fixing Tankers. And MMs. And Defenders. And... ext. I say we let the dev make us new power sets and maybe some new content (if it isn't the same zone, but with diff baddies in it =P ). If they don't want to waste time on PvP, gladiators, AE, ext.... Then why fix the weak link (if blasters are a weak link).
I'd rant further, but I gotta get back to work
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What if there was an interface you could go into to slot your toon with SBEs (store bought enhancements).I realize this wouldn't be good for everyone, but hear me out.
You make a build on Mids hero creator. You respec and choose the powers and slots you need. Then you slot all the enhancements you have, but realize your dream build needs a lot more. You then click the BUILD MARKET button. It's like the Pargon Market button. It takes you to an interface that is a lot like Mids. The powers and slots are locked. Your current enhancements are all plugged in. Maybe it will show stats (but not really needed).
From here you have every IO,HO,SO....ext. As you plug in the things you want/need for that dream build a running total of pargon points shows up in the top corner of the screen.
So you add LotG sets. a purple set, and a Gladiator Proc. The total in pargon point will tell you how much it costs.
When you checkout all the IOs are all ready slotted. This would save time for the buying, claiming, and slotting. Also, it would make sense to add a discount to this system. Sure a purple set (on sale) is 1000. So lets say you want 5 purple sets. Make it discount in some way like: 1000 points - full price The next 1000 points - 25% off next -50% off.
This would encourage the use of the system and will be a cash cow for the game. I rarely buy SBEs, but if I could get a good(better) deal on them I would buy them.
Also adding a SAVE build feature, or a wishlist would be great. VIP players who get "free" points could slowly add the IOs they need as they earn points.
Now this whole idea was a random thought and I know it could be explored and made even better. -
Tanks seem broken cause the RED side Tanks (Brutes) can do more damage? What, there was the same argument made for scrappers, because Brutes can put up better damage numbers and survive more aggro? I've read posts on this thread that say buff the tanks. I do like the aggro cap idea, but it would lead to more farming (my fire tank likes this idea the most).
Now my first response to this thread was that tanks are fine. I do see that in later lvls and with good builds and incarnates that the rest of the pack catches up to the tankers. I think we want the wrong things buffed.
Go right now and join a random PUG team or TF. My money is w/o a tank you'd still fly though the game and be fine. You also didn't stand at the door waiting for a healer or debuffs. That's where this problem comes from (in part). Once was a time that you couldn't set a TF to -1. And teams not fighting purple patches of baddies were considered weak (yea... we never told you to your face...sorry). Everything given to us in this game has made the bad guys weaker and weaker. BUFF THE BAD GUYS.
I can remember on my first toon that we would struggle at times.... on missions.... yea! Sometimes finding a tank(er) and someone to keep the tank alive (tanks used to die =[ ) was the only way to get through. Later some of this was fixed with "game balancing". Another thing was the sidekick system was fixed (fix anything and you brake another).
Todays game can bore the heck outta me, but I still love this game (weird). Before posting this I was solo +3/8 with a lvl 37 grav/psi dom (not bragging..making a point) and I never died once. I Tank (herd) with my fire/kin fender. I herd the aggro cap (hotfeet herds better than those WP tanks =p ) to a corner and melt them. +4/8 (S/L baddies and no imps). \
We solo TFs and Trials and GMs and laugh at AVs. The game has not kept up with the players. When was the last time you went to bloody bay for a temp power 'cause you actually needed it?
The fix. #1) Get rid of -1 (maybe 0). #2) Buff all bad guy groups. Add more of what we hate... sappers and ummm I could only think of sappers. #3) Buff tanks... just a slight def/res increase per badguy and an increase in max health per teammate on the tanks team. #4) don't stop at 4... +5/8 +7/8... and give a greater chance of rare drops if set above +4.
Giving tanks more damage would make them loose their idenity. Making an enviroment where we will once again ask "do we have a tank?" will make Tankers what they all ways should have been. And will revive the healer market as an added bonus.
You can find +5 and greater in zones... I'd bring a tank.
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I agree... Grav/ is awesome. I was on a team with a nervous tank who didn't like aggro. So I started pulling mobs into corners with wormhole. Makes things sooo much easier.
Dimentional shift CAN be very useful. Best example is on a Sister TF when you need to defeat the boss and it's like 4 groups all stacked on each other (a good team makes this a non-issue). Once you aggro and get a few too many adds... hit DS. It's all about placement. Use it to catch a handfull of the adds. Once your team evens the odds... be ready to toggle DS off.
DS was a broken power, but now it's not bad. I think it's also about having teammates who are aware of how it works. Lots of people still think the phased baddie can't be attacked. Inside the "bubble" anyone can attack anyone. Also... anyone who is "phased" can attack others that are phased. So if you play with a static team... get them to get a phase temp power. They can attack from outside the bubble(and be attacked).
I understand that these kind of tactics are not great for PUGs, but it has it's uses. -
I don't PL peeps any more. But, It's true that it's not about the tickets. If you want to farm tickets do so on your own time. Sure you can work out some sort of deal, like 5 ticket runs is worth 1 full run. I just think if your providing a service you need to do what the customers wants.
These are the reasons I don't PL. It's not worth the infl. And, if you play regularly you shouldn't need infl (I need more things to spend infl on than more infl).
I farm tickets for salvage (stored in 3 bases so I never buy salvage). I also farm pretige for new SGs (rarely charge).
There's nothing special about farming in this game. It's easy and everyone does it (to some point).
PS: not gonna give it up... but on any door mission a person can farm +7/8. Tough as nails to fight but unreal xp/infl/prestige output... and fun. I'm sure you're all smart enough to figure out the HOW. GL =)
PSS: fire/kins can farm almost anything (with Mez protection). W/o it just has to be things that rarely mez. Yes.. Battle maiden, Family, and Counsil are all fine.. Family can take some skill. Remember to set the mission for no bosses by spawning the map and then inviting your friends. -
Just cause Rad Armor was the "voted" (<--LOOK QUOTES) on set at the player summit does not mean it's going to be made. Watch the U-stream they tell the process. It does mean it's more likely then [enter random made up power set] but isn't a lock.
To avoid confusion, I'm talking Rad Armor... Bio Armor will come out. And I doubt we'll get 2 Melee armor sets in one year. Maybe 4 animal travel powers, but not 2 melee armor sets.
Edit: I think it'll cap toxic RES.... just a guess -
I might be missing something... but that link takes us to a forum post that is talking about SBEs and not ATOs.... it's just making the SBE work like normal procs.
Edit : Never mind I did find info in that post.... Still not a very clear answer, but when have Red Tags ever given a clear answer. -
Everything can use more anything.... but storm is fine as is. But, add damage to it. I have a lvl 50+3 earth/storm troller. Earth has low damage and storm has great damage (for a debuff set). This makes the guy a DPS machine. If you wanted to add "damage" to any debuff power set, I'd say add Res Debuff to it (storm has really good Res Debuff). Res Debuff = more damage.
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Anyone hink they should follow the diablo 3 market. Buy and/or SELL in game items for real money. Sell all those Purples you have stock piled for real cash =p
I don't think it's a healthy idea... but i wanted to throw it out there.