What would be the "safest" primary/secondary combo?
Frankly, any Mastermind is going to be pretty good for solo play. You're a one man army, the only time you may have problems on your own is hitting an elite boss or the like. There are 'bad' Primaries, but that's pretty subjective and even the worst primary still makes a more solo'able character than say, most blasters.
Two strong combos off the top of my head are bots/traps and zombies/dark.
Bots/traps synergizes well because one of the bots has a defense shield and traps has the forcefield generator, resulting in some very nice stacked defenses, which can be boosted even higher with certain unique invention enhancements. You've also got good debuffs with the Acid Mortar (reduces resistance and defense) Poison Trap (can hold foes and -floors- their health regeneration) and seeker drones (Good to summon in a spawn to draw their alpha, then explodes and can stun and drops their to-hit)
Alternately, Bots/Force Field. Same idea, stacking the big Defense shields on top of each other.
Zombies/dark miasma is a lil squishier but Dark has a -lot- of tools for survivor, almost everything that targets enemies causes a -to Hit, which is as good as adding defense. it's got very strong enemy targeted heal, a debuff slow patch, an aura that gives stealth, defense and certain types of resistance, a rez, an extremely good fear power, a hold, an ally rez that doubles as a stun and floors regen. It's an amazing little tool box.
I'm sure others can talk more about good comboes. Heck, 'Beast' is considered one of the lower tier primaries but I've been having a blast with my beast/time (between fortify pack and far sight, I can nearly soft cap defense for a boss battle).
Demons and Bots, I consider, the easiest 2 MM primaries, due to good defence and a few nice melee attacks.
Thug requires a little more control but is still very good.
As for secondry, time is awesome, gotta say. Defence, some control, some heals, all sorts.
Bots/Time is incredibly safe and incredibly powerful combo.
You actually use the Bots ranged attacks to your advantage. With /Time its incredibly simple to softcap your defenses...all of them actually. Just dip into the Patron pool to get Powerboost and you then powerboost Farsight to get a massive bump in defense to whatever you can fit in from IO's. Search around the forums because someone recently posted a build that shows how easy this combo is to cap all defenses, even some of them for Incarnate trial purposes (where the defense softcap is 65% vs 45% for normal PVE stuff).
The play mechanics of the set are a bit redundant but that's what makes it simple:
1) Jump into middle of spawn with Times Juncture running. This debuffs the entire spawns ToHit which, on top of your capped defense, means you pull all the aggro onto yourself and remain perfectly safe.
2) Drop Distortion field for even more debuffing and to keep everything locked down.
3) Bots open up from range as you get the alpha, they start cooking your held and debuffed spawn while you stand in the middle and debuff the snot out of the boss and/or LT's.
4) Anything that survives the ranged salvo from bots (love those AoE's they pump out), the bots then close the distance and engage in melee.
Rinse and repeat....you also get a huge recharge bonus with /Time so this tactic works every single spawn. Quite easy to solo +2/x8 even at lower levels, and +4/x8 by time you are fully IO'd. Oh and the builds I've seen don't even need any purples so cheap to outfit to boot.
Its a great, simple and safe combo. Have fun!
**Edit** Here's the thread where I got my build from player Crisys. Its really the cheapest and yet most effective build I've ever played for an MM. Blows my Bots/Traps monster out of the water.
Bots/Traps is a juggernaut! Very safe, very formidable damage.
Bots/FF is undoutedly the safest, and it is probably the biggest snore.
Bots are good against lethal damage, so the gun wielders in the early levels are pretty well outmatched by laser fire from the robots. Robots bubble themselves starting with the 2nd tier pet at level 12. Another feature is their knockback in their attacks. This can be frustrating, but with experience you can actually focus the knockback push foes into walls and obstacles. The benefit of this is the AoE incendiery missiles that light patches of robotic death on the ground.
Bots/Traps is sturdy and straightforward in application. It will not let you down.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
What Psy said. Bots/FF is easily the easiest and safest combination, but is boring as heck. You literally won't be doing anything besides maybe tossing out Aid Other on your bots.
Bots/Traps requires you to actually lay your traps down...and not much else.
I'd call Thugs/Dark rather safe too, but that's because Dark is ridiculous.
Guys thanks for all that but I have a question (actually sent in a ticket about this): I got used to using the thugs up to level 10. When I put them to defensive stance and then tell them to attack something, they kill it and anything else attacking them/me (which is what I think they're supposed to do). But with bots they switch from defensive to agressive and stay in agressive stance when I tell them to attack and end running off and constantly fighting.
I tried demons just now and the same thing happened but only for a moment. They switch to agressive for about 5 seconds then back to defensive which is fine since usually it takes more than five seconds to kill everything.
So is it a bug with the bots?
Anyway, so far I didn't really like the thugs (admittedly I only did play to level 10). They seemed far too weak in terms of being able to be kept alive. I went with dark as a secondary power but I dunno, it just seemed like one of them was always around 1/3 health (with me spamming the level 1 heal and using inspiration healing on them). The bots seem stronger (although I'm only level 4) and do pack a bit of a punch, too. But the problem I mentioned above is really putting me off them.
What are demons and zombies like? I know people say demons/thugs/robots are tied for top three (more or less) but what makes demons good? Is it just the variety of damage types they can put out.
Is necromancy actually good in endgame stuff since I am fond of soloing stuff but I'm somewhat worried that necromancy might not be good. I just sort of picture the zombies as well... zombies (slow and sluggish). Or are they actually good in melee and can hold their own compared to bots or thugs?
And why do people say Commandos are bad?
Oh and I went FF with the bots; I'm enjoying it so far. Wil lthe first level ability still hold up at endgame? (it just knocks people down but it's pretty useful)
Guys thanks for all that but I have a question (actually sent in a ticket about this): I got used to using the thugs up to level 10. When I put them to defensive stance and then tell them to attack something, they kill it and anything else attacking them/me (which is what I think they're supposed to do). But with bots they switch from defensive to agressive and stay in agressive stance when I tell them to attack and end running off and constantly fighting.
I tried demons just now and the same thing happened but only for a moment. They switch to agressive for about 5 seconds then back to defensive which is fine since usually it takes more than five seconds to kill everything. So is it a bug with the bots? Anyway, so far I didn't really like the thugs (admittedly I only did play to level 10). They seemed far too weak in terms of being able to be kept alive. I went with dark as a secondary power but I dunno, it just seemed like one of them was always around 1/3 health (with me spamming the level 1 heal and using inspiration healing on them). The bots seem stronger (although I'm only level 4) and do pack a bit of a punch, too. But the problem I mentioned above is really putting me off them. |
The problem with your pets going into aggressive is most likely from using the "Attack" command you get by default in your power trays, this turns all pets aggressive. To avoid this make a simple macro "/macro Attack "petcom_all defensive attack" that way they will stay defensive, later you can setup macros for individual pets with a bit more complexity.
That's my 2 inf, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I'm on my phone lol
Guys thanks for all that but I have a question (actually sent in a ticket about this): I got used to using the thugs up to level 10. When I put them to defensive stance and then tell them to attack something, they kill it and anything else attacking them/me (which is what I think they're supposed to do). But with bots they switch from defensive to agressive and stay in agressive stance when I tell them to attack and end running off and constantly fighting.
I tried demons just now and the same thing happened but only for a moment. They switch to agressive for about 5 seconds then back to defensive which is fine since usually it takes more than five seconds to kill everything. So is it a bug with the bots? Anyway, so far I didn't really like the thugs (admittedly I only did play to level 10). They seemed far too weak in terms of being able to be kept alive. I went with dark as a secondary power but I dunno, it just seemed like one of them was always around 1/3 health (with me spamming the level 1 heal and using inspiration healing on them). The bots seem stronger (although I'm only level 4) and do pack a bit of a punch, too. But the problem I mentioned above is really putting me off them. What are demons and zombies like? I know people say demons/thugs/robots are tied for top three (more or less) but what makes demons good? Is it just the variety of damage types they can put out. Is necromancy actually good in endgame stuff since I am fond of soloing stuff but I'm somewhat worried that necromancy might not be good. I just sort of picture the zombies as well... zombies (slow and sluggish). Or are they actually good in melee and can hold their own compared to bots or thugs? And why do people say Commandos are bad? Oh and I went FF with the bots; I'm enjoying it so far. Wil lthe first level ability still hold up at endgame? (it just knocks people down but it's pretty useful) |
The three basic commands you get in the Power Tray are a bit flawed. Rt-click on them and select 'Edit' and you can edit them. Change Attack Aggressive and Follow Aggressive to Defensive. Now when the pets follow you they won't run off and attack unless you or they are attacked. When you tell them to Attack something they'll kill it, kill anything around it, then return to you.
Experiment with the commands on slower missions until you feel comfortable.
"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"
Guys thanks for all that but I have a question (actually sent in a ticket about this): I got used to using the thugs up to level 10. When I put them to defensive stance and then tell them to attack something, they kill it and anything else attacking them/me (which is what I think they're supposed to do). But with bots they switch from defensive to agressive and stay in agressive stance when I tell them to attack and end running off and constantly fighting.
I tried demons just now and the same thing happened but only for a moment. They switch to agressive for about 5 seconds then back to defensive which is fine since usually it takes more than five seconds to kill everything. So is it a bug with the bots? Anyway, so far I didn't really like the thugs (admittedly I only did play to level 10). They seemed far too weak in terms of being able to be kept alive. I went with dark as a secondary power but I dunno, it just seemed like one of them was always around 1/3 health (with me spamming the level 1 heal and using inspiration healing on them). The bots seem stronger (although I'm only level 4) and do pack a bit of a punch, too. But the problem I mentioned above is really putting me off them. What are demons and zombies like? I know people say demons/thugs/robots are tied for top three (more or less) but what makes demons good? Is it just the variety of damage types they can put out. Is necromancy actually good in endgame stuff since I am fond of soloing stuff but I'm somewhat worried that necromancy might not be good. I just sort of picture the zombies as well... zombies (slow and sluggish). Or are they actually good in melee and can hold their own compared to bots or thugs? And why do people say Commandos are bad? Oh and I went FF with the bots; I'm enjoying it so far. Wil lthe first level ability still hold up at endgame? (it just knocks people down but it's pretty useful) |
In the case of the necros, the zombies don't get their self heal until the second upgrade at level 32! Certain secondaries can really assist the zombies' toughness. Thermal, Sonic(!), and storm synergize well. Again, late blooming, the grave knights are VERY fearsome melee attack pets when upgraded twice.
Demons are tough, they heal themselves, they have a resistance shield. The demons have multiple damage types: fire, cold, lethal, range, melee, AoE. The apparent weakness of demons is they burn a LOT of endurance. Slotting for all their needs tends to have a the player make compromises in maxed out damage or accuracy. The Demon Prince is solid, tends to play more like an ice dominator at times, but when the Demon Prince gets the second upgrade - he is a MONSTER, a BEAST. When the ice sword comes out, he kicks butt and takes names.
Force bolt is a good power. It's not the "I win" button, but it is useful. When you get repulsion bomb, you will have a decent fill chain for your mastermind. If you have the veteran staves or even build some cheap temp powers like plasmatic taser, you will have some tricks to keep involved in the action. Stun grenades is another temp power worth having in the utility belt.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Same Idea defense... Bots/Dark. The -ToHit stacks with defense giving you similar results as traps and FF. My decision on going dark is that I hate FF (very boring set imo) and the setup time of traps I didn't like (played traps first). Dark has a AoE heal, -Dmg, -ToHit, -Res with slow, -Regen, cone Fear, ST Hold, debuffing pet (more defense) and a team rez with a stun attached.
EDIT: Forgot to mention SF - Team stealth plus resistance to energy, neg energy, PSI, fear and Defense.
/traps is overrated. You might get away with it in normal content but its not remotely safe in I content. Especially in the new nightward content where it's just heavy commando/troopers spamming swarm missiles. No heals means you die quick.
/traps is overrated. You might get away with it in normal content but its not remotely safe in I content. Especially in the new nightward content where it's just heavy commando/troopers spamming swarm missiles. No heals means you die quick.

And yes, healing has its place. But not getting hit in the first place is pretty awesome, too.
I think (in regards to the OP's questions) bots/ff seems so safe in that a) it is fire and forget, and b) it is forgiving to user error. Because more often than not masterminds get destroyed when they stay in BG mode during an AoE attack (cascading failure due to minion loss), or the character fails to manage aggro. Overall this is one of the safest AT's - even the sets that are relatively low performing. And once a player gets some basic commands feeling comfortable, learns the benefits and restrictions of bodyguard mode, and groks the importance of positioning, things get MUCH easier.
OP - I pretty much enjoy all the mastermind primaries. It certainly is true that the AT suffers from level 18 until 24. If you have not read these, check out the following guides:
Dechs Kaison's GD Mastermind - takes you off-site but kicks some major pancake.
Master Zaprobo's Guide to the Modern Mastermind
Good luck!
I think the OP has somewhat a lack of understanding of the game mechanics. Because if he did then he would understand the tankermind concept from reading the sticky and about the -ToHit Debuff of Dark.
Telling someone that Robot FF is the safest alone is not enough because a poorly slotted Robot FF is going to suck as well.
I find this type of thread similar to what is the best farming brute threads.
If you learn how the math works behind the game then you can figure out what the best is in every AT and not just Masterminds. You will know what the safest is in every AT and which is the weakest or at least, the least acceptable to you.
Having a Defense cap Traps toon in every AT and a petless DS Traps mastermind that can solo 4/8 I have to disagree with Dz131. Traps is one of the best well rounded sets ever produced in this game. Yes Time set is good but to gain maximum benefit from Time you still have to spam 1 power every 119 seconds to be afford max benefit in the Time set. You do not need to do anything of the sort with Traps.
Further I would like to see any secondary from the Mastermind set or many other AT secondaries that can solo 2/8 at a minimum with just using secondary alone. I know I can with just using Traps. No other set can boast that. Again seeing that I have a DS Traps I have proven exactly what I have stated. Further as always, I would gladly show anyone otherwise of a solo traps performance.
But if the OP understood the game mechanics then he could answer and validate all these questions and statements.
The info given was great but no one even asked if he knew what he was reading.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives
First of all that's not right. You need to spam just as many skills as traps, including the shield drone that's prone to get killed can lags behind when you move. If you count preemptive putting down mines when you solo, that's ALOT more skill spam than /time.
With regards to soloing with only traps....well I don't see how that's relevant. Anyone can solo if you set up enough trip mines everywhere, hell you can probably solo x8 with just the trip mine skill, but that doesn't make it better than all other skills. The other sets just focus alot more on buffs, debuffs and heals rather than damage...very slow interrupt-able damage that's impracticable in fast teams.
Nightwards a couple of things. I guess I mis read the combat log so I think it is still using the 45% hit cap, which good because otherwise it'll be like pulling teeth. The heavy troopers have a stacking aoe mez in nerve gas, then they have literally no skills other than swarm missile variants and that one mez, so that's all they're going to use.
But the thing that completely blows is the fact not only does basically every mob have *** loads of AOE but half of them can summon a battle orb that gives an aoe stacking +hit or a stacking +def buff or a healing/rez orb. So if you're unlucky and get 2 +hit battle orb's you're basically done with so many aoes even with /dark debuffs and mezes. Traps and it's no heals is not surviving that, especially since with traps need the player to run in with the mobs to leverage the shield drone.
edit: I'm talking about 54x8
edit: Actually, I guess if you set up 20 mines before the battle you might survive it.
The problem with your pets going into aggressive is most likely from using the "Attack" command you get by default in your power trays, this turns all pets aggressive. To avoid this make a simple macro "/macro Attack "petcom_all defensive attack" that way they will stay defensive, later you can setup macros for individual pets with a bit more complexity.
MM's are my absolute fav AT!
And, to add a couple more inf to the pot, I want to reiterate that all MM are rubbish until you get to lvl 26, when you get the 2nd tier "equip" power. Granted some more than others, sure. At that point you'll have all 6 henchmen and both levels of equip/train/etc. This is where they really shine and you can really see what they're worth.
I've played nearly all mastermind primaries to at least lvl 20. They all suck, and all die very quickly if not managed well....even the so-called "toughest" of the group, such as bots, thugs, and demons. If you don't have any tohit or def debuffs, they will die. If you as the MM don't have a heal, you will lose henchmen. Your def caps won't come until much later in the game, unless you already have boatloads of inf to spend, but even then you can't get anything useful until level 20.
My absolute fav, which nobody has mentioned, is ninja/FF. By lvl 26 with all FF on, they are at 40.65% def. Add grant inv and they have capped at 46%. But, they still die, I still have to constantly spam heal other (which sucks in combat, btw)
Next fav is Thugs/dark. Their damage is almost as good as ninja, but are a little bit tougher and carry additional buffs with the enforcers. They last about as long as ninjas do, but without the defense.
Personally, I don't like demons and bots...but more for aesthetics. They are ugly, loud, and soooooo slooooowwww. They may deal more damage per attack, but their attacks are at about 1/3 the rate of ninjas.
It all comes down to your play style. I like the fast paced nature of ninjas. Imho, I don't think any MM are truly "safe". They take a fair bit of work to manage, will die very easily in one fell swoop if left unattended, and they are all different and effective in their own rite. Also, playing with teams takes an entirely different approach, and you may want to have a 2nd build for teams, where you can sacrifice some support for more damage or your own attacks. (Mine usually have absolutely ZERO attacks until I get to epic pools while soloing).
Oh, and please read the guide to the "****** Mastermind". it should be required reading for all new MM's. It is pretty good at explaining the basics of control and combat, and then delves pretty deep into the mechanics.
Long live the mastermind!
SevTheMind: Ninja/Force Field Mastermind (main), SevTheSav: Stone/Regen Brute SevTheShocker: Claws/Electric Brute,SevTheComet: Fire/Pain Corruptor,SevTheSaint: Illusion/Radiation Controller,SevTheShaft: Dual Pistols/Devices Blaster,SevTheSuave: Mind/Dark Dominator,SevTheDevv: Demon/Dark Mastermind (redside),SevTheCinder: Fire/Fire Blaster (Praetoria)
First of all that's not right. You need to spam just as many skills as traps, including the shield drone that's prone to get killed can lags behind when you move. If you count preemptive putting down mines when you solo, that's ALOT more skill spam than /time.
With regards to soloing with only traps....well I don't see how that's relevant. Anyone can solo if you set up enough trip mines everywhere, hell you can probably solo x8 with just the trip mine skill, but that doesn't make it better than all other skills. The other sets just focus alot more on buffs, debuffs and heals rather than damage...very slow interrupt-able damage that's impracticable in fast teams. edit: I'm talking about 54x8 |
I do not need to place down trip mines like a scrub device player would ( mind you I have a 50 ar device blaster with incarnates ). Since I am defense capped I can place trip mines down at will in the mix of a fight. Whereas a Device player is stuck to placing them at the start of a fight.
My response was simply to your Traps is overrated. My point was to express how good traps is. That it is one set that can be used regardless of what primary or secondary you have based on your AT that can be used without the need of any power from that other set. Not many power sets can boast that.
As an example If you had a robot time and I had a robot traps and decided for some reason we could not summon our pets, I would still be able to solo a mission on 2/8 or even 4/8 with the use of incarnates where as you would be completely dependant on the DPS of your incarnate ability. Where as I would be able to produce dps and defense and debuffs with traps alone.
I don't know about you or anyone else but with 1 Triage beacon my Regeneration is up to about 550%. With 2 Triage beacon running I am at over 800%, which is completely doable since I have a 30 second window of having 2 triage beacon running at the same time. Further with the cost decrease of some IOs recently I also have Panecia in the Triage Beacon for additional bonuses. Mind you also that bonus works for EACH Triage Beacon I have out.
I am not disputing Times ability line alba just posted a very nice Time DP Defender doing solo ITF with all incarnates slotted.
All I am saying is Traps is not overrated. Again petless mastermind doing 2/8 pre-incarnate and doing 4/8 with incarnates. Soloing AVs or should say Heros on villain side. So if I am doing with without pets now imagine what pets can do.
And how does this help the OP of this post. Well again goes back to my original statement of knowledge of game mechanics.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives
Look, guys, I appreciate everthing thus far. I basically meant "what's least likely to get me killed while learning the game".
Granted, this does have different mechanics compared to other games for the most part but it's not really anything other than reading the wiki and honestly, it doesn't seem that difficult to get into things. I get the idea of the various debuffs/buffs/resistences/etc.
Still, one thing really bothers me about MMs, the fact that it seems like most of the powers have really, really long recharge times and while I do get that the minions are going about 95% of the work, it still seems like I'm going to be just standing around.
So when people are making builds and such, are the builds set in stone or could (for example) just throw in an enhancement that reduces the recharge speed on an ability or two? So far it doesn't look like it's like World of Warcraft with the talent builds (where you maybed changed one or two points and that was that) and seems to be more "this is good, this is not so good but it's personal choice and can easily hold up on its own" since people aren't going X/Y powersets and not playing others.
Anyway, speaking generally, are most MM primaries/secondaries equal (at least in being able to solo endgame stuff) or do any stand out in particular?
The Force Field Generator is up every 4 minutes. At level 50 the recharge is down to several seconds compared to its standard 15 second recharge.
I do not need to place down trip mines like a scrub device player would ( mind you I have a 50 ar device blaster with incarnates ). Since I am defense capped I can place trip mines down at will in the mix of a fight. Whereas a Device player is stuck to placing them at the start of a fight. My response was simply to your Traps is overrated. My point was to express how good traps is. That it is one set that can be used regardless of what primary or secondary you have based on your AT that can be used without the need of any power from that other set. Not many power sets can boast that. As an example If you had a robot time and I had a robot traps and decided for some reason we could not summon our pets, I would still be able to solo a mission on 2/8 or even 4/8 with the use of incarnates where as you would be completely dependant on the DPS of your incarnate ability. Where as I would be able to produce dps and defense and debuffs with traps alone. I don't know about you or anyone else but with 1 Triage beacon my Regeneration is up to about 550%. With 2 Triage beacon running I am at over 800%, which is completely doable since I have a 30 second window of having 2 triage beacon running at the same time. Further with the cost decrease of some IOs recently I also have Panecia in the Triage Beacon for additional bonuses. Mind you also that bonus works for EACH Triage Beacon I have out. I am not disputing Times ability line alba just posted a very nice Time DP Defender doing solo ITF with all incarnates slotted. All I am saying is Traps is not overrated. Again petless mastermind doing 2/8 pre-incarnate and doing 4/8 with incarnates. Soloing AVs or should say Heros on villain side. So if I am doing with without pets now imagine what pets can do. And how does this help the OP of this post. Well again goes back to my original statement of knowledge of game mechanics. |
As for bot/traps, there's some sort of myth around it that because it was one of the first GM soloers, it's some sort of godlike combo that can't be touched. Which is not even remotely true now. I'd love to see someone take their bot/traps into 54x8 DA content, and tell me how it's not overrated. When it's survivability basically comes down to how fast you can gimmick mob AI with caltrops or how many mines you can put around a corner. Where as a set like /dark can clear it easily half asleep.
Look, guys, I appreciate everthing thus far. I basically meant "what's least likely to get me killed while learning the game".
Granted, this does have different mechanics compared to other games for the most part but it's not really anything other than reading the wiki and honestly, it doesn't seem that difficult to get into things. I get the idea of the various debuffs/buffs/resistences/etc. Still, one thing really bothers me about MMs, the fact that it seems like most of the powers have really, really long recharge times and while I do get that the minions are going about 95% of the work, it still seems like I'm going to be just standing around. So when people are making builds and such, are the builds set in stone or could (for example) just throw in an enhancement that reduces the recharge speed on an ability or two? So far it doesn't look like it's like World of Warcraft with the talent builds (where you maybed changed one or two points and that was that) and seems to be more "this is good, this is not so good but it's personal choice and can easily hold up on its own" since people aren't going X/Y powersets and not playing others. Anyway, speaking generally, are most MM primaries/secondaries equal (at least in being able to solo endgame stuff) or do any stand out in particular? |
The scenarios you're describing where traps are superior or other sets is basically non existent, which makes it irrelevant. The only time something like that can occur is some weird feat of might or something. This is the equivalent of me saying /storm (which also has damage in the secondary) is the best because I can stealth run missions 2x faster than traps and kb stuff permanently, if for some reason I couldn't summon pets but could use my secondary...when solo....ok but who cares? Not to mention all MMs can get epic pools which also gives them damage which allows them to solo stuff eventually.
As for bot/traps, there's some sort of myth around it that because it was one of the first GM soloers, it's some sort of godlike combo that can't be touched. Which is not even remotely true now. I'd love to see someone take their bot/traps into 54x8 DA content, and tell me how it's not overrated. When it's survivability basically comes down to how fast you can gimmick mob AI with caltrops or how many mines you can put around a corner. Where as a set like /dark can clear it easily half asleep. |
But as for the bots/traps running DA on 4/8 setting solo without the use of gimmicks you call.
I have already tested DA content with my Petless DS Traps and was able to solo it without the gimmicks you mention. Again as I previously mentioned a person who understand traps and game mechanics does not need to waste their time placing all those trip mines like a device player. They can place them at will.
But of course me just saying I did is not as good as me posting a video, which I intend to do.
What I will attempt to do is not use ION but I will use the incarnate heal. But I will run it petless and I will only place a trip mine after I have engaged the mobs in a fight. I will record the fight of 3 or 4 groups of consecutive mobs.
I only wonder what the next line will be from you. I would imagine it is going to be I didn't fight the right kind of mobs or the mobs you wanted me to fight something along those lines.
But if you want to test out your petless Storm mastermind concept in the same setting with perma knock back by all means I would love to see how it works out for you. Of course we both know it won't for many different factors related to line of sight aggro and not being in debuff range of hurricane along with the luck chance to hit for all those ranged attacks.
Further I know you were just speaking facetiously regarding storm but could help digging you about it. Because at the end of the day my statement holds true about traps regardless how you might want to ridicule or attempt to make it meaningless to others.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives
The Force Field Generator is up every 4 minutes. At level 50 the recharge is down to several seconds compared to its standard 15 second recharge.
I do not need to place down trip mines like a scrub device player would ( mind you I have a 50 ar device blaster with incarnates ). Since I am defense capped I can place trip mines down at will in the mix of a fight. Whereas a Device player is stuck to placing them at the start of a fight. My response was simply to your Traps is overrated. My point was to express how good traps is. That it is one set that can be used regardless of what primary or secondary you have based on your AT that can be used without the need of any power from that other set. Not many power sets can boast that. As an example If you had a robot time and I had a robot traps and decided for some reason we could not summon our pets, I would still be able to solo a mission on 2/8 or even 4/8 with the use of incarnates where as you would be completely dependant on the DPS of your incarnate ability. Where as I would be able to produce dps and defense and debuffs with traps alone. I don't know about you or anyone else but with 1 Triage beacon my Regeneration is up to about 550%. With 2 Triage beacon running I am at over 800%, which is completely doable since I have a 30 second window of having 2 triage beacon running at the same time. Further with the cost decrease of some IOs recently I also have Panecia in the Triage Beacon for additional bonuses. Mind you also that bonus works for EACH Triage Beacon I have out. I am not disputing Times ability line alba just posted a very nice Time DP Defender doing solo ITF with all incarnates slotted. All I am saying is Traps is not overrated. Again petless mastermind doing 2/8 pre-incarnate and doing 4/8 with incarnates. Soloing AVs or should say Heros on villain side. So if I am doing with without pets now imagine what pets can do. And how does this help the OP of this post. Well again goes back to my original statement of knowledge of game mechanics. |
Also... all the other posts were helpfull to the OP and others. You are just here to brag. And what your bragging about is soooo not worth the time to post it. Your petless MM is not new... not impressive... and your coments are useless. OP needs to learn the game machanics and you don't bother teaching themand or pointing him in the right direction. Go tell your mom about your petless MM and all it's done... she might care
Check out this!!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/LastRoninCoH/featured
Look, guys, I appreciate everthing thus far. I basically meant "what's least likely to get me killed while learning the game".
Granted, this does have different mechanics compared to other games for the most part but it's not really anything other than reading the wiki and honestly, it doesn't seem that difficult to get into things. I get the idea of the various debuffs/buffs/resistences/etc. Still, one thing really bothers me about MMs, the fact that it seems like most of the powers have really, really long recharge times and while I do get that the minions are going about 95% of the work, it still seems like I'm going to be just standing around. So when people are making builds and such, are the builds set in stone or could (for example) just throw in an enhancement that reduces the recharge speed on an ability or two? So far it doesn't look like it's like World of Warcraft with the talent builds (where you maybed changed one or two points and that was that) and seems to be more "this is good, this is not so good but it's personal choice and can easily hold up on its own" since people aren't going X/Y powersets and not playing others. Anyway, speaking generally, are most MM primaries/secondaries equal (at least in being able to solo endgame stuff) or do any stand out in particular? |
Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR
I tend to leave this alone, but since you sound like jerk... i'll toss this out there. You do not have a defense cap'd toon. You went to great lengths pointing out that the OP didn't understand the game machanics and would not understand these posts. Well your not helping. You may be at the defensive soft cap (and there is more than one depending on what your fighting), but you are not built to the defensive cap. Normally I think we are all on the same page and I let it go when someone slips and doesn't say soft cap, but if your talking to a newer player you may be causing added confusion. Further more... if you did get to the defensive hard cap you'd be way over what is needed and most likely would have a gimped build.
Also... all the other posts were helpfull to the OP and others. You are just here to brag. And what your bragging about is soooo not worth the time to post it. Your petless MM is not new... not impressive... and your coments are useless. OP needs to learn the game machanics and you don't bother teaching themand or pointing him in the right direction. Go tell your mom about your petless MM and all it's done... she might care |
Why do I push the game mechanics ? I tell you why.
I used my petless mastermind because people who have again no clue about game mechanics think it is not possible. But the simple point is, it is possible if you have a clue.
Because if you did then you would not be doubting that a Robot Traps mastermind could or could not solo DA on a 4/8 setting when I have over 1 gig of video showing a traps toon doing it without pets.
As my previous post stated I was only responding to his rebuttal of Robot Traps. Nothing more.
The difference between me and you and maybe Dz131 is I will admit when I don't know something or if my assumptions where wrong.
On the contrary I was the ONLY ONE who pointed him toward game mechanics. I could have simply posted 4 or 5 Defense SOFTCAP builds for the OP and called it a day.
But I felt it would be a disservice to the OP and anyone else who was new not to explain that they need to learn game mechanics and stress that every time they asked yet another question which seemed so basic that one of those links in my SIGNATURE would have explained it to them.
I guess you never heard of the saying teach a man to fish. I guess your one of those give a guy a fish types. I'm not.
Sorry if you feel me refuting a comment I felt was wrong is me being a jerk, I was just speaking my mind. I'm allowed to do that you know.
Your right I guess about the defense cap and defense softcap semantics, I will Mia Culpa on that. But I don't need to brag about a game.
It's not like I have a youtube channel to promote my escapades in a game like its real life or anything.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives
Look, guys, I appreciate everthing thus far. I basically meant "what's least likely to get me killed while learning the game".
I'd recommend playing something simple like a Brute to 50, and learning from there.
Not a lot you can do to mess a Brute up, they're a high-damage tanky character.
Of course I would HIGHLY recommend you come back to the MM once you understand how everything works.
CoH is really just a matter of preference than "what will I not die by playing?" since you can probably get any build to not die, it may take effort on your part and expensive slotting, though.
Which brings me to another point - as your first character you may not be able to afford the expensive slotting you'd need to bring some of these builds up to the level people expect. But Bots/Traps is a good recommendation, capable of doing just about anything, and probably wouldn't be too hard to get to a workable state. But, if you don't mind, you can solo farm at 50 on a brute and build your MM a lot faster that way.
Bots reduce the regeneration rate of what they attack (enemies actually regenerate A LOT in CoH) so that means that it's just a simple grind to take a boss the rest of the way down. Traps also has -Regen.
plainguy also offers pretty good advice, even if he sounds like a jerk. Teaching you to fish would be the way to go for sure.
If you want some extra help in-game I'd be glad to assist you, I'll even farm you some levels if you desire so you can try out some more builds.
Also, I don't know if y our question about ranged attacks was answered - simple answer is it doesn't matter at all. MAYBE ranged attacks are in general weaker than melee? But there's no minimum range and they'll happily blast away with everything they've got. All range actually helps keeping them alive in some situations easier, as with some sets, running into melee range is suicide without outside intervention. But when you've got a high resistance, defense softcapped (effective cap) MM with a pack of zombies tanking, it's a fun experience.
-Proud leader of Captain Planet's Magical Friends
Keep in mind I've been playing this for about 6 hours now (if it matters I have a VIP account) and the only other MMORPG I've played for a while was WoW.
I have absolutely no problem with spending hours upon hours learning to play well if the build is worth it.
Anyway, ideally it should be decent enough that I can solo most stuff (kinda like a hunter/DK in WoW) but I'd rather minimize the risk of me dying. So far I like the idea of demons/thugs/zombies (and I suppose bots). I'm still a bit confused on the bots though. They're mostly ranged but won't the enemy just run into melee range so what's the advantage of them being ranged?
Oh and I have no idea about secondaries. I like the idea of actually being useful other than just buffing minions. So something that allows me to do damage or have a variety of debuffs would be nice
And uh, if it's not too counter-intuitive, I'd like the primaries and secondaries to sort of comliement one another from a story point of view. Kinda like zombies and poison/dark misima or demons and pain domination.
Cheers for any help.