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  1. Prototype/Infamous/Crackdown/Spiderman2/Ultimate Destruction
  2. I'm lv 40 and theres not much to do. People rarely group so you're stuck solo grindan for merits. Also I think the Halloween event is recycled every year
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    "My" game. "Made no money". Fake made up quotes to carry on your one sided conversation with yourself about the stuff you made up. Typical and Brilliant.
    But you keep replying. I love the word 'niche' being thrown around as a get out of jail free card to justify why something doesn't haven enough users. Almost as bad as 'indy'.

    On a lighter note. Maybe we can get together in EVE and....settle things so to speak lol.
    Nah I don't even play it. I got GW2 but I barely play that either. Haven't played much MMO after I unsubbed from CoX :P
  4. Probably testing the waters. I mean Apple or any other big company would probably slam them with counter suits before they finished talking
  5. If anything hacking on a private server is less than on a official server. Since there's less people to deal with and the people running the server usually play the game themselves. ON all the Lineage 2 private servers I played with I saw no hacking, either people can't be bothered because it was private or they get banned instantly
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    What you feel is not a part of reality but you are welcomed to it.

    Capitalism bad grr is not anything that garners a response.
    Oh bro, keep trying to justify why your game made no money. "Hurr, it was supposed to have low revenue because it was a niche game, it wasn't failing at all." While EVE flourishes and it the second biggest MMO in the West. I think what YOU think is not part of reality.
  7. Lame. I was hoping it was a punch. Then he can be a superhero.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    I am not sure what you point in the first part of your post is at all man. If you feel superhero games are not niche I am fine with that as it would never change the reality of that deal.

    No the second part is not capitalism bad grrr, but you taking as such explains everything that need be in this case.

    Carry on.
    I feel they're as niche as a Warcraft game.

    As for the rest.

    No rebuttal as I thought.

    Carry on.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    DC has a wonderful brand for the niche genre of superhero's.

    Admittedly when I got my Economics degree from UCLA in 1986 one my professors warned us about some things that were coming down the pike. At "that" time nobody worth mentioning would ever have defined a profitable company at the levels reported for COH as "failed".

    Fast forward post greed is good, the software explosion and the entry of number crunchers into software corporations in positions of power and we have profitable games now being labeled as failed because they failed to be MOAR profitable....

    Ok that's cool, but that is the exact same mentality that took your(WORKING AMERICANS) jobs and sent them elsewhere, not because the company was not making enough profit to be sustained, but because they were not making enough money to give the CEO and other executives the level of BONUS they wanted.
    And Warcraft was a wonderful brand name for a nice LOTR rip off. But somehow manages to be more succeful than the real thing. IT's all gameplay, not subject matter like I said.

    As for COX. It's opportunity cost was too high, so it got axed. The rest of your post is basically just CAPITALISM BAD GRRR. Seriously, blame the corrupt circus called the US government on it's terrible regulations rather than the companies who use those practices.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Being a Superhero project makes in niche out of the box. Belief in something different than that is just that belief nothing more.

    Part of the reason NC SOFT decided to go in another direction could certainly have been that a niche product like COH and the secret project Z mentioned in the podcast were never intended to be big revenue makers. They are not and never were going to be big budget wide appeal type projects which is the direction NC SOFT said they decided to go.

    That's a NC SOFT change of focus, not a COH was losing money and failed. Hard for me to view a money maker as failed, but I can see that the corporate mentality of "not enough" profit has trickled down to some consumers.

    Good luck with that.
    Really? What isn't a niche product then? A game based in the Warcraft universe is not niche? Where people who don't follow the series have no idea who or what anyone is? DCUO has 10 times the brand name Warcraft ever did, but it became niche while WOW has 10 mil subs. It's all how the gameplay is handled, not what your subject matter is.
    Case in point: EVE, THAT's a niche product by design if there ever was one. But it's succeddes while WAR, AOC DCUO,Tortanic goes down the crapper.

    As for COH...well there's a point where you think, if I took all the money we invest in this per year, and bought car parts with it from a warehouse, then sold them on Amazon, would I be making more money? I think COH was probably making a profit, which is not hard, I can make a profit selling oranges. COH is making much lower than what's expected by the overlords, which means it failed.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    We all know by now that COH did not fail. NC SOFT decided to go in a different direction with big max revenue type projects vs smaller niche type products like COH and the secret project that Paragon was working on. Confirmed by both NC SOFT and Paragon.

    Reaching to attach personal issues disguised as "the reason COH failed" is not only disingenuous it is factually incorrect.
    Uhh COH wasn't making enough money so it got shutdown, I'd say it failed. Failed to make enough money where NCSoft wouldn't want to shut them down. As for it being a niche product, well...I doubt it was designed to be a niche type product, just like DCUO and CO weren't. It just became niche because there wasn't enough appeal, so from the get go, it was failing.
  12. nope. I play to enjoy new content, which this will have none of. There's only so much fun in stomping 54x8 before it gets tedius.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    What the hell does that even mean? Games are all about "fun". This mysterious quality you call "fun" is not something devs randomly focus on. Sure, it may be "fun" to mass nuke ten thousand mobs, but it's not going to hold a person's interest for very long. That may be why CoH/V failed - it just wasn't hard enough, and hadn't been remotely difficult since the days when respec trials were actually an iffy scenario for most teams. That was.. oh, I6 maybe?
    I agree COH was too easy. It gave a diminished sense of accomplishment. NCsoft knows that (most)people play MMOs to satisfy their egos, from being able to show off their E-BLING and what what ever else they accomplished. Which COH had none of. Really the closest thing to e-bling in this game are Pylon runs time.
  14. Dz131

    please read.

    Well if they thought they would get better returns if they invest their money elsewhere then COH could be seen as losing them money

    I dont even know where this 2mil/month is coming from. Dont they calcuate these things per quarter? I mean 3-4 mil a month @15$/sub thats like 200k paying subs if it was 3mil.
  15. PPD

    love those undefenable stun patches the robots throw out left right and center
  16. Turn to dimensionless for help.

    Next issue dimensionless turns on you
  17. pretty sure alot of people predicated this when f2p launched but didnt want to admit it.
  18. DCUO has the best combat system, where reactions and decisions actually matter. COH and CO are just spam spam to your hearts content
  19. THe powers mostly. I like the different power sets. Not so much the cherry picking system of CO.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Broadsword was still usable though. It could still stand on its own and while NB was faster, the numbers were functionally the same when it came down to damage, debuffs,etc. Head Splitter and Golden Dragonfly did the same damage unenhanced, both were cone attacks, both had the same crit chance. NB was just faster. It wasn't marginally better and it came down to personal choice. Blocking in CO? Not so much.
    Wut? They all do as advertised, which is block attacks. You're talking about side effects that give 1 an advantage over another, much like all the dps sets in COH. They all dps, some are just better than others eg. TW because of momentum
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post

    Chalk that up to another thing that irks me: Why are some blocks significantly better than other blocks? They're functionally the same power. I get that each 'flavor' of Block has its own special perks consistent with the theme of said Block, but you can get more mileage out of a few Block powers than you can the rest of them, and that doesn't sit right with me since they should all be doing the same thing. If you buy a car for $15,000 and find out there's a car with better horsepower and better fuel economy for the exact same price from the same manufacturer, I'd feel gypped and confused.

    This is absurd, this is true for basically every game that ever existed including COH. Eg. Broadsword and Ninja Blade. There's always going to be skills better than other skills, other wise everything would be the same.
  22. Lets go occupy NCSoft, or egg the CEO's car