If CoH does get shutdown, I need a new MMO...
Now, I have a shortlist of four MMO games which I'm tempted by, none of which being superhero based as the alternative superhero MMO games don't appeal to me. The list is as follows (in no particular order): Raiderz, Tera, Vindictus, and Battle of the Immortals.
All the games I mentioned look good, but I have no idea which to choose out of the four. Has anyone played any of these games and could recommend one to me, or maybe played a similar game to any of these which they could recommend instead? I'm swinging more toward Raiderz or Tera, but your opinions will help a lot as the majority of you are veteran MMO players who know what you're on about when it comes to these kinds of games. Oh, and I don't mind paying a subscription, as long as it's not too expensive (around CoH price per month). |
In BotI, you can "tame" practically any mob in the game and then it will fight with you. Even the same mob will have very different stats depending upon which exact one of it you tame (and if you tame 50 of them, many of them will have varying stats). The stat system for pets is very deep. The actual classes themselves aren't as deep, but the Heretic healer was about my favorite. The tank isn't bad either. But, at least when I played, almost no gold dropped from mobs or quests and you need it to level your skills, so you wind up buying it in-game with real-life money through the auction house. I just looked at it as financial support for the developers. Try the free download. It's pretty fun, bright, colorful, and has a decent player base (at least it used to about a year ago, which is when I last played it).
Tera has excellent graphics and a cool, real-time combat engine. Dodging and blocking in real-time not only mean something but are necessary to save your skin. The classes are good, but healing is AWKWARD AS HELL lol. Priests have to target a player manually, press a shortcut key (all attacks/skills are shortcut keys; this game controls like a FPS even though it's 3rd person) then target the player again and then heal them. AoE heals are "wells" you have to drop onto the ground that time out in a couple seconds, and players have to "walk into them" during that couple seconds to get healed. Mystics (pet/support class) drop healing spheres onto the ground and other players on their team have to pick them up like loot drops with the spacebar to be healed by them. The questing in Tera really sucks though-- it's very grindy and extremely repetitive and boring. That's why they've already merged down to 3 lone servers (one PvP, one PvE and one RP) since launch this past spring. This game doesn't remind me of Lineage 3--- it IS Lineage 3. All the work went into the graphics and real-time combat engine. Try a free trial first if possible.
Haven't played the other two, sorry.
This is not on your list but I am going to suggest it anyway.
Yes, the publisher is NCSOFT, but the game is outstanding.
Beautiful graphics, wonderful stories...lots of things to do...
And I, the person who soloed my whole way through City Of Heroes, is finding doing Hearts with others is a whole lot of fun.
Read up on it on the Internet, watch a couple of the zillion of videos that are out there.
Only fly in the ointment is NCSOFT, but, if this game, Guildwars2, is the new focus and direction they are taking, then it might be around a while.
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
Guild Wars 2
To be honest, McC, I've found GW2 to be quite mundane. It's mainly just running around from public quest point to public quest point, and I couldn't help but wonder how hard it's going to be for the lone soloer to get through any of it even a few months down the road when everyone's a high level toon and the beginning zones are empty.
It's pretty but it lacked depth to me. I don't see what all the fuss is about, and beyond that, sixty bucks is a lot for an 8-class game that only gives you 5 character slots then charges you 10 bucks a piece for extra slots. Yeah, yeah, no monthly fee, but it's NOT massively multiplayer so it shouldn't have one anyway. It just pretends it is to try and snow people, really.
That's the other thing that got me-- it's all channeled just like GW1 is, it's just that this time mirror 1 is called Yak's Bend (making believe it's a separate server when it's not) and mirror 2 is called Ferguson's Crossing or whatever. They can "name" the mirrors whatever they want: the fact is, when a player's name gets taken on one "server" it's taken on all of them (because they're all really just one overarching server). And you frequently get dumped into "overflow areas" without your party when the much-lower-than-real-MMOs-zoning-limits are reached (at least you did during launch week-- maybe the abandonment of the newbie zones has already happened now, though, and you'd be doing those public quests alone nowadays, I'm not sure, because after the COH announcement I quit playing GW2. I only played it from early start for a week before the CoH bomb dropped).
The sad part is that there is no free trial, the cash shop is too expensive, and it smacks of cash grab in the usual NCSoft style (their cash shops in Aion and Lineage 2 are even more outrageously priced because there's no box fee with those).
I dunno, but the OP didn't mention GW2, and personally, I'd tell him to take a pass. And the NCSoft affiliation is of course terribad, too. Their history with games is awful.
It's pretty but it lacked depth to me. I don't see what all the fuss is about, and beyond that, sixty bucks is a lot for an 8-class game that only gives you 5 character slots then charges you 10 bucks a piece for extra slots.
Yeah, yeah, no monthly fee, but it's NOT massively multiplayer so it shouldn't have one anyway. It just pretends it is to try and snow people, really. |
That's the other thing that got me-- it's all channeled just like GW1 is, it's just that this time mirror 1 is called Yak's Bend (making believe it's a separate server when it's not) and mirror 2 is called Ferguson's Crossing or whatever. They can "name" the mirrors whatever they want: the fact is, when a player's name gets taken on one "server" it's taken on all of them (because they're all really just one overarching server). |
And you frequently get dumped into "overflow areas" without your party when the much-lower-than-real-MMOs-zoning-limits are reached (at least you did during launch week-- maybe the abandonment of the newbie zones has already happened now, though, and you'd be doing those public quests alone nowadays, I'm not sure, because after the COH announcement I quit playing GW2. I only played it from early start for a week before the CoH bomb dropped). |
The sad part is that there is no free trial, the cash shop is too expensive, and it smacks of cash grab in the usual NCSoft style (their cash shops in Aion and Lineage 2 are even more outrageously priced because there's no box fee with those). |
And yet you can still use ingame currency to buy those items. It is only if you want to buy gems with real world money that you pay "over the odds".
You can use your gold in Tera to buy game time, they called it "Chronoscrolls." It's 30 days real time. It's very cheap and affordable when you hit mid level. Yes, you can farm them by killing random mobs.
I want to be honest with my review since I don't want to waste any money myself...
Of all the games you mentioned, Tera is by far superior when it comes to combat.. In fact, in all MMO's out there at the moment. The combat is pretty straight forward. No "gimmicks." Not clunky either. Definitely the new generation MMO. It's literally action combat.
For Melee and Range class, It's basically aim and shoot. Dodge their attacks by moving away from them or running away from their attacks (like 1 or 2 steps away to dodge it...) And no, it's not that difficult. At early levels, the NPC's are very forgiving and slow, but definitely not dumb. Each NPC's has their own moves and you will definitely notice their moves and figure out a way to avoid their attacks or find a better way to attack them especially BAMs (Big A** Monsters.) Regular mobs are pretty easy.
As for BAMs the game actually wants you to study their moves, to find a better way to avoid their attacks. They are basically Huge Huge monsters. With that said, they have a bigger area, which means, it's harder to dodge. They are smarter NPC's that jumps so much and run just to stomp on you.
The level cap is 60. From lvl 1 - 59, the game is great if you are all about the experience, since gear is not important. When you reach lvl 60, the game shifts just like every other MMO's. It is completely different feeling, since you have to do dungeons after dungeons to get the right gear for you to do Hard Mode dungeons.
Now, not so much grind, since Nexus Raid is a daily thing now. You can get lucky and roll on a superior gear. All you have to do is enchant it to get better stats. Which is a different story. Enchanting is by luck if you want higher stats. On December they will add a patch that gives you high chance to enchant your gear every time you enchant an item.
The Races in Tera are unique. Each gender, each race has their own movements and animations and combat animations. The movements are very realistic to me, especially the Castanics. You will notice other MMO's have stiff movements especially running. In Tera, it's very smooth and very well made. When you are in combat, it's so pleasant to see action happening, because each animation is very well made.
My main toon is a level 60 Priest. The best character/class I've played in my whole gaming experience in Tera. Priests have one of the highest HP classes in the game. They have a decent damage for soloing and have over powered heals.
I never once had a hard time healing anyone, even on random dungeons. Tera's healing concept is very good for me. You can put healing patches on the floor. If that fails, you can lock the target on them and heal them from far. You can buff them with health regen buffs which lasts for 15 minutes just like any other buffs they have.
The game is really good, all it needs is a good community to do great. The closest community they have like CoH is the RP server, Celestial Hills. PvP and PvE servers are an animal pound. Beware of Dogs.
The only negative thing about Tera for me is the enchanting system at the moment.
The PvP community is not for the good in heart.
The fact that when you try to Queue for random dungeons, you will encounter PvP players and PvE players that will look down on you coming from RP server.
Dungeons queues requires a Healer and a Tank to continue. (You can create your own dungeon team without a tank or a healer but that will take skill.)
That's all I can think of, for now. Let me know if you have any other questions.
[center][size=1][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] GLOBAL: @Antoinette |[/font][/color][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] MAIN: [/font][/color][url=http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Pinkrise][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Pinkrise[/font][/color][/url][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] | SG: [/font][/color][url=http://www.wix.com/netherealist/spitfire][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma]The Ethereals [/font][/color][/url][font=Tahoma][color=#FF99CC] | PROJECTS: [/font][/color][url=http://cohrm.wordpress.com][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Rogue Magazine [/font][/color][/url][/size][/center]
This is not on your list but I am going to suggest it anyway.
Guildwars2. Yes, the publisher is NCSOFT, but the game is outstanding. Beautiful graphics, wonderful stories...lots of things to do... And I, the person who soloed my whole way through City Of Heroes, is finding doing Hearts with others is a whole lot of fun. Read up on it on the Internet, watch a couple of the zillion of videos that are out there. Only fly in the ointment is NCSOFT, but, if this game, Guildwars2, is the new focus and direction they are taking, then it might be around a while. Lisa. |

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
This is not on your list but I am going to suggest it anyway.
Guildwars2. Yes, the publisher is NCSOFT, but the game is outstanding. Beautiful graphics, wonderful stories...lots of things to do... And I, the person who soloed my whole way through City Of Heroes, is finding doing Hearts with others is a whole lot of fun. Read up on it on the Internet, watch a couple of the zillion of videos that are out there. Only fly in the ointment is NCSOFT, but, if this game, Guildwars2, is the new focus and direction they are taking, then it might be around a while. Lisa. |
I admit that I might be there as well. Having seen tutorials on YouTube, this looks like a game I could eventually master, as I did CoX. Its not too hard to play, your viewpoint does not swing around wildly as it does in DCUOnline. [Love that game, but does it make me motion-sick....YES]
I think I could make my hero and villain mains over there.
The graphics contain echoes of CoX. Something about the game-world reminds me of CoX. And at this point....
Am also about to give CO another try, but I think mechanics will prevent me from becoming truly entrenched there. Kill-stealing is rampant, and other people have the ability to silence YOU in chat for days on end, for such stuff as not being an ERPer, for having a costume they dont like or.... just 'cause they feel like it - evidently there's a substantial subset of players there who get off on doing this. Will give it a shot, but my patience with that kind of crap is short.
From what I hear, there are people who will camp a zone all day so they can swoop in and take your objective. F***. That. Noise.
Therefore I have a feeling GW2 is going to be it. And I hate that, but right now nothing else beckons.
If you can accept that someone else can take away a game you bought and in the case of RPGs, MMO or otherwise, your characters, then good for you. The problem now extends to always online required games, even ones with decent solo modes, can also go dark once their publishers decide to shut down the servers. Unless the patch the game before they throw the switch of course.
We are becoming more renters than owners and we just aren't noticing it.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
If you can accept that someone else can take away a game you bought and in the case of RPGs, MMO or otherwise, your characters, then good for you. The problem now extends to always online required games, even ones with decent solo modes, can also go dark once their publishers decide to shut down the servers. Unless the patch the game before they throw the switch of course.
We are becoming more renters than owners and we just aren't noticing it. |
No but then again I don't use Office. Well I don't use Microsoft Office, I use LibreOffice.
And when was Office classified as a game? Flightsim in Excel doesn't count.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
There is also 6 pages of discussion here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=296533
Hope you find what you're looking for

Thanks for all the responses. I've downloaded the Tera trial, and am going to give it a go. I'm not interested in another NCsoft game, so Guild Wars 2 is a no-go for me. I was considering The Secret World, but then I found out how expensive the subscription was per month.

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer
TSW is $15/mo, same as CoH was for VIP.
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes." - Sweet_Sarah
It's super hero or bust for me, and Champions Online will probably be my stop gap until another game truly impresses me. DCUO? Maybe, but the times I have tried it I really didn't like the limited character creation.
Marvel Heroes is going to be doing closed Beta testing. I signed up for an account... we'll see what happens with that, but expecting it to be a similar experience to DCUO.
Yep, it's £11.49 compared to CoH's £8.99.

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
I think that's a UK issue more than an EU issue? Far as I know, TSW is, what, 15/mo? Which sounds like the same as every other game I've paid attention to.
Sub to The Secret World: $15/£11.49/14.99
Nope, I believe that it is only the US market that pays the same price between both games.
Side note: World of Warcraft is the same price as City of Heroes.
In fact, *most* other MMO's are the same price as City of Heroes (Champions Online being a notable exception, costing $15/£10.79/14.56. Eve Online is also another exception of $14.95/£9.99/14.95). The rest that i can find either just charge in *one* currency or they tend to stick to the same rate as CoX (Lord of the Rings Online, DDO, Star Wars: The Old Republic).
*shrugs* Make of that what you will.
I'm currently playing the trial of Tera, and I'm really enjoying it. It looks good, and is fun to play.

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer
I've played sooo many MMO's, still play quite alot actualy.
Each got its pro's, but each also got its con's.
A true substitude for CoH that is recent? There is none. Either the combat is very bad (CO), the whole system is plain weird or very little costumisation (DCU), it has a awsome setting but very bad mechanics (TSW), or well.. its just not the same genre (insert basicly any other MMO).
Quite a few MMO's now have seperate US and EU sides, Tera and Aion as big names, so outside your casual gametimes, it get quiet pretty fast, specialy if you made the wrong choice of server (yes, even GW2 already have these issues).
Ironic, my next awaiting MMO is yet NCsoft again, Blade&Soul. It kinda mix up alot of aspect of few games out now, Tera, C9, Vindictus, BoI, etc, but i have little faith this game will be released anywhere soon in Europe.
Sadly, i just cant find any MMO that has the same mechanics as CoH has how easy it is to play with other people, dispite their level, dispite their class or class. You just give out a shout and off you go to random instances, not some preset fixed dungeon stuff you fight the same boss over and over, by the exact same mechanics or tactics.
If only other games would have taken example of CoH, their system, their setup, their combat or even the powerability (powerupgrade instead of gear) and combine it into some stuff that .. ah screw it, nothing can replace CoH on that mather.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
You can also use ingame money to buy gems, and then use those gems to unlock more character slots (or what ever else you want from the cash shop). Hell, you could even spend 2000 gems to upgrade your account to the Collectors edition if you wanted.
It is just as much an MMO as City of Heroes is. So, is CoX an MMO or isnt it? *edit* Yeah, i skipped on this one, because there is an *easy* solution to it, but there were names that were reserved at the start due to them being from GW1 players reserving their character names. Also on top of that, your *global* identifier *can* change (infact, it changed for me when I linked my GW1 account to my already established GW2 account). *side note* You can actually friend/whisper/invite people to your guild just by knowing their Character name across *all* servers in the game (EU and US). No need for the account identifier (which as i have stated previously can change). There is less overflowing now. The main overflowing was during the initial opening period of the game, and has declined *incredibly* since then. There is no free trial yet, but I am certain that it will come. More than likely they wanted to see what the server populations would be like *before* they open them to the unpaying masses. And yet you can still use ingame currency to buy those items. It is only if you want to buy gems with real world money that you pay "over the odds". |
Please buff Ice Control.
Now, I have a shortlist of four MMO games which I'm tempted by, none of which being superhero based as the alternative superhero MMO games don't appeal to me. The list is as follows (in no particular order): Raiderz, Tera, Vindictus, and Battle of the Immortals.
All the games I mentioned look good, but I have no idea which to choose out of the four. Has anyone played any of these games and could recommend one to me, or maybe played a similar game to any of these which they could recommend instead? I'm swinging more toward Raiderz or Tera, but your opinions will help a lot as the majority of you are veteran MMO players who know what you're on about when it comes to these kinds of games. Oh, and I don't mind paying a subscription, as long as it's not too expensive (around CoH price per month).
Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer