Xiang Shao

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  1. City of Villains is great and all.... but I wouldn't say that the combat system is all that great...
  2. I regret joining Server Chat channels that were "Veteran"-based.

    It pretty much contained all the chatter that should have been in the normal chat channels especially on the more "empty" servers...
  3. Well, my 2 cents:

    -Lack of advertising
    -Lack of fun (Like the mini-games and events they managed to pull off in WoW; Don't reply on that)
    -Lack of anything else that didn't require a team to steamroll a mob to move on to the next mob over and over up until the team spends an extra minute or so on a an Archvillain/Hero
    -Lack of MASTERMIND LOVE!!! (Best Unique Archetype ever!)

    And there goes my quarter...
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to all as well!

    I don't think I'll be awake after Thursday due to an over-bloated belly and food hangover! XP
  5. I'll miss the Masterminds the most as it helped keep me in the game and added a more tactical feel to the game!
  6. I still don't get what this does exactly.

    It "saves" your character but then what?
  7. Xiang Shao

    Finally Fifty

    What's a Shadow Shard?

    Oh and congratz! You've conquered Altitis!
  8. Cap Au Diable.

    As only the strong survive in the Rogue Isles and the University supplies easy victims for a villainous super such as I.
    Regular Villain traffic goes through here due its easy accessibility for the Black Market and crafting stations...

    ...and SCIENCE!
  9. On-List:



    Guild Wars 2
  10. Xiang Shao

    Anime and CoX

    I guess that's counter-culture for ya.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Hornet View Post
    Star Trek Online, at least the "away team" ground combat portion of it. Very, very much like COH masterminding, possibly better imo.

    You get up to four bridge officers to beam down with you. You can chose which officers beam down with you, chose what gear (phasers etc) to give them and what skills (powers) they train to use, you can name them and customize their looks. Promote them up the rank structure. etc.

    There's Aggressive Mode, Defensive Mode, Passive Mode, Follow Mode, and go stand over there and stay put Mode commands pretty much just like COH.

    Meanwhile your character is also very active phasering, grenading, tricordering, and judo chopping enemies (plus buffing or debuffing). And if you get defeated, your team continues to fight (and you can call them over to rez you). And you can rez your bridge officers during a fight, too.
    Sounds promising!
  12. I was contemplating suicide till' I played City of Villains for the first time back in 06'.
  13. Xiang Shao



    Politics and Government....
  14. I'm pretty sure this is how we all act all along. We were just repressed for so long it feels good to let all your inner anger take control!
  15. Me angering the older veterans on the LB chat channel by simply questioning how things work in the real world and competing for players to join my Strike Forces over their Raids/iTrials.
  16. Xiang Shao

    Where to now?

    Go play Champions Online regardless of everyone else's experience here.


    I miss the Mastermind Archetype...
  17. Go buy Guild Wars 2.

    It is the right thing to do.
  18. Isn't the Inventor class of Champions Online similar to Masterminds?