Do not buy guild wars 2!
[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.
[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child
I'm of two minds on this.
On the one hand, I don't want to do business with NCSoft ever again. I don't want to give them a single penny. I want NCSoft itself to crash and burn.
On the other - I don't want another studio full of developers working on something they love to fail. I don't want them out in the cold either.
For me, admittedly, it's a moot point - I didn't like GW, so wasn't going to buy GW2 - but....
I really don't know what to say about this.
I am not sure the powers that be had some stupid notion that they can puppeteer muppets into buying GW2 by dropping CoH but not for me. I'll be out of gaming forever after playing CO or DCUO a bit more than normal.
Time to screenshot everything for the sake of memories.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I wasn't interested in GW, and I've seen several people talking about GW2 on Facebook, which I initially didn't really have interest in. Though yeah, this makes me never want to give NCSoft a penny again. I thought with all the hype I was hearing that GW2 was successful so far, but maybe not. Seems like a horrible coincidence they just put out a new game, and axe an old.
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I was about to buy it, likely today after work.
Not now, not ever.
Might well have bought it this weekend, a friend was really into it.
*shrugs* I'd made the decision to never do any new business with NCSoft again some time ago. Even if they reversed their decision tomorrow, that position wouldn't change.
That being said, calling for a boycot is shallow. People will move on with their lives, friends will meet again elsewhere, players will play new games. I neither like nor agree with the decision or its delivery any more than anyone else, but it's done. Making it into a vindictive battle is a disservice to the memories I will take with me.
Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas
Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.
Okay, I'm confused, I don't forum, I just love to play, for te past 7 years, and just re-upped for another year, what does this mean for a year of play? It's a no go? Where the F*&^% is my money going to go? back to me????? I am pissed.
I know this is weird, but I am devastated, I LOVE creating my toons and doing different costumes and I love the new power sets, my BF and I have been playing for the majority of our relationship and have just gotten re-invested in the game that brought us so much joy and fun... I am heart broken to think I won't be able to play a game near and dear to me for NINE years coming. ...
We put a lot of money into this game, been beta testing since day one, and our money is worth what? Nothing now? Horrid.
I suggest for everybody to put the petition link in their sig, like below.
It really ticks me off that they waited until after Guild Wars 2 launched to make this announcement. It's quite sleazy of NCsoft. I already bought GW2 so now I'm stuck having handed NSleazeSoft sixty bucks more than I would have, but I will never pay them any money again.
So let me get this straight-- besides Guild Wars' box fee, all they have left are Truly Free to Play games like Lineage 2 and Aion in the US which are mainly inhabited by Brazilians who formerly hacked those games and ran them off private servers back when they were both pay-to-play.... And they choose to shut down CoH instead?!
NCSoft, you boggle my mind.
*Off to find the petition to save CoH*
I truly pray that the wonderful Paragon Studios somehow are able to re-form under their own new moniker either with this IP or even without it (or could Sony Online Entertainment even buy them out part and parcel and get CoH running again? Jeez, they've even kept Vanguard running all these years on one server!).
I love you, Paragon Studios, and I love CoH and its community. This is a very sad day, but let's pray you can pull out of it like last time during the Cryptic split!
In my petition signature, I promised NC Soft that not only would they not see a dime of my money ever again, I would also tell the tale of CoH and the "Business Decisions" of NC Soft to anyone and EVERYONE who considered buying a NC Soft title.
One day the CoH servers may go dark and that will kill me, but at least my death will be quick compared to the slow death the company will have by myself (and hopefully others) telling other gamers "DO NOT BUY NC SOFT GAMES"
The petition link to Save CoH:

*shrugs* I'd made the decision to never do any new business with NCSoft again some time ago. Even if they reversed their decision tomorrow, that position wouldn't change.
That being said, calling for a boycot is shallow. People will move on with their lives, friends will meet again elsewhere, players will play new games. I neither like nor agree with the decision or its delivery any more than anyone else, but it's done. Making it into a vindictive battle is a disservice to the memories I will take with me. |
Historically there are two types of revolution that can enact real change: violent, or peaceful. Of the two I prefer the peaceful route, which involves protests, petitions, and boycotts. Somehow I doubt that I'm the one who has done the disservice to your memories of this game.
It's just what NCSoft wants you to do.
It was released 3 days ago, and I doubt they are making as much money as they expected, which is probably why they're shutting down CoH, in the hopes that many will flock to their newest game. Don't play into their hands, don't give any more money to a company that has sold you short. Cease all business dealings with NCSoft, and at least have a clear conscience. |
"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"
ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"
*shrugs* I'd made the decision to never do any new business with NCSoft again some time ago. Even if they reversed their decision tomorrow, that position wouldn't change.
That being said, calling for a boycot is shallow. People will move on with their lives, friends will meet again elsewhere, players will play new games. I neither like nor agree with the decision or its delivery any more than anyone else, but it's done. Making it into a vindictive battle is a disservice to the memories I will take with me. |
Shallow? No. Here's the basic fact:
Someone in that company knew full well they were going to do this, yet had the audacity to sell us a powerset expansion as little as one week before making the announcement. IMO that's illustrates total disregard for their own customers. They say it's "not in their long term interest" to continue the product. Interestingly, it was still in their interest to accept my money. I have no legal standing, obviously, and accept the full risk. But I will never purchase from this company again. It is not in my long term interest to support them.
It's just what NCSoft wants you to do.
It was released 3 days ago, and I doubt they are making as much money as they expected, which is probably why they're shutting down CoH, in the hopes that many will flock to their newest game. Don't play into their hands, don't give any more money to a company that has sold you short. Cease all business dealings with NCSoft, and at least have a clear conscience. |
But unfortunately, I heard there were over a million preorders, with 400,000 playing by early start. Even more unfortunately, I was one of those prepurchasers logging in when the servers came up August 25th for early start. I hope they enjoy the last payment they're ever going to get out of me.
This has hit me hard, because I went through the same thing when SWG shut down. In that case too, game company executives made the choice to kill a game in order to remove it from competition and attempt to funnel its players to another game of their choosing.
Now, we see NCSoft's executives are playing by the same playbook, probably being coached by Sony and Lucasarts. To them, players of MMOs are minions, insignificant people not worth the dirt on their boot, and will mindlessly flow where the executive tells them to go.
Well, I think they will find what Lucasarts did. MMO players are quite a bit more intelligent and have a longer memory for treachery than they think. All NCSoft is doing is cutting their own throats, and their handling of the closure notices is even more disdainful of the playerbase than I think they are capable of understanding. As someone who was seriously considering GW2, I can now say that I will -never- try that game now, -solely- because NCSoft has done this. I think that that will go for NCSofts entire line of product, as every time I would log in and see the NCSoft logo, I would remember what they did to me, and lose any desire to go further.
So, as goes CoH, so goes NCSoft in my opinion.
Those who think Truth is relative haven't had a Tank land on their car.
Shallow? No. Here's the basic fact:
Someone in that company knew full well they were going to do this, yet had the audacity to sell us a powerset expansion as little as one week before making the announcement. IMO that's illustrates total disregard for their own customers. They say it's "not in their long term interest" to continue the product. Interestingly, it was still in their interest to accept my money. I have no legal standing, obviously, and accept the full risk. But I will never purchase from this company again. It is not in my long term interest to support them. |
I knew the game would end eventually, but the way this was handled for the players and the Paragon staff was BS.
Im not boycotting NCsoft because they shut down heroes. Im doing it because they have shown themselves to be an awful company that doesn't deserve to survive.
Yeah, they got me with waiting until after gw2 launch, or I wouldn't have bought the game. But it will be the last thing I purchase that has any connection to ncsoft, if this is the way they treat their loyal customers.
This is just bad PR, they're really hurting themselves by creating bad blood with customers, especially customers who are clearly gaming fanatics, lol. They could save themselves a lot of damage by listening to anyone offering to buy the IP if they aren't going to do anything with it.
I'm going to buy in to it.
It's just what NCSoft wants you to do.
It was released 3 days ago, and I doubt they are making as much money as they expected, which is probably why they're shutting down CoH, in the hopes that many will flock to their newest game. Don't play into their hands, don't give any more money to a company that has sold you short.
Cease all business dealings with NCSoft, and at least have a clear conscience.